
Young Writers Society

The Basement

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:35 pm
Camulaeus says...

I thought back to my old home, in some perspectives it was a prison, in others it was a Haven from the downsides of life.

"I lived a couple miles away actually. Home schooled, over-babied; I never really got to know the area that well. I'm an Orphan to, parents kicked it after I..I..." I stumbled over what to say.

"Ran away? Ginger filled in for me. I nodded. I guessed a lot of people in this town were. For a second it looked like Ginger was gonna press me further, but decided against it. We lay their in a silence that enveloped us like the warm caressing water's of the ocean.

It was broken by our door opening forcefully and a pair entangled with each other burst onto our floor. We stared at the man and woman as they clung to each other in an embrace of pure passion. "Oi, this is our room, get out!" Ginger shouted. The caretaker from before proceeded to walk in.

"I'm sorry Aleic-. Ginger. These two beat your price" After several minutes of swearing and holding her back, I was able to get Ginger out into the motel parking lot. She kicked rocks and dented somebody's car with her own fists before shouting one final insult towards the door.

"Are you OK?" I asked her warily. Her hair stuck up in odd clumps, and she was panting like some jungle animal. She spat on the steps of the motel before replying.

"Yah, just thought that friends came before hookers" I held her arm supportively. She shook it off and started off towards some dark alley.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Ginger spun around.

"Oi, I'm not gonna sleep on the streets," she said, then seemed to remember my situation. She groaned as her inner thoughts waged a diplomatic war over her decisions.

"Oi, alright. You can crash with me, tonight, OK?" I nodded and smiled. Ginger looked around, probably searching for a place to sleep. That's when I noticed the broken window. I walked over, Ginger behind me. I used my elbow to clear away the rest of the glass and looked inside.

"Oi, what in it eh?" Ginger asked, craning her neck to try and get a better look.

"It's a bunch of mattresses. Piled up to the ceiling." Ginger smiled.

"Perfect! Anyone around?" I shook my head, sharing her smile.

I tossed my bag down first, then crawled through the window. Ginger followed, and we walked around the mattresses, familiarizing ourselves with the layout of our new home. Suddenly I rounded a corner and came face to face with the man I had shot before.

"You!" I snarled, before noticing he had his gun back.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:14 pm
SisterItaly says...


"Aw hell no!" Ginger coughed.

There was no way she was - or could - deal with this. She was already roughed up, but from his appearance he looked worse. Hope for them yet? Ginger had actually taken a step behind Eli. This feeling was horrible, her gut was twisting and her hands went clammy. Ginger was scared. A feeling she didn't feet too often, but when she did she had reason to be.

"Do I look like I have it in me to kill you?" he spat with venom on his voice.

Now that she saw him under light, he looked like an exhausted version of... Jordan. Ginger would mentally note that for later. He was someone she would like to avoid late at night after a nightmare, or in a stressful situation. She remembered last time something like this happened...

Ginger was sprinting down the street. She had awoken from a horrible nightmare and no one was there to remind her it was a dream. So she sprinted on, faster and faster. She soon ran into a young man, walking down the road. He wrapped his arms around her to prevent her from falling.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?" asked a suave voice.

Ginger looked up to see him. Or who she thought was him. Her arms instantly wrapped around him again as she began to kiss him passionately.

"Oh Jordan! I knew you'd come back for me! I knew you would!"

The man quickly pulled her off and she realized it wasn't him.

Ginger blushed and looked towards the ground, that's when she noticed someone hiding nearby.

"Oi, get out here!" she said, walking over and pulling the girl out of her hiding spot. "I don't bite, he might." she scowled, looking over at the Jordan look alike.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:09 pm
Kaywiia says...

Sorry, I'm switiching to 1st person. It's easier for me.


I pulled my stuff onto a matress, and then rested my head on the side nearest the wall. The second I shut my eyes, there was the noise of someone dropping to the ground.

I'm not alone here. Fear clutched my chest, and I sat up slowly. A man who looked to be in his twenties was lying on the ground. He was covered in blood and looked like he had just been in a fight. I was torn between going and helping him and saving myself. Figuring there wasn't anything I could do, I hid behind a stack of matresses.

I heard movement, meaning he must have been getting up. Please don't see my stuff. Please leave.

A couple footsteps, and then nothing. I barely breathed.

When there was the sound of someone dropping from the window, I surpressed a scream. How many are there?

There wer more footsteps, and some muffled voices. Words I couldn't make out from where I was.

Each minute seemed like an hour. And then there were more people. And shouting. I held my breath, but then a red haired girl caught my eye.

"Oi, get out here!" When I didn't moved, she came over. "I don't bite, he might." She said, pulling me out into the space of ground where everyone else was.

"I, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone lived here. I just, I mean, I got away. And then I came here and I thought- I thought that there wouldn't be anyone and..and...goldfish and then Lexas and, the painting by the window and..." I stuttered. Tears of fear ran down my cheeks. "Please don't kill me."

"We're not going to," the red haired girl said, "for now." She let go of me, and I stumbled back against a matress. Now that I wasn't panicing, I could see that there were four others. The man who was wounded, the red head, a young woman holding a child and a guy with messy black hair.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice still shakey.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:30 pm
Pundit says...

sorry, can't really do this
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:47 pm
Synnoev says...


One short and pretty awkward conversation later, I discovered that my new apartment didn't exist. Great. I wandered back down the road, looking at where the building should have been and running a hand through my hair in a gesture of barely-concealed frustration. What was I supposed to do now? Yes, I'd planned to work on the streets in the day, but I hadn't had any intention of sleeping on them aswell.

I sighed deeply and looked around, thinking I'd heard voices. Maybe if I could find someone who'd take me in until I could manage to sort this whole mess out... I followed the sound anxiously, making my way down an alleyway. I realised that this probably wasn't the safest place to be, but I figured my luck couldn't exactly get much worse.

The voices got louder, and I could make out some words now. A girl asking "Who are you?" and a babble of voices replying. From what it sounded, these people appeared to have only just met. I stopped in the middle of the path, then knelt down. It sounded as if the voices were coming from below. Turning my head, I caught sight of a smashed in panel of glass, then took a few small steps towards it, peering through to the scene underneath me.

A small group of about five people were speaking, each introducing themselves to each other. From what I could see, the entire room was stacked full of mattresses and little else. I hesitated, uncertain of whether to jump down or not, then shook my head in annoyance. It's not as if things can get worse, I told my self firmly, before sliding down through the gap to land just behind the group. They turned to see me, some looking angrier than others, and I stared at the floor.

"I just want a place to sleep." I murmured quietly, then made my way over to the mattresses, pulling one of the pile and laying it on the floor. The last thing I wanted right now was a confrontation with strangers.

EDIT: I made a DT for this thread. :D

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:04 pm
SisterItaly says...


"Oi, looks like we're stuck with each other for the times bein' eh? I suggest we all get some sleep. We's gonna sort this out 'morrow though." Ginger said as she stifled a yawn. She looked over to the mugger "I'm not sleeping with that shit head around, me an' Eli will take shifts watching him. Iunno 'bout you, but I'm fond of my kidneys."

Everyone agreed silently, and quickly set to work setting up places to sleep. Maybe it was fate that brought them all to that safe place that night. Maybe it was pure luck. She made sure the mugger scum was far off in a corner where he couldn't bug the rest of them. Ginger also felt the need to help the mother with her child a tad more then the others. Maybe... it was because she wanted them to be happy. She hoped she would be a better mother then her's was to her.

"I'll take first shift, Eli. You need some sleep." Ginger patted him on the shoulder and turned to sit by the mugger.

"Wait, are you sure?" he asked, grabbing her arm. Though his glare was set on the danger ahead.

She nodded and shoved him playfully towards the mattress. Eli reminded her of her brother. Save the drugs and gang. She plopped down beside the mugger and let her mind wander. Before long, the others were out. Or at least only semi-conscious. They all had a story. They were all hiding from something.

She was only semi-conscious herself. She looked over to the mugger. One of Ginger's many flaws was that she would sometimes tell people things she didn't want to when she was tired. This was no exception.

"You remind me of Jordan." she sighed happily, gazing over to him.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:54 pm
Synnoev says...


I lay on my mattress in silence, my guitar within clear sight and with the strap wrapped around my forearm protectively. Neither the redhead nor the other boy seemed particularly trustworthy of the battered man, and I wasn't willing to let my guard down for any of them.

Well... I paused midthought, gaze resting on the quietest girl, who lay on her mattress shivering in silence, face turned away from the rest of the group. Her body was curled up tight into itself, her arms wrapped around her chest in efforts to keep herself warm. Guilt washed over me suddenly, thoughts shifting to the bag that was under my head currently being used as a pillow. It was stuffed with clothing, and it wasn't as if I needed it at this moment in time. I sighed internally, debating the situation, before sitting up and moving my bag into my lap, gaze sweeping around the room quickly. The young mother seemed to have found a blanket from somewhere, and had wrapped both herself and her child into it, watching the three in the centre of the room with a sleepy, yet suspicious, gaze.

None of the group seemed to be paying any great attention to me, and I pulled out a thick zipped jumper from my bag, laying it back onto my mattress before stepping over to the girl's bed. She seemed to tense up as I approached; though she didn't turn it still seemed as if she noticed my prescence. I hesitated for a moment, then lay the jacket over her shoulders without a word before returning to my own mattress and replacing my makeshift pillow to lie down.

The girl didn't move or say anything for a moment, then turned to me, jumper wrapped around her. "Thank you," she whispered. A short pause, then: "My name's Julia."

I remained quiet for a moment, unwilling to reply, then murmured in response. "Jacob."

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:23 pm
Jennya says...

There where people in here. Hiding... **** them. He need to treat himself. Okay... I am Thomas Marcellus O'Connor, i come from a long line of American senators, I graduated Yale cum sun laude, I'm very good looking; he tough stroking his ego. He sat on a mattress, and undid the makeshift dressing, trying to elevate his wound as high as possible. From his bag he grabbed some alcohol pouring all over wincing as it set his whole body on fire. He dressed the wound again this time properly. When it was over he took a deep breath... He would survive... this time.

He heard something, his hands instructively reached for his gun. Two people dropping onto the floor. One lighter one heavier. Thoughts went back to childhood.

He aimed the riffle, two shots to hit the stag. His father behind him... He aimed. the majestic creature fell onto the snow, the white stained red. His father patted him on the back. "Right between the eyes, boy, congratulations." It was the only time his father had ever praised him...

It was the chubby kid and the red head. Great, mother ***** great.

"You!" snarled the boy. the girl stepped back, she looked worse for wear, her lip swollen maybe even infected.

"Aw hell no!" the ginger coughed. Stupid kids, stupid little kids.

"Do I look like I have it in me to kill you?" he spat with venom on his voice, he probably did but not today not now at least and defiantly not for free. Something moved behind the mattress...

"Oi, get out here!" said the read head strongly. He heard shuffling. "I don't bite, he might," she said pointing at him. He thought of something witty to say but he held his tongue. A pretty brunette stumbled out. "I, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone lived here. I just, I mean, I got away. And then I came here and I thought- I thought that there wouldn't be anyone and..and...goldfish and then Lexas and, the painting by the window and..." she stuttered. Tears of fear ran down her cheeks, she looked pathetic. "Please don't kill me."

His head hurt... so many god dam people. The black haired kid and the red head where snuggling. There rough looking guy with the guitar and the lady with the kid where talking... He was alone... Who the **** where theses people?

"Look, people. I don't know who the hell you are but since where all here. We might as well all introduce ourselves," he growled breaking up all their little conversations. Turned to him giving him blank looks. The child sobbed. " I'm Tom, a gun for hire and your friendly neighborhood black market doctor but sadly for all of you i charge more than you can afford. And yes i actually went to college and i am actually a accredited doctor..."
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:51 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Jacob." A one word response. I didn't know what had spurred his sudden act of kindness.He shut his eyes, and I studied him. Messy brown hair. Tatoos. Brown eyes. I'd like to paint him sometime. I caught myself in the thought, and shook my head. He'd probably leave tomorow and I wouldn't get my chance.

Still, with the right lighting, he could be a real picture.

Jacob opened one eye, and looked at me, "What are you looking at?"

"You, and the cieling. My eyes are shifting around a little. Do your eyes do that? Because mine do. I'll be looking at one thing then-" He shut his eyes again, a half-amused grin on his face. I bit on my bottom lip.

If he knew I was still looking he didn't do anything about it. I wasn't staring. Staring is rude. I was observing.

And then I looked at his guitar. The moonlight came in just slightly from the window, reflecting perfectly off the instrument. Inspired, I took out my brushes and paints and set them up. After carefully folding the jumper he had given me and placing it on the oposite side of the bed, I began to paint a picture of the guitar on my last blank canvas.

I painted my way through the next few hours. Before long most of the others were asleep, incuding Jacob. Then he rolled over in his sleep, and the guitar moved. Frustrated, I got up and went to move it back where it was. As soon as I touched the guitar, Jacob woke up.

"What-what are you doing?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Me? I'm painting your guitar."
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:18 am
Camulaeus says...

Elijah Don't mean to be a drag, but Jennya could you step up the grammar please?

"Oi, wake up!" Ginger shook me violently. I was sprawled out over a couple mattresses' by jacket a sort-of substitute blanket. I looked at Ginger who was bleary-eyed. Then I checked my watch and saw the time. 1:27

"Three more minutes?" I asked playfully. Ginger responded by throwing me off the mattresses and crashing into them face first. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to our little "doctor". He seemed to be fast asleep, so I took the opportunity to pull out my iPod and play "Save Yourself, I'll Hold them back" by My Chemical Romance. I kept one headphone out, so my consciousness wasn't carried away my the influx of music that swam from my ear and into every pore of my being. I mouthed the lyrics and swayed with the beat of my music. I remembered how Ginger had reacted to "Price Tag", well double that and you could understand how much I enjoyed this song.

I was disturbed by some voices over to my left. I decided to investigate and noticed the brunette from before and the rough looking guy that had skipped our introductions. He was actually pretty hot.... I suppressed that thought immediately. They're were so many thing's wrong with that, but they were to be addressed later. For now I watched as the brunette reached over and clutched the guitar. The guy woke up instantly.

"What-what are you doing?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Me? I'm painting your guitar."

I decided to step in at this time. "Hey, look, we're all just looking for a place to spend the night Ok? Each one of us probably has nowhere left to go, so I recommend we get to know each other on good terms. And one of those terms is privacy, so that means we're not gonna touch other people's stuff without their permission OK?"

The brunette retracted but the hot- I mean one with guitar looked like he was gonna reply.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:18 am
Jennya says...

His dreams where fitful. The pain in his leg, sent his mind into disarray...Dreams....He remembered the first time he saw that body. The cold cadaver lined up in front of him. How his scalpel flew, how beautiful, the human body. He was an artist while his fellows were pigs in lab coats... segue.... Rose lay on the metal slab, alive. Her chest heaving up and down with every breath, her long blond hair sprawling across the cold hard metal. His hands in white powdery gloves he held a scalpel and he cut, unable to stop, into her soft white chest to her red beating heart... segue.... Different now, his father dead on the cold hard slab four bullet wounds to his cheats, he would remember holding the gun the shots firing. The bullets flying into the air. This father crumpling down before him, for the first time weak...

He groaned, he could hear voices... An eye opened...

Sorry about the grammar, always been a weakness, I will prof read from now on.
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:32 pm
Synnoev says...


Painting my guitar? My mind instantly started racing. I didn't want her to paint on my guitar. What if she got paint on the strings and messed the whole thing up? Even if she took them off beforehand, the tuning would still be all messed up and-

My frantic train of thought was interrupted by the boy coming over and instilling some kind of rules about personal space and possessions and stuff. I watched silently, still pretty much asleep, before gently taking my guitar off of Julia and cradling it in my lap. "I don't want you painting on my guitar." I said quietly, and she frowned in response.

"I wasn't-" she sighed, then retreated back to her mattress. "Look." She picked up one of the canvases and turned it so that both me and the boy beside me could see it. "It's just a painting."

'Just a painting' wasn't really the phrase I would have chosen for the beautiful -clearly unfinished, but still amazing- piece of art she was holding up, but I didn't say this. The other boy, on the other hand, exclaimed quite loudly. "Did you do that?" he asked incredulously, eyes wide, and Julia blushed slightly, head inclined.

I hesitated, putting the guitar back down on the floor and glancing up. "You can finish it, if you want."

She offered a smile and went back to her painting, and the boy turned to me. "I didn't catch your name yesterday. I'm Elijah, but call me Eli."

"Jacob." I offered in reply, and Eli smiled, opening his mouth to say something before getting cut off by the sound of the doctor groaning in the background. Eli's eyes narrowed in suspicion, and he got up to go and watch over the other man with an irritated expression.

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:45 pm
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Kaywiia says...

Juli Rose

His eyes shined in the moonlight. Jacobs. They were the type of eyes every arist loves to paint. Dammit, Julia, focus.

I put the last strokes on the painting just as it was time for my watch. After propping it up against the wall, I carefully climbed off the mattresses and onto the floor. I looked at the painting and commanded it to stay, then turned back to walk to where I would be serving out my post.

And I stared straight ahead. At the wall. At the pile of mattresses. And back at the painting.

I would give it to Jacob, if he wanted it. It wasn’t very big. Maybe a foot tall by nine inches wide. It was of his guitar, after all. I didn’t really need it. I just liked to keep my skills sharp. I wondered what he would do with it. Really, what did anyone do with my paintings when I managed to get them sold around here? Maybe he would-

What was I thinking? He wouldn’t want it. When I had showed it to him earlier he hadn’t said anything at all. Eli had liked it. But Jacob didn’t. Why do I even care anyway? Tons of people didn’t comment when I showed them my art. Why did I care so much when Jacob- Stop thinking about him. God, I’m obsessing.

I shook my head and began to stare straight ahead again, my eyes occasionally wavering over to where Jacob lay.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:45 pm
SisterItaly says...


Ginger had always been a log when it came to sleeping. Someone could be screaming bloody murder in her ear and she still wouldn't wake up. So while every one skittered about as she slept she didn't hear a thing. Although, she wasn't exactly sleeping peacefully.

Jordan reach his hand up to caress Ginger's cheek. She smiled happily and took his other hand in hers as they sat on a park bench. Ginger knew this park well. It was the park behind the house she grew up in as a child. Jordan used to take her there after her brother's death and push her on the swings.

"Alecia, I love you. I want to marry you." he whispered softly.

Something he had always said before he disappeared. She smiled and leaned her head into his shoulder. The playground was empty. Just a quiet breeze accompanied them.

"Then why did you leave me?"

He suddenly disappeared and everything went dark. Ginger began to panic, unsure of what was happening even though she had this dream often. There was a gun shot, and she shot up.

With a scream she jumped off the mattress and into the wall. Panic had set in at a high level and she was trembling. For a moment, she forgot about the basement. She forgot about how she found it with Eli. She forgot about the others. Her eyes were fixated on the Jordan look alike two mattresses over.

She quickly dropped down beside the half awake man and held him in embrace. He didn't respond at first, but from the look on his face he didn't exactly know how to take it.

"Jordan! I missed you so much baby... why did you leave me?" she asked with desperation in her voice as she began to kiss the strange man's face.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:41 am
Jennya says...


Something touched him, something soft and delicate. He kept his eyes closed, confused. Rose? Lips like soft clouds of heaven against his face. Rose, your fifteen you shouldn't be kissing me, he thought. But it didn't matter he wanted her, he needed her. He kissed back, softly and sweetly, savoring the smell... The smell of blood and mildew. Something clicked. Oh no... He gave a loud shout, jumping up in shock, pushing the red head off him. What the hell? What had just happened? She moaned. " Jordan..." she uttered , her eyes fluttering open. He swore loudly, screaming various profanities across the room. Who on earth was Jordan? People began to stir. The mother gave him dirty looks, covering the ears of her child.

" Did you just try to kiss me? You! urgh..." he yelled before trailing off, falling back into the mattress, fully depleted, the wound draining all the energy out of him. He had been kissed by worse, a lot worse . Actually, she was kind of cute...

She seemed to have snapped out of her trance. He looked into her face, boring his blue eyes into hers...
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

No one achieves anything alone.
— Leslie Knope