
Young Writers Society

So You Wanna Be A Hero

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Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:22 pm
Dynamo says...

"She's strong of will, I'll give her that much." Yeng said to himself as he left the room. He walked through the hall of the village inn. The room Ayda was in is on the second floor. He was heading towards the stairs. "I'd better find a new sword. If I'm caught off gaurd I'll have to transform again. I'm not sure my mind can take another transformation so soon."
When he got to the stairs he saw Beowulf on the landing. They both stopped in their tracks and stared at each other. Beowulf had an angered look to his face, Yeng's face stayed calm and straight as it usually does. Beowulf grunted and climbed up the rest of the stairs. He stopped beside Yeng and looked past his shoulder. "What are you doing up here?" Beowulf was deeply irritated by Yeng's presence.
Yeng replied, "I was checking to see if the girl was alright."
Beowulf grunted again. "She'd be fine if it wern't for you."
"She'd be dead if it wern't for me."
Beowulf's face stiffend even more. "Where do you get off telling me and my men what to do? We're going to kill that creature and theres nothing you can do about it."
Yeng's calm voice and expression didn't change. "I never said I would stop you. If you're wise, you'd stay away from that monster, though." Yeng made his way down the stairs. "Go ahead and try to kill him if you want. Just don't expect me to mourn for you when you die."
When Yeng was out of earshot, Beowulf grunted to himself, "Miserable lech." He made his way down the hall towards Ayda's room.
Last edited by Dynamo on Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:48 am
Karma says...

Beowolf enered Ayda's room, where Karma promptly put a finger to her lips and shushed him, before bundling him bodily out of the room.
Beowolf thought to himself, Don't shush me! Nobody shushes me! I'm Beowolf, nobody can shush me!
Karma fooked amused, it was not so much in her face as in the way the corners of her mouth were drawn upwards, He's so fnny when he's mad! It reminds me of when a cat's fur puffs up in indignation.
"You can't go in there just yet" She told Beowolf sternly
"And why can't I?" He said indignantly, "She's one of my men!"
Karma laughed, "First of all, she isn't one of 'your men' because she isn't a man, and also she came here of her own accord. Besides, she's kind of touchy right now."
"Why is she touchy? She lived, didn't she?"
Karma smiled superiorly,
"It's a woman thing, you wouldn't understand."
She then walked away, leaving Beowolf fuming. He reached for toe doorknob, but then thought better of his actions , and walked away, still mad at Karma, and wondering, What in the world is this 'woman thing' that she's talking about?

((OOC: Haha, sorry for mildly antagonizing you, Dargquon)

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Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:26 am
Dynamo says...

Yeng was thankful to find a decent weapons shop in this small village. He walked inside the building and looked for a siutable weapon. He looked through almost every weapon on display. He found maces, broadswords, claymores, flails, even metal claws. Even though Yeng was impressed by this shop's wide selection of weapons, none of them were any use to him.
The old shopkeep at the counter asked, "See anything you like?"
Yeng went up to the counter. "You don't seem to have anything in stock that I need."
"Hmm... If you tell me what you need, I might have something in the back that you could use."
Yeng described the type of sword he's used to. "I need a long, thin blade. But it has to be strong enough to cut through the thickest of hide." Yeng was pretty sure the man didn't have what he was looking for.
"Hmm... Wait here. I think I have something you might be interested in."
The old man went into the back of his shop. Yeng patiantly waited for him to return. He looked at the large shield display behind the counter. A few of the shields looked like they were a century old.
The old man came back out carrying a long package wrapped with brown paper and string. He started to unwrap the package.
"I've been saving this sword for someone who'd put it to good use." He unwrapped the package, reveiling a long, sheathed katana. "Go ahead and try it out. Get a good feal for it."
Yeng picked up the sword and unsheathed it. The blade was bright as it reflected the sunlight. It took a good eye to notice, but Yeng saw that the blade was a pure silver color and could probably slice through rock. A black dragon was painted on the side of the blade close to the handle. Yeng turned the sword around and saw the same picture, only the dragon was white. He started to wave the sword around to see how heavy it was. It was just the right weight.
While he was doing this, the old man started talking. "That sword is both a leathal weapon, and an artist's masterpiece. It was sold to me a while back by a trader. He said that it was strong enough to cut through the thickest of hides, but fine enough to cut a blade of grass. It's strange though, the man who sold it to me seemed quite happy to part with this sword."
Yeng was satisfied with the sword. "How much?"
"1000 gold pieces." The old man stared up at the ceiling and began to remenis. "I know its a high price, but this sword has a lot of sentimental value. It just wouldn't seem right for me to part with such a weapon without getting that much in return. So, what do you say, do we have a deal?"
When the old man looked back at Yeng, he was gone. He had taken the sword with him. The old man saw a large bag of gold sitting on the counter.

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Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:54 am
Myth says...

Alone at last Ayda got to her feet. She went to the door and checked to see if anyone was coming.

How easily you can fool people with a few sorrowful cries.

She had been feeling better since taking the potion that Karma had given her and felt a sudden rush of energy flow through her. Quickly she gathered her bow and arrows and went through Karma's cloak to find a few gold peices. Poor Karma, you really should chose your friends more carefully.

She went to the window, crouched like a cat and sprang in the air. She landed on her feet, looked both ways and ran along the street.

(OOC: Are you suggesting Beowulf likes Ayda?!)

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Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:05 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

"What is she doing?" thought Beowulf as he watched Ayda hit the ground and take off in the direction of where they had been fighting earlier that day. He waited till she was outta sight and followed her.
Had she got away, she looked behind her but only saw darkening skies and the lights of the village.
She had only one thought on her mind, find the monstor and slay it herself. That would show ole fancy pants Beowulf. She looked back in front of her and ran straight into Beowulf himself.
Ayda gasped, Damnit well she had thought she had gotten away.
"Where do you think your going?" he demaned crossly.
"None of your buisness. I didnt tell you earlier, what makes you think I'll tell you now?"
She tried to walk away from him by stepping to the right, Beowulf also stepped to the right.
Ayda then tried lunge the other direction but was caught off by Beowulf stopping her and throwing her over his shoulder.
"Let me go!" Ayda demanded beating on Beowulfs back. "Unhand me now."
"Your attempts of escaping are useless and quite amusing I might add." Inside Beowulf was smiling.

Yeng was just returning to the lodge when he heard someone struggling and demanding to be let go, thinking someone was in trouble he ran to help. Suddenly stopping as Beowulf stepped into the clearing with Ayda thrown over his left shoulder. Ayda was still beating on Beowulf and Yeng couldnt help but to smile.
"Where did you find her?"
"She was on her way to fight that creature again, or so she thought."
Yeng decided to follow Beowulf and see what would happen.

Back in Ayda's room, Beowulf threw Ayda off his shoulder and into her floor where she hit her bottom on the wood floor. Ayda immeadatally began to curse him and tried to stand.
When she looked up to Beowulf she was surprized to see he wasnt mad but looked amused, that really angered her.
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:24 am
Dynamo says...

Yeng entered the room behind Beowulf. Ayda began shouting. "You're not the boss of me, Beowulf! What makes you think you can tell me what to do?!"
"When you're traveling with me, you will do as you're told. The last thing we need is a girl getting in our way."
Ayda grinded her teeth in frustration. She hated being treated like a child. Yeng stepped forward and put his hand on Beowulf's shoulder. "Go easy on the girl."
Beowulf snapped at Yeng. "Don't tell me what to do!"
"Don't you see you're treating her like a child?"
"But she 'is' a child!"
Yeng sighed. "That's exactly why she tried to go after that creature. You and the others treat her like a helpless little girl. She want's to prove to you that she can take care of herself."
Beowulf didn't want to believe Yeng, but deep down he knew he was right. Ayda was greatful that someone actually understands her.
Yeng looked at Ayda. "Regardless though, what you did or tried to do was reckless. It's extremely dangerous for someone like you to go after a monster like that by yourself. You may want to prove yourself to the others, but taking unessesary risks is not the way you should do it. There are times where you have to swollow your pride to insure the safety of yourself and others, there is a fine line between heroic and idiotic. I told you all before, that creature has already left the marshes to hide somewhere else, so there's no reason for you to go back in the first place. I've been hunting this thing for years now, so I should know."
Yeng started to walk out of the room. Ayda stopped him before he left. "Wait." Yeng turned his head to look at her. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off alone."
Yeng stared at her for a few moments. Finally, he said, "I'm going back into the marshes to see if I can find out which way Terral is heading. If you want, you can tag along."
Ayda nodded her head yes and followed Yeng. Beowulf stopped them before they left. "I'll not have any of my men going back into that place! You can go if you want, but Ayda is staying."
Yeng glared at Beowulf. "I think she's old enough to make her own decisions. Besides, she's not exactly one of your men."
Yeng left the room with Ayda following behind him. Before she left, she stuck out her tongue at Beowulf. Beowulf was furious. Yeng was making him look weak in front of everyone. He even dared contemplating on getting rid of that interloper.
Last edited by Dynamo on Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:05 pm
Myth says...

"Ugh! He's so full of himself, I mean, did you see how he puffs out his chest to show authority?" Ayda imitated Beowulf but Yeng ignored her.

I've got an attention seeker with me, oh dear.

"Are you even listening to me?" Ayda was fed up of talking to herself. "So how long have you been tailing this thing?"

"A few years or so."

They had left the villiage far behind them and already she could smell the swamps. Yeng observed the surroundings and she copied his movements.

"Will you stop doing that?"

"I'm just trying to help, you're not the only one who'll take credit for the slaughter. Anyway, I think you're so much better than Beowulf. I'm starting to re-think about all those stories I have heard about him, the Grendal should have got rid of him."
Last edited by Myth on Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:23 pm
Karma says...

Karma, while they were gone, had reached for her cloak, anly to find that some of her coins were missing.

Well now, I was wondering how long it would take her to steal something. It's time for her o get a taste of her own medicine

Karma, moving quickly and soundlessly, took an evil smelling herb out of her pouch. Covering her nose with one hand, she quickly spread it throughout Ayda's clothes and posessions. It would not do anything other that smell bad, but the stench would stay there for a couple moons.

Yeng and Ayda returned after a while, both smelled like the marshes, but judging by the dissapointed expressions on their faces, they had not found anything.

Ayda went up to her room that she shared with Karma.

After a little bit, there was a shriek. The men started to go up there, but Karma stopped them with an amused smile on her face.

"I would stay away from her for a litle bit, " she said

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:06 am
Dynamo says...

When Yeng got back to the village with Ayda, the sun had begun to rise. He went over to the tavern to get something to drink. Before he walked into the building, Yeng heard the sound of many metal footseps coming from the front of the village. He looked over his shoulder and saw fifty or so armoured soldiers heading into the village. He turned around and faced the soldiers.
I wondered how long it would take them to find me.
The soldiers stopped in front of Yeng. Their captain rode up on a horse and adressed Yeng. "Silvereyes Yeng."
Yeng replied in an annoyed tone. "That's me."
"By order of King Nurik of the of the castle of Avandar, you are hearby under arrest and sentanced to death for your acts of treason against our King."
Looks like they didn't learn their lesson the first time.
Yeng calmly placed his hand on the hilt of his new sword. "You think you have what it takes to bring me in?"
"Ressistance is futile. King Nurik granted me fifty men to bring you in. All of them specially trained to fight people like you."
Yeng smiled and laughed under his breath. "Then I guess Nurik won't be very happy when I decapitate these men." He unsheathed his sword and held it to his right. He'd been waiting for the chance to try out this new sword of his. While he held it and waited for the soldiers to make their move, he felt some sort of strange power course through his sword arm.

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Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:58 pm
Myth says...

Ayda stomped downstairs and screamed.

"I'll get you for this you... you witch!"

"What's that smell?" Beowulf asked cringing.

Karma laughed merrily enjoying the furious look on Ayda's face.

Ayda smoothed back her hair. "So," she hissed. "You think this is funny do you? You just wait and see, we'll see who has the last laugh."

When she left the others started to laugh. I'll not be laughed at!

Outside she saw a group of soldiers with Yeng, she did not hear what they said and drew nearer. The villiagers who she passed looked at her in disgust.
Last edited by Myth on Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:09 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

What was going on she wondered, she'd deal with the Karma later. She watched as Yeng calmly talked to the soldiers.
"What's going on?" she asked walking to them. "Is there trouble?"
"Stay out of it." Yeng told her but Ayda stood firm with her hand on the hilt of her sword.
The soldier just smirked at her, "How cute a little girl with a sword, can you lift that child?"
As soon as the words left his mouth Ayda had pulled her sword and the tip of it was now pressed to the soldier's neck. Yeng smiled to himself, this Ayda was really beggining to grow on him but he knew she needed to learn when to quit.
The soldier's smile vanished as Ayda pressed enough to draw a couple drops of blood.
"Why dont you say you release him, it will save a lot of bloodshed."
"But we were sent here to bring him back for treason." The soldier stammered.
"And your point is?"
"If we go back back without him we will be thrown in the dungeon."
"Sounds like a personal problem to me. To bad its not problem but do send the dear old king my best wishes." Ayda said.
Yeng watched the whole thing play out, "Ayda this isnt wise, the king will come after you next."
Ayda laughed, "Im sure these soldiers will tell thier king that a woman beat them, I can see the king laughing at them now as dismisses them."
She turned back to the soldier, "Either you leave or you'll leave in pieces. The choice is yours."

The feeling was still in Yengs arm and he hoped one of these soldiers would step out of line and he could fight using this power. It was like something had seeped into his veins and there was an adrendilne coursing through him.
Ayda still held the sword to the soldiers neck, "Ayda let them fight if they want to."
"Then who would deliever the message to the king?"
Before he could stop her she brought the hilt of the sword up and knocked the soldier out causing a chain reaction of events to unfold
see others how you want to be seen

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Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:09 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

What was going on she wondered, she'd deal with the Karma later. She watched as Yeng calmly talked to the soldiers.
"What's going on?" she asked walking to them. "Is there trouble?"
"Stay out of it." Yeng told her but Ayda stood firm with her hand on the hilt of her sword.
The soldier just smirked at her, "How cute a little girl with a sword, can you lift that child?"
As soon as the words left his mouth Ayda had pulled her sword and the tip of it was now pressed to the soldier's neck. Yeng smiled to himself, this Ayda was really beggining to grow on him but he knew she needed to learn when to quit.
The soldier's smile vanished as Ayda pressed enough to draw a couple drops of blood.
"Why dont you say you release him, it will save a lot of bloodshed."
"But we were sent here to bring him back for treason." The soldier stammered.
"And your point is?"
"If we go back back without him we will be thrown in the dungeon."
"Sounds like a personal problem to me. To bad its not problem but do send the dear old king my best wishes." Ayda said.
Yeng watched the whole thing play out, "Ayda this isnt wise, the king will come after you next."
Ayda laughed, "Im sure these soldiers will tell thier king that a woman beat them, I can see the king laughing at them now as dismisses them."
She turned back to the soldier, "Either you leave or you'll leave in pieces. The choice is yours."

The feeling was still in Yengs arm and he hoped one of these soldiers would step out of line and he could fight using this power. It was like something had seeped into his veins and there was an adrendilne coursing through him.
Ayda still held the sword to the soldiers neck, "Ayda let them fight if they want to."
"Then who would deliever the message to the king?"
Before he could stop her she brought the hilt of the sword up and knocked the soldier out causing a chain reaction of events to unfold
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:34 pm
Dynamo says...

Yeng and Ayda began to fight the soldiers. Each time a soldier would fall, another one would take his place. As Yeng fought, everything around him seemed to get slower. His reflexes and skills with his sword were at an alltime high. He'd never felt this type of power before. It seemed to be eminating from his sword.
When the two of them brought down 45 soldiers, the last five ran away along with their captain. Ayda sheathed her sword and wiped the blood and sweat from her face. She turned to Yeng and asked, "What was that all about? You must have done something really bad if this king sent these soldiers after you."
Yeng sheathed his sword. He had just noticed the putrid smell coming from Ayda, but he tried his best to ignore it. "He was just unlucky I guess."
Ayda looked confused. "What do you mean, unlucky?"
"I'm a mercinary, people hire me to do their dirty work. A while ago someone hired me to steal some artifacts from King Nurik. I ended up killing quite a few of his men in the process." Yeng turned around and headed back to the tavern. "But, I've got to make money somehow."
Yeng's legs suddenly went numb. He must of used more energy than he thought during the fight. His eyes rolled back in his head as he blacked out.

(OOC: Just for future reference, do you think it would be ok for me to add another character later on? You know, to add a little more variety to the story.)

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Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:01 am
Karma says...

((OOC: I think that i could be sorta confusing...))

Meanwile, back at the camp, several brown packages arrived in the rooms of the fighters.

They were elegant clothes, intended for them to wear during a ceremony that would take place in a few hours.

As Karma opened hers, she was thinking, this might not be so bad, after all

But then, she saw the dress, it was white and gauzy with an iridescent sheen to it...

"This is not good..."

But, when she tried to ask for a pair of pants and shirt, she was rebuked (rather forcefully) and told that she MUST wear the dress, that it was an ancient tradition, and she didn't want to invoke the gods' rage, did she?

So, with some reluctance ( actually a lot)

She and Ayda (who was back now, along with a fully recovered Yeng) changed into their clothes, and assembled with the rest of the party in the town square.

Karma looked tall and surprisingly slender, as most of her usual bulk came from her chain mail. Everyone stared at her as she came into the square.

"What're you looking at?", she asked Beowolf, who was staring, "It's just a dress."

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Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:34 am
Myth says...

Ayda was still smelling horrible. She smirked when she saw Karma. "I didn't think you were the type to wear a dress."

"Still not washed yet, Ayda?"

Humph! She didn't know what to think of this little gathering, she had never been to many parties and didn't know what to do.

A little girl tugged on her dress. "What?"

"There's a forest wife who wants to see you. Come with me, I'll take you to her."

"I've not seen any forests here, or woods."

"She's here in the villiage, you're lucky she's here, otherwise you'll have smelled that way forever."

Ayda looked back at the others who seemed to take no notice of here or the girl. She shrugged her shoulders and followed the girl. Towards the edge of the village they came to a small cottage where an old woman sat on her doorstep. The girl left Ayda and ran off.

"Come in, ma dear, I've bin expecting ye."

The small woman went into her cottage and nodded her head at Ayda. "Whatever did ye do to be smelling like the way ye do?"

"It's nothing to do with you, the girl said you'll do something to get rid of it."

"It's simple really, all ye have to do is take a-dip in goat milk for three days. There's a room behind that curtain over there, all's set up and ye just go in fully clothed."

"Fully clothed? I'll be dripping when I get out." Silly old bat!

"Now, there's no need to be so rude, I know what ye's thinking. I'll give ye some spare clothes, like, and ye can go back to your friends later."

They're not my friends.

Behin the curtain was a dark room with a small window and a barrel half filled with a yellowish-white liquid which she assuemd was goat milk. She climbed in and shivered as she dunked into the cold milk. The forest wife scuttered around her cottage and hummed to herself.

"Another few dips ma dear, another few dips."

Eugh! This is horrible.

Another few minutes later the forest wife brought her a twoel and a ragged dress. "I'm not wearing that tatty looking thing." Ayda protested. But in the end the forest wife forced her into it.

"Off ye go, ma dear, come back tomorrow."

Ayda had to admit she did not smell so bad. Back at the village the others were fooling around, only Yeng was standing alone.

(OOC: I think you should have another character and anyone else who wants to because there are only four [me, Dynamo, Karma and AngelBaby] who are posting. By the way, great job everyone :D )

Adventure is worthwhile.
— Aesop