
Young Writers Society

The 13th Hunger Games---Starting

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Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:05 am
sunwater says...

someone kill me off please

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Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:28 pm
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ShootingStars says...

Kurr, District 11 mentor: DAY 2, Late afternoon

After Veronica had sent Ryder medicine, Ilija, Kurr, and Veronica made their way outside of the Mentor HQ, and towards the lower gardens in the complex. Hidden between topiaries and willow trees, they were safely concealed. Veronica took a seat on a stone bench, the two other men standing.

Kurr spoke first, but promised Ilija he could speak his ideas next. "To be honest, I don't think breaking into the Gamemakers' room is a good plan. We'd be overwhemed and most likely killed or punished, and our tributes might even be harmed because of us. No, there are too many things that could go wrong."

"Then what do you suggest?" Veronica questioned, the breeze whipping her hair around.

Kurr flexed his muscles absentmindedly, and smiled. His dark eyes twinkled. "Lure the Head Gamemaker and his right-hand man hand out."

Ilija thought for a moment, doubt filling his expression. " Would that work?"

The District 11 mentor only nodded. "If we play it right-"

He was cut off by Veronica. "Yes, the only two people who know what's supposed to be coming next in the arena are the men Kurr mentioned. The other Gamemakers just take orders. I don't think there are written instructions of what to do. Remember, these are only the first few Hunger Games. They're still trying to work things out."

Ilija cleared his throat. "And how do you know all this, Veronica?" he asked.

Veronica smiled. "I do my homework."

Another breeze in the gardens blew through, kissing their cheeks, and dancing with fallen flowers.

"The plan's not foolproof, but we haven't talked about it fully. It still has a little time to adapt," Kurr said, resting his large hands on his head. He eyed Ilija, waiting for a response. "And what are your thoughts on how to help the kids?" the man wondered, finishing.

Ilija smirked mischieviously. "Glad you asked."
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. -Jiminy Cricket

Don't be afraid to jump, to leap, to fly too far and don't be scared to touch the stars!

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:09 pm
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Jaden G. says...

Ilija- District 10 mentor

I smirked mischeviously. I hadn't felt so thrilled and coniving since... my thoughts darkened a moment. Since the dark times.

"Glad you asked," I answered Kurr. "This arena is surrounded by an electrified border. That way the tributes can't escape," I started.

Kurr and Veronica exchanged looks. Understandable. No one was supposed to know about the border. I shouldn't even know--

"If we get that border shut down, the tributes can get out. Des, Ryder, Edur, Reed, all of them can get out."

"But how do we do that?" asked Kurr.

"The grid underneath the Gamemaker's room," answered Veronica. "But only the president and the Gamemakers can get down there. How are we supposed to?"

"By getting the Gamemaker and his right-hand man like Kurr said."

Bronze- District 1

Nya and I split up and I took off in the direction of two tribute guys. They were going rather slow, the fools. No idea I was behind them.

They took a break under a burnt out tree. That's when a few drops of rain started to fall. This was too easy.

I snuck down a hill. The ground slowly became mud as I slid down the hill. My foot stepped on a twig, causing a little snap.

"Ssh," one of them said and started looking around. I froze and hid behind another tree.

"Something's wrong," said the one with the bow. He needed to go. I jumped to my feet and charged at him. But from the side the other tribute shouted, "Watch it!"

He moved, but I moved too and went after the squealer. He had a weapon ready for me, but an arrow wizzed past both of us. I feinted and curved around, throwing a dagger in the direction of the one with a bow. The knife sank in his stomach, but not before another arrow stuck in my shoulder. I shouted and took off. Glancing back I saw the other tribute go to the falling one's side before I dissapeared into the sticks.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:57 pm
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hungergameslover says...


A chill rushes trough me. What if that actually worked? “I can make some sort of distraction. In district 12, you found ways to entertain yourself. That ‘way’ usually consisted of acting like a peace keeper and making the peace keepers do some things the capitol might frown upon.” I say. I can see the look on their faces when I say that. “Okay not like that.” I say. Males are such perverts.

“Distractions are good. They could be very useful in this situation.” Ilija said. The wind was picking up. My hair was everywhere. I grab it and pull it to the side. “Does everyone agree that we need to do this?” He said.

I look to Kurr and he nods. “We’re in.” We say. I smile comes across my face.

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:04 pm
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ShootingStars says...

Reed Willimon, District 11 female tribute: DAY 2 late afternoon

Reed's heart was heavy the entire walk with Des and Fiske. They only exchanged small talk about where to set traps for food, and where to search for Ryder. Des and Reed were beginning to really worry about him, especially in the growing storm.

After a short while of trudging through the forest while the droplets of rain sprinkled through the canopy of leaves, the trio rested by a stump to eat and drink. After a painful silence as they sat there slowly getting wetter, Des said, "We need shelter."

Fiske nodded. "Every now and then I hear thunder. We're not safe from this storm."

Reed took a sip of water solemnly and sniffed. She didn't feel like talking, but quietly agreed with Fiske. She felt paranoid and frightened in this kind of weather. Every sharp bolt of lightning and rumble of thunder made Reed jump. The Hunger Games was taking its heavy toll on her mental and physical strength, making it hard to concentrate, and even easier to be startled.

The girl hung her head, staring at the soaking forest floor. She shivered as the rain picked up. When she looked up, she finally said to the others, "Let's get moving again. I don't want to end up sleeping in a tree with this lightning." She stood up and studied her allies' faces.

Fiske took a bite of his beef strips, then prepared to leave. Des nodded in agreement with Reed. "Yeah, it's not safe." She sighed, but gave Reed a halfhearted smile to give her strength. Then her expression changed. Des' eyes widened and moved in front of Reed's face, looking down at her. "Reed," she whispered. She set her hand under the little girl's chin like a mother would, and tucked a black curl behind Reed's ear. "You're bleeding really badly."
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. -Jiminy Cricket

Don't be afraid to jump, to leap, to fly too far and don't be scared to touch the stars!

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Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:31 am
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Dragonette says...

Hey guess what?! I'm not grounded anymore!! :D So I can come back! Thank you so much Jaden for keeping Nya alive! Imma give you a big hug! *squeezes* So if you could tell me which tributes Nya is going after, I would be more than happy to write a post :

P.S. Did anyone kill my other character, Khan? Or is he still around?
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:13 pm
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Jaden G. says...

Spoiler! :
Dragonette: Uh, I guess Khan is still around. He's just never really been mentioned before. Bronze and Nya split up, Bronze after Edur and Alen and has already killed Alen so Edur is alone, and Nya is going after Des, Reed, and Fiske.

Des- District 10

"Yeah, it's not safe." I sighed, but gave Reed a halfhearted smile. It was weak and pathetic, but I hoped it would bring some kind of comfort. I looked at Reed and then looked again. My eyes widened as I got up a little and moved closer to Reed's face.

I tilted her head up by her chin. "Reed, you're bleeding really badly."

Reed looked herself over, red stained over most of her clothes and hands. "Oh... uh, it's nothing. It isn't that bad."

"Reed," I started. A trickle of blood crept down the side of her head to her cheek and mixed with the steadily growing rain. Letting out an exasperated sigh I pulled out one of the packs and grabbed the gauze roll.

"It's not going to stay very good with this rain but it'll help."

Fiske turned his head suddenly and held up a finger for us to be quiet. I looked around and Reed tightened her grip on the hilt of her sword. After a few frozen minutes, Fiske started to relax a little.

"I thought I heard something."

"Which means you probably did," said Reed. She brushed the bandage away. "We need to get moving. Once we find shelter then we'll lick our wounds."

I frowned and rolled the bandage up before we all got on our feet and started trecking through the rain and mud. Fisk pulled one of the backpacks out and started dragging it behind us.

"To cover our tracks."

Spoiler! :
Health: 66/100 Hunger 67/100 Thirst 63/100
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:01 pm
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Dragonette says...

Warning!!! The post below is immensely long!

Spoiler! :
Khan~District 7
Khan groaned in discomfort and attempted to find a more comfortable spot in his hand-made hide-out, which was nearly impossible. The hide-out was made from leaning a couple branches against a oak tree's roots, and there was hardly enough room for his large body even when he was sitting with his knees pressed against his chest. His entire body was cramped and stiff and any and all moving hurt. His lips were chapped from dehydration and his stomach felt like someone had crumpled it up like a brown paper bag.

The only thing Khan had eaten since entering the games was that one fish he had found this morning, although that had been more bad than good. He had found it when he had hiked to his usual muddy water hole that morning. It was beached and dying and he quickly snatched it up. He didn't rightly know how to eat a fish (since they weren't in his district), but he had found a secluded area and built a small fire and stuck the fish in it. After letting it sit there for a few minutes he decided it look good enough (he guessed, honestly he had know idea) and picked it up and ate it as it was. It was all he could do not to up-chuck the thing immediately. It was slimy and tasted like charcoal, its small bones cut the roof of his mouth and the scales, he soon discovered, were not edible. But he was so hungry that he scarfed down all of it that was edible, which was very little. But now he felt even more sick because of it.

Why can't my sponsors just send me some dang food? Khan thought as he hugged his stomach in agony. He knew that he had gotten a bunch of sponsors before entering the games, his large and strong appearance naturally got attention, and he was pretty sure the story about his brother added some sponsors who liked a good emotional story. But he also knew the reason he wasn't getting any help was most likely because he hadn't shown any aggression or killed anyone. In fact, a few tributes had walked not four feet from his hide-out without even knowing he was there. And he hadn't attacked. And wasn't going to. According to his calculations, more than half of the tributes were dead, only a few more to go. He can wait them out. He hoped...

Suddenly Khan heard a crash above him and something broke through his weak roof and fell on his head. It was something from the sponsors! He tore at the package hungrily but when he opened it his heart sank all the way down to his toes. It wasn't food, it was a small Ziploc bag with a pill in it that said Tylenol.

The bastards, he thought angrily as he swallowed the pill dry. They had hundreds of gallons of food at the capitol and they gave him a pain killer, and not even a very good one, Tylonal is probably a hundred years old!

Just then, Khan noticed a piece of paper in the pile of wrappings, and he pulled it out and read it.
You're hungry? GIVE US SOME ACTION. Go kill someone, and then we'll get you some food, and lots of it. If not, we'll make sure you don't get anything else to eat and you'll die a slow, painful death. And then your name will disappear from Panim, just like your brother's.

Khan knew that they were mad, that he was embarrassing them in front of all of Panim. And this thought pleased him. Besides, he couldn't kill anyone if he tried.

Crumpling the note, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Trying to find comfort in sleep. But large plates of food filled his mind. "Food, and lots of it." The note had read. If all of his sponsors gave just one dish, he would have a whole feast. He would have enough food for the rest of the game and could just wait it out like he had planned!

The thought that the capitol was controlling him bothered him, but the thought of food and victory out-weighed the other. So he grabbed his ax and painfully crawled out of his shelter in search of a victim.

[Hunger: 38/100, Thirst 69/100, Health 71/100]
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:01 am
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Dragonette says...

Nya~ District 4

After sending Bronze to follow the boys, I crept behind the other three. They all looked depressed and they're faces were tear stain. Boo-hoo. Sucks for them, I mean, did they really expect to get to through the Hunger Games without their friends dying? That's the whole bloody point! I rolled my eyes, some people could be so dumb. And why they were all so close even now was beyond me.

The tributes stopped for a second as a girl tried to bandage her friend's head. The girl looked hideous with her dark blood running down her face and getting massed in her hair. How did she even expect to get sponsors looking like that? But my eyes were really on the bag that the brunette had pulled the bandages out of, I wonder what kind of other goodies were stored in there. Bronze is going to like the "spoils of war" that I'm bringing back, I thought cheekily.

Suddenly, the boy held up his hand to silence the girls and I held my breath and carefully positioned myself so that I was hidden in the shadows. After a couple words, they packed up and moved on. Smiling, I continued to stay on their tale. But after a dozen more yards, I rounded a bush and was met with an empty clearing. I listen for sounds of walking, but all I heard was a roll of thunder in the distance. "Crap," I muttered. I searched the muggy ground for foot prints, but didn't find any.

Not wanting to loose them and afraid that it was a trap, I started to pick my way around the clearing, when something caught my eyes. It was a small pile of burnt twigs with the left-overs of a fish. And from the looks of things, the person who ate it had no idea what he was doing. It didn't even look like he had skinned the fish before attempting to eat it.

I snickered, what a sorry looser. My stomach was full, and thanks to the pond I found and my fishing knowledge, me and Bronze will be eating feasts of fish for as long as we wish. But for now I needed to find those other tributes because if I went back to Bronze without any results, well, we both know which one of us is stronger than the other.

Spoiler! :
Thirst- 97/100, Hunger- 90/100, Health- 99/100

>Sorry for not moving the plot along. Right now I'm just trying to get my characters into the arena, so to speak. Oh, and I apologize for Nya's attitude, she's just ignorant and self-centered. Although I admit it's really fun playing her ;) <
Last edited by Dragonette on Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:54 pm
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ShootingStars says...

Dragonette! I'm so glad you could come back! I think you're playing Nya perfect. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to post as one of my characters until tomorrow. I'll get the list of dead tributes whose faces will appear in the sky for the end of Day 2.
(I'm typing from myphone, so I'm sorry for anyy mistakes I didn't catch)
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. -Jiminy Cricket

Don't be afraid to jump, to leap, to fly too far and don't be scared to touch the stars!

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Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:03 pm
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ShootingStars says...

Spoiler! :
Tributes who have died so far in the arena for Day 2:
District 4 Boy,
5 Boy,
6 Girl,
7 Girl,
8 Boy,
8 Girl.

Recenio Allack, Head Gamemaker: DAY 2, Late afternoon
Recenio smiled, staring intently at a screen of tributes running from the District 2 boy and girl down by the ocean. It was funny to watch the Careers scare their opponents, chasing them like cats chase mice. As he looked at the screen some more, he laughed when he saw that the girl Career from 1 was bringing up the rear, trudging slowly through the soaking sand, looking as though she might pass out.

He turned his attention to the weather map. The rain the Gamemakers had made was splattering the ground and filling up the streams the drought had left empty. He cued another purple zigzag of lightning.

"Where do you want it to strike, sir?" a Maker asked Recenio, their hands pressing a few buttons on the weather panel.

Recenio glanced at the massive digital map of the arena floating in the center of the circular room. He could see the coordinates of all tributes, and noticed that a few of them were stupid enough to be close to water. Streams and rivers were the best conductor of electricity. "Let the lightning hit all main water sources. Let's see if that adds more fun."

The other Gamemaker eagerly pulled out a touch pad, and drew a few lopsided bolts of lightning. With a flick of the finger, the Maker sent the lightning streak into the arena. Recenio grinned.
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. -Jiminy Cricket

Don't be afraid to jump, to leap, to fly too far and don't be scared to touch the stars!

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:15 am
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Dragonette says...

Khan~ District 7

Khan stumbled along, trying to look the big-and-bad role he was suppose to be playing. His shoulders were rolled back, his chest out, a determined look on his face, and his axe ready. But inside he was starving and his thoughts were at war with eachother. Khan was trying to prepare himself for the kill, but he couldn't do it, couldn't stand the thought of taking someone's life. He couldn't stand the thought of being the one who is responsible for taking someone's spirit out of their body, and taking them away from their family. But he pushed on, looking for any sign of life in the god-forsakin arena he was in. And then he saw it, an impression of a person's footprint. And then another and another. He followed them, getting into the hunting mode. Finally he saw the person infront of him, and he could tell it was a girl by her curved figure and her long blonde hair. She was like a shadow, flittering from one spot to the next. She was obviously trying to follow somebody, and was so busy doing that that she didn't notice Khan following her. Khan smiled at the irony.

He followed her for a while, trying to come up with a stratagy plan. Suddenly, without warning, the girl sighed and turned around. She gasped at the sight of Khan. Khan wasn't ready for it, but against his better judgement, he forced against his caring personality and charged the girl.

"AAaaaaarrrrgghh!" He growled as he swung his axe at her ribs. But before the blade could find it's home, she had rolled out of the way and pulled out a dagger. And the fight was on, Khan's brute strength against the girl's witt. Khan let his paining, hungry stomach urg him on, like he was fighting a wild beast for meat, instead of a girl for the capitol.

After only a few stroaks, Khan had over-powered the girl and had her pinned up against a tree, with his hand at her throat. The intense fear in the girl's human eyes is what snapped Khan out of his dazed fury. Here he had the girl's life in his hands. He could end it, and the thought scared him. She was another living breathing human-being just like him. She had emotions, thoughts, feelings; a whole nother creature, and he could end that! The thoughts made him light-headed.

Just then Panem's anthom sounded across the night and Khan looked up just as Malaya's face appeared in the stars, and he started crying. She was such a sweet girl, she didn't desearve to die. And neither did the girl in his hands! He got a vision of all of his friends back in district 7 watching the tv screen. All of the children he played with and sang to and comforted and loved, they were all watching him right now, watching him take the life of another. Khan couldn't breath.

Khan released the girl's throat and turned away. But before he could take a step, he felt a burning jab in his back and he fell to the ground. He lay bleeding, with his very life running out of him and as it did he thought two things: "What a cruel, dark world" and "I'm sorry I failed you, brother." In the next instant, a cannon shot rang out, and one more face was added to the pictures in the night sky.

Spoiler! :
Good bye, Khan! *sniffle sniffle* BTW the girl who killed him is Nya. Little back-stabber.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:21 pm
Jaden G. says...

Des- District 10

The woods had started to become green again when out of nowhere a loud shout rang through the trees, like someone was charging. It was far off, but too close for comfort.

"I don't like the sound of that," muttered Fiske.

"We need to move quickly," I said as well and picked up the pace. I don't remember how Reed's arm got in my hand, but I knew that I didn't want to let her go. If she fell behind with her head bleeding the way it was... Fiske seemed to have a similar idea and stayed real close behind her.

"Reed, we need to stop that bleeding."

"I said I'm fine for now. Let's just get out of this rain," she answered.

That's when the clouds cleared enough to reveal the faces in the sky. They were ghostly, just like last night, and looked innocent. I bit my lip, trying not to scream or cry. I couldn't afford that luxury anymore.

We approached a nearby stream, hoping to quench our thirsts. From the dark clouds came a flash of light and a streak jetting to the ground farther off. The ground seemed to buzz as Fiske took out his canteen and lowered it near the water. There was something wrong with this, the knot in my gut twisted in warning.

Fiske barely touched the water when another flash of light sparked between his fingers and the water's surface and his body flew back ten feet.


Spoiler! :
Open ended. I don't know if Stars wanted to keep Fiske going or not.

Health: 63/100 Hunger 64/100 Thirst 62/100
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:24 pm
Dragonette says...

Nya~ District 4

The boom of the cannon was echoed by the crash of thunder and I pulled my dagger out of the big fellow's back and smiled evilly. He needed to learn that mercy gets you nowhere in the Games, you either kill or be killed, there's no way around it.

Another sound of thunder exploded over head, and this time it seemed to shake the very ground of the arena. The rain drops that were falling seemed to be the size of nickles. And the lightning bolts seemed to come in unnatural, eerie colors and lit up the area like the flash of a camera.

I quickly searched the district 7 boy for any goods, but there weren't any on him so I grabbed his axe and started back toward the cornucopia. Trudging through the woods was a nightmare, my hair and clothes were drenched and were weighing me down, it was hard to get a grip in the slippery leaves and mud, and every thunder crash felt like a hammer blow. It was so dark that the only time I could see was when a streak of lightning whizzed down to the earth, and that only lasted for a second.

After several minutes I stopped and wearily looked around. I don't remember it being so far, I thought, I wouldn't be surprised if I got lost in this stupid storm. But I trudged on, knowing that the only place I'd be truly dry, was in the cornucopia. At last, I saw it looming ahead in the distance by the light of another lightning bolt. With the hope of a dry place and maybe a fire, I started running foreword. I was almost there when I crossed a small stream that had formed because of all of the rain, normally I would know better than to go in a body of water but I was so wet that I hardly even noticed stepping in it. However, just as I was stepping out of the stream, a lightning bolt came down that brightened the entire sky and I screamed and was momentarily paralyzed as it struck the stream I was in. My entire left leg was instantly numbed and my brain felt like it had been fried and frazzled. I fell to the ground as the answering thunder sounded.

I was still conscious, but it hurt to think, and I couldn't move. I strained my eyes to see the cornucopia and I thought I saw a warm light coming out of it. Maybe a fire, and maybe Bronze was there. Maybe not. But I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not...

Spoiler! :
Hunger 80/100, Thirst 92/100, Health 50/100 (for the moment)
She's alright, she's just momentarily shocked, but her body will get over it. She'll be almost all better by the morning, only her left leg will probably keep a limp.
Last edited by Dragonette on Fri May 04, 2012 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:09 pm
ShootingStars says...

Spoiler! :
I think it'd be fine if we let Fiske die, because one is posting him. Then It will be the original trio: Ryder, Des, and Reed. Vampire Senshi, is it okay if we find Ryder really soon? I'll be posting slightly later. Thanks to an idea by Dragonette, I'll be posting the list of all tributes who have died on the DT, and will strike out names h when more are gone. :) Thanks, y'all!
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. -Jiminy Cricket

Don't be afraid to jump, to leap, to fly too far and don't be scared to touch the stars!

“A good book isn't written, it's rewritten.”
— Phyllis A. Whitney, Guide to Fiction Writing