
Young Writers Society

What would happen if?

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:18 am
WrittenInStone says...

Zeal - Minuit sans Musique

He turned, his eyes were a blaze of anger as he looked up from the pages of the book.
"Why am I condemned to read this atrocious Twilight series?" he cried.
His fingers turned the pages as he lowered his eyes to skim the letters that blurred on the page.
Every other book had been destroyed and one of the court had said his punishment be reading the most horrible of series for the rest of his life.
His eyes burned from the reading, his mind enflamed by the horrible plot and his heart went out to the werewolf who lost his love to the damned Night Walker named Edward Cullen.
He threw the book at the wall and stared at the ceiling, this was how he'd spend the rest of his life?
He'd rather die.

- What if you character was condemned to change into a vampire even if it's against everything he's ever learned?-
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:33 pm
paperbackheart says...


Oh hell no. This was not happening. She stared at herself in the mirror and poked the fangs. One minute she was an angel, the next she was a repulsive demon thing. What did Arion call her? Oh yes, a vampyre. Yuck.

"I think I'll go out into the sun now," she muttered.

What would happen your character had to sing and dance or else DIE!!!! :)
There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. -Anonymous.

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:59 am
Sunshine says...


"No. Uh-Uh. You do realize I can't sing OR dance right?"
"Just do it. Do you want to die?"
I start dancing and clear my throat to start singing.
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting! Ya!"
Suddenly, I trip, sprawling flat on my face. I get up again and do my horrodous dance.
"NOOO! Stop! It's so -horrid."
"Hey, I could draw ya a picture."

I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:18 am
WrittenInStone says...


"Well hello there ladies." he smiles and walks down the hall, it was then that she looked up and he could see the disbelief on her face. "Ah, I thought I'd run into you." he murmured and he watched her pinch herself with a smirk. "your not dreaming oh mighty writer." he laughed leaning against the locker next to hers.

What if your character were forced to narry you or he'd be delete/erased?
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:21 am
Kelcia says...

By, 'narry' I suppose you mean 'marry'. *Sigh*


"I'm blind! I can't even see you!"
"Don't act like I'm any happier about it, buddy."
"I'm already betrothed,"
"Look, do you want to be deleted?"
"If it's the alternative..."
"And Kirah? You know, she'll be deleted too, if you don't. It's all the same story... OR, maybe I could put someone else in your place....?"
"You are diabolical. May the gods grant you an early death. Alright, where's the bloody ring?"

What would your character do if he/she was surrounded by talking Sharpie Markers?
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:21 am
Kafkaescence says...

Felix, The Cave Between Lands

He would wish they were crayons, so that his brother could draw with them. But that wouldn't get him far in terms of self defense.

What would your character do if they were invited to a military-supported giant marshmallow training camp?


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Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:27 am
Mazey says...

(Mazey, from Vanish)

I look around and see giant, fluffy, and white cylindircal objects that smell like vanilla. One man sees my stares and laughs, telling me that it's a marshmallow. "A marshmallow?" I cock my head, "What's a marshmallow?" The man laughs at me again and pulls a chunk from the giant puff of white, then holds it out to me.

"Here, try it. It's good."

I take the fluff and stick it in my mouth, savoring its sweetness. "Mmm," I smile as I chew, "this is delicious."

Then he nudges me with a giant, stick-like metal contraption that they called a gun, his face grim and pale. "Hurry," he says, "we're under attack."

How does he know? I look around, my eyes narrowing, then vanish as I stick the last piece of marshmallow into my mouth.

The man faints, falling flat on the ground without warning. Obviously, these futuristic people are not used to my kind.

I shrug and take his uneaten marshmallow chunk from his hands, slipping through the military base as I look for intruders.

What would your character do if she/he was forced to be handcuffed to you for an entire day?
"Write what you want to read."

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:42 am
AlexBlack says...

James from Hallowed Grounds and Me

"I'm going to ask you one more time...Where is the chainsaw?!"
"Oh shut up!"
"Please, let me go! I'll buy anything you want!"
"You don't have money!"
"Yeah, you're right."
"I know I am, I created you"
"Oh God, set me loose!!"

What would happen if you woke up one day and ALL your characters were in your room??
♥ It is only love that makes this world bearable. ♥

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:05 pm
WrittenInStone says...

Me -

I rub my eyes, sore from my late night escapade and stretched my arms out, hearing the soft popping of my joints. I sighed, that felt better. I close my eyes again as I roll out of bed, sitting on the edge of the matress as I slip on my cheetah furred slippers. Of course, they aren't real furs. I sit there a moment, rub my eyes again and open there to suddenly see that my room is full of strange people. I don't recognize them but one of them steps forward.
He wears a brown duster, greasy black hair hangs in his eyes as he peers at me a moment. "Katarine." he barks, voice sharp.
"Yes?" a petite blond girl asks shyly from behind another man, who's arm is around her protectively.
"Get Aachen." he orders, and he pokes my shoulder in an attempt, perhaps to see if I'm really there.
A tall man with greying hair eyes me, another man at his side. Olive skinned and graced with green eyes so luminous they were like pools of radioactive waste. "This be her, Grace." growled the shorter man, his luminescent green eyes on my face.
"You are sure, Svarltarfar?" he demanded, turning away from me.
"What the hell are you guys talking abou-" then I realize why these people seem familiar.
I turn my head around, Lord Roezendell of the dark elves; Aachen Grace, first Night Walker hunter ever named; Katarina Ellewood, shapeshifter; Zeal (Victore Roendell Zeal) first dragon to become leader of the shapeshifters and the next was Jezebel Akatrine Dulic dragon of the First Order...
I nearly fainted, all my characters here in my room. What the hell was going on?

(Sorry about the earlier typo. It's not easy writting on an Ipod touch.)

What if your character was swallowed by an angry dragon and was yet to be digested?
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:14 am
paperbackheart says...

Shizu from...I don't know the title yet so I am going with Shizu.

Oh great, this is just fecking great. I am the great assassin of all time and I get eaten by a fecking dragon. Great. Why the feck does the River country have a fecking dragon?!

She growls as the stomach of the dragon.

"You're not gonna fecking digest me you fecking dragon!" she yells. She begins to slash at the insides with her sword.

Stupid fecking dragon.

What if your most tortured character (the one most of the bad stuff happens to) and you met in an alley with no people around and that character had a knife?
There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. -Anonymous.

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:28 am
AlexBlack says...

Kaynen from Damned, I am...and Me

Kaynen:"Finally, I get the chance to have you like this"

Me: "Kaynen? How is it possible?....Wait, what do you mean, have me like this?" I look at his hand and take a step back.

Kaynen: "What do I mean?....I mean, making me a drunk priest; then cursing me with being what I am. I had to learn so much BS, Guinness could have a whole page about me tittled The Fastest Learner in the World!"

Me: "Learning is not a bad thing..." My voice breaks

Kaynen: "Since when learning how to fight, control my supernatural strength, summon things by will, duplicate myself, move things with my mind, and control other's minds in two months against my will ever good? Ohhh, and not to mention, Archangel Gabriel threw me off the friking Eiffel Tower three times so I could learn how to flash in midair! And you even blamed it on God! God! Are you kidding me?! I've been through hell...literally! I've been fighting demons, nephilims, and whatever those other things are that walk in the night; all because of you. So, finally, I get my chance."

I'm too shocked and frightened to talk. He walks closer with the knife on his hand. I can feel the cold knife already cutting my flesh.

Me: "Please don't kill me"

He looks surprised.

Kaynen: "I never intended to kill you"

Me: "What's the knife for then?"

Kaynen: "Oh, this little thing? You'll like what it does. I discovered it on my journey to Hell. Just one cut from this and you'll be in my shoes...literally"

Me: "Wait, wait, wait...!"


What if your villain character fell in love with your heroe character?
♥ It is only love that makes this world bearable. ♥

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:56 pm
GingerLycan says...

Kaja, from an unnamed story
Blessed Matriarch, I can't believe my eyes! Hadn't he been with my youngest brother before? This makes no sense, and I won't allow it. Shank has already stolen one of my brothers and he will NOT take Kell as well! I spoke with Nhataya and she'll help me with this. Holy Matriarch forgive our vengeful actions - however we cannot allow that man's corruption to spread further. She has her knife and I have mine. I look over and she nods; either Shank dies now or we send him fleeing. Either way he WILL leave my brother alone!

What would happen if you woke one day to find one of your side-characters hanging out with your best friend?

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:13 pm
paperbackheart says...

I go by lockers. "Hey Sarah..."
There he is, Rivera, with my best friend. He grins. "Hello oh so holy creator."
I faint.
"Hey is she okay?" Sarah asks.
Rivera shrugged. "I want some tacos."

What would happen if you gave your most stoic character Red Bull?
There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. -Anonymous.

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:11 pm
MilkNCookies says...


Grrrr..... No. I do not drink this crap. Good bye.

What if your characters suddenly switched genders?
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:15 am
AlexBlack says...

James from Hallowed Grounds

James woke up with one of his hangovers. His night had been stressful, like always; he drank to forget what he had done on full moons.

Right when he was about to scratch one of his jewels, he noticed something important was missing. He looked down and saw two big things on his chest. Swelling? Nooo, he's seen this kind of swelling many times. It was no swelling.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! What is this?! I'm dreaming, I MUST be dreaming!" He ran to the bathroom mirror.


He looked basically the same; his black as night hair was right to his shoulder, his wolfish black eyes gleamed with hunger, and his eyebrow bar was still in place, the only difference was that now he had breasts and was more slender.

"Ahhhhhh! Why? How?"

Something clicked in his mind.


What would happen if your main character lost in in the end?
♥ It is only love that makes this world bearable. ♥

The blood jet is poetry and there is no stopping it.
— Sylvia Plath