
Young Writers Society

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:55 pm
SubjectBlue says...

I have always hated Chris and his super scream- I considered as I dodged a dumb-ass with a knife that tried to look tough- Well, time to give him a piece of my mind
I shoved through another Sayer- and by through- I mean my acid covered hand through his spine.
"Hey, Chris!" I yelled, not believing his stupidity as he said: "Yes! what?! I'm a little busy, what do you want?!"- the idiot thought I'm a Sayer!
I launched a nasty bolt of acid at him, He never had the chance to even look surprise, the acid devoured his face too fast.
"Shut up." I answered- catching Carter's drama class- behavior for a second.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:07 pm
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latinoburn says...


I slouched, so obviously these two did not notice me or the marine; so I just left them. I was sitting on the car again, eating whatever food I had stowed in here; I was starved. Yet something kept catching my attention; it was black, with a tint a grey and...moving? Was that a cloud? No. Clouds don't move the way and especially not upwards. I slouched, guess somebody just wants food again. What? You think I'm not used to fire, blood stream, horror, guns, violence and mostly radiation? Hell, my mother once told me when I was born they slapped my but I gave 'em the finger. So did Hailey when she was born, it runs in my blood; were hardcore. I turned back to my own thoughts. Suddenly, there was this..this..horrible sound, like a super sonic soundwave; but worst. I was curious, so I started my car and drove towards the...smoke?

Just as sure, it was smoke; coming from a pretty heavy fire. Damn. I stopped the car away from the fire and walked the rest of the way. I continued to inhale the eerie smell of fire, blood and..fries I think. I still waltzed, and to my surprise, I ran into Gabe, a...colored chick..Noah, Faye, and that guy I saw last night; and it seems they ran into what looks like the Sayers. Ha, todays pretty good.

I barely moved my hands, whatever metal on them was snapped in half an sent towards my car. Once they were in my car, I fixed them. Yea; I have a sense of humor. The Sayers and Ivory Fangs looked at me. I took one good breath and exhaled deeply. I took out my good knife and had it hover toward one of the men behind this Carter dude.

"You see I've got a thing fire and metal, maybe you guys will just experience both."

Carters hands went a blaze, oh yeah I wasn't impressed. I narrowed my eyes, he gave me the wrong approach; so he was gonna die.
Dear those reading.


Sincerely, Caps Locks.

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:48 pm
HibiscusBlush says...


Hi everyone =)

I wanted to let you guys know that I’m going to back out of the storybook. There was a death in my family and I think it would be unfair to you guys if I continued. In the meantime, I’ll be doing some of my own writing, coming on YWS more frequently, but as for storybooking, I can’t give it my all right now.

I haven’t read the more recent pages of the storybook yet but, as long as it doesn’t hurt the story, no one has to mention Wade anymore. He can slip out seamlessly, so to speak.

I've had soooo much fun role-playing with y’all and thank you so much for it! This is a awesome story I'll miss being a part of.

Previously known as Aloha

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:18 pm
emwolf1998 says...


Standing back with the rest of the Ivory Fangs, watching this guy. I questioned wheather he was going to play on our side or not, but I think we had a pretty good chance. Gabe had his gun pulled close it was definate that he had plenty of experience shooting, Paul seemed as if he had a little to much backround with all these guys, Ash sat in the corner behind a rock. I thought about joining her. But I really did want to watch this and also I was looking for my chance to fire my arrow into someones chest. But first maybe fix my ear drums from that piercing scream.

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:14 am
Sierra says...

(OOC: I'm so sorry, Ceely. It was really great to be able to role play with you, and I hope I'll see you around)


I yanked a knife out of my pocket and forced myself into the fray. Blood splattered across my shirt and face, warm and smelling like old pennies. I tried not to think about it.

I thought I heard Faye shout my name. I twisted around to look for her, panic building in the pit of my stomach. Please let her be okay. Please let her be okay. She wasn't anywhere in my sight. A guy behind me grinned and slashed his knife across my side. I heard a scream, and wondered who it was. It cut off when I closed my mouth - was it mine? The guy raised the knife again. I shoved my hands forward like somehow that would protect me.

And he flew back as if Neo was standing behind him and he was wearing a metal shirt.

I grabbed his knife - I must have dropped mine - and pressed my arm to my side. It wouldn't stop the bleeding, but maybe it would slow it a little. Carefully, I got to my feet and back into the fight.
What a shame,
We used to be such fragile broken things.

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:33 am
SubjectBlue says...

I moved on- a lot of Sayers did recognize me- which made it a slightly bit more body filled, also- am I stepping on a dead monkey?!
Anyway- I went straight at Carter- my hands shrouded in a vale of green, hissing liquid- it was time to kill.
"This is my new home, Carter, Call off the attack, and I'll let you live. You know me- so you know what will happen to you if you'll cross me. Back off now."- I felt sick, really, offering the sick little bastard a way out, but I had to keep a certain attitude to thrive in the group- they were nice- and so was I...
"Just try, Paul, I'll see you playing tough guy while"- He paused dramatically, of course- reigniting his already burning hands- "On fire..."
"oh, Carter, Carter, Carter- how many times do I have to kill people for you to realize- I'm not playing. Should I kill your girl? someone else's girl you are interested in? or in your case- a nice boy perhaps? Should I kill every member of your little, pathetic group of low-life..."- I looked down with despise- "...monkeys- for you to understand I'm not playing."
Just for the demonstration, I launched a stream of acid at one of the watching Sayers, leaving a fist-size hole on his chest. I saw Noah getting slashed at- and he kinda screamed like a girl- but that was cool- he sent the guy to create an interesting pattern at the wall.
I returned my focus at Carter: "So, as I was saying, you've got two options- leave... well actually- that's one."
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:09 am
latinoburn says...


I fought two men at once, each one dieing slowly as I stabbed them with sewing needles. What kind of joke does this crew take me for? I oozed out every needle a stabbed them with, and clumped them into forming handcuffs; Yea I'm crafty. I pinned them to the wall and locked each of their right hand together. I put my palm right in their face, and slowly began to make a fist. The cuffs were squeezing their pulses harder and harder every second. They struggled and scream, this was Vietnam's version of "Slow and Painful Death." They screamed, and man the were annoying. So I tightened the cuffs, raised my arms and had them fly where ever the hell's direction I threw them in.

I figured the impact of their falls would have the cuffs break and they come looking for us but I guess we got lucky. They flew maybe about 10 feet away from our direction before some red thing collided into them and exploded. I took a closer look, it was that same truck I threw yesterday before I got my other car. That thing has been flying all this time. I watched as the remainders of the car burned on top of two men. Welp; they're dead. Turning back around I targeted at a man who was just watching everything go down. But some green liquid totally obliterated his chest and killed him. I was SO offended.

"Hey," I yelled towards the man with the acid, "I wanted to kill him!!"
Even a ruthless bloodstreamer has a kid inside of him.
Dear those reading.


Sincerely, Caps Locks.

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:25 am
Sierra says...

(OOC: why is it that our battle scenes are so funny? I keep reading people's posts and laughing. When I tried to explain that I'm laughing cause of the fight scenes and one character killing the person that the other character wanted to kill, my mom just kind of stared at me :smt002 )


Stabbing was such a mechanical motion. It was so easy: push forward, twist a little, pull back, step away from falling body. I stepped over the body of a kid; god, he looked so young, barely thirteen. Too young to die.

But I guess you never were too young to die.

"Hey," Neo yelled. "I wanted to kill him!"

"Take it easy, dude." I yelled back. "There are a lot of potential victims here." I punched the air in front of me, sending a girl flying. I flex my hand; what the hell was going on? What else could I move? "But remember: you kill it, you clean it up." Maybe after this was over I could plead injured so I wouldn't have to clean up. If I was still alive. I glanced down at the blood covering half of my shirt, my arm, and most of my pants leg. Most of it, if not all my own.

I hoped we had painkillers. And very heavy duty band-aids.
What a shame,
We used to be such fragile broken things.

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:29 am
SubjectBlue says...

Carter looked back, and I knew he chose to kill me- that is- to die.
He lunged himself towards me, flames in his, and a huge flame licking the air surrounding me greedily- not me, though, as it turns out- liquids who aren't flammable don't get burnt- and I was made of acid.
He stopped, smiling smugly, when the smoke cleared- he obviously expected to see a charcoal body. what he saw, however, was me sprinting at him on a tiny range, dripping little drops that devoured the pavement on my way.
He pulled his hands- attempt of one more attack, or a pathetic gesture of self defense- I'll never know- but when I leaped and collided into him, he went crashing on the floor- his rib cage exposed to the open air.
He shrieked, twisted a little, and died after realizing he couldn't vomit without a stomach- the death of a person tells you a lot about him- this one was a coward, and a pathetic one at that.
I looked at Gabe,who seemed- to me- to just crawl around and wave his little gun at nonthreatening Sayers: "You and I"- I exclaimed -"need to talk!"
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:32 am
Justagirl says...


"Noah!" I yelled as he jumped into the fight.

Stupid me, now there was some kind of crazy shapeshifter after me.... A horse? Really? I almost smirked until someone kicked me from behind, knocking me to the ground and creating a wind tunnel from the air in my lungs to the outside world. I gasped, trying to get my breathe back while they stepped on my calf. Smiling wickedly, I finally saw a girl's face before she stepped down. Hard.
I screamed. My leg was on fire, it was burning so bad. And then, the horse shapeshifter was on me. Stepping on me. No, through me? I was so delirious I laughed. The horse looked really angry then and pranced on top of my head. Then, everything went black.
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:31 pm
emwolf1998 says...


Carter was dieing, just laying on the ground dieing, or I think he was dead by now. But now my turn to kill. I saw my target, i pulled back my string from the bow, and let it go. My arrow went flying threw the air. Bullseye. I smiled at the thought that i helped with the battle. Only about 3 more were left. This was becomeing a good day for the Ivory Fangs. Wait... the girl i hit with the arrow... she.... she healed herself. Now shes going to be hard to kill. When an arrow hits you normally to find out who shot it, you just look for the person with the bow. Well unfortunealtly, i was that person. Suddenly my skin turned a hot pink making me just that much more noticeable. I met her gaze. Now I might die tonight.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:55 am
BrooklynWriter says...


Oh my God! What was I doing, I couldn't just sit here behind a rock while my group fought. But I was useless without my throwing arm... or was I? I still had my wings. I could still feel the muscles in my wings. I could feel my wings in general. Which meant I could fly. Hopefully. But I couldn't make a big show and just call attention to myself.

Scanning the battlefield, I caught sight of a panicked looking Kora. I watched as she drew back on an arrow and sent it flying towards a girl ten feet away from here. The arrow hit the girl in the shoulder, but she only winced before pulling the arrow out and laying a hand over the wound. Quickly, the bleeding stopped and the wound vanished. Hmm, she couldn't heal herself if she was unaware of getting shot.

I focused on the wings on my back. I twitched the new muscles in my back faster and faster, until I was rising off the ground. After a few minutes of figuring out how to move forward, I positioned myself above the healer. Praying I wouldn't kill myself or break something else, I went limp in the air. I stopped flapping my wings and dropped on top of the healer. When I landed on top of me, she toppled under my sudden weight and hit her head on the ground. Just as I had planned, she was knocked unconcious.

"Now Kora! Shoot her!"

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:31 am
emwolf1998 says...


"Now Kora! Shoot her!" I heard Ash call. I looked the girl that healed herself and that was after me was unconcious. This was great! She couldn't heal herself if she didn't know she was hit. So i found the arrow on the ground that she had pulled from her shoulder, I re-drew the arrow back and aimed right for her heart. And yet again Bullseye! She began to bleed out. The size of the wound, postion, and amount of blood loss she would be dead in minutes, maybe even seconds. I had my chance to kill one of the Sayer and I did. The pink color disapeared from my face, and a royal purple took its place. I was feeling proud of myself, at this moment i was ontop of the world... But I did need to thank Ash. If she didn't do what she did, I would be fighting for my life right now.

"Thanks, We ahh.. make a good team," I said to her.

"Yeah, guess so. Nice shot," she said looking down at the victim.

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:19 am
Apple says...

Oh lordy, we're getting somewhere juicy now. :D Sorry for the late post guys, I really should take more notice of the time. No matter, I am here now and I am ready to write. So from what I've read it's Ivory Fangs = 1; Sayers = 0...Just the way I like it! Us winning.

PS> Sorry if it's terrible, it's really late at night here but I felt like it was about time I got off my butt and posted something.

Gabe Patterson:

"Jen!" The words ripped through my mouth in an anguished cry.

Picking myself up off of the ground, I raced towards Jen's fallen body. I felt like I was in one of those slow motion movies where everything went by in a blur only my figure remained at a snail-like pace. Everything struck me in the chest at once: Kora pulling back the string and hitting the target straight on, Jen's unconcious body unable to respond or heal itself...Collapsing to my knees, I slid to a stop by Jen's short body, tears instantly beginning to brim and cling to my eyelashes.

"Jen!" Screaming, I grabbed at her shoulders and shook her, hiccupping loudly. "No, Jen, speak to me!"

Her face was still, her already pale skin losing the little colour it had. I would always tease her about that when I had been with the Sayers; the fact that she looked like a ghost from a horror movie. I could practically feel her hand slapping over the back of my head as the thought flickered in my mind.

Yelping, I leaned over her body. "It's not funny anymore; speak to me! Stop playing around, please, just stop it! Saying something already!"

The arrow stuck out of her chest, the feathers on the end swaying in the desolate breeze which had managed to make its way through all the bloodshed. Yanking it out of her flesh, droplets of red splurted across my shirt, dying the white fabric pink. No, no, no, she couldn't be dead. Jen was impossible to kill, she was unstoppable...she was my - ! I choked, tears bubbling down my face.

"N-no...Jen!" The one person -- the one person I had cared about in Sayers... "Please, don't do this to me."

Placing my fingers over her lips, I couldn't feel her breath tickling them. Shouting out a jumbled curse I slid my hand under her neck and checked for her pulse. Nothing! My arms began to tremble, my mouth opening and closing as if trying to form words. This couldn't be happening; it shouldn't be happening! Pulling back my head, I screamed loudly, wrapping my fingers into hers. I screamed until there was nothing left in my heart but empitiness. A little part of me thought she was going to sit up and smack me for making a scene but that was just - that was just a wish. Kora's arrow had flown true.

Turning on Kora and Ash I felt my face scrunch up in impossible anger and hate. "Why?! She did nothing to you!"

Kora's eyes were wide like saucers. She stepped forward, extending her arm though I glared at it. Kicking my legs, I edged away from her, screaming inaudibly. An explosion suddenly ripped through the subway sending me sprawling over Jen's body. I felt my ears pop and the edges of my eyes turn white. Kora's shouts lit up the sky following with the others. Wrapping my body around Jen's head, I closed my eyes. She promised to protect me, the least I could do was the same.
I spy!

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Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:02 am
BrooklynWriter says...


"What are you talking about?!? This isn't a pick and choose world! We were in the middle of a freaking battle! We, the Ivory Fangs against those monsters the Sayers! Whose side are you on?" I screamed at him.

He rose from the body of the dead Sayer. "She did nothing to you." He said tersly, his voice hardening with every syllable.

"Personally. Most of the Sayers did nothing to me personally. But this isn't an easy place or time to live. Peace doesn't exist. We have to fight to survive. But why am I preaching to the choir? You should know that. So who are you fighting for?" I tried to keep my voice even, and my temper calmed, but I had an ich to fly above him, or launch a shuriken into his head.

Gabe's face was a bright scarlet. His hand reached towards the holster at his waist. I braced for the shot, when a blast of acid whizzed past us, inches from Gabe's hand. I glanced back at what I knew must have been Paul.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me.
— Paul Simon