
Young Writers Society

Hunger Games 4 - Closed

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:19 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

It was a few minutes after Ara fell asleep that she started talking.

"Put it back once you're done with it, I know!" She yelled fairly loudly. I chuckled softly, trying not to wake her. She kept screaming/yelling random things for a few more minutes, and then I heard her moving around. She poked her head out and looked me in the eyes.

She started laughing, giggling actually, something I'd never heard her do. She crawled out and lay sprawled on the ground. She pointed up at the trees and started shrieking. I thought a tribute might've been up there, ready to strike, when I realized she was shrieking because she was laughing so hard. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, and I realized she was sleep walking.

Just then she got up and walked over to the bushes lining the clearing.

"Foxy! C'mere fox fox fox fox fox! C'mere I got some food for ya!" She was starting to sound drunk almost. I tried to think of who "Fox" could be and why she was yelling to them. When I couldn't figure out who she was yelling too, I remembered the other tributes.

"Ara! Ara quiet down!" She didn't hear me. In fact, she got louder.

"FOX! I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE! IT'S TIME TO COME HOME!" She was screaming bloody murder now, and I'm sure they could hear it at the other end of the arena.

I ran up to her and was just about to tap her shoulder when I remembered something from school. In my General Health class, we did a day-long unit on sleepwalking, after someone in town had committed suicide in their sleep.

I could specifically remember one thing my teacher said that day. "Waking someone up when they're sleepwalking is the worst thing you can do. If someone who was sleepwalking was on the edge of a cliff and you woke them up, they'd fall off the cliff."

I decided to try to coax her back into the shelter.

"Ara, stop yelling. Fox is on his way home." She whirled around.

"He is? He's coming home?" She asked with a concerned look in her glassy eyes.

"Yep, he's coming home right now. You're really tired, you should go to sleep. Fox will be here when you wake up." I wasn't sure if this was working, but it was worth a shot.

"Oh." She said, as if this never occurred to her. "Okay then. Good night." She walked at a brisk pace back to the shelter and climbed back in. I heard light snoring shortly after, and I slouched against the base of the tree.

"Phew. That was a close one."

Sorry, I couldn't really think of anything to write about! You guys can choose if Erin and/or Fern heard her yelling.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:26 pm
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

Someone was screaming. I could hear it, off in the distance. It wasn't a dying scream, I knew those by heart now. It was just a sad, insane scream. I didn't try to make out the words.

I woke with the sound of the scream echoing off the walls in my head. A sad scream, one that I hadn't heard in a safe few weeks but one that I knew of my life. I was a district one, living in the Victor's Village. If it wasn't mother's crazed scream's, it was a small soft one from the boy next door, or the loud screams of our middle aged neighbor. They all had it in them, no matter how normal they were by day. I took a deep breath and rolled to my side, pushing screams from my mind.

"Good Morning, Erin!" I said, as cheerily as possible.

No reply.


I touch her sleeping bag, half knowing the truth. Even in dawn's early light I could see it was empty. It was. My finger's fall through to nothing. I push myself to my feet, glancing franticly around the camp. Was it Erin's scream's that I had heard in the middle of the night? No, no it couldn't have been. I'd grown far to familiar with Erin's screams. She had left. I knew it immediatley. I was far to bright to force myself into the dark. That was why she had been so distant last night: she was planning on leaving. She didn't want my blood on her hand's anymore than I wanted hers on mine. I should've been the one to leave. I had been thinking about it long enough. Still, Erin hadn't known that. She had been frightened and didn't want to kill... kill a friend. It sucked that I was so thankful. Maybe I really was stupid enough to think we could stay together, hoping that somehow, impossibly, we could stay together without murder in the picture. Had my mother's stories have no effect on me? My eyes scan the supplies. She had took the food, I noticed with a curse. It had been her bag, after all. Yet I had been the one to get it. She hadn't tooken her bit of the clothing change, luckily there was some left to me. She had also tooken the knifes. As much as I hated them, they were my only chance at a weapon. Also, they had been mine to begin with. I took a deep breath, willing it to make me stronger. I was alone, three left in the game. My mother had lost her alliance much early then I had, even though I knew that they had been just as close. She had lost it to death, which is the worst possible route. I have to be strong. I take a sip of my water. At least she had left me with that. Not to mention my life. I could feel the tears threatening to spill over. No. I couldn't let the sponser's see me weak. I needed them, more than ever. I just wish I could've said goodbye to her. Not thinking, I shed my bloody and scared clothes and pull on a change. I had been to tired to do so last night. I glanced over to the spot where Gabriel's body had lain, my eyes seeing the broken bow with it's two arrow's next to it. My only chance. I grab my ripped clothes and wrap it around the niche of the bow, making a rag-stag semi-sturdy weapon. I pulled it onto my back and tucked the aroow's in my pocket. It would have to do. Limping over to the old campsite, I'm relieved to see the small vial of medicine and a bit of poison. I grab up the medicine greedily, rubbing it across my leg. Immediatley I feel soothed, my injury healing. The injury, but never the scars. Don't think! I scold myself. No one had ever one this game by thinking emotionally. I look to the sky, praying to my only chance.

"Sponsers. If I have done anything in this game to ever impress you, please help me now. I am District One. I ma the chance. Please give me anything. Something."

I took a deep breath and tried not to wish Erin was here.

Erin's gone. Wound's healed for the most part. Sponser food/ weapon/ both is welcome.
Last edited by Sunshine on Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:29 pm
Calligraphy says...

Great posts, interesting twist XD

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Mon May 02, 2011 9:59 pm
Calligraphy says...

Come on guys, I know you want to review for your teams but still, post!

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Sat May 07, 2011 10:03 pm
Elinor says...

(sorry this post is coming when it is- I've been really busy lately!)


When Erin awoke, it was eerie how peaceful everything seemed; the sun, hot against her back, the distant noises of chirping birds, the water, gently against gravel. If this scenery was presented to someone out of context, Erin guessed that no one would be able to tell that it was part of an arena, a place of bloodshed. She sighed, sat up in her sleeping bag and as was about to call for Fern when she remembered that she had left, that she was on her own now and probably would never see Fern again.

Erin hugged her knees to her chest and sighed. There were four of them left. Three others to defeat. That wasn't a lot. Victory was so close now that she could almost taste it. Even though she had always been invited as an afterthought, she missed going out with girls from school into the sea and swimming, getting seaweed stuffed biscuits from the general store, fishing, cooking with her brother, and in general, just living. She just wanted to be back home, but even then Erin knew that if she did win, her life would never be the same.

Still, she had a life to live, things she wanted to do, regrets that hadn't subsided at the age of fifteen. Erin also knew that this was the case of everyone who had been brought here, everyone who was now lying dead, cheated of the contributions that they may have made the world. Everyone who was still living, well, they all equally deserved to make it out alive. No one deserved to die; they may have been awful people, but they didn't deserve to die. At this point, Erin was trying hard to hold back tears. She had to remain strong for the cameras. For her brother. She briefly considered making breakfast, but she was not that hungry and did not feel like fiddling with the cooking pot.

Erin wondered what was going to happen. Would things go the way she wanted, or would Fern and she indeed be the last two people alive? If that did happen, what would she do? As much as she wanted to survive, she knew she wouldn't be able to kill Fern or let her kill herself.

Erin sighed. As of now, she had nothing to do but wait. She kept herself on alert in case either Fern or the eleven tributes came by.

Still in camp in central park.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed May 11, 2011 1:02 am
Sunshine says...

Well, it looks like nobody else is posting and it seems like things are hinging a little on Fern, I'll post and hope it inspires others to do so!

Fern Le Rose

It was time I accepted it. No gift was coming. Truly; I should have been brighter than that. There were only four left and certainly no sponser in their right mind would give a gift in the final four. It was to risky, even to the point of dampening entertainment. I sigh pushing myself up. Erin leaves me and I become useless, lying in the sun for an hour and waiting for a gift that certainly wouldn't come. It was time I looked it over. I had to win this game, taking it step by painful step. To look over my enemies.

There was the obvious Erin, I cringed inside to think of her as an enemy. She was outwardly strong, though probably not as strong as I. She was clever, probably more clever than I could be. Killing District- I mean Holly- with the poison. My kill, the murder of District three -Cody- had been bright too. Death by pressure point. I shivered. Maybe we could be evenly matched. Then... there was emontional strength. I hadn't observed it much, but I doubted Erin would go mad.

Then the District Eleven's. Ara was strong, but I hadn't seen her as much as a threat. I couldn't help but notice that her eyes clouded every time she saw a redhead. Ara had always muttered something about "Fox." She could easily go insane if this game or life hadn't already made her. Then there had been the way she had looked at Kyran. Like my mother looking at me before I'd left. Fight, Fern. Protect yourself. If only I could take you're spot... You can never give up faith. I'll be protecting you, even from here. She was protecting him. I didn't know why. Kyran was a shockingly normal tribute. Truly a nice guy, he didn't have any standout strengths. Just adverage, not even good at anything. He didn't seem extraordinarily special; Ara on the other hand could of landed a spot in a better alliance one with... all the skilled that I had seen seemed to be dead. Aushleanna, Marco, Clea. It was getting to lower and lower number's. I had to make a move if I wanted to win. I couldn't go after Erin, that much was obvious. I couldn't. Maybe- I hated to actually hope this- that Kyran and Ara had gotten Erin in the night. That would make my job so much easier. There was only one thing I could do. Go after Kyran and Ara. It was horribly risky, but so was every other option. If I just sat here, I knew that the other's wouldn't be likely to do the same. There would be mutts if the game was slow. I had spent enough time around the officials to figure that out. I could get Kyran alone and kill him. Or take the risk of using Gabriel's bow to shoot him. If he died, Ara and probably couldn't hold up. If I killed Ara, Kyran would be traumatized, but would get through and get me for vengance. No, I had to get Kyran. If I was lucky, I would be crowned winner. It was morning now. I remember the scream that had haunted me during the night. Maybe it had been Erin's, after her death had become clear to her. Or it could've been Ara's, for she might be crazy. Either way, I knew it had come from the North, even in my foggy state. If I headed that way, I'd have to hit Ara and Kyran. I had to. I take a sip from my water bottle, glad that Erin had had enough mercy to leave it. Blinking in the morning sun, I grab the remains of my stuff and head North.

I'd been walking for miles when I hear two voices, one male and one female. I drop to the ground. Either I'm hearing thing's or I finally found them! I duck around a layer of vines, flat on my belly, and wiggle my head through the wall of vines. They're there. Sitting and snacking on berries. They're together. I take a deep breath, as quiet as possible. I'd have to wait until when of them left. I shift over to a rock, crouching behind it. Thankfully, it gave me a view to most of the spot's where anyone could leave. If it was Kyran, I would jump on him after we got far enough away from their camp. If it was Ara, I'd go for Kyran. It was crazy how much like a murderer I was begining to sound like. Then again, if one of them didn't leave within an hour, I'd have to provide a distraction. I had a plan. And only managed to sound partially crazy.

Spying on Kyran and Ara at their camp. Her battle strategy is above. DO NOT KILL HER! If no one leaves, you can wait for me or have her make a faraway russle.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed May 11, 2011 2:39 am
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Lauren2010 says...

Sorry it's a tad long, got a bit carried away. xD

Ara Ordoe

Kyran had filled her in on her screaming in the night as soon as she awoke. It was embarassing to hear. As far as she had known, she had never had any past of sleep walking. And when he told her she was calling for her little fox friend, she was surprised. Maybe there was something she would miss after all. Maybe the games were wearing on her more than she had thought.

They sat eating berries that Kyran had bought, sunning themselves against some rocks. They knew that neither Fern or Erin would attack while they were together. They would be crazy. The only thing they had to worry about was them attacking together, but for some reason Ara felt like that alliance was long gone.

They were silent for a long time before Ara finally spoke. "You know, Ferns hiding out right over there," she said nonchalantly.

Kyran gasped and moved to jump up, grabbing for his knife, but Ara pulled him back down. "Stop it, sit still," she scolded. "And keep your voice low. We don't want her catching on."

"What do we do?" he asked. He was tense, and there would be no calming him down. The Games wasn't a place for someone like him; that's why Ara needed to get him home. "Wait...how do you know she's out there?"

"She's a District One girl," Ara said. "There was something I noticed while we were training at the capital before the games, and that's that everyone from District One has a distinct smell. They smell...like luxury if that makes sense." She glanced over at Kyran, who was looking back at her like she was crazy. She laughed and continued on. "I guess I just have a better sense for these things, considering how much time I spent around lil' Fox back home. He taught me, I guess you could say. I'm a fairly decent tracker."

"So...you smell Fern?" he asked, incredulous.

"Yes, just take my word for it," she said.

He shifted nervously in his spot, his hand drifting towards a knife. "So what do we do about it?"

"Well," she said, "I think that the two of us have a decent chance of winning this...well, you have a decent chance of winning this with my help. So long as we can take out Fern, we can take our Erin no problem. All we have to do is lure Fern over here and take her down."

"But she'll never come out with both of us here, and she'll run if we try to go after her over there," Kyran said.

"Just follow my lead," Ara said, winking. She pushed herself up from the ground, slying taking her knife and slipping it into her boot. "Well," she said loudly, making sure Fern heard, "I'm going to go find us some water. You stay here, I'll be back in a few hours tops." She walked away into the trees, only to double back and hide, watching Kyran sitting alone.

It would only be a matter of time.... And that's when Fern ran out of her hiding spot, weapon raised, toward Kyran. He jumped up and dodged her, still somehow surprised at her appearance as if he hadn't known she was there at all. Ara leapt out of her hiding place and ran towards them, swiping her knife at Fern's shoulder.

As she planned, Fern was surprised at Ara's appearance. But not as planned, it didn't throw her off. She kept fighting, pulling another dagger from her belt, and holding off both Ara and Kyran at the same time. Ara had to at least give her that, she was an excellent fighter.

Fern lunged at Ara, throwing her a good three feet away from their little tussle. Ara's knife flew from her hand and she landed hard on her back, all the air rushing out of her. Fern didn't leave a moment to rest, though. She immediately went for Kyran, knowing he was the weak link in the duo. She unarmed him, throwing his knife back behind her, and backed him up against a tree.

"Say goodbye, tribute," Fern growled as she raised her knife. She really was a trained killer, a career tribute from a career district. She lost herself so easily to the animal instincts of the fight.

But Ara had lost herself in the competition as well. Just as Fern brought down her knife, targeting Kyran's chest, Ara threw herself in front of him and took the blow. The knife pierced her chest, just where her heart was if she remembered her anatomy lessons correctly.

She gasped and grabbed the spot where she had been stabbed. "Run, Kyran," she said, her vision blurring.

"Ara, no-"

"Kyran you get the hell out of here!" Ara shouted. She raised her foot and kicked Fern in the chest with all the strength she had left, trying to give Kyran a chance to escape. "Go, win for Tasha!"

He hesitated for a moment, but eventually complied and ran off into the trees. Ara fell to her knees, blood rushing over her hand, and waited for Fern to take the final blow. To take her life.

Instead, though, the district one girl knelt in front of Ara and looked her in the eyes. "Why?" she asked.

Ara looked up, holding herself as proudly as she could still manage. It was a death scene that the gamemakers would be all over. Every camera would be focused on them. Maybe that would be good for Kyran, maybe he could get an edge, maybe a sponsor would send him something to help him win. "Because," Ara said. "I play this game to win."

"But you're going to die!" Fern shouted. Her face was red with anger and frustration. "You're going to lose! What are you crazy?"

Ara grinned the most maniacal grin she could pull. "I guess then you haven't realized how to really win the Hunger Games," she said, shaking her head. "Born as a pitiful career, win as a pitiful career, and live a nightmare and guilt-ridden life as a pitiful career." She paused to take in the full of Fern's rage that literally burned off her luxury-smelling body. "Just like momma, eh?"

Fern raised her hand and hit Ara across the temple with the hilt of her dagger. Ara hit the ground laughing, bleeding out onto the grass as Fern walked away. She hoped she'd but a damper on the poor girls mental state. It would be the only way Kyran could hope to win.

Maybe Ara had completely lost it after all. But maybe that was a good thing. As the last of her life's blood spilled out of her, and her vision went black, she grasped the locket around her neck and whispered to herself, "See you soon Mom, see you soon Dad." And thus, for Ara Ordoe, the Hunger Games came to a close and she, at least in her mind, rose victorious.

Ara Ordoe is dead. Best of luck to the remaining tributes, and may the odds be ever in your favor ;)
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Wed May 11, 2011 8:45 pm
Calligraphy says...

O.K. guys I just want to finish this so.. I put ALL the names in bold. That means when you post you can do whatever you want! :)

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Wed May 11, 2011 10:05 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander I didn't really want Kyran to win, (in fact I didn't expect him to make it this far! xD) but could he be in the final two with Fern? I think she was planning on winning...

As I was sprinting through the forest, I heard the cannon shot that symbolized her death. I let out a small cry in return, mourning the death of the bravest tribute in the Games.

Ara had sacrificed her life for me. She really took her promises seriously. I made a mental note that once I got back to 11, I'd find her little fox friend. I felt like he was a part of Ara. Maybe the fox and I could even bond. I owed it to her, to make sure her "pet" was safe.

I cursed under my breath as I realized I'd left all of my supplies back at the camp. As of now, I didn't have any food, water, weapons, anything. I'm just glad I ate all of the food from my sponsors, because Fern would've really liked that. She was probably used to that, being from prissy District 1. I bet she was used to being treated like a lap dog.

Venom dripped from my silent words, thinking about the monster that killed my ally. As I slowed my pace to a brisk walk, I noticed I had come to the edge of the woods. I could see the field where the Cornucopia used to be overflowing with supplies, vital for survival.

But now it had been picked clean by scavengers. There wasn't even the smallest cracker crumb left. They really had cleaned it out. I ducked inside the golden horn, hiding from Fern, who may or may not be pursuing me. I slumped down against the wall, feeling the warm essence of the sun left on the glinting gold. I tried to sort things out in my head.

My first priority would have to be finding a weapon. As of now, it was more important than food. That came second. Food and water. My third priority would probably be to find some shelter, or even supplies, if I was lucky. But chances were, that wasn't going to happen. Not with my luck, anyway.

I arose and peeked cautiously around the corner, checking for enemies. The coast was clear. I dashed across the field, hoping no one had seen me. I took in my surroundings as I went. I could barely see the convenience store where Aspen and I had hid, until the wolves came. I saw the blackened remains of a fire. It looked like the fire hadn't been going for a long time.

I thought I saw blood splatters on the ground, but I tried to ignore them, hoping it was just a figment of my imagination. By the time I had taken this all in, I tumbled into the brush, not seeing it before I felt it. I somersaulted head-over-heels for a few feet before I came to a halt.

I chuckled lightly, trying to find humor in a life or death situation. I brushed myself off, and set off on my way, low to the ground. The shrubs offered good cover, and I even recognized an oleander bush. I smiled, knowing something else in this arena had my name. I kept going, keeping an eye out for anything that could serve as a weapon.

In case there's any confusion, an oleander is a real plant. :) Please don't kill Kyran right off. And if Fern wants Kyran's supplies, he left it at the camp.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Wed May 11, 2011 11:04 pm
Elinor says...

(Well, Amf, Iiscraftywriter and I kind of had a plan for how we wanted to end this, With Fern and Erin in the top two, so...)


Erin almost wanted to faint when she heard the cannon shot, only wondering who it could have been. Even though there were only three possibilities; Fern, Kyran, or Ara, she, at that very minute, was racked with impatience to see the names in the sky that night. Even though she hated herself for thinking it, she only wished that it was Fern and that Kyran and Ara had got her. If that was the case, it would save her from having to experience what she feared most of all; being alone with Fern as the last two contestants in the games and having either be Erin or her.

She wondered where the last two contestants were, whoever they were. She was not in the mood to go looking for them, but still, she told herself to keep a watchful eye in case anyone did come. She curled up in her sleeping bag, and now hungry, made herself breakfast; blueberry pancakes.

The hours that followed seemed to be the longest day or Erin's life. She had absolutely nothing to do, but she could doze off or divert her attention from what was around her in case any one did try to sneak up on her camp. She did various odd things; playing with her fingers in the dirt, opening and closing her satchel of knifes, among other things. When she couldn't do that anymore, she let herself get lost in thought, thinking about memories back home. Then, she absorbed herself in the moment. She counted all the wonderful, beautiful things that surrounded her, telling herself how much Brent would like this place. And for the first time, it dawned her that it was truly possible that she might not make it out alive.

Brent Crane. Her brother. Her only family member, and basically her only friend until Fern. She didn't know why, but thinking about him made her burst into tears. I love you, she kept repeating over and over in her mind.

When nightfall finally came, she clutched the covers of her sleeping bag tight to her chest as she watched the sky. The national anthem played. And the face that was shown wasn't Fern's. It was Ara's, the district eleven girl. Oh no, she kept thinking. This isn't good. Her only hope now was for Kyran to kill Fern. She couldn't kill Kyran, because then it would be down to her and Fern. She couldn't kill Fern, that she knew. And if Fern killed Kyran, it would again be down to her and Fern.

At her camp. Plans on staying there and not getting out to find either Fern or Kyran.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed May 11, 2011 11:08 pm
Amfliflier says...

That's fine. I didn't know you guys had a plan. But whoever kills Kyran, could I have a "death" post please? :)
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Wed May 11, 2011 11:15 pm
Calligraphy says...

Great posts. O.K. so the bold was a spur of the moment thing to do to get ya all to post XD. O.K. we will keep who was going to die first in the same order, but just post! XD

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Sat May 14, 2011 2:14 am
Sunshine says...

Amf- Of course! If Fern kills him, no worries about death post. I'm pretty sure Elinor feels the same.
Yikes. We're in such a bunch. Erin won't go after Fern or Kyran and Fern kinda (she's a bit dazed) won't go after Kyran for fear of being with Erin. So, talked to Amf for idea's. If not... Fern's welcome (not really) to go after Kyran in a daze, I guess. (I don't like the option, but still.)

Fern Le Rose

"Just like momma, eh?" Ara hisses, her eyes wild with rage and fear.

She'd gone to far. I don't know how she knew, and I won't stop to figure it out. I was nothing like her version of my mother- probably bloodthirsty and crazy, just like all the low districts thought we we're. Pitiful and pampered my ass! I was not pitiful and neither was my mother. She was the pitiful one, trying to slap on insults and disnerve me at her last moments. I wouldn't let her- no way! She smiled, a maniac grin. She should just give up! She had already screwed my plan's up enough. She should just die, never to breathe another lousy, unworthy breath again. Suddenly, I couldn't wait for her to die, to leave me and my family alone. So I did. I struck her forehead, letting the sweet smell of her blood fill my hungry nostrils. She would die, here and now. Soon and fast. I push myself off the ground, daring Ara to mutter another dying word. She didn't. Her eyes fluttered closed and I resist the urge to stab or shoot her again, let her feel the pain she inflicted on me with mere words. Oh goodness, what am I thinking? I hold my forehead feeling dizzy and pull myself away from Ara's soon to be corpse. I walk away, not letting a single thought enter my ahead until I'm far enough away. I was going crazy, crazy with blood lust. I was becoming like Marco, becoming like... like my mother. I hate that Ara was right. I hate that she could even guess how truly bloodthirsty she had become in the end, how pitiful her life had become. How she had killed the last four in the game single handedly in a rage. How beautiful and sweet Lynette had become a monster. How her own parents never spoke to her again, after watching their daughter slay so many innocents. I'd heard the stories and the school had tourtured my brothers and I by watching it- the whole video-once every year. Just like momma, eh? More than she could've ever known.

I needed to go back. I was only five minutes away and had only lain in a pool of self pity for ten. I needed Ara's knife if I was to survive. Which I had to. To prove them wrong. All of them. So I ran, with jagged thoughts to the spot where I knew Ara and Kyran's camp had been. Ara's body was still there- my measure of time must be off. Still, she has a peaceful look on her face, the one of someone who went to a better place. I wrestle her knife from her hand, which was easier than I would've thought. I adjust my stuff on my back, looking to the fading sky.

"I'm still alive Mom. I love you guys. All of you. And I'm so, so sorry." I drop to the ground, curling up only feet away from Ara's body. "So sorry. I'll make it through this, I promise. Even if it means killing Erin." I can feel the tears coming on, even if I'm not talking to anyone. "Just not now. I love you guys, but she's my friend. Please, please understand."

With that, I fall asleep.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat May 14, 2011 11:59 am
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Amfliflier says...

Okay, so it'll be a mixture of both, now that I've read the post. Kyran will go after Fern, since she killed Ara, and I guess Fern will kind of go after Kyran? Anyway, I'll post it when I get the chance.

Man, I love these storybooks! :)
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Mon May 16, 2011 2:38 am
Calligraphy says...

Come on guys finish this!

To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.
— Allen Ginsberg