
Young Writers Society

Hunger Games 4 - Closed

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:31 pm
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

"That was district ten," Erin said, looking at District ten's body before it was taken away. "Wow, I can't believe..."

I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was gone, without planning just tossed away and the touch of poison. I take a dee breath. Only four more kills to the victory. It was so few. I look at the place where District Ten's body had been. Holly. That had been her name.

"Goodbye Holly." I whispered to no one.

"What?" Erin asked.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing important anyway."

She nodds, forgetting about it. We both had our secrets, and we both had things to hide. Both of us turn back to our campsite.

"What now?" Erin asked.

I picked up my bag full of the clothing changes.

"We change. I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of these rags."

Erin manages a smile. I toss her one of the changes of clothing and she grabs it. We both turn away to change in the bushes. I shed what's left of my heavy winter outfit. I slide on the short's and shirt, frowning at the flip-flops. I'll keep on the... I look down at the remains of my boots. On second thought, I can run in flip-flops. I walk out of the bush to see Erin waiting for me. I try to ignore the nagging voice in the back of my head. Leave, Leave, Leave. I force out a smile. The clothes were obviously intended for me, because they were just the tiniest bit small on Erin. I sit down beside her. For once in the games I felt safe, protected and in good hands. It wouldn't last. It never did. I look over at Erin and try to -for once in my life- get out of my happy place.

"Right. Next goal." I say.

Erin bit her lip. "I don't think this one will come so easily. We got lucky with District Ten. I just wished we knew if we we're the only alliance..."

"It's rare to hold for this long. If there are any it'll be tentative, hopefully."I wished we could just hide out, wait for them all to kill each other and emerage victors together. I only wish. That it would happen. I knew it wouldn't. I rub my temples. "Why does this have to be so hard?"

"It is killing people."

"True. Sorry." I sit up straighter." Do you want to sat up a trap, maybe or just look around." I bite my lip. "No, scratch that. Looking around would get us an arrow in the back. Maybe-"

"Oh God..." Erin's gaze glared past my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.



I ducked down willingly, wondering if Erin had finally lost it. Something brushed my shoulder, sending sharp pains across it. Arrow. I knew it immediatley. It had been my favorite weapon. Someone else had got it. I sucked in a breath. Bouncing from the bushes. I push myself up, whirling to face whoever had dared send that arrow into our camp. Two faces looked back at me. An alliance. Damn. Gabriel, 12 and Ara,11. I intenified them like creatures.

"Fern!" Erin hissed behind me, shoving something cold into my hand.

A knife from the case. I hated to fight with that type of thing, but it would have to do. A knife over my life, a knife would have to do. I hoped Erin hadn't been damaged be the arrow and I wished I could thank her for warning me. Still, I had bigger priorities.

Ara, Erin, Gabriel, and I all stared at each other, not fully sure what to do. Evenly matched and fighting over nothing. We knew it was near the end.

"Let's kill some tributes." I whisper to Erin.

She appears by my side and my words. A shiver went up my spine. It was now or never. I pounced at Gabriel, kicking at his knees and hoping he didn't kill me before I killed him.

Still with Erin, fighting Ara and Gabriel. Fern stays alive, got that.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:08 pm
WrittenInStone says...


His eyes narrowed he felt an intense pain shoot up his leg from her kick to his knee. He immediately grabbed one of the arrows from his quiver and stabbed upwards with it, catching her in the upperarm. He heard her cry out and he immediately shoved her off of him, rolling to the side and getting to his feet.

His hand was slick with her blood and he watched her with dark, inforgiving eyes. His hair hung in his face but he didn't bother trying to brush it back. He needed strength now, he needed to do this for his little sister and his mother. They needed to know that he would make them proud.

He wiped the back of his hand across his face, wiping away the sweat on his brow. "It's nice to see you again Fern, even though it may the last time." he said quietly, not specifying which of them would die. He couldn't guaranty that he would live now. He just couldn't.

He grabbed the dagger from the waist of his pants and snapped his bow in two. If he died then he knew that she would be the one to take his bow so he had best make sure she had nothing on his alliance mate.

Gabriel swallowed against the thickness in his throat, knowing full well his time was limited and he brandished the weapon against his thigh before gesturing towarsd Fern. "You can take your turn, tribute." he said blandly,

Gabriel is in squirmish with Fern and Erin alongside Ara Ordoe. Knows this may very well be his death. Bow is broken and useless - wielding a dagger.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:37 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

I awake abruptly, and I can't seem to figure out why. And then I listen for a moment. Silence. I haven't heard complete silence since I got out here. It's always been filled with cries for help, or cannon shots, or even just talking.

I notice the small pool of blood by my leg. I figure now is the best time to try to fix it up. I open the cream to try to figure out what it is. It's a green gooey substance, like jam almost. The smell is awful, but I can just tell that it's some expensive medicine from the Capitol. I shrug and rub it gingerly on my leg. My leg starts to tingle, and I can't tell if that's good or bad.

Once I use about half of the container, I wrap my leg in gauze, wanting to save the cream for later. Once my leg is wrapped tightly in a cocoon, with some of my rags to hold it together, I examine the splint. It basically looks like two pieces of solid wood on either side, to hold my leg still, with a bunch of straps all up and down it to hold it to my leg.

I shrugged and put it on, which was actually harder than I though. Either it was more complex than it looked, or this kind of stuff was not my forte. In the end, I had it on, and I couldn't move my leg. It agitated me though, that I couldn't bend it.

A few minutes went by after that where I just sat there. For the first time in the Games, I had nothing to do. I weighed my options. I could set out to find somebody to kill, but in my weakened state, I'd probably lose. I could go look for Ara, because I still hadn't seen her face shining in the sky yet. There was a cannon shot a little while ago, but I knew it couldn't be her.

"There's nothing to do, la di da." I started singing quietly. I wasn't a good singer, but working in the fields, it was the only source of entertainment. "I'm so bored, di da doo." The song went on like this for a few minutes, with pointless lyrics about nothing to do, until I sprung. I didn't know what the Game Makers were planning, but I needed to be prepared. I had food, but the way I was eating, it'd be gone soon. I also needed to get used to moving around with my splint on.

It was with this determination I hobbled out into the woods, armed with my spear.

Going out to find food, by 5th Avenue in the woods.
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Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:16 pm
Calligraphy says...

Keep posting guys! I really don't know how to do the list now because there are so few people and all of you have been dedicated posters. I suppose now I will just keep it the same.

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Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:05 pm
Lauren2010 says...

Ara Ordoe

This was the first time Ara was pulled into some form of actual combat. Her only kill had been lucky, she'd had the upper hand in a surprise attack in the dark. And that was to protect Kyran. This... This was to protect herself.

They faced off against Fern and Erin. Ara remembered their names, but she couldn't place districts with them. Not that it particularly mattered now. They were evenly matched. She could imagine the delight of the gamemakers as four of the last five tributes fought it out. She hoped that if she died there, these other three would die as well. Then, at least, Kyran could go home.

"You can take your turn tribute," Gabriel growled. He directed it at Fern, but to Ara it was for her as well. She stood slightly behind Gabriel, with only his body and her own tiny dagger to protect herself with. She'd been playing the coward, and it was time she stopped.

She lunged at Erin, brandishing her dagger. Erin jumped back and slashed with her own knife. They were caught in a strange sort of dance, dodging knives and throwing their own attacks. Ara lost herself to her instincts. She forgot about the games, about the entertainment they were providing for the entire country. All she could think about was surviving, and making sure Erin didn't do the same.

Fighting Erin and Fern with Gabriel. Please don't kill Ara quite yet. And don't let Kyran die without Ara around, I've got plans for her.
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Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:02 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

Walking through the woods, or should I say hobbling, was awkward with my leg not moving. Feeling like a pirate with a wooden leg, I comically screamed "ARG!". I slapped my hand over my mouth, covering my chuckle. Yes, it was the Hunger Games and I was potentially being stalked by my killer, but I needed to loosen up.

There were no animals around. None that I could see anyway. Then again, I was as good of a hunter as a mouse. Except a lot louder. My leg kept hitting trees, and it kept crunching fallen leaves. I had to sit down after a while, and I could feel my energy slipping away. The sun was getting close to the horizon, so I decided to head back.

It wasn't hard finding my way back. I had plowed over everything on my way here, creating a clear path, a trail almost, back to my "camp". It wasn't much of a camp though. A fallen tree with a sleeping bag underneath, and a small pond next to it. I didn't know how long I was going to stay here, or until the Game Makers did something else to the arena, but I wanted to make it nice while it lasted.

I found some branches laying on the ground and put them up against the tree, lean-to style. I covered those with dead leaves, creating a bit of a wall. I left a small opening, almost like a cat door, so I could get inside my shelter. I stood back and nodded my approval. It certainly wouldn't inspire anybody, but it worked for me.

I ate a small meal of a slice of bread, two pieces of dried meat, and a small cup of soup, and finished it off with a swig of water. My water supply was getting low. I couldn't tell if anything was wrong with the water in my pond. I sniffed it, tasted a drop, even put some of it on shrub that was growing nearby. After a half an hour, the shrub still looked the same, so I figured it was safe.

"If you did anything to this water-" I didn't finish, because I didn't want to actually threaten the Game Maker. Who know's what he'd do to me: snakes the size of trains, spiders that shot poison barbs, giant rabid wolves with teethe like knives, the possibilities were endless.

I shook away the thoughts that threatened to fill my head and wormed into my shelter. It was a lot warmer than the way I was dressed, so I peeled off what was left of my socks, took off my sweatshirt and gloves and crawled into my sleeping bag. It was still relatively light out, but I just felt like laying here.

I tried to think of who was left. Ara, who most certainly would stay alive for a while, Fern, the only career left, Erin, the girl from 4, and the guy from 12, Gabriel. I silently congratulated myself for making it to the final five. But I secretly hoped I'd make it to the end.

By 5th Avenue in the woods. Has a small camp set up. Sorry it's so long!
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Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:58 pm
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

You can take your turn, tribute. The words echoed in my mind only seconds after he'd muttered them. He'd offered me grace, more than I'd offered any other. I try not to tear up. I am a career. This is my game. This is what I've dreaded and waited for my entire life. I look Gabriel straight in the eye and give him a small nodd. He knew what I was, and we both knew the stakes. The time for emotions was over.

"Thank you. I wish you luck... wherever it is you may go."

His eyes glinted as I swung my knife at him, aiming at his heart but ending up more towards his shoulder. I grit my teeth. They had to had sent me a knife packet, not a bow-n-arrow or even a sword. Gabriel clutches his shoulder, but soon swings back up and scrapes my jaw with his knife. I screech, and hardly thinking, and hit him in the gut. He glares at me with sad eyes as I stand in a defensive position, preparing myself for his quick rebound attack. A moment passes before his blade straighten's up, heading toward my heart. I block it, swinging it around as best I could. However, Gabriel is strong and bigger than I could ever dream of being. He steadies my knife, not allowing either of us to do anything. I growl. I am a career and he is just a poor miner's boy. His strength should over mount his wit. That's how I should beat him. Gabriel hold's my steady gaze.

"Not bad for such a small girl." He mutter's, speaking as though this was just a practice run.

"Pretty good for a poor miner's boy." I taunt, not paying much attention.

Gabriel's grip weaken's and I back away, knowing I had accidently hit a chord. He steadied himself, weaving his knife through the air and across the tender skin of my face. I stepped on his foot and he stumbled away, shocked at my unorthondox methods. He ran towards me again, but this time I knew what was coming and stepped aside. He fell to the ground in a push-up position, but I was smarter than that. I stabbed him in the back as soon as he tried to work himself up. He let's out a groan and fell to the ground. I gasped. I'd actually done it! I roll him over, but not before I feel a stinging sensation across my thigh; in the spot where my poison rashes were. I gasped sinking to the ground.

"I'm a fighter." Gabriel hissed from his spot on the ground.

I glance down at the soft area of my skin. It throbbed and throbbed. The already red and splotchy area of my skin was covered in blood, wrapped around it even, like someone had poored blood around it. I knew it was deep: I had stabbed my brother in the small area where his rashes had started to grow and although it was small, it looked like I had intentionally stabbed him. It took weeks to heal.


I looked back down at Gabriel and I could see that the knife had fallen from his ghostly pale fingertips. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What did you-"

I shake him off. "Long, horrible story."

"And I don't have the time." He said bitterly.

I could see the the blood dribbling from his mouth and how pale he just was...

"No." I said briefly, feeling strange talking to a victim. "You don't."

His face fell. I was about to speak some words when I heard a screech. I couldn't tell whether it was Erin or Ara, but I knew it didn't matter. I stumble up, pain shooting through my thighs and try and spot Erin and Ara. There. My thought feel jumbled and jumpy. Ara is away from Erin, eyeing her with crazy eyes. Suddenly, she lunges at Erin and they fall back in a tangle of flesh. I walk towards them, but wince at the pain in my leg. I grip my dagger anyway, ready for whatever came my way.

Gabriel on deathbed: talked to Written and it's ok with her, as long as she get's a last "succumbing into death" post. Erin and Ara still fighting.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:11 pm
Elinor says...


It was all a blur. Although a lot had happened in the past however-long-they'd-been-there, and there had been many life-or-death situations that Erin had to overcome, this was the first time that she was truly terrified, and she didn't know why. Maybe it was because they were so close to the end. Maybe it was the thought that she'd be the only one left alive with her ally, her close friend throughout all the games. Or perhaps it was because she knew, that, at this stage, she wouldn't be able to lure this girl that she was fighting (he was from district 11, but she couldn't think of her name) into water. She knew that Fern would not be able to help her either.

Erin had her knife close, and was trying to block his moves while trying to weaken him. She did the latter but did not do the former; soon, her whole body was numb with cuts and bruises. Stay strong, she thought. You're fighting for a reason. Make your brother proud of you. The cameras were definitely on them; together they were four of the five tributes left in the games; she didn't know and didn't care where the fifth one was.

That was when, Ara, without warning, tried lunging forward and tackling her. Impulsively, she screamed, narrowly missing her. They were both lying down in the sand, bloody, bruised. Neither was getting anywhere; they both managed to fend of the other's attacks while receiving cuts and bruises. Occasionally, Erin tried to glance back to see how Fern was doing fighting the other boy, from district 12. It all happened out of nowhere; him collapsing to the ground, moaning, crying in pain, Fern stepping back. Erin knew that he was close to the end.

Her heart began to pound. There was no doubt that Fern would come to Erin's aid. There was just her and one other person. If Fern helped Erin, there was no doubt Ara would fall. Then it would be two against one with whoever was left. We're going to be the last two alive. Oh, god, help me.

Still fighting Ara Orode. Fern has finished off Gabriel.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:38 am
WrittenInStone says...


It was a shocking sensation to die. The mixed emotions of pain, sadness and the terrible knowing of what would happen next. He stared up at the sky as Fern left his line of sight but using the last bit of strength he had, he lunged out with his fist and grabbed her leg. "Fern," he rasped, blood tasting like copper in his mouth. "If you win, please tell my district that I tried my best. I really did." he told her. "I might be a poor miner's boy, but I have my grandmother in my district - please give her atleast a penny or two. She has no one without me..." his words trail off, he coughs a wheezing cough.

His grip on her leg slackens, his eyes slide closed and a bitter smile lands on his lips. He finds one last shred of strength before he knows what happens next. "I hope you're proud, Panem." and then it's darkness.

Some say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes but he saw nothing, only the single image of his mother and sister; their arms stretched wide as though they'd been waiting for him. They smiled, forgiving him for everything and that's when he knew - he had been destined to lose the Games. It had been for the best.

Gabriel lay cold on the grass of the game's field, his face twisted in a smile, dagger at his side and hair covering his face. He looked like a warrior, and any who saw him would say the same.

Gabriel Haughtings is dead. DX
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:00 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

The sky was steadily growing darker, and that's when I heard the cannon. I tried to think of who it could be. Not Fern, she's a career, she wouldn't die until later on. Maybe Erin. A lot of the water had dried up, so she didn't have a "home field advantage" anymore. Gabriel seemed like a fighter, so I don't think it's him. I refused to believe it could be Ara. She was way too strong to go down without a fight, so if she was fighting someone right now, they'd be almost dead too.

Maybe that was what happened. Erin and Ara were fighting, and Ara killed Erin. I nodded my head.

"Yep, that's what happened." I whispered to myself. Now I just had to wait until they showed who it was, to confirm my suspicions.

A few minutes later was when the anthem started blaring. I looked up through the trees, and saw the Capitol's seal, which was distorted through the leaves. I waited in suspense, praying to whoever was listening that it was not Ara. The picture changed to a face. I squirmed to get a clear look at who it was. I could barely make out a face. And then I saw the number 12 beside it. Gabriel.

It took a minute for the news to sink in. First of all, I was now the only guy left. I had a lot of expectations now, since I grew up in a male-dominated home. In fact, I had no idea where my mother was. I shook off these thoughts and tried to go to sleep.

I tossed and turned. For whatever reason, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. There was the smallest ray of sunlight coming from the horizon, and it was just enough to give everything an eerie glow. I couldn't help but think that Gabriel's killer was stalking through the woods right now, trying to find me. Maybe, whoever it was, wanted a girl to win the Games this year, so she was coming to eliminate me.

I dozed off for a few minutes and woke up in a cold sweat. The moon was out now, or at least what was a projection of the moon, and it hung low in the sky. I thought of Tasha again. How I'm missing her so much. How she must be so scared for me.

"Don't worry honey, I'm hanging on." I breathed softly. This I said more to convince myself, rather than her. It comforted me though, and helped me drift off to sleep.

Still in his little camp thing. By 5th Avenue.
Last edited by Amfliflier on Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:26 pm
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Calligraphy says...

Great posts everyone.

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:34 am
Lauren2010 says...

Ara Ordoe

Gabriel was dead. Ara had watched Fern kill him while she was in the midst of her own fight with Erin. When her former ally hit the ground, Ara spun on her heel and ran. She felt like a coward, like a terrible ally for leaving Gabriel behind, but her allegiance had never truly been to him. Her allegiance had been to herself, and to one other young man from district eleven.

As the canon echoed over the arena, signaling Gabriel's death, Ara knew what she had to do. She had to find Kyran.

Throughout the games, she had often thought about what it would be like to leave her alliance with Kyran and try to win for herself. Each time she imagined it, she imagined herself more unhappy than she was to be in the games. She had been perfectly content with her life before the games. She didn't have many (or really, any) friends, but she had her little fox companion, she had her work, and she had her time alone. Since as long as she could remember, that was all she ever needed.

If she won the games, she would be paraded around like some sort of ill-deserved hero. She didn't want to be praised at all, let alone for killing brainwashed young people for the entertainment of the nation. So, she knew what she would have to do. She would have to fight to protect Kyran. To make sure he was the one who made it back. He was the one with the future, after all.

Ara ran for some time before stumbling, with some unheard of luck, right into Kyran's camp.

"Ara!" he shouted when he saw her. He ran to her and put his arm around her, helping her back to camp. Until then, Ara hadn't let herself feel how exhausted she was. "Where have you been?" he asked as he handed her a bit of some food he had gathered up.

"I just needed some time to figure things out," she said, staring into a little fire they had built. "You know, there are only four of us left now."

"Yeah," he said. "I can't believe its almost over."

Ara nodded. "Kyran, there's something I should tell you," she said. "Before we left district eleven that girl you're with, Tasha, approached me. She asked me to protect you. And that's what I've been trying to do. That's why I'm in an alliance with you, and that's why if it comes down to the two of us I want you to know that I won't kill you."

"I wouldn't--"

"You would have to," she cut him off. "Besides..." She pulled the locket out from where she kept it hidden in her shirt. She flipped it open, showing pictures of her parents. "I haven't seen them in so long...I might like to see them again."

"Ara..." Kyran didn't seem to be able to grasp what she was saying. She didn't blame him, it was a lot to take in, finding out that you suddenly have someone completely and unfailingly on your side in this life-and-death arena.

"I vow to protect you, Kyran Oleander." She grasped his hand, locking her eyes with his. "I will not let you die while I still live."

Heads up, Ara will probably die before Kyran, just because she will fight to protect him. She's up for death whenever whoever wants to kill her feels like, but I'd like to be the one to write that final scene if that's alright. :)
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Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:52 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

"I vow to protect you, Kyran Oleander." This sentence moved me. I knew now, that I had at least one person on my side.

"Thank you, Ara. I'll protect you too." I nodded, making it final.

A few moments before, when she came in crashing through the bushes, I thought it was Gabriel's killer. That reminded me of something.

"Ara? Who killed Gabriel?" I was genuinely curious. She looked shaken, but she answered.

"It was Fern. She's in an alliance with Erin." Her eyes were looking somewhere off to my right, and they had a faraway look in them.

"You know Kyran, it scares me. It scares me that I'm going to die young." Her face was expressionless while she said this.

"Ara, don't say that. I promise, if I don't win, then you will." She shook her head in denial.

"I can't. If you die, then I would've failed Tasha, and I couldn't face her again. It's inevitable Kyran. I'm going to die young." She still seemed to have no emotion.

"Okay, fine. The way you put it, then sure. Why not. You're going to die young. But can you keep it to yourself? I realize it's the Hunger Games, but you don't need to make me depressed." I startled myself. Where had that burst of anger come from?

"Ara, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I mean-" She cut me off.

"Kyran, can we just forget about that and go to sleep. I haven't had a restful sleep in days." She said nonchalantly.

"Um, sure. I'll watch so you can sleep. I just took a nap, so I'm all set." She looked around for the sleeping bag. I pointed under the fallen tree and she crawled in the shelter. It wasn't long until her breathing evened out, and she was asleep. I toyed with my spear, keeping on hand in case of an attack.

In an alliance (again) with Ara Ordoe. By 5th Avenue. Can you guys refrain from killing him right now? In a few posts would be good, but he just found Ara again, soooo...
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Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:25 pm
Elinor says...


After Ara jutted off, Erin still lay on the sand for several moments longer, in a daze. One minute she was fighting the girl, fearing for her own life, and now she was safe again. Was it a sign, perhaps, that things were going to work out after all? She told herself not to get too excited. After all, there were four of them left, and Fern was still alive.

Fern. Her ally. Her only person in life, besides her brother, that she could call a friend. In school, everyone had been friendly toward her, but she knew that behind her back they were teasing her, making comments on how ugly she was or other things that were "weird" about her. Then were the people who wanted to be her friend just because she was a good swimmer.

Why were these the circumstances in which she had to meet Fern? Why did it seem more and more likely that it was going to be down to them two in the end? She wouldn't be able to do it. As Fern saw that Ara had left, she ran over to Erin, helping her up, seeing if she was okay, and all the while Erin was in a daze, not paying attention to anything that she was saying or doing. If I want to survive, and I promised Brent that I would, she's going to have to die. She had to repeat the thought several times before it sunk in.

"That made me hungry," Fern said. "Do we want to make something else to eat?"

"We just did," Erin said flatly.

"Still, we have a lot of food, and it probably won't hurt to gain a few pounds, seeing as how we've probably both lost, like, 20 in this arena." When Fern laughed, Erin did not join in.

"Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine." It was a lie, because Erin wanting nothing more, at that moment, to cry. It wasn't fair; it just wasn't. This is why alliances were stupid to begin with; they would never work out in the end, just like this one wasn't. Why did she have to be from District 4? Why not 5? 3? 9? Then she wouldn't have been pressured into joining an alliance. Not to say that it wasn't completely useless; she had met a wonderful friend in Fern and had gotten much farther then she probably would have without. But it was all for nothing. And that was when a thought crossed Erin's mind.

She had to leave. It didn't make any sense, staying with Fern now and trying to fight off the other two; that was just only guarantee that they would be the last two alive. If she left, Fern wouldn't go after her; she would go after the other alliance, the 11s. It would be two against one. Maybe she'd kill one of them and then the other would kill her. Then it would be easy for Erin to kill whichever one was left. Then hello, District 4.

"Erin? Erin?" It was only then that she became aware that Fern had been calling her name.


"What are we going to make to eat?"

"Uh, I dunno." Erin crawled over to the bag. "Do we we want dessert?"

"Yeah, let's."

"Okay, so we have another package of brownies, chocolate chip cookies, key lime pie, vanilla cake with frosting--"

"Let's have some key lime pie," Fern said. "It's certainly appropriate for this weather."

"Okay," Erin said, taking out the package and starting to heat up the pan. As she did, she began to think about when she would leave. It would have to be soon. That night, when Fern was sleeping, would work. Because then she wouldn't notice, wouldn't protest.

It came too quickly. Fern and Erin sat around the pot for a bit, trying to talk, have conversation, but Erin couldn't focus. All that she was thinking about was going away, how that this was going to be the last times she probably would see her friend.

Then Fern said, "I'm tired. I'm going to go to sleep." Erin had nodded and had crawled in her sleeping bag as well, pretending to sleep until she was sure that Fern was asleep. Then she got up and began putting whatever items that she needed in her district bag. Her sleeping bag. Her change of clothes. Her knifes. Then there was the food; would she take it? She didn't want Fern to starve. But it was okay; Fern was strong, she could probably find food on her own. And if she left the food, what would Erin eat? Still, she left her Fer the iced teas, the milk, one bottle of water, keeping one in her bag.

And with that, Erin slipped off into the night. Despite being late, it was still very warm. And she ran as far as she could, before coming to an area more dense in plant life, behind a few trees. There, she laid her sleeping bag down and fell fast asleep. She would figure out her plan of action in the morning.

Has run away from Fern. With food, cooking pan, clothes, and knifes. In central park.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:29 pm
Calligraphy says...

Great posts :)

Thou call'dst me a dog before thou hadst cause. But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs.
— Shylock, The Merchant of Venice