
Young Writers Society

Hunger Games 4 - Closed

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:12 am
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Elinor says...


As she stood there, bleeding, weak locked in embrace with Fern, she heard another cannon shot and realized something incredible. Erin, along with her two allies, had made it into the top eight. Despite the fact that she was in a lot of pain and Fern seemed to be as well, this thought made her head buzz. She wondered what it would be like back home. Betting would start to get intense, and interviews would be conducted of the tribute's friends and family. Erin only had Brent; she imagined coming to their home by the beach, asking him questions about her. How much do you love your sister? Why do you raise her all of her self? How were you able to do that? Is it true that you taught her everything she knows? We know she talked about you a lot during interviews... Aside of the interviews, she wondered about Brent and how he was doing, thinking feeling.

"I won't let you down," she whispered.

"What?" Fern asked weakly.

"Nothing," Erin said. "It's just that we're kind of hurt right now, and we really need some medicine, and weapons." She removed herself from the hug and laid her legs limply down in the sand, inspecting the wounds. "Those weren't natural wolves. They had to have been mutts."

"Yeah," Fern said. They shared a look, and they were both sure that the cameras were watching them now. "We're in need." While they waited for something to arrive, Fern was about to open her mouth, ask Erin about her swimming. That was when Erin looked around and notice what Fern had herself been pondering.

"Where's Marco?"

"I-" Before Fern could respond, Marco appeared in the distance, carrying his sword, looking as bruised and stained as they both were. His clothes had gaping holes in them.

"You," he said, pointing his sword at Erin. "You got us into this."

Erin froze, unsure of what to say.

"It's not her fault, Marco!" Fern cried. "That was because of the game makers, not her! Don't you see that everyone else go attacked, too?"

"I hate you," he said, ignoring Fern. "Why did you have to show off, little miss mermaid? Just had to show everyone that you're a little fishy because you're from District 4. Why the hell did you save us?"


"You almost got us killed because you just had to show off," Marco said bitterly. "Well, guess what, Crane, you poor pathetic orphan? I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago." He raised his sword, and Erin had to prevent herself from letting out a scream so that she wouldn't look weak.

"Marco! Stop!" Fern was desperate now.

Still Marco came closer. He lunged toward Erin, who just barely blocked his blow. If only I can get him into the water.... she thought. He's still so strong, though. The next minute passed by in a haze as Marco lunged toward her again -- this time she was sure it would be the final blow -- but was stopped by something and soon he himself was on the ground. Taking this opportunity to get up and grab his sword, she saw that he had tripped over a pile of rocks.

Holding the sword shakily in her hand, she threw it as far as she can out into the pool of water. Erin didn't even know if it work, but she would have to try. Of course, he went for it, just like the no-brains all-buff career that he was. And of course, Erin went after him. When they were underwater, just a few yards from the sword, Erin tackled him and tried with all of her might to swim downward with him, her hands around his neck. The area around her was filled with blood, and Erin felt like she was going to faint, but she pressed on, until finally, after what seemed like hours, the protests stopped. He left her hands and floated upward to the surface. A cannon shot, and it was all over. She was safe from Marco, but that didn't mean she was okay yet. Her attention was brought to her wounds, which seemed to worsen and weaken her with every second.

Somehow, she was able find one last bit of strength to muster to swim to shore. The last thing that she heard before she blacked out was Fern calling her name.

Marco Denver dead. At the border of the new arena. With Fern, she is unconscious. They are both in desperate need of medicine, food and clothing from sponsors.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:21 pm
Calligraphy says...

Great posts everyone. I am glad we got this going again. : ) Anyway, so 'what you are in need of' can be anything to stop the butterfly bites to something to help heal your wounds. Each thing that you need will be in a backpack with your district number. They will all be sitting on a table just outside the cornucopia.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:37 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander

I sat up abruptly, then had to lay back down, because of a head rush.

"I must have lost a lot of blood. That can't be good." I thought to myself. I stood up slowly this time, examining the area around me. I could see the woods in the park, and a bunch of small ponds. I turned around and saw Aspen's dead body.

"Why'd you have to die Aspen? We could've won this, together." I don't know why, but I could feel tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. I wiped them away with my sleeve, snapping back to reality. I could hear a small wind blowing, from over by the Cornucopia. I looked in that direction, praying the GameMakers wouldn't make another storm.

It wasn't a storm that was coming though. I could barely see the outline of a hover craft, making it's way over here. It stopped in the woods, where a few minutes ago I barely heard another cannon. The faint outline of a big body was lifted into the air, and I looked away from there, thinking about the innocent life that had been taken. The hover craft disappeared for a few minutes, and it came back.

It came closer and closer to the building, and that was when I remembered Hunter's body beneath me. I gulped and looked over the edge of the building. His body was mangled and bloodied by the wolf. His face was swollen beyond recognition, and his limbs were twisted at odd angles.

I gagged and looked away. The hover craft kept getting closer and closer, and I realized I needed Aspen's clothes for bandages. I hobbled over to her, and started ripping off her sleeves and pant legs. I could feel the cameras vision on me, seeing the most barbaric act I've ever done. The wind whipped my clothes around, and I prayed for a few more minutes. It was getting closer and closer, and it was above me. It was still underneath the hover craft, but when I tried to make my way away from it, it was like a whirlwind.

"Aspen, I'm sorry!" I shouted over the noise. I jumped and landed where I had been standing a few moments before. Her body was lifted into the air and consumed by the vehicle. It sped away, off to safety.

I took the rags I had and wound them more tightly around my leg, but specifically my knee, so it would act as a cast. I could barely bend my leg afterwards, so I considered it a success.

The machine came back for Hunter's body, and then there was an eerie silence. There were no birds singing cheery songs like I was used to, or crickets chirping. The only wildlife here was deadly.

While I was thinking about this, my stomach grumbled loudly. I hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday, and even then it could only count as a snack. But I was torn. Up here, I was relatively safe. But I had to get down to find food. But chances are, with my leg like this, I wouldn't be able to get back up.

But in order to get to the Cornucopia for the feast, you'd have to get down anyway. I recognized that voice as the one inside my head. I shrugged and put everything into Aspen's backpack. I took a sip from the water bottle, not wanting to waste it, and peered over the edge.

I could repel down the side of it, but with my leg, that would take a long time, and I wouldn't be able to get the rope back. I noticed there was a canopy over the front door of the shop. I was hoping I could have one of those cartoon moments where I just bounce off. I figured it'd be worth a shot, so I sat on the edge and did a free fall. It slowed me for a minute, but I crashed through.

"Ow." I said laughingly, testing my leg. The took all of Hunter's equipment, so there was nothing I could gain from there. With my spear in hand, I went out to find food.

Setting out to find food, on 1st Avenue. Calligraphy, could Kyran get a gift from some sponsors with a lot of food in it?
Forever for All <3


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Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:42 am
Calligraphy says...

Though, this late in the game, it is expensive to get any food you can get a small basket with a serving of soup, half a loaf of bread, and some dried meat.

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Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:49 am
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

I stood paralyized as my alliance tried to kill each other. Frozen, like a coward, as Marco and Erin fought it out in the water. I guess the stress, if you could call it that, of the game had finally gotten to Marco. He'd gone crazy, like too many before him. I watch with terrified eyes as Marco grabs the upper hand, then Erin. She grabs his sword and flings it out to the water. Like the district one that he was, he went after it. Fool! I knew that Erin would win. A dark feeling inside me grew, like a dark shadow. I should be out there, splitting them up. Still, it was to late in the game. Let them kill each other, instead of me killing them. I swallow, wishing I could avoid my eyes. The career girl won't let me. The sad lust for kill. I watch as a body floats to the surface, black hair floating around him. Marco. I hold back a teasing sob. Marco may have gone crazy, but I was not about to let my insides go weak. I watch, a small standby, as Erin swims to the shore. I trusted her more than I trusted Marco, after all. I only wish I could truly be glad she won. Erin reaches the shallow area, where I expect her to stand. She doesn't. Instead, she swims slowly and finally collapses on shore.


I rush over to her, my finger to her heart. She couldn't be dead. Lub, dub, Lub, dub. She was alive! I take in another breath. I couldn't loose her quite yet. I take in her matted hair and her torn clothes, barely attached to her body. Out of instinct, I glance up thinking I was about to see Marco following in pursuit. Nothing besides the fresh open air and sea. He really was dead, gone with the only weapon Erin and I had. I wanted to go swim out to it with every bone in my body, but I knew it was to far. Plus, I looked down at Erin, I had other priorities. My body shook as an anonncement blared:

" Attention tributes. Go to the Cornupica for any supplies you need!"

A trap. It had to be. I glanced down at Erin, her breathing slowing. Or just maybe it wasn't. This late in the game, the chances were low... If I didn't get anything soon, Erin would die and I would be in even worse shape than I already was. I had to go. As soon as possible. The other tributes are probably weakened from the swim, and not about to rush to the Cornupica. Sponsers were unreliable, even as careers. I couldn't depend on them. I had to go. I drag Erin over to the nearest push, hoping she wouldn't die or come to while I was gone. I grunt, sticking part of her under the push and covering the top half with sticks and branches. I step back to admire my work. If anyone came along, she'd be safe. Safer than I was. I look to the sky, hoping to follow the sun to the spot where I knew the Cornupica stood. Then I take off running.
Gasping for air, I look around. A small table lay just barely feet from where I stood. Backpacks lined it. I counted them. Seven. My eyes scout the area. East, clear. West, clear. North...A small pale boy stood just North of the table, jogging towards it. His clothes were rags and his shaggy hair was all over his face. It was the District Three boy, Cody. I didn't think he'd make it this far. He doesn't notice me, for his back is now facing me. He pushes apart the bag's, looking for a certain one. He needed to leave. I needed to save Erin. Then I remember how many bag's I'd counted. Seven. I'd never even known...Only seven more left. Six more murders. That meant it was time. To really, truly kill. That meant Cody would have to go. I lunged at him from behind, not thinking. I attach myself to his back and he yet's out a yelp. He tries to throw me off, but he's almost as weak as I am and doesn't suceed. Instead, he reaches behing him to throw a weak punch at my face and swings around, throwing me to my feet. I jump up, the hand that the wolf's teeth had mauled throbbing. Something dawned on Cody's face.

"Fern." He whispered.

That's when it dawned on me to. Cody was the boy who's alliance I'd turned down, only to meet Erin the next day. He recongnized me, but I didn't know him. Still, he had given me something.

"Thank you." I say. "For leading me to my survival."

I run at him, sending him a swift kick to the gut. He kneels down. How to finish him? He hops back up, groaning. I run into a circle, his eyes following my every move. I knew what to do. I run at him, knocking him straight at on his back. He wiggles, but I root my feet to the ground. My hands find where I was searching for. A small spot on the neck. I command my finger's to press, and they press.

"What the-" Cody croaks.

Under me, his body goes weak. Weaker, weaker. I continue pressing until I can feel his heart through his back slowly continuing on.I brush myself off, getting up. I roll his almost lifeless body over. He gazes up at me with sad eyes and an even paler face. I feel the tears coming to my eyes, but force them away.

"I'm sorry." I force out. "It was just the wrong place, the wrong time..."

All the career had flushed out of me. Killing by pressure was something my mother had taught me. She'd done it to, using it to kill the child who'd killed her district partner. I shake my head. Marco was already dead, and Erin was my friend. For now. I turn my attention back to Cody, his eyelids flittering dimly.

"Just...Like the first...time..."

The last word dies in his throat. I close his eyes fully.

"I wish you peace, Cody of District Three."

Taking another deep breath and trying to ignore the fact that I killed someone, someone who could have been my alliance, I turn to the table. Each bag was marked with a number. Districts, I realize. I shift through them, grabbing four and one. I give the empty meadow and Cody's lifeless body before sprinting back, following the sun's trail of light.

I see the bush before I see Erin. It's green leaves, where Erin should be. I see her lump from far away, wishing that I'd done a better cover-up job. I rush over to her, brushing off the leaves and propping her up. I could hear her steading breathing now. Alive. I pry open the District Four bag, hoping it'd have something to help. Anything. She couldn't die, I wouldn't let her.

Cody Borjono dead. District Four and One bag's are with. Erin still unconcious, but close to wake. Pressure point thing works: Sister looked it up. (Scary idea.)
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:45 am
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Elinor says...


Her first moments of regained consciousness were a blur. She saw the sun, the sand, the green of the trees and the blue of the water. She also felt cold and wet, despite the fact that the sun was scorching hot, and what had happened to get her in this position came back to Erin in pieces. She was throwing the sword. Pushing Marco down, and watching him float to the surface. For a second she couldn't remember who he was or why she had did it, but then she remembered; she was in the games, and he had tried to kill her.

"Erin? Are you all right?" It was Fern. She was kneeling cautiously over Erin, holding a syringe, her face flushed with worry.

"What happened?" She managed. Erin tried to get up, but was so weak that she collapsed right back into the sand, which caked around her arms and legs like the chocolate coating she used to put over peanuts with Brent for holidays. At this point, all that she could think about was how the cameras may be watching them. How would the public perceive her now? Just the same day she had been showing off her greatest talent; now she was helpless, dying.

"Marco thought the flood was your fault," she said. "He tried to kill you, but you stopped him. We were all in bad condition because of the wolves...here. I just gave you some medicine. I don't know what that's going to do, but you should be feeling better soon. I got us some stuff from the Cornucopia." She took the two big backpacks from 1 and 4 and gave them for Erin to see. Her eyes widened.

"Did you see what kind of stuff is in there?"

"I don't know," Fern said. She began to unzip the bag and take out the contents of each. In the District 4 bag, Erin could see all kinds of food and drink. Most were mix packets, but Fern took out a pot that looked like it would cook any of the packets into edible meals. There was also water, milk (both of which were still icy cold) and Erin's favorite delicacy, iced tea.

"Wow," she said, breathless. It looked like the odds were in their favor after all.

"I'm not done," Fern said, pulling out mix for chocolate chip cookies and brownies. "I think these go in the pot too."

"Yeah," Erin said. "They knew I was a cook. I think I can figure out how to work that pot once I get a little stronger, and we can have a feast. What is in your bag?"

"Um," she said. There was a leather case, that, when Fern opened, exposed six different types of knifes. "I think this is for you." She handed it to Erin, who took it with eyes wide. There were two smaller packs that each had three changes of clothes; three pairs of shorts, sandals, and t-shirts each. They had sunglasses, sunscreen, two sleeping bags, and a bag of poison for Fern to use. Her mouth could have dropped open when she saw it.

Although Erin was still in pain, she noticed that her scars were beginning to go away. "Were you hurt too?"

"I was," she said, "But I gave myself a shot of another bottle of medicine and I'm feeling better. Tell me if you're still hurt, because I'll give you more."

"Okay," Erin said.

"Erin," Fern said, her voice somewhat shaky, but also happy. "Erin. I killed Cody. There's only six of us left."

Erin nodded her head but did not respond verbally. Her message had been clear. Only six left. There were four more to kill, and now it was beginning to seem more likely that it would come down to them two. On one hand she was happy to have made it this far, because she never thought that she would have. And for a while they both lie there in silence, trying to appreciate the moment and celebrating all that had been given to them. The time would come when it would come.

On the border of the arena with Fern. With backpacks full of food, clothing, weapons, and medicine. Erin is still weak.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:40 am
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Lauren2010 says...

Sorry for not posting for a while >.<

Ara Ordoe

"What district are you from?" Gabriel asked, a sly look in his eye.

Ara watched him for a moment, thinking over her answer. She wondered if she had made a mistake joining up with this apparently untrustworthy fellow. Though, she had to admit, she wasn't the most trustworthy either. She had run out of her last alliance, and couldn't say she had missed the canon shot and picture of Aspen that appeared over the arena. If Ara had been around, perhaps her previous alliance-mate would still be alive. But then again, maybe not.

Still, Ara didn't know what Gabriel hoped to gain by knowing what district she was from. There was nothing particularly striking about district eleven. It was a pretty catch-all district; she could work hard, climb trees, swim, run. There wasn't much that her district had kept her from doing. At least, nothing that would put Gabriel ahead of her. Considering he was a district twelve.

Finally, she just decided to tell him. "I'm district eleven," she said. "I'm surprised you couldn't tell, though. It's not hard to see you're district twelve. Besides, I paid attention during training."

Gabriel smirked and nodded. "Well, nice to have you aboard then."

"How about we go check out the Cornucopia?" she suggested. "It may be a trap, but I'm not looking that great weapon-wise right now." She immediately regretted saying it.. Though he was in her alliance, she shouldn't have given him the upper hand that way. Hopefully her gift at the Cornucopia would be something good.

"Alright, let's go take a look," he said.

They took off together toward the Cornucopia. Ara kept her gaze on him from the corner of her eye. There was something she wasn't ready to trust about him. Why had he abandoned his previous alliance? Why did he want to know about her district? What exactly was he planning?

Walking toward the Cornucopia. Just a note, unless Ara makes a drastic climb up the hit-list, when the time comes she'd probably go out protecting Kyran (so long as he's still above her on the list). She's crazy loyal and impulsive like that.
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Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:15 am
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Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

We lay there in silence. Erin and I, who had a likely chance of surviving. Together. The thought was as scary as it was comforting. If it came down to us, one of us would murder the other. It would be one murder that neither of us could shake of with ease, not like my murder of the cocky District six boy. I wish I could just enjoy the silence, the silence that had always been my friend, but it's impossible. Maybe I should leave soon, hoping that one of the other tributes killed her before I did. I wouldn't have her blood on my hands. Erin took a deep and shuttery breath. I could tell that she was still weak, but I knew that she could make it through.

"Who's left?" She asks. "We should be able to figure it out together."

I nodded. She was right. This late in the game, there were probably very few strong tributes or alliances. We needed to remember our outward enemy and destroy them first. I lay back, thinking way back to training.

"There's that tan District eleven kid, I believe. I don't remember seeing his face in the sky. Kyran, I think his name was. I'm afraid I didn't watch him much."

Erin shakes her head. "I didn't either. He didn't seem strong enough to make it this far. What about that District Twelve boy, Gabriel?"

I shiver. That kid had given me the creeps with that dark hair and scary gaze. Not to mention as many scars as I had. "He's alive. I would've remembered seeing his face. He's a good fighter, especially with bows and knifes."

Erin nodded, deep in thought. "People like that usually have weak and stupid fears. We can get him that way. What about the Nine girl, the one with the long name?"

"Aushleanna. She's dead. I remember seeing her face. What about the Ara girl... Another Eleven, I believe."

"She's alive. I caught a glimpse of her during the wolf attack. She's the only one who could've came next."The next words were softer. "Two Elevens. How did that happen?"

I counted up the number on my fingers. "We're missing one."

"It's the District Ten girl. She's alive."

I play with the bag of poison in my hands and Erin lifts a slim eyebrow. The shy District Ten girl made it all the way to the top six? That was not good.

"We've got to take her out." I say, suprised at the words coming out of my mouth.

Erin look's up at me and nodds slightly. "We do. Your right."

I sigh, glad that we agree. Then I backtrack.

"How do you feel?"

Erin shift's. "Better, thanks." A small hint of a grin appears on her face. "My guess is that you want a feast."

I hadn't really thought about food; you know with all the killing and stabbing and such. Underneath that I hear my food pampered belly growl. I laugh.

"If we can spare it nad if you feel well enough to cook it."

Erin suddenly looks indingnant. "Of course I'm fine enough to cook."

I nodd. Nobody liked to show signs of weakness, especially not now. Speaking of which... I glance down and my mauled hand. The skin was beggining to start healing and the blood had disappeared. I would be easily and quiet simply, fine. I look up at Erin who is weighing her choices between chocalate chip cookies, brownies, or eating at all. I smile, reliefed at this short moment of happiness. The task ahead would not be pretty.

Plans on taking out Holly :twisted: and eating :mrgreen:
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:47 am
Calligraphy says...

Thanks for all the posts guys. I love reading them. It is really the only reason I keep making these.

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:47 am
Elinor says...


Erin bit her lip and managed a smile as she started to prepare their meal. She picked out spaghetti and meatballs, two cups of iced tea, and brownies. Just thinking about it, she was beginning to die with hunger. She took the pot from the bag. It was a small, chrome-looking thing. She pushed a button on the edge, and soon the whole thing began to steam up. The first bag she poured it was the spaghetti and meatballs; it looked like a type of mushy powder, but after putting in the pot, they had steaming pasta within five minutes. Their mouths both began to water. Erin handed Fern an iced tea, and she began to sip it greedily."

"Do we have plates and forks?" Erin asked.

"I don't think so," Fern said, between a sip of iced tea. "Wait." The corner of her eye had caught something. She looked through the district four bag and came out with two forks. "We have forks. This should be enough."

Erin didn't say anything, but instead smiled and dug in. She gave herself an iced tea; it was delicious, more satisfying than anything she could have imagined. Within ten minutes, she and Fern had eaten the whole pot. For a minute that she was nervous that she was going to have to clean it out, but when she pushed another button, it began to steam up and within another minute it was clean.

"That was incredible," Fern said. "I'm looking forward to brownies. Maybe we can have some milk with it, too."

"Definitely," Erin replied. "But first, we should figure out a plan of action. The district ten girl. I forget her name."

"Me too," Fern said. "Um, do you know if she's allied with anyone?"

"I don't know. But they're going to have to bring us together soon, aren't they? There's only six of us..."

"I don't want to wait for any kind of forced intervention," Fern replied. "As soon as we eat, let's move and take out whoever we can. We're not going to search for district ten, we'll take what we can get, but she seems to be the easiest target."

"Okay," Erin said. "Want brownies?"

"Of course," Fern said. "I'm still starving." She had already finished her iced tea; so had Erin.

Erin nodded, repeating a similar process to cook the brownies. However, as they were doing so, they heard a disruption in the shrubbery behind them. Instantly Erin jerked up and looked around. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know. It's probably nothing," Fern said. There was the noise again, and this time she heard it too. "What if someone's here?"

It was then that the brownies finished cooking. The smell was overwhelming, but Erin looked up, and, about fifteen yards away, was the mistakable flash of hair and skin. Her eye caught Fern's poison. She didn't know what tribute was there, or if it would work, but at this point in the games, she supposed that everyone was desperate for food. It was worth a shot. If not, they could clean out the pot and make cookies instead. There was plenty of food left, more then enough to last either of them until the end of the games. "Give me your poison. I want to see something," she said in a hushed tone.

Fern looked back from where the tribute had come from, to the pot, and then to Erin. She nodded and handed her one of the tiny vials in the bag. Both of them were looking forward to the brownies, but they knew that they had a chance and it would be best not to mess it up. Erin opened it, and poured it all over the brownies. Then she coaxed Fern behind a bush about ten yards from where they were, and they waited. After what seemed like forever, the tribute came to the pot. She weighed her options before finally resisting to the temptation and grabbing a bite. Within a minute, she turned blue and collapsed to the ground. There was the cannon shot.

"That was district ten," Erin said, looking at her body before it was taken away. "Wow, I can't believe..." She was not as happy as she felt like she should have been. Not for taking a life but now realizing that there were only five of them left. Three more before Fern and Erin were in the top two.

Holly Burnett dead. About five yards from their campsite.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:00 pm
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WrittenInStone says...


He let a casual smile slide over his features, softning the usual hard mask of determination as he glanced over at Ara. "Mind if I ask why you're watching me?" he asked her, not at all offended by her lack of trust. He, himself, didn't trust this girl but he would have to- if he wanted to survive.

Something about her movements made him wary, how even though she had no weapons she would simply watch him - as though planning how to take him out.

Ara paused a moment, seemingly caught off guard by how he knew that she had been watching him - considering that she had been walking a tad bit further behind him. "I wasn't watching you." she lied smoothly, however he caught the lie as he would catch and arrow midflight.

"Alright, must be my nerves." he muttered in reply, before he slid to a crouch at a line of bushes that marked the upcoming arena of Central Park.

He swallowed, his cottonmouth warning him that he needed to calm down as he so often knew he should. He turned on his heels and watched her from his crouch, his dark eyes meeting hers as he brushed away greasy strands of his hair.

"Alright, we're going to need a plan because I can already see that others are here." he growled,

"How do you know there are others here?" she demanded to know from him, and Gabriel made a noise in the back of his throat.

He turned, and gestured her closer. "Look, over there. You can see that two bags are missing, and there's the small indent in the grass that means there was a scuffle - one of them died." he added to himself. "Then, over there!" he jerked his head towards the bushes oposite them, "You see the branches move, right? Yes, and then peer closely - you'll see black from the assigned shirts we're given when we first enter. There's two of them considering the one seems to be leaning over the other.." he wasn't exactly sure as to what was going on but he knew that two contestants we're still close and one of the others had died.

Ara sighed, before she slid into a crouch nearest him. "Alright, then what're we going to do?"

Gabriel silently slid his bow off his shoulder and nocked an arrow - "I'm going to see if I can shoot one."

He was reasonably sure that he could get the one who towered over the other, considering he'd shot far before - his eye was best at farsighted game. His earlier smile had completely vanished, and it was replaced by an emotionless mask.

Ara shifted beside him, but he had already pulled the string taught, and was just about to let the arrow fly.

In the bushes near Central Park, spotted Erin and Fern, about to let an arrow fly and catch them by surprise, in alliance with Ara Ordoe.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:34 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander I'm baaaaaack!

I headed off into the woods. And it was weird. Me being so athletic, just this little walk left me light-headed and starving. I literally had to sit down and catch my breath.

"It's just the blood loss." I kept whispering to myself. I jumped when something rustled the trees above me. I recognized the silver parachute. My first gift from a sponsor.

I ran over to it's landing area, where it got hung up in a bush. It was relatively large, about the size of my head. I ripped it open, eagerly awaiting my gift. It was soup! Soup, with bread and some dried meat! I dove into it, and by the time I was halfway through, I realized I'd probably see it again in a few minutes if I ate it at this rate.

I ate one more slice of bread, and took a nice long sip from my water and saved the rest for later.

I also remembered the feast at the Cornucopia. I wonder what they thought I desperately needed. I picked up another stick rather than my spear to use as a walking stick, and headed off towards the feast.

I'm back! I need ideas for what Kyran "desperately needs" at the Cornucopia. By the way the story is going great! Keep it up guys! :D Also, sorry this post is so short, but I have to go eat! :smt106
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Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:54 pm
Calligraphy says...

Well, it can be as simple as food or you could have your character get hurt in some way so that they need help.

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:10 pm
Amfliflier says...

Kyran Oleander Okay thanks Calligraphy!

I stashed the food in my backpack and headed towards what I thought was the Cornucopia. Walking was tough, what with my leg being mangled by the wolf. The sun was high in the sky, and I was exhausted. I sat down on a fallen log and decided to switch out my bandage.

I was horrified. I didn't remember my skin being that torn up, or being able to see a glimpse of my bone. I gagged. I admit it, I never did well with the sight of blood, but this was awful.

"This can't be good." I said to myself, feeling the cameras watching my every move. I switched out the bandage, using the clothing scraps I salvaged, and kept going, but putting more weight on my walking stick.

"It's gonna be a long walk to the Cornucopia." I thought. And it was, after a few hours of walking I was ready to go to sleep. I was on the edge of the field, and I noticed that a few of the backpacks were already gone. I peered over at the pristine white table, eyeing the huge red bag labeled "11". Of course the bag had to be red. That bag would stick out like a sore thumb.

I shrugged and figured I needed to go get it, or someone else would. I hid my backpack that I already had in some bushes, and had both my walking stick and my spear, in case I needed it. I ran. I looked around the clearing, and I must've been paranoid because I saw faces everywhere. I saw a group of people running, I saw a loner waiting on the outside of the clearing, and I grabbed my pack and ran back.

It was really heavy. I'm glad it was though, because I must have a lot of supplies in it. I didn't even stop when I got to the edge. I scooped up my other pack and kept going. I felt like I was being chased, with no one to watch my back. I found a small pond with a fallen tree next to it, which I thought would offer good shelter. I opened my bag, and I found a real bandage with a splint for my leg, and some cream that I'm assuming was also for my leg. There was also a small first aid kit, so I'd be better off then just the rags I was using.

I was too exhausted to try to figure out the splint, so I just fell asleep then and there.

By 5th Avenue, has backpack from feast including a roll of gauze, a splint, and some healing cream from the Capitol, and a small first aid kit. Fixed what he got.
Last edited by Amfliflier on Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:06 pm
Calligraphy says...

Umm you might want to take of the flint and steel, and the fleece blanket.

Once here on Young Writers Society, in chat, chickens wanted variety. They complained to Nate and after debate became funky orangutans silently.
— Mea