
Young Writers Society

Experimented [Started/accepting]

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Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:45 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Hayden | Resistance Fighter

I sighed to my self as I walked through the alleyway that led to our meeting room, when I heard a bang. I turned around quickly, pulling my samurai sword off my back as I did, to find a Test Subject. I smiled at the person cocking my head to the right.

"You gonna hit me or what?" I asked throwing my arms out to the side and twirling my sword at the same time.

The figure gave out a battle cry and I held out my hand in front of his face and slowed down time. I stepped out of the way of the slow moving Subject as he fell onto his face. I smiled and sped time back up and jumped into the air doing a spin over him, and then kicking his across the cheek.

"Alright pretty boy," The Subject said standing up and whipping his bloody nose in the process, "Lets dance."

I nodded and slowed time down again and slashed the man across the back with my lucky samurai sword in one swift movement. Time sped up and I ran quickly up the wall and then flipped off landing on the bandits shoulders. I pinned him to the ground, so he was facing face up, and smiled at him.

"Not your classic tango, huh?" I said before punching him so hard in the jaw he passed out.

I placed my sword back into its carrier that lives on my back and dragged the man out of the hall. I set him up on top of one of the dumpsters and took off his mask. I studied his features to find him unrecognizable. I shrugged and walked over to the entrance to our hideout.

I swung open the door and walked down the hall into our meeting room. There sat a lonely Emerald. I sat down next to her in my usual chair and wiped a bit of blood off of my hands and onto my shirt, thank god I wore black today.

"Another attack?" She asked noticing my bloody hands.

I nodded taking my sword off my back and pushing it under my seat. I leaned back in my chair raising my hands over my head and stretching. Now all we had to do was wait for the rest.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:02 am
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ladcat13 says...

Nathair Iyengar leaned on the bullet-proof glass in the observation tower, looking down on the parade that was marching into the Subjects' yard. A tiny blonde figure bounced along at the center of it, with the stiff, armor-clad guards surrounding. They spread out when they reach the center of the yard, where a pile of toys and things rested. Since he was alone, Nathair allowed the ghost of a smile to touch his lips as he watched the child begin to play. The Null fell off the tricycle a few times, still disoriented from Three's wonder drug. Nathair knew better than to hope like the other Professors; he could tell that the child's powers were acclimating to the drug. He knew it wouldn't be long.

"It's a dangerous game we're playing with this one." he thought. "A game, I think, that is too dangerous for me. I couldn't manipulate this kid if I tried. He'd be onto me like a con man on a buffoon. How can I get in this kid's head without him getting into mine?"
He didn't have to rack his brains for an answer to that; not with a notoriously high I.Q. like his."Knew it. With powers like that, there's GOT to be some anomalies in the brain. A simple Enriched CAT scan show us amazing things! If I can only convince them to let me do a CAT. They'll probably give dear old number One the privilege, though, it's HIS Subject. Him. Hah! He could hardly read the scans if the anomalies slapped him in the face. HE doesn't have a Doctorate in neuroscience, now does he?"

As Nathair finished his litany of arrogance and self-pity, he was watching Null beckon a guard over. The guard, who looked frightened, shook his head empathetically. The child waved his chubby little hand even more fiercely, and the guard looked for support from his peers. With none forthcoming, he resignedly put down his shield and walked over to where the kid sat. He knelt and Null climbed up for a piggy-back ride.

"Now why would you, a child with an I.Q. even more above average than mine, ever find enjoyment in a piggy back ride or a tricycle?" thought Nathair as he peered down at the yard.

As if in answer to his question, the child dropped from the guard's back and tugged him back towards the pile of toys. The guard seemed more relaxed now, as if he was playing with a normal five-year-old child. It almost seemed that way, what with the manner in which the child acted. Null pulled out a large tin and dumped it on the ground to reveal a brand-new shining set of building blocks.

"Come on, do something extraordinary." Nathair silently urged the child. "Prove I'm not crazy."

Five minutes later, Null and his new friend had built a near-perfect replica of the Eiffel Tower.

Null squealed with glee as he knocked the tower over. Then his attention spaced out and he was back at the pile, searching for something new to play with. The guard joined him. It was almost comical, to see the big, formidable, tough-looking guard play with the five-year old while surrounded by a ring of equally tough-looking, stern faced men standing at stiff attention.

Ten minutes later, Null and the guard were laying on their backs staring at the sky, pointing out cloud animals. The guard had tried to return to his post several time, but it seemed the child didn't like to play alone; his companion was forced to rejoin him each time, to avoid tears. After awhile, the attempts and the almost-tears stopped. It seemed that the guard was enjoying himself, despite the fact he had probably just lost every scrap of dignity and reputation he'd ever had among his peers. To Nathair, dignity and stays was really all that mattered. He puzzled to himself as he watched the Null, despite the fact that he had other Subjects waiting. The more he thought, the less he could think, and the longer he felt he had to observe the Null.

His watch beeped at him, and he glanced at it. Seconds later, the bell rang and the guards began to close formation around the Null. At first the child seemed upset that playtime was over, but as long as his new friend didn't try to pick up his shield and return to his place, Null cooperated. He seemed just like any other five-year-old kid; fussy, clingy, playful, and in need of a parent figure. Nathair seethed with frustration behind his bland facial expression.

"What ARE you?" he screamed silently in his mind as the parade began it's march back inside. Still holding his friend's hand, the Null looked up from the dust at his feet and met Nathair's eyes, almost in response. Neither blinked, and Nathair didn't know about the kid, but he didn't breathe either until the doors were closed behind the parade's backs. Somewhat unnerved, Nathair left the observation tower in search of the meeting room where he knew he was due.
Last edited by ladcat13 on Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:04 pm
Basil says...

Professor Two

I sit back in the chair as the man drones on about the experiments. I still have to talk about 115’s progress, and I know that my first creation will have plenty of people doubting his loyalties. I don’t, though. I created him with care.
“And that leads me to The Null,” the man says.
All attention turns to me, because 115 is quite close to The Null, but he isn’t indestructible. I know my experiments’ weaknesses and limitations, and I know he won’t be able to destroy everyone.
“Yes, we need to keep him under control,” Three says, opening one of her files. “Which is why I have come up with some new drugs to suppress him.”
I zone out again, running a hand through my now ratty hair. My thoughts turn to Alphonse. That rascal of a boy tasered my hair … he’ll pay for that later.
My thoughts turn to one of the earliest memories I have of Alphonse, who is codenamed Memory. I remember the little boy ushered into my lab by Professor Six. The boy with raven blue hair, incredibly tall, with a cautious and haunted look in his eyes.
While I kept my emotions from allowing me to get attached to him, I couldn’t help but notice his growing fondness of me when I treated him like he were older than his years showed. I didn’t baby talk him, and I didn’t make him do things he wouldn’t want to do. And if he wanted to do something else, I’d talk him out of it kindly.
With all my thoughts of having no emotional attachment to my experiments, I can’t help but admit I do care about them. All of them.
“Two, what of your experiments?” Someone asks, breaking me from my reverie.
“Huh?” I lean forward in the chair. “Oh, right, yes. Um, well, they’re doing great,” I quickly say, and then lean back.
“Yes, Two, that we already know. Please elaborate,” the professor raises an eyebrow.
I try to smile. “Well, Memory is doing well. He’s exploring more of the complex and found Six’s taser,” I cast a glare at the man in question before continuing. “764 is showing signs of obedience, 334 and 9067 still need to find their feet, 115 is getting better with his fighting, and the powder used to subdue him is working well still, 2235 will need to be tested on further, 62's powers are strong and I'd say he's ready for a step up in his training, and 48 has been superb, and all her tests are complete,” I let a smile grace my face before adding bitterly, “Sir.”
The man looks to another professor, and the talking begins again. I zone out, thinking of the next training session I should prepare for 115, if he’s behaved himself and hasn’t caused anyone grief.
The meeting is adjourned, and I get up and walk from the meeting room. I noticed not all the professors were present, which irritates me. I hate meetings above anything else, because I actually have to talk to people. Which reminds me –
“Two, I couldn’t help but notice how fond you sounded of your experiments when you were talking about them,” a man says, walking up behind me.
“That is none of your business,” I snap, narrowing my eyes at him from behind my orange tinted glasses. I recognise him from 115’s earlier training session.
He shrugs. “It’s just that, well, you always say you like to keep your distance –”
“Look, I don’t have my gun on me right now, so you’re lucky. Now, leave me alone, I have some important business to attend to,” I snarl, and stalk back to my office.
Once there, I grab a few blank pieces of paper, a clipboard and a black, ballpoint pen before making my way to 115’s room. I’m hoping to catch him near the end of his workout so I can record his muscle movements before I give him another training session. With that, I head for 115’s room.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:09 pm
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TakeThatYouFiend says...

Hugo Chant, dog form, exercise compound.
A blaring siren wakens me from my post pramdial kip in the soothing sun, and awakens also my security guard (who is called Chris) who reluctantly takes me back to my cold miserable metal cell. As I am slowly padding my way out, I espy out of the corner of my eye a blone haired child, about five or six, with frightening electric blue eyes. I start a growl, but before the low vibration in my chest could build itself into a snarl, Chris, the most gentle guard in the complex, pulled me. Pulled! Something is up. Once back in my cell, I morph my ears slightly larger-all the better for eavesdropping my dear, I think to myself. I curl up against the wall and try to ignore the moans and howls of pain from two cells away. Poor bastard.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:51 pm
lostthought says...

Emerald Pails Resistance Fighter

The door swung open and in walked Hayden. He took his seat in the usual spot next to me. As he wiped blood onto his shirt, I noticed the blood that covered his hands. "Another attack?" I asked. In reply he nodded.

It was so hard nowadays to keep the Resistance's hideout a secret. The test subjects just kept trying to get it. It was like a hobby for them. Even though we keep getting rid of them, they keep coming back.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Hayden had leaned back in his seat. I looked at his hands and after I confirmed that the blood on his hands wasn't his own, I relaxed. I waited for the others to come in and start the meeting.
"Aaloo is potato in urdu, like AAAAAA-loo, or like AAAAA-look such delicious deliciousness."


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Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:58 pm
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KingLucifer says...

115 - His Room - Beauty and Beliefs

115 continued his work out, he had shed his shirt and was quietly performing his daily workout routine. 115 had thought long and hard about things he knew, the life he had in his cell. The things he's been allowed to do, the killings he's performed the body count he has. Then there were the books that he had read, that Professor Tabbitha allowed him to read. The stories he read with these things called "families"he doesn't remember having a "Mother" or a "Father" or a "Brother" or "Sister" all he's ever known was his cell and all the Professors that he had seen. Most of all Professor Tabbitha, who was the closest thing to this thing called"family."

"115," he heard the familiar female voice.

115 had been doing curl ups while hanging from a bar upside down, he was covered in a sheen of sweat from his work out. "Professor Tabbitha," he said, "back so soon from your meeting?" he smiled.

"It was quite boring, not much worth really staying for," she said.

"I see, I am almost finished with my work out," he said as he went back to his curl ups. "If you are here, then it can only mean, that you have, another opponent." 155 said between his curl ups.

"Yes, that is correct. Once you are finished with your work out your next training session will begin."

"I see," he said, "something in the compound, has changed recently. There is a powerful psychic, who has awoken from, a year long sleep," 115 said continuing to talk between his curl ups.

"How do you know this?" Professor Tabbitha inquired.

"I have only sensed, this psychic from a, year ago, he disappeared for, one year, and now I feel, he has returned." 115 planted his hands against the ground and straightened his legs and flipped onto his feet.

"And you can sense him?" she asked, her head tilting slightly to the right, her pointer finger just under her lip. 115 knew this expression, he knew that this was an interesting development.

"Yes, I've sensed him since this morning." 115 replied.

"I see," she looks down at the console in front of her. "It's time for your training session."

115 could smell the powder already...
The first thing to hit me was the scent of the sea, I opened my eyes to find that I was on a large platform surrounded by Water. I got to my feet and in one smooth jerk broke my restraints all at once. I looked around to see I was in a large room and I could hear Professor Tabbitha 's voice on the intercom.

"This will test your adaptability in a combat situation, how well you'll adapt to fighting Professor Seventeen's Water based experiments. I will begin the countdown when Professor Seventeen arrives." she said.

I looked around, had no doubt my opponents were in the Water already. I breathed deeply taking in the salty air, until I heard splashing I looked for the source and saw a woman who looked as ravishing as Professor Tabbitha, only problem was she barely wore anything to cover herself. Only her undergarments, I began cracking my neck and knuckles ready to fight my new enemy.

"Hey there handsome," she said, "your the famous, indestructible, Experiment 115 huh?" she smiled, her hands went to the golden blond hair and it stumbled from her head to her lower mid section.

I scowled at her, "you know who I am, but who are you?" I said.

"I'm code named Wraith, or Experiment 6213, I've heard so many stories about you from Professor Seventeen. They call you, the Devil, the Ultimate Killing Machine, the Unstoppable Monster, Experiment 115." she slowly sauntered over to me, her hips slowly swaying from left to right the beauty about her was undeniable. Then, I realized she was standing right in front of me not even an arm length away from me.

"And you know, for the Devil, you are one sexy beast," she whispered to him.

Her face was inches from mine, her body pressed against mine. I could feel the sexuality radiaiting off her as her lips were getting close to mine, I suddenly heard a voice. "...3, 2, 1," and I realized it was all a ruse. "Begin!" I reacted first my claw piercing her body all to easily, only to have it fall away and become water. My arm was soaked in water now and now I could feel the hostility in the air.

The more spalshing, and suddenly she was there again and none to pleased about what I had done. "How dare you, attacking a helpless lady like that!" she was angry now. "You're not helpless, and I am no fool to be tricked," I said.

"Well then, now I guess I'll have to drown you some other way then," she said snapping her fingers and then there was more splashing. Looking around, I saw there were more of her exact replicas of her. "Get him girls!" they charged me, I did the first reaction possible. I slashed at the closest one and it became water. Punched another one and it became water, kicked another and it became water, soon I became overwhelmed in her clones. Normal attempts do nothing for me as they only reform as soon as I destroy them, I needed a new plan.

I flapped hard and flew into the air quickly and thanks to this large chamber. I looked down at the many clones and saw there was at least fifteen of them, they were clones, and they had to have a controller. But which was real one? I scanned them all and determined none of them are real, but there had to be one there had to be a controller. They all started to move again, jumping into the water and disappearing entirely.

"Hey handsome!" I heard behind me.

I spun and saw her leaping toward me from above, how she got up there I don't know but she did. I missed something a detail I shouldn't have missed, she's grabbing me and now she's pressing her lips against me roughly. But it isn't one of passion it was one of drowning as my mouth flooded with water, we're falling now and I feel the grown hit my back as she was on me still roughly pushing her lips onto mine. My mouth still flooding with water, I react with my senses back and the panic leaving me. I kick her off of me and roll over coughing up the water she was forcing into me, I take a deep breath and smell something, I smelled... blood. I look to her and see she's looking at her arm, and the ground beneath her was red.

"Ouch..." she groaned that was almost a whisper.

She looks up and see's I've recovered, there was a quick moment of understanding between us. She's finally showed herself, and I know she's real. She turns and tries to make a mad dash back to the water, and I'm off my feet and moving fast towards her. The question that was begged to be asked, who was quicker, me or her? then it was answered: Me. I slam right into her knocking her to the wet ground, I'm on to top of her angered by all her trickery and cowardly tactics. I grab her head and position my thumbs right over her eyes.

"No, no! please, I have a child, I'm pregnant!" she begged.

I pause at her words, pregnant, with a child? I was fighting a soon-to-be-mother? the words made me stop what I was going to do. Then I snapped her neck, and got off her. I barely had time to contemplate what I just did when the powder hit me.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:36 am
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Basil says...

Professor Two

After having 115 back in his room, I watch and re-watch the video of his training session. It amazes me how quickly he figured the Wraith was using clones. How he managed, I’m not too sure. I probably should give me creation more credit though.
Deciding that the best way for me to learn how he completed his training session is to ask him myself, I turn off the computer screen and pick up my clipboard. I still have a few pages blank, and I begin scribbling some questions down onto the paper as I walk to 115’s room.
A thought suddenly dawns on me. 115 needs a name. He is my first experiment. I should give him a name. After all, Alphonse has a name, as does Hugo, and a few of my other experiments. So why doesn’t 115? I’ll let him chose a name. I think he’ll like that.
I stop midstride, finding myself mere metres from his door. Whoa, did I just tell myself he’ll like giving himself a name? Here I am, not supposed to have any emotional attachment to him what so ever, and here I am thinking how sad it is my first creation has no real name!
“Argh … Tabbitha, pull yourself together!” I snarl to myself. “Ask your damn questions and then back to your office to work out what to do with Alphonse.”
I stroll over to the door and open it into the small chamber in front of the glass wall that shows me his room. I stand there, peering into the semi-darkness, my eyes locking onto him sitting on his bed, lost in thought.
“Hello 115,” I call through the glass.
He looks up at me, his face changing, becoming blank. His back straightens ever so slightly, and I can’t help the small smile that plays at my lips. But when he stands up, my smile disappears.
He is a killing machine. Oh good Gods, I’m attracted to a killing machine! I might as well ask Null to marry me! I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
“Hello Professor Tabbitha, how are you this evening?” 115 asks politely.
I pause, studying him for a second before answering. “I’m doing well, thank you,” I say finally.
“No you’re not,” 115 blurts out, surprising me. “You’re troubled. What’s troubling you?”
The concern in his voice is unnerving. But at the same time … touching. My eyes dart to the door that leads directly to his room. An idea forms in my head, and before I can get rid of it, I’m walking toward the door.
“Professor Tabbitha … are you feeling alright?” 115 walks toward the door, his eyes never leaving my face.
I need to figure something out. I need to see if what I’m feeling is real, or just that I’m impressed with 115 and it’s elation. I need to know. I need to know now.
Unlocking the door, I slip into the room and close it behind me. 115 just stands in front of me, wide grey eyes taking in my appearance. I clutch the clipboard tightly in one hand. This idea has kind of just backtracked and left me in a ditch.
“Professor Tabbitha, what are you doing?” 115 whispers.
“I … I don’t know,” I mumble.
I take a step forward, courage suddenly flaring, my breathing speeding up. 115 watches me, his muscles twitching. I look up at him, my eyes boring into his.
“Promise me you won’t hurt me,” I murmur.
115’s eyebrows shoot up. I take another step closer and stand on the tips of my toes, pressing my lips gently to his. Sparks of electricity shoot through my limbs as I kiss him. His arms wrap delicately around my body, drawing me in.
After a substantial amount of time passing, I reluctantly pull away. 115 gazes at me with dreamy grey eyes, and I can’t help but smile. With my questions forgotten, a new answer arises above all the others.
I do have some feelings for my experiments after all, it seems. I mean … I really enjoyed that kiss. I think I enjoyed it a little too much.
“Well, I have to go now. I think Three had some plans with you, as well,” I say breathlessly, and leave the room quickly. With a flushed face and an idiot grin, I run back to my office.
Last edited by Basil on Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:09 am
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Sonder says...


"Death doesn't bargain." ~August Strindberg

Null wandered slowly down the corridor, head down. His curly blond hair fell into his eyes, but he didn't bother brush it away. He knew this way well; he didn't need his sight.
As he made a right turn, he felt his world spin dramatically. He could hear the familiar rushing sound of drug-induced dizziness closing in to fill his ears.
"Woahhh..." he muttered, and began to totter to the side. The bright white walls swooped close, then receded. His hand brushed the hard stone of the corridor wall, and he pulled away, only to begin to topple unsteadily to the other side. A guard gently guided him back on track, metal-clad hand suddenly firm on TN's small shoulder. Null was feeling out of it today, more so than usual. His head was spinning from the drug, and he wondered foggily if they had increased his dosage recently. He could not think at all. For goodness sake, to think that he had played with a guard today!
His toddler instincts were coming back to bite him, and he did not enjoy that one bit. As he had frolicked with that common man - no powers of any sort flowing through his blood such as with Null, to even fathom! - shrieks and giggles bursting from his lips, all he could think was, How idiotic I must appear. A small child, caring for not much other than blocks or piggy-back rides! And yet, every time a foul thought came to mind, of desire to blend into a shadow, find a knife, or strangle the poor man before him, a horrid pain would pierce his mind, shrill and harsh.
Null had no choice but to let himself go, which had to be the worst insult one could ever inflict upon him.
The guard's hand was still upon his shoulder, and he briefly wondered if it was the same one who had played with him earlier.
My friend. a small voice whispered.
Oh, the humanity. Now his own mind was to revolt against him too? Who could he trust, if not even himself! He needed to rewire his own toddler brain, for it obviously was not fit to contain such an IQ as his. To even think, the very thought of friendship had occurred in his very own head! Curses. Maybe this had been their plan all along. To soften him to the point of insanity, or worse, sincerity.
To comfort himself, Null decided to have some fun with the guards. Slowly, deliberately, he began to sing in his youthful, angelic voice that only a child could possess.
"Dead man, dead man
When will you arise?
Cobwebs in your mind
Dust upon your eyes..."

He carefully turned his eyes upon the guards beside him, well aware of the his unnerving bright blue stare. With a surge of pleasure, he saw their faces pale as they quickly averted their eyes. The guard behind him withdrew his hand with haste as they approached Null's personal cell on the opposite end of the compound.
As the door hissed shut behind him, Null finished his tune as a ghost of a smile tugged at his lips.
"A shadow in your heart you will fail to find,
A hole in your chest Null has left to unfold,
Until this compound is...mine..."
Last edited by Sonder on Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:23 am
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Apricity says...

Professor Three, Offices.

Three was in an usual foul mood that day, the coffee tasted bad, the cream was off and she had just finish talking to Seven about subject 115 and the alarming bond growing between them. It was not unusual the professor grows an attachment to powerful or hazardous subjects as they always provide more challenge, as it had been a while since she had a subject it was hard to imagine this. This bond, according to Seven was a romantic bond, she wasn’t going to allow that kind of things to come between professors and subjects. Especially during a tense time like this, her bony finger bleached white in anger as she stormed angrily to find Two, whom will either be mostly likely spending time with Subject 115 or ridiculously daydreaming about something completely unrealistic.

She bumped into Nathan on the way down to Two’s office and mumbled an apology to his now coffee-stained lab coat.

“Sorry, Four.” She mumbled, tight-lipped.

“I am fine,” he replied smoothly glancing at her, “you are worrying about something, aren’t you?”

She waved a hand airily, “nothing of importance I can’t handle. Speaking of which,” she paused adjusting her glasses, “how is Null going?”

At this, Four grimaced lightly and confusion seeped into his eyes. “Absolutely mystifying but don’t underestimate him, Three. He is not to be underestimated, even for such a small child.”

“I won’t,” she glanced at his coffee lab coat and hustled him away, “go get change and meet me in the control rooms for Null’s cell. I’m planning to have 115 thrown in with him.”

“Is that so?” Nathan replied mildly, “it will be interesting to see Two’s reaction, have you put this through One?”

She smirked lightly and nodded before turning on her slippers and continued her way into Two’s way. Even from here, she could see the ridiculously happy expression on Two’s face and sighed softly.

Opening the office door, Three stepped in. Dumping her coffee in the rubbish bin nearby her placed a cream-coloured folder onto Two’s desk.

“Bring Subject 115 shortly and meet me in the control room for Null’s Cell.” She nodded curtly at the folder, “read this if you shall have any questions. Good day.”
With that, she walked out of the office door again striding with an even more agitated look on her face as she made her way to the control room.
Previously Flite

'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' ― Friedrich Nietzsche

~Open for business~

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:17 pm
TakeThatYouFiend says...

Hugo Chant (dog form enhanced hearing) personal cell (next to Null's)
Ilisten in horror through the wall to this boy. He stumbles around his cell, muttering things like "drugs", "fun" and "death". I don't know what scares me more-the howls of pain from behind me or this angelic child. I hear the door to his cell open, and someone steps in. He says something too soft for me to hear. Then this boy starts singing, in sweet, angelic tones. The haunting tune drifts through the cell wall, reverberating in my over sensitive ears. And yet I am glued to the wall, the horror of this boys singing paralyzing my muscles. Finally as the last few echos of the tune die away, I slump to the floor and start to whine. I don't know what is more frightening: the power this boy has or the fact I am only one cell away. I MUST ask Tabbitha about this Null on my next check-up.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:32 pm
ladcat13 says...

Nathair, daintily holding his stained lab coat away from his shirt, walked down the hall towards his quarters with a thoughtful expression on his face. He didn't even bother be annoyed that people were calling him "Nathan" again; right now he could really care less.

"What a delicious turn of events. I wonder how long 115 will last against the Null. In fact, I wonder how long Tabbitha will last. What will she do when 115 is killed?"

Nathair grinned as he replaced his stained lab coat. His french coffee was done steeping, and he put it into a travel mug so he could take it to the training ring with him. Glancing at his watch, he decided he had a little time until the experiment; It takes about thirty minutes to transport 115 to the training ring from his cell, and forty-five to transport Null. Nathair left his quarters with his special clip board and made his way towards the block were his subjects were kept. He booted up the clip board and typed in the password, then let it scan his thumb print. All of his systems had the utmost security. He accessed the notes on Subject 720 and the 3-D hologram of 720's Dragon form popped up. Using his finger, he rotated it to examine the claws. An idea was forming in his mind. He loved his holographic clip board; not only was it beyond cool, it made the other Professors jealous as hell. It was also easier to store his notes. He closed the hologram as he reached 720's cell.

Many of the other cells were empty; Nathair didn't have a lot of subjects right now, since 720 was his top priority. To be perfectly honest (even though honesty really wasn't his thing), He had barely even observed her since they'd assigned her to him a few days ago. He was too busy trying to get the committee to let him do a CAT on Null. But One had gotten annoyed (and so help him got if that happened) and told Nathair that 720 was time-sensitive, and if he didn't get to work on her then he'd switch places with Professor #5. Nathair was not fond of either 5 or 1, but he complied for the sake of his job.

720 was in Dragon form when he entered the observation room, pacing the small floor with her wings half-spread. It took him moments to come up with a game plan, and he put his acting face on. 720, upon seeing him, launched herself at the thick, bullet-proof glass, scratching and snarling. Nathair stumbled back a few paces, dropping his clip board and pretending to be scared. The Dragon's face seemed confused for a moment, then pleased. It seemed that she was used to the Professors being unfazed by her antics, or even amused by them. Which he was. He just needed her to think he wasn't. She turned away, morphing back into human form as she walked. Nathair respectfully averted his eyes as she went to her bench and slipped her trench coat on; it seemed that her clothing didn't complete the change with her when she morphed.

By the time she turned back around, fully clothed now, he had composed himself. He slipped his reading glasses on and cleared his throat.

"Good morning, #720. How are you today?" He asked in his most cordial tones. The Dragon lady snorted.

"I'll take that as an 'I'm well, thank you'. Though I would very much like to hear you say it yourself."

Her unblinking stare seemed to say "I'm sure you would." Amazing how much can by conveyed by so little, when one so chooses. If her face hadn't been so transparent, Nathair would almost have labeled it as expressive.

"Alright then." He continued. "I suppose you're expecting me to do painful tests, torture you, or something equally horrible. I suppose that's already been done, actually. Am I right?"

The Dragon lady's eyes went from hostile to outright angry and suspicious. Nathair, who was an expert at reading people, also detected a trace of fear.

"Well I'm here to tell you that I'm not going to do that. That's the first thing I want to say. The second thing I am observing is that this cell is very tiny, and I'm sure you want something bigger, do you not?" he cocked his head at her in a questioning manner. The fear and the anger left her, but not the suspicion. She gave neither an affirmative nor a negative answer, but he could sense the yearning in her stance.

"I thought so. My name is Nathair, just so you know. I'm here to help you. Please, sit down. Let me explain the situation to you." He tried to be as kind and polite as possible, to get her to listen to him and maybe even trust him. That was the first step to getting what you want from someone. The Dragon lady sat on the edge of her bench, as if poised for flight. But at least she'd sat down. Nathair pulled up a chair himself, so they would be on the same level.

"Now I know you're frustrated with this small space and that you need freedom of movement. It's a psychological need of yours; you can trust me on this, I'm the psychologist who did the profile on it." He assured her. This seemed to surprise her; it was a lie of course. The idiot who'd done the profile had included little detail, and Nathiar was busy compiling a new profile as he spoke.

"But the problem is," he continued, "That we can't give you anything bigger yet. And the reason we can't is that we don't trust you. That is, they don't trust you. They have no idea of your alliances; whether you are loyal to us or whether you would turn on us if given the chance. You haven't spoken a word since you've come here. All you've done is growl at us, even those of us who want to help you. That makes us think you are, indeed hostile. Is that correct, 720? Are you hostile, or freindly?" Nathair looked over the brims of his glasses at her, cocked an eyebrow, and smiled slightly. The reaction he received from her was positive; very positive indeed. She shrugged. Inside he was triumphant; outside, he still seemed cool and calm. He let the smile stay, though. She seemed more relaxed when he was smiling. He glanced at his watch, then continued his one-sided conversation.

"I want to let you know before I have to go that although they don't trust your alliances, I am confident you will see reason. I sincerely hope you do, because I know how difficult it is for you to be in here. In fact, I am so confident that tomorrow I want to do a little test. Hey, hey, it's alright. Relax. I'm not doing anything painful. I think you'll like this test." She seemed noncommittal. But he did notice that much of the hostility was gone form her body, and she was leaning back comfortably in her seat. Nathair reached behind him for the next part of his trap.

From the bag behind his seat he pulled out a stack of magazines. The last time they'd given her magazines to read, she'd shredded them up in Dragon form and created a big mess, just to piss them off. But Professor Twelve was a buffoon who's only real skill rested in torture and extreme sadism. Nathair was every bit as sadistic as Twelve, of course, but his mannerisms were far more dignified.

The door into her cell wasn't actually a door; it was a two-way, one-at-a-time chamber. Nathair pressed the button, and the door on his side of the chamber opened, while the door on the Dragon lady's side bolted shut. Nathair placed the magazines on the floor in the chamber and left it, and the second he touched the button again, his door bolted shut and hers opened. She got up from her bench and retrieved them from the floor, already beginning to flip through them.

"I hope you like them. I know they're not exactly quality reading, but it's better than sitting here in a cell twiddling your thumbs now isn't it? I hope I can move you to one of our rooms soon enough; they're much nicer than these cells. Have a good day, 720. I'll see you in the morning." He waved over his shoulder in a friendly manner as he left.

Outside, he tapped into the security taping from his clip board. The Dragon lady, thinking she was unobserved, went to her bed and began to read the first one. Nathair was rewarded for all his acting by the small smile that played across her lips. He left the security tape and saved all of his notes from this session. The security cameras in each cell were supposed to be secret from subjects, but everybody knew that the more powerful subjects like 115 and the Null were perfectly aware of the cameras. Speaking of Null and 115, the fight would be starting soon. Nathair set off down the hallway with a spring in his step, thinking of the bloody and arduous battle that was coming. He decided that if Tabitha tried anything funny to save her dear experiment, he would hold her back with pleasure.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:18 pm
Kanome says...

Orane (Professor #1)

Orane looked up to his father, seeing his father kneel down before Orane. Orane looked at him straight in the eye. "Papa, why do you to experiments on people?" His father looked at him, smiling as he pat Orane's head. "It's to help make the world a better place, Orane. For you." For me? He thought.

"Then, I want to be like papa, and help make the world a better place for everyone.!" Orane smiled brightly, moving with excitement.

Orane ran up to his room and plopped down on his bed, smiling to himself. "How do I make the world a better place...?"


Orane was sitting at his desk, looking at paperwork that he has been receiving from his employees. "Ugh... running this company is hard work." There was a knock on his door, making him turn his head to the noise. "Enter." When the door opened, he saw her. His most favorite subject, Subject #43. "Ah, Arele" Orane got up from his seat and stood in front of her.

"Arele. What's wrong this time? It seems like you're always sad no matter what I do." Orane placed a hand on her cheek, causing her to flinch and making her body shake in fear. "..."

Orane sighed slightly. "Still silent, huh?"

Orane sighed again as he grabbed Arele's hand. "You may be a test subject, but you are important to me, so I suggest you at least speak up, you understand?" Arele looked up at Orane with blank, lifeless eyes. Orane groaned softly. "Go to the training room." Arele nodded as she walked out of his office.

Orane rubbed his forehead, grabbing a folder that had her name printed on the folder. Arele Villente "God, she is one piece of work. Maybe I should perform more experiments on her."

Orane then sat back down at his seat, writing and signing paperwork. He saw one of the subject folders on the floor. He picked it up, reading the front of the folder. "Project Null..." Orane remembered his accidental creation of Project Null. Project Null was too dangerous for the world to contact with, therefore, it was placed under a Level Three warning and placed in a dominate state, since Orane and the other scientists could not destroy it.

Orane placed the folder down on his desk, thinking to himself about his accidental experimentation of Project Null.
Knight of the Green Room

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Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:30 am
Basil says...

Professor Two

I stare at the files on my desk, my thoughts now in turmoil. A part of me is very curious to see how a confrontation between 115 and Null will go down. But another part of me is afraid. Afraid that he’ll die. That part of me – the emotional side of me – is furious at Three for making such a decision. If it had been her decision at all!
I will admit though, I am also furious at myself. I shouldn’t have allowed my emotions to get in the way. 115 is my experiment, not my friend or lover. He’s a ferocious killing machine, and for all I know, the next time I’m anywhere near him, he could try to kill me!
Once again, my mind returns to the memory of kissing him. And he kissed me back. My heart flutters at that memory. But I quash all feelings and empty my mind of 115. He’s just an experiment.
My eyes skim over the words, and I take out my clipboard and add some more note taking sheets before packing up the files and placing them and the clipboard under my arm.
Strolling through the halls, I concentrate on letting my mind go blank of all emotional thoughts. I allow my impassive look to settle in as I walk, and when I make it to the room overlooking the arena 115 and Null are to have their face off, I’m completely and utterly cold and emotionless. I think.
“Ah, Two,” Three swivels around to look at me. “Glad you could make it. Let’s see how your beloved 115 goes pitted up against the devastating Null.”
She’s messing with you, Tabby, don’t react.
With my impassive face, I respond with, “I’m sure it’ll be to your satisfactory, Three. 115’s fighting tactics have improved vastly.”
This causes Three to raise an eyebrow. “I see. And how long do you think he’ll last in there?” She asks, and I can hear the taunting note in her voice.
My lips curve into a snide smile. “I’m sure he’ll last longer than you expect,” I snap, and move away from Three.
Professor Four walks in with an exasperated look on his face. Three and I give him a questioning look, but he waves it away. He grabs a chair and plonks down onto it.
“Oh don’t worry, Null is as complicated as every, the little brat,” he mutters.
Three chuckles, but I remain expressionless. “Why, what’s he done this time?” I ask.
Nathair looks up at me. “It’s not so much as what he’s done, it’s more what he’s failed to do,” he shoots back.
“And what is that?” Three asks.
“Cooperate,” Four hangs his head back over the chair just as the door opens, and One walks in. He’s generally here to watch experimentations like this. I think every professor will be here too.
After giving me a cold stare, One addresses Four: “Is Null ready?”
Four glances at me before nodding. One looks at me and I nod in answer to his unasked question. I don’t know how I’ll react to seeing 115 fight Null, and that unknown worries me.
Seeing the doors being opened, and the experiments ushered in, my resolve breaks. Anger floods my mind, as well as fear. I spin around to run from the room, but as if he’d been expecting that, Four leaps from his chair and grabs my arm as I try to run past him.
“Two, sit down,” One’s commanding voice brings little sense into my mind.
“No! I won’t have you kill him off like a bloody cow!” I scream, trying to break free from Nathair’s grip.
“Two, you will sit down. Now!” One barks.
“Nathair, let go of me, or I swear to God I’ll –”
“Two, sit your bloody arse down!” Three growls.
I heave in a breath, Three’s words slicing through my sentence like a hot blade. My breath sounds like a sob with something large caught in my throat. I guess it was a sob with something large caught in my throat. Emotion.
Trying to still my thoughts, I wrench my arm from Four’s grip and grab a chair. I pull it close to the bulletproof window and sit down, my worry for 115 growing every second.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:44 pm
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Sonder says...


"No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow."

There was a ladybug in Null's cell. He sat up on his cot, froze as he waited for the nausea to fade, and crawled closer to peer at the small insect inching along the concrete floor. It really was a beauty. The shine of its bright red shell reminded him of a fresh blood puddle reflecting the moonlight in an alleyway. He watched its dainty legs pick over the rough surface of the floor, and wondered when those same legs would curl beneath it in the embrace of death. Insects only live for so long, after all.
Immediately, a song came to him. He mulled over it for a few seconds, picking out the small errors, chipping away at it until it was perfect.
He began to sing.
"If you die before you wake,
Do not cry and do not ache.
Nothing's ever yours to keep.
So close your eyes and go to sleep...

Null hardly felt a thing as he dropped silently to the floor, unconscious. The ladybug's legs gave way in as the gas took full hold...


Null slowly came to, blearily blinking and rubbing his eyes. What had happened? Stifling a yawn, he slowly sat up to take in his surroundings. Surprisingly enough, the familiar feeling of dizziness failed to make its appearance. It was quite disconcerting. Null could think clearly again!
He appeared to be in a large room, not dissimilar to his cell with the concrete block walls, florescent overhead lights, one-way glass for observations, and... a subject?
Null's eyes widened, and he quickly jumped to his feet, bracing himself for nausea. None came. Maybe he really was free of it all! Could he still recall the encyclopedia he had read this morning?
Immediately, the data began rolling through his brain like the credits at the end of a movie.
"Federal Reserve System central banking system of the United States. Established in 1913, it began to operate in Nov., 1914. Each reserve bank..."
Null quickly cut his mind off before it got too carried away with memorization. He had a different task at hand.
The subject before him was... odd. Nothing like Null had ever seen. He did a quick analysis of physical appearance and power info. The subject was tall, with leathery wings sprouting from his broad shoulders, most likely allowing for quick, unpredictable movements. His nails were sharp as claws, probably stronger than regular nail tissue. He was probably designed to be out for Null's blood.
Null felt a smile jerk at his lips. A game the scientists had organized? Sounded like fun.
Thinking fast, he quickly sat down, putting on the mask of a confused, innocent toddler surprised to find himself in this horrible place.
He reached out chubby hands in the subject's direction, eyes wide, pleading for help. The subject seemed caught off guard, taking a step back in shock.
"I...Where am I?" Null questioned in his sweet voice, void of all the malice that filled his mind.
The man took a step forward, realizing that it was just a small child. Recovering, he straightened and called towards the one-way bullet proof glass above them, "Hey. This isn't...Professor Tabitha! No disrespect, but you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. This is just a kid!"
The subject glanced back at Null, reluctance to do anything clouding his eyes. This was a great sign. The guy had a conscience! Unlike him... He took this as an opportunity to toddle to his feet and start to approach the subject.
"Excuse me?" he inquired, his face scrunching up in mock fear. "Do you know where my mommy is?"
The subject backed away, then glanced at the glass again.
"Hello? What do you want me to do?"
A voice crackled out of a hidden speaker from above. "Subject 115. Two is not in charge of this operation, and I am sure you are well aware of what is expected. One is watching, so be sure to fulfill your duties as expected."
115 snarled, "Well, if ain't the bitch in white. Hello, Three." He gave a mock bow in their direction.
Null tilted his head at him. "Bi...tch in white?" he stuttered innocently.
The subject flicked a glance of disgust and anxiety in his direction.
"You know, you never realize how dirty a word is until you hear it from a kid's mouth."
Now was a good time to play the sad child part. Null sniffled and flopped to the ground, allowing tears to well in his eyes.
"I...I want Mommy!" he wailed, clenching his fists in despair.
115 looked horrified, and frozen with indecision. This was so much fun. But...sadly, he needed to get it over with. Null didn't want to stay here all day.
The voice over the loudspeaker interrupted his thoughts.
"Oh, shut up, Null. You have no mother. Please stop with the act and get on with it."
Null abruptly stopped, and rose to his feet. 115 rolled his shoulders and tensed.
"I am Null." he stated, in his normal, unnervingly adult-like manner. Then he sang one line:
"And my mommy's dead, just like you will be!"
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:45 pm
Kanome says...

Arele Villente - Subject 43

Arele was walking in the hallway, looking down on the floor. She was in a daze. She has been in this institution since she was a child, under the supervision of Professor One, Orane.

You may be a test subject, but you are important to me... His words echoed in her body. She stopped walking, looking up at the ceiling as she heard different noises coming from the west side of the institution. She walked over to where the noise was coming from, as she walked into the room where the noise grew louder and louder.

She noticed a woman standing before her. The woman grabbed Arele and jumped out a window that was closest, falling from a three story building. Arele felt confused as she looked out at the building that kept her prisoner for many years.

The woman placed Arele on the ground, staring down at her. "The name's Arden."

Arele looked down on the ground again then looked back up as she noticed more people were running towards them.

What... is going on? Arele thought to herself as she stared at the group of people that stand before her.
Knight of the Green Room

Maybe I should say something quote-worthy, like, I dunno... "You can only be happy if you decide to be happy?"
— Necromancer14