
Young Writers Society

The Selection

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:08 am
EllaBliss says...


I make my way down to dinner with my flawless Cranberry-Red colored evening gown that is sure to make me stand out, whether I want to or not. My maids gave me a tiara to wear for dinner, but instead I tied my hair up in a sophisticated bun. I realized that I didn't want the prince OR the crown at that moment. I realized that I left my heart at home. But if I mentioned it here, to anyone, I would surely be punished. I had signed multiple contracts saying that I had no love at home, and that I would be punished mercilessly. I would be caned, reduced to an eight, and maybe even imprisoned.
I can't let that happen. I wouldn't be able to live after that. I would just simply die.
Die of grief. That far of a caste jump. The number of times I agreed to be caned if I disobeyed. It was too much. I didn't think I loved him anymore... But I do.
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:59 am
TickSeed says...


“So let me get this straight, your names are Ray, Renee, and Raya?” The almost identical green clad maids nodded at the same time. I smiled slightly, whoever was in charge of assigning maids had a funny sense of humor.

I explored my room for a while, getting used to the lace and glitter. Well, a palace is a palace, and for the time being, we’re royals. Eventually I settled on one of the too soft couches in the room, reading one of my psyche books. I got though a few chapters before growing restless.

As soon as I open the door, my maids inform me that dinner will be starting shortly. They quickly drag me back into the room, refreshing my make up and replacing my cloths with something pink and lacy. As I walk down the halls, my stomach flutters in anticipation.

Royal dinner mean ROYALLY GOOD dessert. I feel a smile spread on my face. Sugar is a wonderful thing. As I get closer to the dining hall, I spy Majesty looking lost in thought. I quicken my pace to catch up with her. And while I would have tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, our drastic height difference doesn’t allow it.

“May!” I call out, tapping her on the hand instead.

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:30 am
kayfortnight says...


Neither girl responds, and I stare at my lap. Obviously I'll have to be pushy here if I want to be more than the wallflower I was at home. But I don't want to seem bossy, either...Kayah never had a problem being bossy to people. Then again, did I really want to be like Kayah? No. But there is a difference between bossy and assertive.

I stand up and approach a pair of chatting girls just arriving at the table. Reina Kinlan of Sota and Majesty Rubyton of Clermont, I remember vaguely from Kayah's spiels about how all these girls are prettier than me and therefore I'd never win. I don't want to be creepy, though, so I curtsey before them, put on my best smile, and say, "Hello, I'm Muna. Who are you?"

They introduce themselves, smiling slightly. My own smile becomes more genuine. I was afraid-though of what, I'm not sure. Kayah has no meaning here to anyone but me, and even if she did, she wouldn't scare these girls like she does back home. But even I feel safer here already.

I try to find the words to express my joy without burdening them with my problems. "The palace...all this...Isn't it amazing?" I wave a hand, vaguely gesturing at the room in whole. "I can't believe we're here. It must be even more amazing for the girls from lower castes. At least my family lives comfortably." Besides having to deal with Kayah's hold by terror over us, anyway.
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:50 am
EllaBliss says...

I turn around, seeing Reina behind me. I look down on her, as I am much taller than her.
"Hi, Reina," I say, still deep in thought. "How are you?"
"Pretty good," she replies. I am afraid she will find me out, like with Eveleen. I was across from them on the plane, and I had nothing better to do than listen in on their conversation. I have no hobbies, because since I was born I was trained in modelling; I got gold medals in every modelling competition I'd competed in. My only other hobby was singing, which is king of a Fifth-Caste thing, so I wasn't about to just sing my heart out on a plane with thirty-something other girls on it. Anyways...
"What do you need," I asked her.
"Well, you look kinds of worried."
"Worried? Oh, yes," I said. "First elimination will happen after dinner. I mean, if the prince wants it to happen. The instructor told me it would happen."
"Something tells me it's something else," She says. Darn it! I knew she would find out!
"I'll tell you after dinner," I say. We both walk there together. A girl who I think is named Muna walks up to us. She curtsies and introduces herself.
"Hello, I'm Muna. Who are you?"
"I'm Majesty, and this is Reina," I say. "Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too," she replies. "I've seen you on TV!"
"Yes, I'm a model."
"I know, you win EVERY competition."
"I don't TRY to. I just... do!"
"You're very good. How long have you been modelling?"
"Since I was born."
"I see," she says, nodding.
"The palace...all this...Isn't it amazing?"
"I love it! My house is a lot like it, but a tiny bit smaller."
"I can't believe we're here."
"It's amazing, isn't it?"
"It must be even more amazing for the girls from lower castes."
"I agree."
"At least my family lives comfortably," she says. I nod.
"Your father is a veterinarian, right?"
"Yes, how do you know?"
"My cat got very, very sick."
"Did your cat live?"
"Yes! Your dad is very good."
"The food must be amazing," she replies.
"It will be, I can tell you that."
"I bet the food you eat at home is just as good."
"Well, we have to go sit down. Bye!"
"Goodbye," she says. We both turn away from eachother and walk away. Me and Reina find out that our permanent seats are beside Eveleenn Tate. I am in the middle of them, Reina is on the right, and Eve is on the left. Wonderful! The prince and his family are at a separate table at the head of the room. The food is served, and the news comes onto the giant television at the head of the room, above the royal family's dining area. The national anthem plays, and then there's a picture of the royal family.
"HHEELLOO IILLLLEEAA!!" Yelled the news announcer. He flashed a sparking smile. "So, how is The Selection going, you ask? Let's find out," he says before the camera cuts to a picture of the ladies entering the palace. I'm up near the front, and the most visible. "The ladies look very determined to catch the attention of the prince." The camera cuts to a slideshow of everyone's pictures from the photo shoot. "Everyone's favorite ladies include Eveleen Tate, the shy, talented actor from Denbeigh; Reina Kinlan, the grandchild of a former candidate from Sota; Majesty Rubyton, the beautiful star model from Clermont; Nikola Frey, the palace garden worker from Whites; Muna Shelton, the daughter of famous biologist from Labrador; Ariel Morrelle, the maid from Dakota; Basil Barie, the girl with the different colored eyes from Angeles; And, surprisingly, Abeleen Grace Folly, the untouchable from Belcourt.," Said the announcer. I looked around. I don't know if it was planned, but everyone who was announced is sitting beside eachother in a row. The other girls, who were jealous, were staring us down, trying to make us feel like bugs so we'll be insecure. I know that acting confident will make them back off, so that's exactly what I did. I smile, showing off my pearly whites, and give all the girls a look that clearly meant, well thank you! Most of them back down after that. The others soon follow.
"The first elimination is planned to be today, right after the first royal dinner."
"I hope it's not me.." was what I think I hear as the repetitive murmur around the room. I hope that too, but that's not what's on my mind. It's much different..
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:03 pm
Auxiira says...

Nikola Frey

I can't help but wonder why Dad even sent me here as I watch the other girls being photographed. I knew his argument, "It's for the best. It's for everyone, not just you," but I still think there was something else. He probably didn't want me around to mess everything up as he made plans. I watch as a girl with black hair and dark eyes come over and place herself next to me. I recognise her from before, the group of three, Kinlan. Reina Kinlan. I had paid attention to what Mum had said when she had pointed out the girls more likely to be selected.

She raises a hand as a way of greeting and I almost, almost let myself groan. I don't want to talk with other people about alliances and what we're really after. There's no point in it, seeing as we'll end up stabbing each other in the backs in the end. I smile slightly and wave a little back.

"Hi." Rule number five (as established by Mum): Social expectations dictate that you start a conversation even if you don't want to. "I'm Nikola. You're Reina, right?" Number three: seem eager. Though I wasn't sure that it would work with her. I just had a feeling that she was seeing right through everything.

She nods before replying. "You mustn't be used to this."

"Not at all. We're all so rustic in seven and it's just so opulent here." I gush, then chuckle slightly at the absolutely rubbish joke I made ( breaking rule number 8: Don't make caste jokes). "No, I'm not. Down south life is a lot slower, and less colourful, unlike here." We haven't stopped since we arrived. I already want the pale walls of my house back, and the gardens and just being with everyone I was used to.

I feel like I was sent here to be caught. It wouldn't surprise me knowing Dad, though I knew it was just me being paranoid. It was something that happens every time they give me something important to do. In some ways it's stupid to be like this. Nothing unduly exciting was bound to happen, and all I have to do was sit pretty and wait. I can even enjoy wearing dresses, as Mum put it.

I glance around at the dresses, though I can't see the need to dress so showily. No one in seven would bother with dresses like these, especially in the south. Shorts and light clothes are more what I'm used to. And more... Protective clothing, often. I notice that I have done what I am used to doing and stopped paying attention, which is evidently not what she wants, as she's still looking at me. Yay for communication! I think sarcastically as I smile down at her awkwardly. She is small, well, smaller than me, and by probably about ten inches. It doesn't make me feel as if I have any power over her though.

I think she's about to reply as the instructor leads us out and down a hallway, but I use the excuse that we're moving to drift away from her. As the instructor stops in front of a glass door and tells us that we can only go out with permission, I linger and gaze through the door at the flowers on the other side, an involuntary smile spreading across my lips. I notice that the group has moved on and hurry to catch up as they traipse up the stairs to the second floor.
"Third floor and above is off-limits, ladies," says the instructor, which just makes me curious. Is it up or is it down? I need to find it. There won't have been any point in being forced to come here if I can't find it.

I'm ushered into a room before I can even take in where everyone else is being sent and immediately sigh. The walls are the very pale cream of the houses in Whites, complemented by blue drapes and bed covers. They were evidently making an effort to make us feel at home. The maids who wait for me to look at them are like an integral part of the room too. I only just remembered their names as Nikky, Nancy and Nessa. Someone here had no imagination. I take a quick account of the room before leaving for the dinner. I know the room is bugged. All the rooms are probably bugged, but it feels like they're targeting me. Paranoia is something I often feel, though it is stupid.

In the Dining Hall, we are directed to our seats, and I find myself at the end of a line of girls who seem to stand out a little more than the others. This isn't good. The only good thing is that I'm on the end, with no one to my left. On my right however is someone I recognise well from the TV, Eveleen Tate. I don't have the time to settle into my seat before the television above the royal table flickers on and an annoying voice emanates from it. "HHEELLOO IILLLLEEAA!!" The words are accompanied by a smile that is just as annoying as the voice. "So, how is The Selection going, you ask? Let's find out. The image cuts to one of us entering the palace. I'm just a fiery blur at the back, still visible because of my hair. "The ladies look very determined to catch the attention of the prince." The image changes once again, this time showing our pictures from the photo-shoot one by one. I can just imagine my people back in Whites seeing the picture and comparing it to the girl they knew. It was nothing like me. "Everyone's favourite ladies include Eveleen Tate, the shy, talented actor from Denbeigh; Reina Kinlan, the grandchild of a former candidate from Sota; Majesty Rubyton, the beautiful star model from Clermont; Nikola Frey, the palace garden worker from Whites; Muna Shelton, the daughter of famous biologist from Labrador; Ariel Morrelle, the maid from Dakota; Basil Barie, the girl with the different colored eyes from Angeles; And, surprisingly, Abeleen Grace Folly, the untouchable from Belcourt." The mention of my name had made a flush of shock and panic shoot through me. I really don't need the spotlight on me. I suddenly realise that everyone who's name had been said are at the same table as me. Everything was carefully orchestrated here. I catch a glance of Majesty Rubyton two seats down smiling widely and decide that it was a good idea. Rule four: act confident even when you're not. I hate being watched, but I won't be able to help it here. I can almost feel the eyes on us as we start to eat. It's nerve-wracking. But all of this is for the best. Everyone will see the results.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:52 pm
kayfortnight says...


I freeze as the announcer reads off the names of the country's favorites. I'm a favorite? Everybody else was glaring, so I stared down at my lap. Not that different from home after all. Everybody hating you because your older sister is terrifying doesn't seem to be all that different from a bunch of people hating you because another group of people love you.

The food is divine, but I feel homesick already. The meal lasts almost an hour, so I make polite small talk with the girls on either side. Finally, it's finished, and the King rises.

"As you all know, the first round of elimination will begin in just a moment. Afterwards, we will give you ten minutes to call your families and talk. Remember, some of you will only spend one night here at the palace-it's too late to send you back tonight."

I catch myself moving my hand towards my mouth and grab it with the other. Bad time to begin biting my fingernails. I thought I got rid of that habit when I was seven.

I wonder what the first round of elimination will be? The prince doesn't know any of us yet, so I suppose we just have to make a wonderful first impression.

The King gestures towards the Prince. "My son will tell us his plans for the elimination method."
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Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:47 am
crossroads says...


I nodded absentmindedly at whatever my mother told me before letting the reporters surround me. As far as I recalled the protocol, the army of potential brides to be was taken to get dolled up - as if they weren't unrecognisable enough under all those decorations they wore all over themselves, which for this or that reason women thought was so attractive to men - and I was left to fight a different kind of army, wanting to hear my thoughts on each and every one of them as if I knew them any better now than when I'd only had their photographs.
"Are you pleased with the way the selection is turning out so far?" A woman asked, flashing her teeth at me.
"They only just arrived," I replied dryly. "Yes, I am pleased to see none of the planes crashed along the way. That would be truly unfortunate."
My voice seemed to be some kind of a trigger, for I found myself deafened by all of them suddenly talking at once, too fast for me to answer anyone properly.
"Just one question, please! Do you have a favourite yet? Is there anyone who caught your eyes from the crowd?"
"Those are two questions--"
"How long have you been preparing for this?"
"What will be your number one criteria for choosing the perfect one?"
"Are you more fond of the blondes or brunettes?"
"I don't really care--"
"Are you planning on sleeping with them, sir?"
"What kind of question even is that?" I didn't even bother to speak loud enough for them to hear. Some of them were writing something down at almost alarming speed, regardless of me saying next to nothing. I frowned as another one asked me whether I wanted children eventually, and lifted my hands to signalise them I want silence. "Alright," I said louder. "That would be all for today, I'm afraid, I have a wonderful dinner to catch now. After all, it would be hard to judge if I wasn't there." I grinned at all of them. "I will make sure to inform you of how everything is going - I can say, with all these beautiful ladies around me, the selection process will be every bit as hard as it will be interesting."
I turned my back to them with that, dropping the grin as I entered the palace again. "Don't let them in," I told the guard. "Not now, not at any time until the selection is over."

Sitting down between my parents, feeling a tad trapped and wishing I had Lance around to comment on the scenery properly, I let my eyes fly over my contestants. They wore dresses in every colour imaginable, combined with makeup and jewelry, and after about a minute I could see nothing but a blur of bright colours, almost hypnotizing. I couldn't deny it, they were all perfect - expectedly so - each in her own way. From the way they held themselves, watching their manners and chatting silently an politely, allowing themselves nothing but glances in my direction, they knew they were perfect too.. or at least they knew how to make it appear so. I wonder what they're really like, once they wash away their makeup, change into something more comfortable and turn the lights off, alone in their rooms rather than in company of so many others.

"HHEELLOO IILLLLEEAA!!" It was hard not to jump as the man on big screen above my head started shouting. "So, how is The Selection going, you ask? Let's find out.." I didn't turn to look, shutting myself off as he started listing the supposed favourites. Whose favourites are those anyway? Hardly mine - I knew next to nothing about them. Did they really think that we cared what the observers thought, or that it would affect he selection in any way? I can and will pick whomever I want, in whichever way I want, They can all think whatever they want.
I could see panic crossing the faces of many as the speaker mentioned the elimination, and I pulled myself out of thoughts.
"Dad?" I kept my facade smile on as he raised an eyebrow to show he heard me. "I can choose the elimination method, as well as everything else, yes?"
He nodded slowly, observing me with a somewhat careful expression. "That was, and still is, the deal, yes."
"And I don't need to explain those methods to anyone, nor ask anyone's advice or permission?"
"You know it's so."
My smile turned sincere as I took a sip from my glass. "Just checking."
"Hm." He put aside his own glass, standing up - all the eyes turned to him as the whole hall suddenly got as quiet as a graveyard - and smiling shortly. "My son," he said loudly, gesturing to me, "will tell us his plans for the elimination method."

I got up, keeping my smile, tugging down my tie as I looked around. "Ah yes, elimination method." I met the eyes of a few of the contestants, choosing them randomly, turning serious but suddenly feeling like grinning. So many possibilities... I cleared my throat, wishing I could stop acting so formally, an idea forming in my mind. "Before that, I want to inform you all that I have forbidden the reporters to enter the palace. The part of the gardens which is open for public will, of course, stay open for them as well, but nothing pass the front gates. That said, may I remind you that by entering this contest you have all signed to adhere to my rules. You will not speak, write or in any other way converse with anyone in the world outside of this castle without my specific permission. You may ask me that permission whenever you wish - I will not listen to your private calls nor read through private letters, but I do want to know how much you tell the press. If I find anyone has told them more than what I know of, that person will face consequences." I stopped for a second, debating with myself on how mean to be. "Now, about the elimination. I will let you all sleep peacefully tonight, and you shall know in the morning which ones of you are still in the game. It will be simple, really, in the future - every day, I will choose a number of you who will go home, from none to however many of you will still be left. Each of you may ask me why I decided her to go or to stay; however, I keep the right to offer no explanation more than because I wanted to." I glanced at my father shortly, then smiled to the contestants again. "Please, don't be afraid to relax. Some of your lives will drastically change, yes, but for as long as you are here, don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you need. Your maids and attendants will be there for you at all times - if you have any problems, come to me and let me know." I let my eyes meet some of theirs again. "I believe that's all for now. We've all had a long day, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all.. refreshed.. in the morning."

I sat back down, smirking at my parents' expressions. The party will have to wait a little bit - I have things to do before I can devote myself to personally meeting them all and battling them in false smiles.

"Lance." I more or less ran into him as I turned the corner, wandering down the servants halls an hour later. "Just the man I'm looking for." I spotted the girl next to him. "Oh, and woman as well. Hello, Anna."
"Evening, your highness.."
"I would like to borrow you."
Lance frowned. "You'd like to.. borrow her?"
I nodded, not quite able to hide my smile. "Yes, please. I ask for both of yours permission, even." Despite of you being the tutor's son and the cook's daughter and having to do everything I say anyway.
"With thirty girls literally competing for your attention, you want to borrow my fiancée?" He didn't look happy, rather almost desperate, though we all knew he didn't really have a choice but to agree. "In the middle of the night?"
"Just come with me." I pulled them both in direction of his room. "You will love the idea when you hear it."

"That's ridiculous."
"That's brilliant." I turned from Lance to Anna. "Tell me you agree."
"It's a nice plan, my prince," she answered carefully, "but I can't.. I couldn't. They all know each other, the ladies contestants, they would know if anyone from the outside joined." She hesitated, looking at Lance shortly. "Besides, I'm not even a maid, I can't possibly--"
"Precisely," I cut, stopping my pacing back and forth and sitting in front of her. "You're not working here, so none of them nor their attendants even know you. But you were basically raised in the castle, and know your ways of moving around unnoticed.. listen." I got up again, turning to Lance. "No one will know except for the three of us and the person who'll find dresses and makeup and all those things." I turned to her again. "During the time you spend with the ladies, all you need to do is observe, make friends with them if you wish. They can't possibly know everyone's faces and names, and even if they did, they won't dare to question my decision. I need someone there, someone whom I can trust and who will be able to get to know them under the endless layers of lovely first impression, and nothing will happen to you." I smiled. "You're every bit as pretty as them, and you can look every bit as fake with right.." I waved my hand aimlessly. "..decoration." I knew I had them both before I even finished the sentence. "And then I'll owe you a favour. How often do I owe anyone a favour?"
I had gotten Anna into one of the rooms in the contestants' hallway, instructing her on what to do next and then forcing myself to turn serious again before walking into the living room the girls were to share. It took me a while to notice the woman standing in the corner and fixing a curtain.
"Ms Dunberry?"
She jumped, curtsying right after. "My prince, your highness.. you startled me. May I ask what brings you here at this hour?"
I nodded shortly. "I want all the girls here in.." I checked the clock. 3:51 am. "In nine minutes."
Despite the darkness, I could see her frown. "But.. they.. they're asleep, they're not prepared..you said yourself, rest--"
"Yes. Exactly. I know what I'm saying." I flashed her one of my smiles. "Hurry up now, would you? You only have a bit more than seven minutes to get them all here. Tell them they're needed," I added as she hurried towards the door, "but no need to mention that I'm here."
I watched her go wake up the contestants, pouring myself a glass of wine from a bottle by the window. I sat down in an armchair, crossing my legs and playing with a pencil in my hand, before turning my attention to my notebook and the unfinished drawing in it. I knew it would take them longer than seven minutes - and I was more than a bit curious to see how far they'd go trying to make themselves perfect when called for so suddenly.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:08 am
TickSeed says...


There are exactly four situations in which no one should ever disturb me if they’d like me to maintain my manners: When I am reading, working with jewelry, eating, in the bathroom, or (and most importantly) SLEEPING.

Even if you’re a prince, there is no way in hell I’m going out of my way to look like you didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night. The only thing my maids manage to do before I storm out of the door is brush my hair. Walking down the halls I see some girls in frilly night gowns and a layer of make up. I scrunch up my nose slightly.

All I was wearing was an oversized t shirt and a silk robe, clearly underdressed despite everyone still wearing pajamas. Cranky, and scowling I walk as quickly as possible, passing by several of the girls I knew including Eveleen and Majesty. I wasn’t rested enough to be nice.

I got to the room standing front and center, tapping my foot lightly. “Right, I get he’s getting a kick out of bullying us, but this is unnecessarily sadistic.” I say in a mock whisper. Truthfully, the room was empty enough that most people in the area probably heard me. Normally I’d have kept my mouth shut and acted the dutiful potential princess.

But to be quite frank? Even If I had been properly rested, I still wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to care one iota.

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Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:34 pm
Sunshine says...

Basil Barie

Dinner was a tedious affair, filled with lights and voices. I still did not know many people's names besides the ones Rue had pointed out to me, but they seem to drown in the crowds.

There is only one highlight; the announcer calls me a favorite! I presume it is a favorite of the people, not of the Prince, the nonchalant head of the table. I try not to think of the shallow and defining reason as pointed out to me. My eyes. They are the reason I was chosen and likely the reason I'll stay.

When we are dismissed to bed, I fly into my room, eager to scrub the dry make-up off my face. I am half way through the job when Violet steps into the room.

"Let me help with that."

I open my mouth to protest, but she takes the warm wash cloth from me and gently wipes the make-up away, far nicer than I had been able to.

She finishes, and brings me a silk night gown, once again green. I take it from her, waiting for her to leave, but she doesn't.

"I'm to help you undress, Lady Basil."

The awkwardness of the statement astounds me, though Violet says it with complete fluency. "No, thanks." I try to wiggle my way out of the dress, failing abruptly. "Though, I wouldn't mind if you unzipped this."

Violet obliges, and the dress drops from my body. I turn away from my maid; though am used to close quarters in a big family I am not quite that fearless. I drop my bra and swing the night gown over my head.

Violet, when I turn around, is fluffing the pillows. I clear my throat, and she looks up. "Goodnight, Violet."

She nods, and exits. climb into that big bed, and feel the emptiness of the space of Rue besides me, or Rowan after a bad night. The Prince will not allow communication, and I know that will cause panic between my family members. I think of Eveleen Tate's autograph on the desk. Rue has to get it.

I tuck my legs under me, and fall asleep.

"Lady Basil!" Someone is shaking me, and I bolt from the bed.


"The Prince is requesting ladies into the hall in six minutes!" It's Daisy, the blonde one.


I walk from bed, pulling my hair up into ponytail. It has still maintained the bounciness of curls, but I know its a knotty mess, and this is the only way to properly hide it.

"Daisy," I ask as I slip a bra under the night gown, "what time is it?"

"Almost four, the time the prince requested."

"Should I get dressed, then? Is this our official wake-up call?"

"What? No, lady, it's the middle of the night!"

Oh. I slip on a pair of shorts I brought from home under the night gown. Score one for being a farmer' daughter.

I tie a sash around the night gown just as Daisy says, "Three fifty-seven, Lady Basil!"

"Right." I walk past her, into the hall.

I am the first one there, and the Prince eyes me, surprised. He whispers something to his companion that I don't hear. A couple other girls wander into the hallway, looked dazed and confused. The tiny Asian girl comes in, saying something about the sadistic Prince.

I watch Eveleen Tate wander in, her pin straight hair falling beautifully, though she hardly seems as alert as she did earlier. We are only half-way full when my watch says four o'clock. The Prince does not seem annoyed, only amused. A few more girls hurry in, their faces painted sloppily with make-up. A ginger I know as Nikola walks in before the clock turn four-oh-one, but she looks almost as bright and alert as I feel.

The Prince smiles, but it is not particularly handsome of one. "This, my ladies, is part one of your staying or leaving.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:10 pm
kayfortnight says...


I scramble out of bed. "What is it?" I ask my maids, Imookalee, Sequoia, and Yona (I told them I was Hopi, not Cherokee, earlier. The person who assigns maids isn't as clever as he thinks he is.).

"The Prince is calling all the girls to be in the hall at four!" Sequoia says.

I nod, and dash out the door, grabbing a hairbrush on the way. She shouts after me, "What about getting dressed?"

I tug the hairbrush through my hair as I go, and manage to get in a minute before four. Basil gives me an odd look, and I pant, "Being a vet's favorite helper has it's benefits. Dogs don't wait for a reasonable hour to give birth or start puking blood." Maybe "puke" is a taboo word around the prince, but I don't exactly care this early in the morning. I toss the brush to her, and she catches it. "Want it? My hair turns into a nightmare if I don't brush it the second I get up."

She shrugs but starts running it through her hair, grimacing as it pulled at the knots from a night of probable tossing and turning in an unfamiliar bed. At least I was. I only got to sleep like an hour ago.

It hit 4:01 and there were still only around twenty girls in the hall. The Prince smiled and said, "This, my ladies, is part one of your staying or leaving."

I whisper, "'The Queen is prepared for anything,' my history textbooks always said. From rebel attacks at midnight to the arrival of an ambassador from far way. You wanted to see if we would immediately respond or take time getting ready." I stare at the fifteen or so girls that have only stumbled into the room by twenty after. Do they realize they're probably leaving in the morning? The actual morning, anyway?
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Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:00 pm
Auxiira says...

Nikola Frey

The light only disorientates me for a few seconds as I roll out of bed, landing on my feet. Midnight drill? flashed through my head before I remember that I'm at the palace, not in Whites. There won't be any midnight drills here, not the type that I'm used to anyway. No running along beaches. Speaking of running, I really want to run now that I'm awake this early. I turn towards the door and see Nessa next to the lightswitch. I raise my eyebrows at her. Well?

"The ladies have to be in the hall by four!" Oh, if that's all... At least I'm not wearing the nightgown they had tried to put on me. A tank top and shorts was enough, though maybe not for whoever wanted to see us.

"Is there a shirt around here?" I ask, shortly. She quickly finds one and I pull it on as I leave the room, only doing up the bottom buttons. My shorts are maybe a little too short to be public, but I don't really care. I give in to my desire to run and sprinted down the stairs barefoot, sliding into the hall quietly and settling next to a girl with brown hair and eyes as she hands a brush to the girl next to her. My hair is probably a mess, but I'm not about to ask for a brush. I prefer it unruly anyway. Now that I think about it, my appearance is probably completely unappropriate. Oh well. They can stare as much as they like.

"This, my ladies, is part one of your staying or leaving." The voice emanates from an armchair and I finally see the Prince. I think that I can see pages down the side of the chair, next to his leg, but I can't tell.

"'The Queen is prepared for anything,' my history textbooks always said. From rebel attacks at midnight to the arrival of an ambassador from far way. You wanted to see if we would immediately respond or take time getting ready," the girl next to me whispers; though I can still hear her voice. I could hear a breath in an empty room with the way I'm tense right now. I want to tell her that her books know nothig about rebel attacks. I do. I help plan them after all. My body is used to moving once I'm up at this time, and I'm struggling to keep myself still. I shuffle my feet around as the remaining girls filter in, hoping no one notices.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. I'm met by a warm smile as I turn. "Are you alright?" Eveleen asks quietly, so that no one else will hear. I smile back. Rule seven: If in doubt, smile.

"Yes, thank you. I just want to move." It isn't really a lie, not competely the truth either. I don't just need to move, I need to run, and I now feel a need to hit something. Training and instinct is crazy.

"Umm.." She looks a bit awkward, thinking for a bit before taking off her dressing-gown and handing it to me. "You might want to put something more on," she says with a small friendly smile, eying my shorts, but not showing any disdain whatsoever.

"Oh, thank you." I take the dressing gown and put it on, not bothering to do it up. It doesn't bother me, but if it bothers her, and she wants to give me her dressing gown, then I'll let her do it. I'm not here to make friends anyway. Rule number six. I flash her one last smile before turning back to watch the prince with my arms crossed, this time forcing myself to stay still. Waiting is another game I know how to play, and I'm good at it.

All of the girls are here, and I'm pretty sure that the last ones are leaving after the official wake-up. As the brown haired girl said, he is probably testing whether we react or take time. I'm not sure that the test has ended either. I'm curious to see what he'll throw at us, figuratively speaking that is, though it isn't illegal for him to literally throw something at us either. Or maybe he wasn't doing anything. I try to make myself relax. Being so stressed about being found out all the time is eventually going to show if I don't stop. I sigh inwardly. I'll see if I can go to the gardens after this. They looked like they were beautiful earlier, and things always seem better in the moonlight.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:18 pm
Unbelievable says...

Spoiler! :
(Sorry this took so long, had some technical difficulties...I'll just start my character from the beginning...)

Ariel Morelle (Ari)

I snort as I read the invitation- even though I knew I didn't have much of a choice, because the amazing Prince Claude was requesting me. My master called for me, which was more like a mother to me. My mother had died stealing food for me and my twin sister, Merialle. She was arrested and sentenced to life in prison, died a month later from lack of food.

I walked into my master Sahara's bedroom. "Yes master?" I asked politely.

"What's that in your hand dear? Is that what I think it is..?" She eyed my fancy white piece of paper in my hand.

"I'm afraid so," I reply. I didn't want to go. I wasn't good at being girly, or nice to fake people for that matter.

"Oh! Why afraid? This is wonderful Ariel! I've always known you would grow to be beautiful!"

I tried to hide the disquest on my face. "Did you enter me?" I asked.

"Why of course! You're too pretty faced to stay as a maid. You are meant to be in a higher caste!"

I moaned, unable to control it, but she was so caught up in her fantasy to realize it.


I got on the plane, Still in a grumpy mood. I see three of one of the prettier girls already talking, and decide I won't be friends with them. I look at the other ones, no one looking very amusing, so I just sit in the back, not really looking at anyone.

The plane ride was pretty boring, and I was the only one here wearing camo pants and a tank top. Guess they don't like comfortabl clothes. There was only one other girl wearing jeans, and she was a seat ahead of me, on the other side of the aisle.

When we got there, some girls smiled, for they knew there would be people to impress. I didn't care. I didn't want to be a princess.

We got of the plane and suddenly a deafening sound of people cheering, talking, and clapping filled the air. I felt I was sufficating. I looked over and saw the Royal Family. For a slight second the dangerously handsome prince looked at me, but he didn't hold it there for long. I stopped looking at them and turned my attention to what was going on in front of me.

Everyone was getting their styling crew, they told us about it in the information letter. My crew came up to me and thier disaproving eyes glanced over my boyish clothes. they lead me to thier station and asked what I wanted to be transformed to.

"Whatever you feel is best..." I say, not knowing a think about makeup and hair.

Suddenly they are all around me, delicatly working on my hair pulling it up and down and doing who knows what with it. I feel like they painted my face with 20 different colors. they finally say I can pick a dress.

I find a white one that's lacy but the only reasonable dress there, And I go in a mirrored dressing room. I try not to look in the mirrors and fumble with the dress, zipping it up with some help from a maid, which was weird, considering I used to be one.

As hard as I tried I caught a glance of myself from the corner of my eye. My jaw dropped and I stared. I looked completely different, but even more beautiful than I imagined. I quickly looked away and stepped out.

I walked quietly over to the camera room, where a photographer was taking a picture of a familiar face from the plane.

"Ariel." I was the last girl in the room, and I walked to the spot he pointed me to.

I took many awkward pictures, and then was released to attend dinner. I didn't really want to go, but someone might be eliminated. When I got there, I over heard a loud speaker on a TV screen. It was talking about favorites of the people. I didn't really listen, and Reina was the only girl whose name really stood out to me,

Other than my name.

I laughed in the middle of the message and everyone turned and stared at me. They looked at me to be the most rude person in the world. I looked down and shut down. When I was dismissed to go to bed, I put on a slightly long shirt from home and old sweatpants on and climbed into my bed, I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.


"Ariel! Ariel!" One of my maids were shouting.

I moaned. "It's Ari." and looked up.

"Oh, sorry! Ari, you must come! They have requested all of you at 4:00 AM! That's in 7 minutes! Hurry!"

"Wow. Depriving us of sleep. what next? Starving us so we'll be skinny?" I sneered. I quickly threw my hair into a ponytail,and pulled on my uggs, my most comfortable shoes I had. I went into the halls to see other snotty girls putting their makeup on and rolled my eyes. I was the 5th girl into the room where the prince waited. I stared him down, and for a minute he stared back. He woke me up while I was sleeping.

This wasn't going to be pretty.

Her picture: (The expression..XD)

Spoiler! :
Last edited by Unbelievable on Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:33 pm
EllaBliss says...


I roll over on my bed and sit up, opening my eyes slightly. My sight is blurry, so I can't quite see. I am also having temporary light blindness from my lights being turned on, so that is not helping. I stand up and stretch, then I look to my maids.
"What is needed at this hour, Abbie," I ask, tilting my head in tired confusion.
"The prince is calling, milady," replies Abbie, grabbing her skirt daintily to curtsy.
"Alright, Abbie. May I brush my hair?"
"Yes, madam," she says, handing me the brush.
"Thank you, Abbie," I thanked her, brushing my hair quickly, running out of my room with my short nightgown and slippers on. I tie my hair into pigtails in a hurry, scurrying down the hall at a childlike pace, catching too many odd looks along the way. I look down at my clothing. No wonder I'm getting so many odd looks! When I went to bed, I was so tired I didn't pay attention to anything. This must be what my maids decided to dress me in for bed: A short, frilly, pink nightshirt with white undershorts. They obviously used the wrong material, because the white shorts were see-through and my teddy-print underwear could be seen. My underwear usually isn't seen, so I don't worry about the print usually. But this is THE most humiliating thing in the world... I enter the room the prince called us to and wait. My face is burning, and probably a very bright shade of red. My maids have no taste whatsoever!
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:32 am
crossroads says...


Lance sneaked into the room before the girls, grinning at my raised eyebrow.
"You dragged my fiancee into this, I want to have fun too," he stated, and I shook my head in surrender, letting him stay. He was my friend after all, even though we both knew I was also his superior. "You know," he muttered as the door let the first girl through, "you're the only person I know who can get thirty girls hate him over night without even sleeping with them."

He was right, even though I frowned at the conclusion as he said it - it was apparent the moment they came in through that door. At least they're not all dressed up as the perfect dolls like earlier. Only some of them even wore dresses of any kind; it was interesting to see them without their makeup and all those accesories and jewelry. I skimmed over them, keeping my eyes on some who glared at me, smiling slightly as one of the girls made a comment about me being sadistic.

I didn't bother to check the clock, knowing they couldn't all be on time, and instead just smiled when I judged the time has come. "This, my ladies," I said dramatically, "is part one of your staying or leaving."
Some of them looked scared, some angry - most still seemed half asleep. One muttered something about me testing them and I couldn't help but turn to her with a wry smile.In a way, perhaps. But not really, not yet.
"You're giving me too much credit," I said instead. "I really just wished to see what you all actually look like, under everything they put on you yesterday." My eyes stopped at Anna for a second. "Now, as you know.." I got up as I counted that all of them got there, "the outcome of this..selection..will pretty drastically affect my life as well as yours, and truth to be told.." I glanced at Lance, knowing neither him nor my parents would ever approve of my words. "I'm not exactly dying of desire to get married to a stranger either. But we are where we are, I suppose, and we might as well make a proper game out of it.." I offered them all to sit down - the room was full of armchairs and sofas anyway - and stayed standing. "You will divide yourselves into six groups of six now." None of them moved. "..now."

Lance frowned slightly as we watched them form the little groups. They seemed confused, but it was much easier to keep track of them this way than in the big crowd.
"Brilliant," I muttered. "So, from now on, you depend on the others in your group and vice versa. All of you can stay until tomorrow - that's when the real game begins, and we have all the time we need.." All the time I want.. "I suggest you make friends with each other, this game requires collaboration. In short, it would go something like this.. When one person from the group does something wrong - in any way and by any criteria I think of, that is - the entire group gets what you could call negative points. By the end of the week, one group will have to leave the selection, even if just one of its members is to blame." I smirked at their expressions. "Goodnight now. Breakfast will be served for you here, you can sleep instead if you wish, I don't really care. Lunch will be served at one, and a proper ball of sorts will be held in the evening." I got up, stopping before I reached the door. "Oh, yes, one more thing. I'm a prince, I was raised surrounded by people and publicity and whatnot, I know an actor when I see one. If you won't allow me to get to know you properly before making my choices, you could as well put your names in a hat and I'll just choose the winner with my eyes closed."

One of the girls stood in my way as I turned to the door again. I bet I know her name..
"Your Majesty," she said. With which letter was it, again..? I let the endless sequence of pictures and letters flash before my eyes. "Please may I go to the gardens?" Nikola, isn't it? I felt stragely accomplished, and somewhat surprised to see her still talking. "You said we needed permission." She was shifting from foot to foot as if she wanted to run away.
I glanced at the window. It was still dark outside. "Now? Shouldn't you sleep some more?" I shrugged before she answered. The gardens were closed, and no one could do anything to her - nor could she do any damage there. I nodded. "Very well, if you wish. You can't be sleeping all day tomorrow, though." I looked over all of them. "Goodnight now, my ladies."

I knew not everything was right as soon as I got to my room, finding the guard paler than usually.
"What happened?" I muttered, and he bowed slightly.
"The King wanted to see you, my prince," the guard said, and I rubbed my temples. I knew what that meant - he would refer to him as your father, and not the king, if everything was the way it should be. I nodded to him, sending him off his post, and entered the room, trying to calm myself.

They thought it was simple for me, all of them - the girls, the reporters, even most of the castle's staff. They knew nothing.
I sighed as I closed the door behind me again, finding my father in the middle of the room. That's not your father right now. I licked my lips. "..dad?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Dad is sleeping." He stepped closer, and I instinctively took a step back, feeling the door right behind me. He smirked. "Afraid?"
I shook my head slightly. "What are you doing here? It's late.. I should go to bed."
"You should've been in bed." He glanced towards it, frowning a moment later. "Kids aren't supposed to wander around at this hour. Didn't I tell you you're not allowed to do that?"
"You did," I admitted, not quite meeting his eyes. It was strange. He looked like my father, they shared the voice, they shared everything - except for personality. I wasn't sure if I was calmed or frightened by how simple it would be for this one to pretend. It worked for years, after all, ever since they were a prince, and no one ever knew - no one except for the family. As far as I knew, mother found out when it was already too late for her to do anything about it, and I never really had a choice anyway.
"Precisely," he cut my thoughts. "And what did we say the father must do when the son disobeys the rules?"
I frowned, tying my fists, knowing I'd regret my words before I even let them slip my lips. "You are not my father."

I found myself pinned to a wall for my rebelious effort, with my head feeling like splitting in two, and only got the time to shut my eyes closed before his hand moved. I didn't fight back - I never did, because I couldn't really bring myself to hit my father, even in self defence and while he wasn't the master of his mind. Instead, I just kept my eyes closed and tried to focus on breathing; until it got cut off without warning, forcing me to clutch my chest with my hand before getting pinned to the wall again. I didn't like the way my lip felt.
"Learn some respect," he muttered, letting me go as suddenly as he first grabbed me, practically running out of the room. So much about the perfect life of the perfect family.

I sighed, as much as my lungs let me, wincing as I more dragged myself than walked to the bed. My entire left side hurt, alarmingly so, and a part of my brain wondered couldn't he at least have used some sort of symmetry - the other part of it, the one able to create and hold to proper thoughts, wondered how was I supposed to get up in a few hours, get dressed and pretend nothing happened, when I could barely move now. You also announced there'll be a dance in the evening, my mind kindly reminded me and I muttered a curse into the pillow, before turning again and carefully taking my shirt off, pressing my hand against my ribs. I almost bit my lip off not to make a sound, letting myself fall down on the pillows. Well, I thought through the mist of tiredness which suddenly caught hold of my mind, if none of them prods too much, I shoud be able to dance with the whole army of them and walk out of it alive.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:24 pm
Unbelievable says...

Ariel Morelle (Ari)

My group included Reina, and a girl I think was named after a flower, and some other girls I didn't really care about. I hated this. I didn't want to be in a group. I didn't let myself think of why that was.

I was probably going to be the first to go, with my mouth. I went back to my room, and suddenly Reina is at my door.

"Um, Hey...I just realized you don't talk to anyone, and well, you seem nothing like any of those other fakes back there," She jerked her thumb behind her.

I stared for a second at her. I didn't know what to say, so I decided to try to be nice. "Yeah, well, I don't like barbies. Never have, never will." I sneered instead.

She looked taken back for a second and then smiled. "I kind of like you..." She laughed.

I stood dumbfounded for a second. And stared.

"Um, I see you don't have a roommate?" She said but ended as a question. When I didn't answer she started again. "I could move into here, make the room not feel so big..." She offered.

My reflex was to answer with a snide no, but at the instant the room seemed huge, and I felt homesick. I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess." I said. It didn't sound like me though. I guess another person breathing at night would be okay.

She smiled and went to get her maids, and her stuff. She carried it to the spare bed on the other side of my- I mean our- bedroom.

One of her maids offered to put her stuff away for her, but Reina refused the offer.

"Hey Ariel," she began, before I cut her off with "It's Ari." I said harshly.

"Right, Ari...Anyways, Good Luck. Just, I hope we go far." She said.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"Goodnight Reina." I told her, trying really hard to be nice to my new roommate.

"Night Ari."

You will never know me.

Meet me in Montauk.
— Charlie Kaufman