
Young Writers Society

Apprentice Wars **Permission Only**

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:29 am
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KindredSpiritBee says...

sure! Please PM me the profile first though so i can ok it
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Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:30 am
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Secrets13 says...

Name: (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key)Katie and Kara

Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)19

Gender: (Male/Female?)Female

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)About 5 foot, with curly red blonde hair, petite, and glasses.
Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer)She's usually a sweet, happy-go-lucky, and is always smiling and lifting everyones spirits up. That is, until she takes off her glasses. Then she becomes a cold heartless person, with only one need: kill her enemies.

Flaws: (every character has to have them- they make them interesting)
Her glasses, as previously explained.
Skills/special abilities: (magic- but don't go nuts. C'mon keep it realistic)Uses several daggers hidden all over her body, and has speed faster than normal humans.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length)
She was born in a small village, and was suppose to be a twin but something happened when they were born. A witch cursed them and combined the two into one. Since Katie was the older one, she is the main personality. Kara, her sister, is her alternate personality. Kara is obviously evil, since she ended up with the short end of the stick.
Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)Katie yes Kara....still on the fence.

Other: (anything we've missed?)ummm not really lol
Every answer is only a question away.

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:16 pm
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gleek456 says...

Hey Kindred! I've decided to join!... Can I? :)

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:42 pm
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Betheny says...

I'll PM you the character profile tomorrow once I've gain access to a computer and written the profile itself. :-)
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:17 pm
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KindredSpiritBee says...

Ok, great! And yes you can join! We can always use another character! Also- i decided that we will be starting this friday, so please try to get your profiles to me as soon as possible so i can give you the green light! Im looking forward to it!
Llamas do not have six packs

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Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:20 pm
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Rydia says...

Name: Delilah (Dee) Cuthbert
Age: 23
Gender: Female

Appearance: Dee is about average height with a slim and boyish figure. She keeps her hair short, in a very manageable pixie cut and it's a mixture of tones with some caramel blonde, some dark brown and anything in between. Her eyes are a dark grey and she keeps her make-up very minimal. As far as dress style goes, Dee wears men's clothes. She wears a white shirt with a beige waist-coat and beige, patched work trousers. Her shoes are grey and very practical.


Personality: It's hard to say what Dee likes because she doesn't really know her own mind so how anyone else is supposed to, really is a mystery. But she likes running and she's charmed by music, though she has no musical talents of her own. It's easier to list what she doesn't like. She doesn't like crowds, she doesn't like education, she doesn't like being told what to do. Dee is a free spirit and not easily won over. Her strengths are her independence and fierce nature.

Flaws: Dee isn't trained in her magic. She's got a lot of passion and good impulses but no training to back them up so if she came against a skilled opponent, she'd have to rely on her other skills to back her up. She also lacks physical strength, though she makes up for this somewhat with her speed and nimbleness.

Skills/special abilities: Dee has spent a lot of her life living in a small wooden hut at the edge of the woods and her family have always lived off the land. As such, she's a good tracker and knows how to set a trap to catch a rabbit or how to use a sling shot to put a stone right between the eyes of a bird and bring it crashing down. Dee also has magic but no control over it. Her power is physical force and sometimes shows itself in a shield, other times as an invisible push.

History: Dee was the first and only daughter of a woodsman and his wife who lived in a little wooden hut some distance from the village. They had nine sons, all of which are older than Dee for her mother said she'd keep birthing children until she got a girl. And then she got a Dee. Growing up with that many brothers and an indifferent father was never going to make Delilah feminine, despite her mother's wishes. By the age of four, the girl was catching game with her brothers and had her own knife. She knew how to skin a rabbit and she was just starting to get the hang of her sling shot. And that was how it went on.

The family mostly lived off the land, only going to the village occasionally to trade animal skins or meat at the market. And Dee both loved and hated those visits. The large crowds of unfamiliar people terrified her, but when she saw them playing music or dancing at their festivals, it made her feel lonely, especially when she'd see the other girls in their pretty dresses. Most of the time she is adament that she is not a girl, not in the way that they are, but she still feels like a girl and loves like a girl and sometimes she wishes she understood their world.

Up For Love? Yes.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:45 am
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gleek456 says...

Will finish later...

Name: Minnow Detraz

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Minnow is described as pretty, delicate, and blonde. Yes, she is pretty, delicate, and blonde, so that's a pretty accurate description. Minnow has chocolate brown eyes, with long eyelashes. She has a slightly pale complexion, with rosy cheeks and lips. Minnow has bright, blonde hair in which appears straight or curly- I don't know, she just wakes up with either hair. She is pretty tall, and has a slim figure. Minnow is exceedingly skinny, but not anorexic.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Minnow is truly sweet. Really. She wouldn't even think of hurting a fly, which is unusual that she's in the Games. She is an intelligent girl, and thinks quickly. Even if she is very kind-hearted and sweet, she isn't forgiving. Minnow remembers things she doesn't want to, and even some traumatic things. Minnow thinks that everyone is equal- man and woman. She treats everyone the same, except the people she doesn't really like being around- she just ignore them. Minnow is a free-will person, and doesn't really care of what people thinks.

Flaws: Minnow doesn't really resolve problems on her own- she avoids it.

Skills/special abilities: Minnow has healing magic, which is probably where her kindness generates from. She can heal anyone if she focuses, but remember- she can say no to a dying person. Minnow can defend herself with a sword. She is an excellent sword-fighter/ fencer.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length)

Up For Love? Planned.


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Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:36 am
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FadingBrighter says...

“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit (everything changes, nothing perishes).”
― Ovid, Metamorphoses

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Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:34 pm
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Betheny says...

Name: Etney (Et-nay (like a horse's nay))

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Image included at bottom) Oriental looking with thin and delecate features. She is medium tall/5"9 and has an equally proportioned body that is very graceful and delicate looking. She has long white hair and very dark, almost black, blue eyes with flecks of white (think of a clear midnight sky with stars). She has very pale but still noticably coloured skin (a creamy light brown)

Personality: She is very much an introvert, prefering to be on her own rather than in a large group of people. Etney is actually very kind and is willing to help and get along with others despite her attitude sometimes. Eventhough she can be quite violent at times, Etney usually tries to stay out of fights and avoids them as best she can.
-Likes/Dislikes: She likes to use her magic just to entertain herself, as well as improving her control over it at the same time. Her favourite colour is red, specifically crimson, after her favourite element fire. Also she likes to wear loose and floaty clothes. However, she dislikes carrying physical weapons in any form, even poisons, although there are times where she's wished that she'd had a dagger.
-Strengths/Weaknesses: Her main strengths are her use of the elements, more specifically fire and air, and her wit/intelligence. In comparison however, Etney is weak and wouldn't last long in a physical onslaught from either magic or fists. Unfortunately Etney has always had a soft spot/weakness for cute boys, although she'll never really show it.

Flaws: At times she can be rather bipolar when it comes to trust, sometimes she can trust those who don't deserve it while not trusting others who do. She also has a very hot temper but really lets it get out of control, unless caught off guard.

Skills/special abilities: Etney is an elemental, meaning that she can manipulate the elements of earth, fire, water and air. She specilizes in using fire and air.

History: Etney was born into a family of two halves: one being completely magical, the other purely non-magical. It was her mother who wanted to get away from magic by marrying a normal man, and was horrifed to that Etney showed signs of being magical from a very early age. Her father, however, couldn't have been more happy at the fact that his first, and only, child could and would go on to use magic. Although nothing was as easy as that. Etney's parents seperated when she was aged five, and she remaind with her father since her mother wanted nothing to do with her daughter. Alec (her father) took Etney and together they lived away from the world and with what little money he had he bought as many books relating to magic as he possibly could so that Etney could read them and grow stronger in her chosen disiplin. For elven years they lived quite happily together, and eventhough Alec was not a magic user Etney loved him dearly. She didn't mind that lived away from everyone else, she didn't mind that he couldn't use magic, she simply loved him as his he was the only who showed her love in return. Not long after her sixteenth birthday, Etney was out exploring further into the forest surrounding the cottage in which they lived. This was the day her father died. When she came home from collecting suplies from a near-by town, she found the cottage burnt to the ground and the twisted and burnt body of her father amoung the ruins. From then on, Etney has roamed the lands by herself trying to find her mother and make her proud. When the Apprentice Games were anounced, Etney decided to join in the hope of proving herself to her mother.

Up For Love?: (Straight) She's deffinately up for love so long as it's someone who will love her and respect who she is rather than control and change her.

Other: N/A
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Last edited by Betheny on Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:31 pm
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Leahweird says...


“I don’t suppose I can talk you out of this.”

Serena turned to her brother, brushing a strand of inky hair out of her face. She grinned at him. He knew perfectly well how excited she was for the games. Now that she finally had powers, and she’d had some time to practice with them, she was just dying for a chance to show off.

“It’s not too late for you to back out,” she told him.

“Not if you’re going I can’t.”

“Are you alright?” She asked him. Even she couldn’t always tell what was going through her twins head.

Sebastian shrugged but remained expressionless. “I have a headache. There are too many people here. It’s tense.”

She looked around at the huge crowd and imagined how many different emotions they must be feeling. Everything would all be really intense too. No wonder he was feeling stretched thin.

“Do you want to turn it off for awhile? I can make sure nothing happens to you while you’re out.”

“No, that might actually be worse. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

She hugged him, and he seemed to relax a little. Touching tended to focus his magic somewhat.

“Just hold on to me and my excitement. I bet most of these peons will drop out in the first round.”

He actually smiled at her. She wished he would do that more often; it made his whole face brighten, even if it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“You know we could be one of the losers,” he said.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she declared. “With our powers working together, we can’t lose. Now come on, let’s go get signed up!”

She grabbed his hand and dragged him off towards one of the tents.

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Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:19 pm
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KindredSpiritBee says...

Reva Airdronac

My belly and chest still ached from where Maryx kicked me this morning, it wasn't terrible pain as long as I was gentle with it, but it was certainly obnoxious. It kept me distracted as we walked and so I didn't pay any attention to where we were going. I didn't think I needed to. I expected to go into town to buy supplies, not to pass right by the Market Place to the huge arena outside the city. But we went to it, and as we moved up in line I became more and more perplexed. What were we doing here? I had no interest in spending my money on watching some new attraction that would only turn out to be an enslaved pet. I didn't wish to feel guilty that my pet and I had escaped the scourge on our race and were likely the only functioning Rogue and Pet in existence. My hand tightened on my pet's weapon form, a staff carved with some sort of ancient runes that have long since been forgotten.

That won't happen to us Master. Kitty's soothing voice radiated through the bond we shared and I nodded, turning my attention back to the line, and then my eyes caught a sign posted above the woman signing people up's head.

APPRENTICE WARS! Sign up here.

I blinked and narrowed my eyes. Where had I heard that? Where had I heard of Apprentice Wars? What was it?

Then I remembered. It was a game of sorts, to become the apprentice of some supposedly great magician of some sort. It wass supposed to be some high honor to learn under him, and you would have fame throughout the land. There was one catch. There could only be one apprentice, everyone else had to die. It was going to be a complete blood bath.

I started to pull out of the line, I wasn't about to go kill myself, but Maryx grabbed my arm and squeezed harshly.

"You are staying and signing up with me Reva." He told me firmly. "I need your healing abilities if I'm going to win."

I looked into the black depths of his eyes, and saw the hope and desire burning there. He had his heart set on becoming the apprentice. The least I could do for the man who saved my life three and a half years ago. If I die I will have died helping someon at the very least. I nodded that I would stay and he let off a breif smile before turning to the woman signing people up.

"Name?" She asked.

"Maryx Song. I'm 24 years old and am a water mage."

She nodded, scribbling things down on a small piece of parchment before handing it to him. "Go on to the next tent please and get your tattoo."

He stepped away, and waited at the tent flap for me as she asked me the same question.

I took Maryx's answer and revised it a little. "Reva Airdronac. 23. Rogue."

She raised an eyebrow. "Rogue?"

I nodded. It was my race, and even if we were almost completely wiped out I would not go by any other name.

"So you have a pet then?"

I held up Kitty and the woman sighed, handing me a piece of parchment. "Alright miss, good luck to you."

I looked at the paper, and saw an identification number with instructions to have it tattooed onto my body, somewhere that would be easy to find. It looked like there was no turning back then.
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Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:13 pm
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Leahweird says...


Sebastian looked at the card in his hand.

“We have to get a tattoo?” he murmured.

“Don’t be a baby,” said his sister, correctly guessing that he had been complaining.

He watched her brush back her hair again. She probably had some kind of tie in her boot, but he knew she wouldn’t use it until she absolutely had to.

The twins were both wearing black again. She had a blouse on over a tank top, while he had a jacket over a t-shirt. They were both wearing jeans, but Serena had hers slung low on her hips.

“Of course it wouldn’t bother you,” he said to her. “You’ve wanted matching tattoos for ages.”

She grinned wickedly. “Would you get yours on your hand?”


“So they’ll touch if I put mine on the opposite side.”

He thought for a moment. “Alright.”

“Yay!” she cried, throwing her arms around her. “You’re so good to me.”

“You owe me for this one though.”

She just laughed at him. He could feel the happiness rolling of her. His sister was sure she was about to get everything she had ever wanted, and Sebastian was willing to do anything to help her.

Truth be told, he was looking forward to participating as well. Even though only one of them could win, he wanted the chance to prove his odd talent was more than just an eccentricity.

He followed Serena, first into the tent to get their tattoos, and then beyond. Eagerly they awaited the true start of the Apprentice Wars.

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Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:35 pm
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Betheny says...


I'd been waiting an eternity in this line. In fact, I'd only been there a few days but it still felt like an eternity... Finally it was my turn. I entered the first of the tents, to see a stout woman sat at a desk looking very board.
"Name, age, race..." She didn't even look at me when asked this, and I felt rather annoyed about that. She should at least have the common courtesy to look at me whilst speaking to me.
"Etney, aged eighteen and I'm an Elemental," I replied as politely as I could. She scribbled on a fragment of paper on the desk in front of her, handing it to me with a gesture to the tent flap.
"Go to the next tent, get the number tatooed somewhere and don't die. It's as simple as that," She sounded so board, it felt as if she didn't even mean her words. I don't think I'd be trusting her anytime soon.

In the next tent along I doodled a design on some paper including the number I'd been given (Picture at bottom) and handed it to yet another board looking person. This time however it was a sickly thin and frail old man. He had foul and rotten teeth, but his hands were so steady. He motioned for me to sit on a bench prepared for countless others to follow.
"So where do you want it hun'?" His voice was sweet and kind and loving, painfully his voice reminded me of my father's.
"On the back of my hand please." I smiled at him, offering my right hand to him. He stiffly sat down on his own little stool and began work on my tattoo.
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"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:40 pm
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Rydia says...

Delilah Cuthbert

It was crowded, it was noisy and it was very, very scary. Dee was starting to wish she'd let one of her brothers come along, but the whole point of this was to prove that she could be something without them. It was hard. She wasn't just the only girl of the family, she was also the baby and the only one to inherit their mother's magic. Father said it was perhaps passed solely through the female line. Dee didn't like that. It was yet another reason to seperate her from the boys.

"Where do you want it?" the tattoo artist asked. Dee didn't really want it anywhere. She was Dee, not a number, but if she had to have a tattoo then it might as well be somewhere cool.

"The back of my neck." The artist made her lean forward so that he had access to the area and she bit her lip softly, waiting for the pain to start. It was okay at first, though she felt it buzzing right through her head. But it was okay. Until the needles brushed to the top, then it hurt a bit and she gritted her teeth. It eased off again as he moved to the base of the next number but every time the needle pressed higher, she felt herself tense up.

"Alright, you're done," he said at last. Dee hovered at the edge of the crowds of people who'd signed up and shot them curious glances. She'd be killing some of these soon. Hunting them like the rabbits in the woods. She wondered how it would feel to watch the light go out of their eyes, to see the fear as she cornered them. Would it be any different? Would she care more?

Delilah didn't know.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:46 pm
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Secrets13 says...

Katie finally inched up to the table. She REALLY did not want to be here.
"Name?" Someone at the table asked her.
"Katie." She replied, glancing around nervously. There were so many scary people here.
"Last name?" the person asked again.
"I don't have one." Katie replied, messing with her glasses impatiently.
"Fine. Age?"
"Er, human?" Katie replied. She never really thought herself as a race, other than a monster.
"Just human?"
"Alright then. Go into one of the tents and get your number tattooed."
"A tattoo!?" Katie squeaked.
"Yes. Now go." The person growled, clearly annoyed.
"Alright." Katie sighed, and dragged her feet over to one of the tents. Inside this one was a middle-aged woman with strange mechanism in her hand.
"Hello sweetie. So, where do you want it?"
"Er, want what?"
"Your tattoo deary. Where do you want me to put it?"
"Um, my arm." Katie replied, rolling up her sleeve and pointing to the spot she wanted.

Katie walked out of the tent, tears in her eyes.
"That hurt." She whined.
"What are they doing, letting in weaklings like this brat here?" she heard some men next to her whisper loudly.
"She won't last five minutes." Another laughed.
Katie a voice whispered in her head.
"No, not yet." katie whispered, adjusted her glasses on her nose and headed to the arena. She new who her first targets were.
Every answer is only a question away.

Surround yourself with people who are serious about being writers, and who will tell you, ‘Hey—you can do better than this.’ Who will be critical of your work, but also supportive. And who will not be competitive in a negative way.
— Isabel Quintero