
Young Writers Society

Seventh Shadow~ Started (4 Spots open)

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Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:01 am
FruityBickel says...

I call partygoer XD

(if anything's wrong with this, just PM me and let me know.)
Name: Rose Fidelio Axions.
Age: 17
Appearance: Black hair dyed blonde, crooked grin, thin body with little muscle, white undershirt under a sleeveless army green jacket.
Spoiler! :
SB character.jpg
SB character.jpg (44.94 KiB) Viewed 317 times

Personality: Rose is very defensive and hates jokes that center on a person's flaws. He is always looking to pick a fight even though he is better with his words and wits rather then his muscle. He loves drawing and almost always carries a backpack with art supplies in it over his shoulder. He is unruly and refuses to listen to anyone, being a sort of outcast that goes by his own rules.
Skills/Strengths: Rose is very good at depicting the emotion in someone else's face and can tell when someone is lying. He's also very good at drawing.
Flaws/Weaknesses: He's easily insulted and often lets pride override his better judgment. He also is capable of holding grudges for ages and doesn't forgive easily.
History: Rose was born the son of a knight and a commoner. He always did poor in school because of his disability (Dyscalculia), which makes it hard, almost impossible, for him to understand basic math. This means that he has to take special classes and has a special tutor to teach him things that a second grader knows like the back of their hand, so therefore he has resorted to art as his strong point. He always hated the fact that his father was disappointed in him and his mother always pitied him, so he kept to himself locked up in his room.

His mother naturally worried about him, wanting her son to grow up and become a knight like his father. Rose often blamed her for his problems, saying that he got nowhere in life because his classmates and peers ridiculed him for his name. He despised his father and his brother, because his parents seemed to favor him, who Rose nicknamed the "Genius" over Rose himself. At a young age, Rose disappeared for a short while before his parents (mainly his mother, as his father was unconvinced of his worth) sent Genius after him and Genius brought him back. Filled with hate, Rose turned again to art, convinced that it was the only thing keeping him alive.

Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, his father announced that both he and Genius had been invited to the princes and princess' party and both were to attend so as not to offend the royal family. Rose begrudgingly agrees to go at his father's will, despite the fact that he knows he will have a horrible time there. He plans to sneak his pet monkey, Cherry, in with him by hiding her in his backpack.
Up For love?Yes, either gender, usually tends to be more interested in guys but is always open to either.
Other: N/A
Last edited by FruityBickel on Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:07 pm
wonderland says...

Bay | Ballroom

The banners were up; tables filled with Bay and Jon’s favorite treats lined the outer walls. The space was cleared for dancing, flirting and talking, yet Bay sat alone, her hair cosseted into a fancy up do, her dress just showing her clavicles. On the table in front of her sat a small notebook, flipped to an open page, and a pen beside her. She wasn’t interested in dancing or flirting with all the boys who had come especially to see her and she didn’t want to talk to that great aunt again. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to run up to her room, climb down the trellis outside her window and run away as fast as she could.
Bay was in one of her feisty moods.
She watched as the couples danced, bright skirts flaring out. She adjusted her black mask and tapped her foot impatiently on the floor. She had waited all of two hours for this thing to finish. She wanted to take her elegantly wrapped presents and go to bed.
She shut her notebook, and watched her brother sweep past other people, obviously looking for her. She ducked her head, trying to remember if he had seen her before this party. Not likely, she spent the day in her room getting ready. He didn’t know what she was wearing, so if she got up now, she could hide from her brothers scolding. But he stopped to talk to a pretty little girl in a white mask. Bay watched him through lowered lashes, a small smirk on her face. Maybe he’d fall in love with that girl, get married and leave forever.
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:34 pm
gleek456 says...

What Isabelle's wearing:
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Isabelle Freidrich | Ballroom

I stood at the refreshments tables, staring at the sweets haunting me. There were cupcakes, chocolates, and cakes of all sorts. I looked around. No Alexios anywhere! I smiled brightly before picking up the last red velvet cupcake. Hehe, it matches the color of my hair, perfect! I adjusted my black mask, and dusted off my skirt with a free hand. I brought the cupcake up to my lips, closed my eyes, and-


My cupcake got taken out of my hands, and I frowned and turned around. Alexios. I glared at him and whined. I've been waiting all night to eat something sweet! Now, Lex is ruining it.

"Lex! Please! Just one bite, that's it!" I whined. Alexios shook his head, and took a bite out of my cupcake. He flicked his mask before walking away. I sighed. I wanted that cupcake! I'm not satisfied anymore. I looked around, past the dancing couples, past the food. My eyes landed on Bay, sitting down with a notebook and pen on the table beside her. Bay! I quickly rushed up to her, and gave her a hug from behind.

"Happy birthday Bay!" I cried. Bay turned around and muttered something to herself. I pursed my lips and stood straight with my hands clasped behind my back.

"Belle, you scared me," Bay said. I took a seat near me and dragged it over to Bay. I smiled.

"Sorry," I said quietly. I pinched the hem of my dress, and looked towards where Bay was looking.

"Is that Jon?" I asked, pointing towards a boy talking to a girl in a white mask. Bay nodded, and I nodded back. I put down my mask and sighed, still thinking of the cupcake.

Alexios Freidrich | Ballroom

I smiled as I finished eating the cupcake. It tasted marvellous. Too bad Belle can't experience it without going crazy. I looked around for a bright red head, and found Belle sitting with a girl. I nodded in acceptance of what she was doing. She can do anything, as long as it doesn't ruin her reputation, which also means not going crazy at a ball.

I sighed and decided to find a piano somewhere. I've been to one of the twins' balls many times, and I'm sure I caught a glimpse of a piano somewhere. I quickly slid out of the ballroom, and started walking around the palace. I listened to the clicks of my shoes as I peered into every room.

Bay and Jon must have a music room somewhere! I continue to peer into rooms, until I found a room with many instruments, and a large grand piano in the middle. Perfect. I looked around to make sure no one was there, and slipped inside. I exhaled, making sure not to get my breath on the piano. I sat down, and ran my fingers along the ivory keys.

I stretched a bit, and then began playing. Me and Belle always played together with this song, and we even tried playing it with a faster speed. I found it amusing how Belle sang the lyrics faster than usual. After a while, I stopped playing, and continued playing one of my favorites: Tristesse. Beautiful piece, I must say. I inhaled, and exhaled. This was very relaxing.

(Anyone can walk in on him if you'd like! :) Oh, and if there's anything wrong, please PM me!)

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:54 pm
FruityBickel says...


"Dammit." Rose mumbled under his breath, letting loose a string of curse words. Where was that dang ballroom? His brother, the "Genius", had abandoned him, as usual, leaving him stumbling through the halls of the castle like a bumbling moron.
Rose could feel his pencil box of art supplies bouncing around in the army green backpack he had slung over his shoulder. Cherry poked her head out of the top of his bag and "ooh-ahhed" in protest, the way she had been doing the entire way here. He loved Cherry to death, but sometimes she was a really annoying mutt of a monkey.
"Hush, and get back inside, before someone sees." Rose shook his head in annoyance as she began to comb through his hair, presumably looking for bugs.
Cherry suddenly ducked back inside, however, as a lovely, rich sound met both their ears. Music. Rose thought. And by a good player, with the sound of it.
He carefully crept around the corner, poking his head into the nearest room. A figure was hunched over a magnificent grand piano, and Rose could see the immense delight on his face as he spun a beautiful song over the black-and-white keys.
"Erm..sorry to interrupt, but um.." Rose's voice trailed off, and he made to tap the figure on the shoulder before losing courage and letting his hand fall to his side.

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:33 am
Redfang18 says...

Luke | Ballroom

Spoiler! :
Luke's mask

Luke had the feeling he might hit the jackpot tonight. Nobles all around, just begging to be robbed of their jewelry and he was nearly shaking in his boots in excitement. This would be the biggest steal he had in his whole life. Nobody ever caught him in the act, so he was just ready to go in and get what his eyes can offer him. He put his mask on and started his sneaky raid.
Several times he had to get close to snatch what he saw, but he was careful. Not once did someone suspect he was the uncatchable Phantom Thief, so he made sure he kept it that way. He often lingered to admire a few ladies, but it was because they had something he couldn't say no to. So far, three women fell for his smooth talk and were robbed of their emeralds as he left both them and a trio of broken hearts. He almost longed to settle down, but to do that was to be noticed by the law. He shivered at this. All his life as a thief, he was scared to death of the law.
He slipped an emerald ring on his right hand and admired it for so long, he was lost in his own world. He snapped out of it when a girl bumped into him.

Spoiler! :
Could be any girl around here.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:58 am
EnchantedPanda says...

King Richard | Study

King Richard was sat at his writing desk subconsciously tapping his foot on the ground. His was quill hovering in his hand in mid air just above the sheet of paper which he was supposed to be writing a yet another letter on. He had been told a few weeks earlier that there was expected to be yet another violent attack on Alleria. It was just a rumor but the King was no longer taking any chances. He started another attempt to write the letter.

The letter was for supposed to be for another nearby country called Mallirmane which he was trying to make a bargain with. He knew that Mallirmane wouldn't want to accept his offer to join forces and save Alleria. Because Mallirmane was a peaceful country that was rich and safe and he knew the Mallirmanian king wouldn't want to risk that by getting involved in the war. But still he resumed writing the letter.

Spoiler! :
Was that okay and am I allowed to involve the other country 'Mallirmane'?
Last edited by EnchantedPanda on Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:27 am
Liv says...

Finished Chastity's profile! XD

Chastity -

Spoiler! :
Her dressImage

Spoiler! :
Her maskImage

I slid the silver mask onto my face, feeling the cool metal against my skin, and I walked into the ballroom. My dress, shoes, and mask was all I was wearing, my long black hair hanging loose. I know what the streets are like, I've had to result to theivery myself. I still sometimes catch myself slipping things into my pocket. But I never wear anything myself. Too easy to be stolen. People are too cunning. I took in the grand room, still not used to the ritzyness of everything after three years.

Three years of glamour. Three years without Louis. I pushed aside the thoughts of my dead twin and let my happiness reflect through a smile on my face.

I looked up at the ceiling, admiring the glass chandelier, and I suddenly bumped into someone. Blinking a few times, I looked at the boy in front of me, a boy with black hair and green eyes.

Giving him a crooked smile, I held out my hand and said in my husky voice, "Chastity."

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:28 pm
Redfang18 says...

Luke | Ballroom

At first I thought she would send the guards after me, but then it crossed my mind that she didn't know me as the Phantom Thief, so I relaxed and decided to talk to her like a gentleman. I took her hand and said smoothly, "Luke Lucario. I'm just out and about, minding my own business."
Chastity said sweetly, "You seem to have quite a taste in emeralds, Luke. They match your eyes."
Behind my mask, I blushed. Nobody in my life had ever told me that emeralds match my eyes. I calmed myself and thought to myself, Paitence, Luke. You can steal from her when she least suspects it. Besides, she might be having some nice jewels somewhere just calling you by name. A master thief like yourself needs to wait for the right moment. Good things come to the those who wait.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:10 pm
Liv says...

Chastity - Ballroom

Slidding my hand from his, I let it fall back to my side. He really does have nice eyes. Familiar. Had I seen him somewhere before? Possibly.

Scanning the ballroom, I looked for a familiar face. I found no one. I guess I haven't really gotten out much lately.

Turning back to Luke, I gave him a crooked smile and reached my hand up to his face, tracing his skin just below where his mask ended with my forefinger.

"Well Luke," Letting my hand go back to my side, I continued my smile on my face, "Are you going to ask me to dance or are you going to stand there dumbfounded as I walk away?"

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:40 pm
gleek456 says...

Alexios Freidrich | Music Room

I stiffened as someone tapped my shoulder. When I heard a voice, I exhaled and turned around.

"Erm... Sorry to interrupt... Um," the boy trailed off. I raised an eyebrow. He was dressed very strangely for a ball, especially with the backpack. Could he be a theif by any chance?

"Well?" I asked. He fidgeted a bit.

"I like the song you played," he said. I nodded, waiting for something else. I checked the clock. Is Belle still talking to Bay? Or is she dancing with a boy? Oh no.

"I'm Alexios," I said, whilte extending my hand. The boy shook it.

"I'm Rose," he answered. I raised an eyebrow. Rose? Isn't that a girls name? How stereotypical of you Lex, Belle would hit you right now.

"Nice name," I simply said. "If you'd like, I'm going to catch up with my sister. You can join me if you'd like."

I didn't wait for his answer. For all I know, Belle could be gone by now! When I stepped into the hallway, I heard steps behind me. Huh. He's following me. I entered the ballroom, to see Belle talking to Bay. I exhaled. Good, she's fine. Belle caught my eye, and left Bay. She bounded up towards us.

"Lex!... and friend," she greeted. I looked towards Rose.

"Sorry," Belle apologized. She began giggling lightly, making me roll my eyes.

"Belle, I just met him. He's... Rose," I answered. Belle nodded and gasped.

"Such a pretty name!" she cried.

(Hope this is okay!)

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Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:21 am
Redfang18 says...

Luke | Ballroom

I almost thought I was being rude on forgetting my manners, but it took me a little while to gather my bearings. I took her hand and asked, "If I may?"
She and I danced around like masters. She couldn't seem to break eye contact with me. It was like she saw me familiar. That was something I didn't want to happen. For eight years, I have evaded the law and not once did I get caught. The royals didn't call me the Phantom Thief for nothing. Like a phantom, I come and go without a sound and strike only when the sun is not out. That's how I make my steals. I take what catches my wild eyes, then go to the Phantom's Hide to sort out my spoils before sleeping the day away. I knew what to keep and what to sell.
I was about to pull away from Chastity when she pulled me close to her and attempted to kiss me. I was starting to get nervous, but once our lips met, it was too late for me to escape her. I was lost in indescribible oblivion, almost forgetting I was a master thief. After our lips departed, I ran away from her. She couldn't have me. Someone like her shouldn't be in love with a complete game-thief like me. If she wanted Luke Lucario, she'll have to take the Phantom Thief at the same time.

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Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:30 am
FruityBickel says...


Rose sighed, wincing as the girl cried out. "Yep. Rose. That's me." he said.
At least neither of them have commented on how it's a girl name. he thought. He kept his eyes trained on his feet, ashamed of how he looked. Everybody was dressed so formally..he was so out of place. He didn't even have a mask. Especially with Cherry causing a racket in his backpack, making him fidget at the prospect of Cherry revealing herself. To get thrown out of the ball would be his father's greatest shame and something he would never let Rose live down.
He could feel the girl's eyes on him, inspecting him. He shifted from foot to foot, smearing pencil smudges against his nose as he rubbed it.
"This is Belle." the other boy indicated the girl. The girl nodded at Rose, and Rose gave a slight nod back.
Rose nodded. "Nice to meet you all." the boy eyed him apprehensively. Rose fidgeted more, bending low to adjust the anklet he wore. It was several small emeralds embedded into a thin gold chain, and one of Aslan's prized possessions.
"Well..uh.." Rose stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to say. That was him alright..always fumbling for words.

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:49 pm
Liv says...

Chastity - Ballroom

"If I may?" Luke said, offering his hand. I accepted greatfully.

The two of us danced around like we'd been doing it for years. But there was something about his face. Something that was so familiar. So beautiful. I couldn't look away from those beautiful green eyes of his.

Something suddenly came over me, and I resolved to take a kiss. I pulled him closer to me, closing my eyes as our lips met. A wave came over me and I felt my cheeks flush, an incredible feeling tugging at my heart. After our lips departed, he pulled away and ran.

I stood there on the dance floor alone, surrounded by many couples of people dancing and twirling around me. And as I watched him run, I realized why I recognized him.

"Louis, please come back" I cried, my hand against my dead brothers cheek and the other entwined in his curls of black hair.

My sobs echoed through the alley, but I didn't cacre. My dear brother, the only person I'd had left on this earth was gone. I was alone.

Something shifted behind me, and, slowly, I took my eyes from Louis' pale face and turned. Standing there was a boy, who appeared only a few years older than I, looking at me a Louis.

I wiped the tears from my face, trying to stop more from coming, though I didn't do a good job of it. The boy looked at me curiously with those emerald green eyes of his for a moment, and then he ran.

After he ran, I took my brother's wooden cross necklace and I ran too, frightened he might tell. As I ran, I ran out into the street. I heard, "Girl, watch out!"

Then in an instant things were black. I awoke in the house of my new family.

The boy. It was Luke. Luke changed my life.

*Hope this is okay! If not just let me know an I'll change it*

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:51 pm
Redfang18 says...

Luke | Ballroom

I managed as far as the other side of the ballroom when something caught my eye. A young man was wearing gold chain that appeared to be an anklet, but what made me want to take it for myself was that it had emeralds embedded in it. The Phantom Thief in me started to shake in his boots just staring at the emeralds on the gold chain. Those beautiful globes of petrified moss were calling me, just begging me to steal them. I wanted to just take it and run away with it to the Phantom's Hide, but since I was in a situation where one slip means having the law on my tail, I had to use a more slicker manner. Since I was quite careful when I execute a steal, I decided to use a more friendly approach. Walking towards the young man, I said smoothly, "I'm Luke."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:02 pm
FruityBickel says...


"I'm Luke."
Rose glanced up at the green eyed man. "Rose." he nodded once, continuing to fidget just a bit more. The man-Luke, as he had just introduced himself, knocking Rose out of his thoughts- had a sly look on his face and a glint of greed in his eye. Rose gulped. If it weren't for the moment he was caught in, he would have taken the chance to sit and sketch Luke's face. He knew, however, that this was not a good situation to think about art in.
Luke smiled at him charmingly. "How are you?" he asked, and Rose notice him glance down at Rose's ankle.
"Well. Awkward, but well. And yourself?" Rose may have been a rule-breaker that hated communication of any kind, but he had learned through experience that if you used your manners and used them well, it often let you slip out of conversations with ease.
"Splendid." Luke replied, with that same glint still in his eye, watching Rose shift uneasily. "Just splendid."

— Magestorrrow