
Young Writers Society

The Rumoured (Closed/ Started)

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:30 pm
LovelessSummer says...

Can I have Beck?
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:31 pm
gleek456 says...

Of course!

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:00 pm
Shadowlight says...

Hey gleek!

One thing is that the Saratoga racetrack is a real racetrack in Saratoga NY so No ONE family owns it.
I was thinking the McCarthy family owns just a large share of it. :)
It opened in the late 1800's and is still running today. it holds many of the top races that go on each year.

I love the different locations you gave! so cool!

Also I am planning on editing Nathans profile a bit to make him more of a outgoing person. (so he'll be more fun at parties) :D

I can't wait for this to start!
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:42 pm
LovelessSummer says...

Name: Beckham "Beck" Richards
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Spoiler! :
Beck has dark brown hair with lighter natural highlights. His eyes are a bright emerald green that show golden flecks when in the light.

Personality: Beck is actually a really nice person despite what the news article states. He would never lie or cheat, it's just that things that night were different and he wasn't in his right state of mind. He hates seeing people sad or mad and doesn't know how to deal with emotional situations, he's not a very emotional person. He feels emotion, just not a lot of it. He doesn't get to happy or even too sad. He talks in a monotone type voice and will smile often but it's a rare occasion when the smile reaches his eyes.

History: Beck is an only child and was raised to be a perfect gentleman. He was told to never raise his voice, always be polite, and behave in a way that is complementary to the family name. He never acted out in school and got along fairly well with both the students and teachers. He joined the soccer team and made a few friends that way. Beck has always lived a regular normal life and didn't let the famous life affect him really until he made it to his Junior year in highschool. He started to get more attention but never really let it get to him. The kiss with a girl that wasn't his girlfriend really put Beck in a situation he doesn't know how to handle.

Strengths: He's very level headed and calm.
Weaknesses: He doesn't know how to deal with emotions very well and has a hard time expressing or explaining himself.

Up for love? He has a girlfriend but who knows what will happen?

Other: Play's soccer and loves listening to music.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:53 pm
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gleek456 says...

Awesome Loveless! We can start once Princess posts Melissa's profile. :) can't wait!

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:40 am
Iggy says...

Can we start now? D:
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:50 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

I'll take Beck? I'm making my profile now, if I cannot tak Beck I'll change the profile. XD
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Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:19 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Sorry!!! Here it is, in all its glory. Tadaaa!

Name: Mellisa

Gender: Female

Age: (17-20 years) 20

Spoiler! :
Image Image

Mellisa is pretty, and she knows it. With brown eyes and long, shiny brown hair, she nearly always turns heads- but not with Nathan. She is tall and holds herself very gracfully; she was brought up by a wealthy family, she was brought up to take pride in her appearance. She doesn't slap on makeup with a trowel, and usually wears foundation and heavy, earth tones.

Personality: Mellissa is very vain. She knows she is pretty- and she flaunts it. The only problem is the boy she wants refuses to give in. This makes her all the more determined to get him. She is rebellious and a dare devil. She is a basic plastic- cruel and hard, but she is, don't get me wrong, the most loyal friend you'll have.

Spoiler! :
(Think Elena in Vampire Diaries before she met Stefan.)

After the crash, though, this toned down a bit. Her mood and personality cooled down slightly, who knows if she'll be the same? People doubt she'll change for the better- but will Nathan change that?

History: Mellisa was born into a wealthy family, and was brought up with etiquette and she is- was- very self-conscience. She is an only child, so she is very spoilt, and may throw a little tantrum if she doesn't get what she want.

The night of the crash, she was at a party. Nathan had left early, and she decided to ask him out. She knew where he lived (not in a Stalker way, they're all very connected) and decided to visit. So she took her car- a very expensive one I'll point out, much to her dismay- and drove off. She was hit.

She broke her leg and arm, and she hit her head on the steering wheel, and had mild concussion. She was very unhappy with the big black bruise on her forehead.

Strengths: Well, she's very loyal, stubborn and determined.

Weaknesses: She is very vain and self centred; she loves gossip and a laugh. She is a big daredevil.

Up for love? Yes, but she is currently fawning over Nathan.


Spoiler! :
Will Nathan and Mellissa ever go out? I was thinking... well to put it mildly, she's not a very nice girl. If Nathan does fall for her, she can completley change into a much nicer person, because she's found true love. D'aww.
It's up to you, though (;
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Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:41 pm
gleek456 says...

Alrighty everyone! We can start! :) So, everyone is starting off with reading about the rumours in the newspaper.

Quinn Willards | Willards Household

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard the sound of curtains opening. I groaned and turned around to see Clare, my personal maid, standing in front of the window. I squinted as the light came in. To think a maid wouldn't know when a girl needs her sleep! I sighed and touched my head.

"What a hangover," I mumbled. Clare laughed and helped me out of bed and into the Dining room. I could see that mother already finished and has left for a business meeting. I sighed and slipped into my seat and starte buttering my toast.

"Where's the newspaper?" I asked groggily before sipping my tea. The newspaper appeared in front of me instantly. I smiled and flipped to the "Gossip" section.

"Eliza's mother disappeared, Lindy's business shut down in Hong Kong, Terry's engagement got rejected... big whoop," I said to myself. I continued skimming until I saw my name, Ari's name, and everyone else's. I immediately read mine first.

At the biggest ball of the year, Beckham Richards, otherwise known as Beck, was caught "snogging" New York's socialite, Rachel Wilson...

I slammed the paper down before I could even finished it. Beck- my boyfriend- kissed that skank, Rachel?! Beck kissed Rachel?! At the ball?! Yesterday?! What- when- how?! I narrowed my eyes as I heard Frank come in ( the butler).

"Would you like anything else, Miss?" he asked. I let out an angry scream and stormed upstairs, slamming the door behind me. I immediately got dressed, grabbed my fan, and headed towards the car. The driver was already waiting.

"Ah, good mor-" I cut him off.

"Yes, yes, whatever," I said before stepping into the car. "Ainsworth household, NOW."

The driver stepped on the gas pedal and zoomed off. It took a few minutes before we reached Ari's mansion. The maid opened the door, but before she could say her greetings, I walked past her quickly.

"Where's Arianna?" I demanded.

"Um, I, er, the garden!" she stuttered. I rolled my eyes and stormed outside, where Ari was listening to Damian play the violin. The sound was lovely, but unfortunately, I interrupted.

"Beck kissed that skank!" I exclaimed. Damian stopped, arm midway from playing another note. Ari's jaw dropped.

"Say that again?" Damian asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Beck. Kissed. Skank," I answered. Damian looked towards Ari.

"Who's skank?" he whispered, but I obviously can hear.

"Rachel," Ari answered. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop with your stupid conversation!" I burst. I sat down with Ari and took her cup and gulped it down.

"Damn. It's not wine," I mumbled. Ari laughed and took the cup back.

Dmitri Marksam | Marksam Household

I walked into Dylan's room with the newspaper. It's 9 in the morning, and to think a dapper in New York could be a gentleman and actually wake up when needed on time. I sighed and shook my head, grabbing a pillow beside me.

"Dylan. Wake up," I said, clutching the pillow just in case. Dylan only groaned, making me roll my eyes and throw the pillow at me. He grunted and opened his eyes.

"What. I thought you were mature," he said. I rolled my eyes and held the newspaper up.

"They know about your engagement," I said happily. Dylan sighed and sat up.

"Whoo. You know, I don't remember asking for that before," he said groggily. I sighed and sat down on a chair. Dylan still doesn't understand. We're helping him and Monica's family.

"Look, Monica's a nice girl. I'm sure she'll help you change your... attitude. And, you're helping her," I said. Dylan rolled his eyes.

"How exactly?" he asked sarcastically. I shook my head.

"You know how Mr. Harrison died? Monica's been drowning in debt. We're helping her with her debt," I said. Dylan scoffed and rolled his eyes. I sighed and walked out of the room. I'm pretty sure he's thinking about many bad things about me.

(Sorry for the long post! Everyone can start off from there! :) )

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:22 pm
Sassafras says...

Arianna Ainsworth

"Good morning Ms. Ainsworth."

I sat up groggily as light flooded my room. My eyes burn but I quickly blink to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling. I sit up slowly, struggling to push myself up on the too soft bed, and it's a while before I'm actually sitting and looking at my personal maid, Gina.

"Good morning, Gina." She bows and holds out a warm towel for me to hold against my face, I'm never fully awake until I wash my face. Once I pull the towel away I can see the remains of foundations, eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow smeared in a ugly rainbow on the white cotton. Without foundation my face was pale and clammy, without eyeliner and mascara the dark circles around my eyes were frighteningly obvious against my pale skin. I knew all too well how horrid I looked. Gina, as was routine, looked away.

"Your bath is already filled and your clothes for today have been laid out." She stops then, which is strange considering she always follows up the bath with what's for breakfast. I narrow my eyes at her.


"And what, Ms. Ainsworth?"

"And what about breakfast, you idiot?!"

"I just didn't think you'd eat it, Ma'am."

My heart lurches but I keep my calm. She couldn't possibly know about that.

"And why would I not," I snap.

"Well, umm..."

"Why would I not, Gina," I yell at her.

Her face reddens and she thrust out the paper, I didn't realize she was holding up. Quickly she scuttles over and holds the paper out towards me, I snatch it from her hand and read with narrow eyes a news article she points to.

Quinn Willard's beloved friend Arianna Ainsworth has been declared as "anorexic". Apparently, Ms. Ainsworth has been seen running from balls and purging, she has never been seen eating, and she has a very pale appearance. Will this socialite be able to rid of her disorder? Can her brother, Damian Ainsworth, help?

I feel my face heat and my body start to shake, but not from embarrassment, from anger. With strength I didn't know I possessed I ripped the paper up into tiny shreds. Coming from my mouth was a low and angry growl that soon transformed into a manic yell.

"Ahh! Who writes this shit?!"

"Umm.. Ms. Ainsworth, please-"

"Shut the hell up, Quin! Get out!"

She leaves and I take a few moments to calm down before bathing and reapplying my face. Once that's done I follow the sound of my music to my brother who's outside playing the violin. He servant is sitting down a plate of tea and bows before retreating back to the house. I wait for Damien to finish before I start talking.

"Good, but you were a bit off on the second bridge."

He smiles and scoffs before taking a seat next to me.

"I was not and you know it. What's with the look?" I don't want him knowing, I don't want him to ever find out about me and my problem, but I don't really have a choice. Everyone else in New York knows, why can't my brother. With a sigh I hand the newspaper over to him, blinking back a few angry tears, angry because the stupid reporters made me have to do this. Damien takes the paper and reads it silently. Suddenly I see him frown and when he looks back up at me he's still frowning.


"Stop, Damien, it's not what you think."

"So you're not anorexic?" I growl at him and narrow my eyes.

"I am not! I'm just... I just have an eating problem." I hear him mumble something under his breath and he runs a hand through his hair.

"Does mom and dad know?"

"If they didn't they do now. What am I going to do, Damien?" He comes over and hugs me gently, too gently as if he feels I'm going to break. Frustrated, I squeeze him harder and he get's the point. A few tears leak out of my eyes and I don't bother wiping them off. Whoever did this, whoever wrote this, would have hell to pay.

"I'll help you, okay Ari." I nod and lean back, swiping at my face with the back of my hand.

"Can you play my favorite song?" He smiles and nods and starts to play a ballet. Grinning, I grab a cup of tea and take a small sip. It's just getting into the best part when my best friend, Quinn, bursts into the garden.

"Beck kissed that skank!" I look over and Damien, to my dismay, stops playing.

"Say that again," Damien asks.

"Beck. Kissed. Skank." Ah, skank, so by skank she means-

"Who's skank?"

"Rachel," I answer with a small smile.

"Stop with you're stupid conversation!" She plops down next to me and plucks the tea cup from my hand. She downs it in one gulp before frowning at the empty cup.

"Damn, it's not whine." I laugh at her and take my cup back, refilling it.

"Of course it's not," I answer with a dignified scoff. "Wine in the AM is so not cool. And how did you find that out about Beck? What the skank bragging or something?"

Quinn sighs then, all heavy, and brushes her hair away from her face.

"No, the freaking newspaper this morning had an article on it."

My heart lurches when I realize she's read the newspaper and I fiddle with the edge of my tea cup before sitting it down. I don't fiddle with things, what the hell is wrong with me.

"I read the paper too. There was something about me in there..." She turns around with a questioning look and I hand her over the paper and point at the article. She gasps out loud and I know she read it.


"It's complicated. I just have a small problem.


In the background I hear music start up again, my favorite song.

"It's just a little problem. I'll get over it."

"I knew you were looking thinner and thinner. I should have said something."

I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Whatever, so Beck, kissing, the skank. What are we going to do about this?"

(Man, this is long.)
Last edited by Sassafras on Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:33 pm
gleek456 says...

Quinn Willards

"Whatever, so Beck, kissing, the skank. What do we do about this?"

I looked down to the tiled floor. What do I do? Break up? Take a break? No, that sounds too "I hate you, never talk to me again". I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I guess I'll have to talk to Beck himself," I declared. Ari smiled and patted me on the back. Damian continued playing the violin.

"Damian, that's getting more and more beautiful everytime I hear it," I complimented. I looked towards Arianna.

"And what about you? The whole "eating problem" thing," I said. Ari looked towards the ground, just as I did. I have so many questions for her, but I'm not some trashy reporter. I guess I'll have to wait.

"I need breakfast. Have Gina toast some bread and butter it would you?" I asked. Ari smirked and called Gina over. She walked away with her, giving instructions. I decided to listen to Damian's playing. Man, I'm so stressed. I picked up the newspaper and read it through.

"Monica is going to marry Dylan? I thought she liked Dmitri?" I gasped. Ari took the newspaper from me and read the next article.

"Melissa got hit by a car. An they exposed her love for Nathan," she summarized. My eyes widened. They love talking about us, don't they? Stupid reporters, doing this for money.

"What's the matter with these reporters?" I asked when Gine sets a plate of toast and butter in front of me. Ari shrugged, and I noticed Damian sitting now, violin in his lap.

"Aren't you going to eat?" he asked. I smirked and looked over to Ari.

"If I don't finish this, promise you'll eat remainings? Don't worry, I'm probably going to finish it," I said. Ari looked at me weirdly for a second, then nodded. I smiled and brought the toast up to my lips.

"Does your parents know?" I asked, not taking a bite. Arianna shook her head and looked down. I put the bread back down, than brought it up again, not taking a bite.

"Don't you think they'll get mad?" I asked.

"I guess so, but I can deal," she said. I nodded than grabbed a plate beside me and placed it on top of the bread. I handed the plates to her.

"I finished," I said. Ari raised an eyebrow and took the plate off, revealing the uneaten toast. I smiled.

"No you're not," she said. I nodded and took the empty plate from her.

"Now I am," I declared. "That one's yours, have fun," I said before leaving.

(Hope this is okay Reise!)

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:10 am
IamZoomie says...

Damien Ainsworth

I'd never understand women, really, because this was all so confusing.

"So Beck made out with Rachel-"

"Skank," Quinn inurupts. I smile and her and give a small nod.

"My apologies, so Beck made out with Skank? I can't believe that. He's usually such a nice guy. A normal guy."

Quinn scoffs sarcastically and I gently smile at her.

"After all, a guy would have to be extremely stupid to cheat on you, Quinn. I think you should talk to Beck before taking this to heart. You know the rumors some magazines make up to get readers."

She doesn't give any sign that she's considering my words but I take it as a sign she's thinking over my words, thinking that, though, was only to make myself feel better. I knew that in the end Quinn would do whatever Quinn wanted to do. So instead of getting involved in their games I went back inside and sat at the kitchen bar.


My servant comes running in and gives me a small bow. I smile at him and stand to give him a bow of my own. He blushes red at the gesture.


"Please Elliot," I interrupt with a small smile. "I wish you didn't feel the need to fret every time I did that. Now would you ring the Richards household. Ask for Beckham please."

Elliot bows and walks into the phone room. Soon he returns, telling me that Sir Beckham is on the phone, and I follow him to the back.

"Hello, Beck," I say lightly.

"Damien," he replies, "hello. How are you this morning?"

"Fine, Beck, just fine. But, tell me, have you read the paper today?"
“Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are. Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin.”
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Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:30 am
Iggy says...

Rachel Wilson|Her House

"Good morning, Miss Rachel." Rachel awoke to her personal maid opening her window curtains, letting in the bright sunlight.

"Morning Anne." Rachel yawned, raising her arms and stretching.

"Would you like your usual?" Anne inquired, reaching up to fix her tight bun. Shr made the bed while Rachel hopped up and slipped into her father's old flannel robe.

"Yes." Rachel nodded then padded off towards the shower, which was about the size of a regular bedroom. She undressed and pushed a button on the stereo. With the 80's station blasting, she shampooed her chocolate brown locks, massaging the roots gently with a prescribed dandruff ointment. She shaved her long bronze legs, then stepped out of the shower onto a fluffy green rug. Rachel gently dried her hair with a towel, making sure to rub softly, as to avoid damaging her hair. She wrapped the robe around her, then walked back into her room, where a silver tray of low-fat golden pancakes, pulp-free orange juice, and lightly buttered toast were waiting. She hungry ate while Anne blow-dried, brushed, and curled her hair. When Rachel was done, she put on a orange dress, black heels, and a headband. She put on some make-up, brushed her pearly white teeth, winked at her reflection, and was about to leave when Anne stopped her.

"Miss Rachel, you must see the newspaper."

"Give it here." She took the newspaper, which read:

At the biggest ball of the year, Beckham Richards, otherwise known as Beck, was caught "snogging" with Rachel Wilson, one of New York's socialites. We all wonder how Beck's recent girlfriend, Quinn Willards, would react. Is New York's most adored couple done for?

Rachel laughed delightedly, imaging Quinn's enraged face. That stupid bitch deserved it. Beck was too damn good for her.

"Oh Anne! Frame this."

"You're proud you hurt your friend?" Anne said quietly, putting up Rachel's rejected clothes.

Rachel whirled around and glared daggers at her maid. "Ex-best friend. I don't care what she thinks or how she feels, she started it all. She did this to herself by fucking with me."

Anne nodded, bitting her tongue. "As you wish." She took the paper and disappeared. Rachel rolled her eyes after the old woman and grabbed a black purse, slinging it over her shoulders. She left her room, yelling a good-bye to her parents, who were in the kitchen. She slid into her yellow Porshe, loving the new car smell and frunning her hand over the leather interior.

"Welcome Rachel. Where to?" Her GPA asked. Rachel refused to get a limo, wanting to drive her dream car herself. So he parents installed a GPS to help her, lest their baby girl get lost.

"To the Richards' residence." She ordered, smiling wickedly. She would pay dear Beck a little visit.
Last edited by Iggy on Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:17 am
LovelessSummer says...

Beckham Richards

I wake up to the noise of Edmund, my servant, calling me to the phone. It's a weird sensation when I first rise, my head is throbbing and everything's slightly disoriented. There is a strange taste in my mouth and I feel all around dirty. I remember nothing from last night, only that there was a ball of some sort but there is always a ball somewhere these days. I also remember having a drink, or two, three, four, or five. It is not usually in my character to drink but someone influenced me. Is this what a hang over is like? I drag myself to the phone anyway, stopping a while to run a wash cloth over my face.

"Who is it," I ask Ed as I pass him.

"Sir Damien Ainsworth."

I nod and clear my throat.

"Hello, Beck."

"Damien," I reply, "hello. How are you this morning."

"Fine, Beck, just fine. But, tell me, have you read the paper today?"

I quirk an eyebrow at this and let out a small burst of laughter.

"Oh, Damien, please don't tell me you've called me just to ask if I read the paper?" I end in a small chuckle of disbelief and I hear, briefly, the same sign on the other end of the line.

"No, I would never interrupt your morning with such a mundane question. There is a specific reason I've phoned this early."

"Then, no, I've not read the paper. Should I?"

I hear him sigh.

"No, that won''t be necessary. I'll simply tell you." He clears his throat and I suddenly feel a wave of dread wash over me. "In today's paper there is a story of you, Beckham Richards, snogging with the lovely miss Rachel Wilson-"

"That's absurd," I interrupt. I'm about to voice even more how obscene it is when a fragment of last night hits me hard. Me pinning Rachel against the wall, her sultry smile and glossed lips, my hands on her hips; kissing. "Wait-"

"Oh yes, Beck my friend, and I think Quinn is coming over now. You better find a way to explain yourself. Is it true?"

The bell rings and my body goes cold for a moment.

"Apparently, Damien, it is true."

"Was that the door?"

I sigh and stand.

"Yes, actually, it was."

"I wish you luck."

"I'm screwed."

He laughs before hanging up and I go to answer the door.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:00 am
gleek456 says...

(Um, Ignorance, it's the 1900s. Selena Gomez wasn't born, your character is most likely to wear vintage dresses - gowns to be precise-, Porsches were probably old fashioned or never created yet - I don't know about that one-, and GPSs were your drivers. Just telling you. Unless everyone would like this to be modern... Hm... ?:) )

Quinn Willards | On her way to the Richards Household

I looked at my hands. How could Beck do that? Like Damian said, he's a pretty good man, and no one would ever think it would be him who would cheat. I always thought it would be me to have a one night stand with someone else! And Rachel, oh Rachel, it had to be her! Out of all the girls in the world, he chooses Rachel! Man, am I infuriated. Once Beck's door opened, revealing Beck, I shoved the newspaper I'm his chest.

"What's this?!" I demanded. Beck opened the newspaper as if he didn't read it yet. I scoffed and put my hands on my hips.

"Are you going to let me in?" I asked. Beck stepped aside, still clutching the newspaper. I walked inside and turned to him.

"Why. Hm?" I demanded. Beck opened his mouth, but I interrupt.

"Out of all the girls, you pick her!" I exclaimed.

"I can explain," he said.

"Oh, yeah, I'm dying to know," I said sarcastically. Then, the doorbell rang. I stormed towards the door and opened it.

"What?!" I asked angrily. Fuck. It was Rachel.

"Well, someone's angry," she taunted. I glared at her.

"What do you want?" I asked.

If you steal property, you must report its fair market value...
— John Oliver