
Young Writers Society


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Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:15 pm
Chupatoasta says...


Don't take back up. Hmph! He did have back up! Had she let him finish his sentence... The feathers one Aro's head and the fur along his neck and spine was standing on end, out of sheer anger. "We were on a patrol of the border, and a dragon flew over the ridge out of nowhere and attacked one of the younger warriors. He's waiting for Dew in the healer's den. The other warrior who was patroling with me is with him, and the third is one his way back. He asked to stay behind and find that the pegasai made it back over the border safely." Aro growled in a hushed voice, ruffled and angry.

Ara was playing outside the nursery. She'd be a trainee soon, hopefully. She did a well-known battle move, and she and a young male gryphon rolled around the ground it mock-battle. Aro chuckled softly and Ara looked up, waving at her father with one paw. The young male took his chance to attack her and pin her to the ground. How great it seemed to be a little one. Aro sighed and stalked out of the Home, walking through the underbrush to find some fresh prey for the kill pile.

With his beak filled to the brim with dead prey, Aro finally returned to the Home, a little calmer than he had been before. Holding his head high, Aro didn't notice the pit directly below him, until, that is, he plummetted down, landing on something cold and scaly. He scurried off the creature, dropping the prey in his mouth. Metallic silver eyes gazed up at him, the dragon-likeness of them overwhelming. The dragon's pink tongue slithers out of her jaws, tasting the air. She sat up, no taller than Aro himself but a neck and tail that made her seem twice his size length wise and double it width-wise. Aro gazed up at her. She seemed to pose no threat. "Are you... in league... with the gryphons?" She asked softly, her voice surprisingly rythmic for a dragon. Aro, slightly taken aback, rose his head.

"I am. My name is Aro, and you are?" He rose a feathery eyebrow.

"My name, is Aria." A twig cracked in the forest above them, and Aro fell silent, sinking into the shadows. What if someone saw him talking with a dragon? He'd be in deep crap then, more than he'd been earlier.

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:36 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


I sat patiently outside the hole, hearing Aro and Aria talking. He was giving her too much information, though she already knew most of it. I shifted, and my paw snapped a twig. They talking stopped for a moment, then and continued. After a bit, I heard shuffling and Aro's head popped out, his beak filled with prey. He got one look at me and his eyes widened. I raised an eyebrow and he sat there, looking like he was about to pee himself.
"Get up." I told him, and he crawled out of the hole, Aria not far behind.
"Aria," I said, a smile in my voice. "My old friend." I bowed my head to her, and she in turn did the same. Aro, however, still looked like he was about to pee. I laughed.
"Laugh a little, Aro! It's good for you." He looked at us and turned to go back to the Home.
"Come, Aria, let me show you our Home." Aria nodded and I lead her in.
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:51 pm
Chupatoasta says...


Aria laughed softly as she walked beside Fawn, the male gryphon, Aro, walking ahead of them, still in shock. "I trust everything has been well with you and your pride Fawn." Aria smiled down at her friend, the daughter of one of Aria's father's very best friends. Fawn sighed, seeming to attempt to be unnoticed. Aria, however, caught it. "I'll take that sigh as a no." She chuckled softly.

"It's just the empire... they've... grown in forces, and they've been causing so much havoc around our lands, as well as the pegasus territory." Aria let out a soft hum of thought, a bit of pink steam rising from her nostrils.

"Have you... considered allying yourself with them? The pegasai, in the passed, have been great allies to our small villiage, almost as great as the gryphons," at that Fawn raised a feathery brow and looked up at Aria, who was chuckling softly, "However, my father would still choose the gryphons over any ally should a problem arise." She smiled softly, Fawn nodding once as they stepped through the clearing and into the Home. Aria hadn't been here in... years. Most of the gryphons here had only been hatchlings when Aria last visited.

Younsters fleed, some warriors got in defensive positions, and then, there were the older ones. The ones who were over ten years of age, they were the ones who stepped forward to greet Aria wholeheartily, or at least they'd tried. I was near impossible with all the frantic growling, screeching and squawking that was going on.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:56 pm
GrantBlayfur says...


Mennova walked alone through the woods far from Home, mind whipping and running every which way like the wind. War was coming, war was coming, battle, heat, blood, agony of defeat, thrill of victory...he should be excited for this. But why wasn't he?

His broad wings brushed against the low branchs of the trees. This reminded him of his first real battle...the dark, emerald-green dragon that had almost torn his wings off with a single swipe, and how he alone had been the reason they had won that day. That was the day the General saw his potential. Mennova didn't know that then, but now, it was absurdely obvious how the General was setting Mennova up to be his succesor.

As he exited the woods and prepared to take flight back to Home, he thought how this war might finally be the end. How would that be? Never fighting again, settling down and having a peaceful life...he would have none of it. He had no one to go home to at the end of the day. He had no one who cared deeply about him, and he cared deeply about no one.

He would make this war last as long as he could.

With a push of his muscular legs and a great flap of his wings, he took off into the sky.

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:39 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


"My Warriors!" I called out, but it didn't break the tension. The young warriors thought Aria was an enemy, clearly redying to attack.
"Move aside, Fawn" One of the younger ones name Flare growled. "This is an enemy you have brought in."
"Well, excuse me, Flare. Of course I'd bring an enemy in to destroy the Pride. Because I don't give a crap about the Pride I have been raising for almost ten years. You never speak to a leader that way. You should know that by now, Flare. Run along and find a Warrior to teach you some manners." Flare looked down and rested his defensive stance.
"My Warriors!" I continued. "This is Aria. She is a very old friend of mine. I have known her since I was but a chick." I called. The Pride finally got it and dipped their heads respectively.
"Aria," I said, loud enough for the warriors to hear, especially Flare. "You may share a den with my mate and myself. If you ever need food, or anything for that matter, feel free to ask Flare for it. He'll gladly do a guest service." I gave Flare a sharp look, and lead Aria to my den.
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:48 pm
phantom of the potter says...


Dew emerged from one of the dens curiously. She had heard a commotion, and wanted to see what had happened outside.

Fawn stood in the clearing beside a dragoness. Dew watched as she snapped orders to one of the younger warriors and sent him stalking off. After a moment, Fern lead the dragoness into her den.

Dew walked over to the nearest gryphon. It was Aro, looking decidedly uncomfortable. Dew clicked her beak to get his attention.

"What's going on?" asked Dew as Aro turned to her.
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:29 am
Chupatoasta says...


Aria chuckled as they walked passed the young warrior, Flare. She rose an eyebrow, smoke rising from her nostrils on her own accord. She dipped her tail down, and drug the tip of it across the youngster, forcing herself to keep from laughing when he tensed and began to growl. She let her tail dropp with a chaggrin, and followed Fawn.

Aria ducked her head as she walked into the cave, a little cramped until she took a few more steps, able to stretch out her full capacity. She was even able to flutter her wings a bit. "You take your rank quite serious, ay Fawn?" Aria teased with a curling smile. Fawn blanched and sighed, shaking her head.

"I can thank my grandfather for this cave. Always wanted the biggest and best." At that Aria couldn't hold back her small chuckle, the steam rising from her nostrils again, practically glowing in the dark cave.

"My father said we was like that. No different from my own grandfather in all truth. That old geezer still lives in the same cave he has been in for the passed five-hundred years." Fawn squawked out a laugh, and Aria's lips turned up in a smile. "So, I know you have a mate, any chicks yet? You loved the little ones so much when we were younger."


Aro could feel his pelt heat up at the mere closeness of Dew. She had asked him a question, but all he could hear was the pounding of his heart in his ears. "Oh, I'm sorry, what?" He asked, rather sheepishly as he came to. Dew looked at him, humor dancing in her round eyes.

"I asked what was going on," she smirked, voice light with hidden humor.

"We apparently have a dragon ally, I assume. Her name is Aria... and she just went into Fawn and Blaze's cave. I'm not really sure, I'm just as confused as everyone else is I guess," he shrugged his furry shoulders and looked around the Home, trying to quell his erratic heartbeat.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:47 am
SisterItaly says...


I plodded in after Fawn and the dragon. Whom I didn't fully trust. But who could blame you after dragons had ravaged and destroyed everything you had worked so hard to build. But if Fawn trusted her, I could. Right? But that didn't mean I wouldn't keep my eye on her. I carressed Fawns beak with my own. She was my angel, and no dragon was taking her away from me.
"Yes?" She asked, teasingly. I chucked and rested my head aganist her.
"Nothing." I chuckled.

*sorry writers block*
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:10 am
Thegirlwholived says...

I smiled as Blaze nuzzled my beak when Aria asked the question.
"Well, we don't know yet." I sighed. I'd always wanted a chick, but with my rank as leader, it probably wan't gonna happen.
"Make yourself comfortable," I said. "Blaze and I will be right back with some food." Aria smiled and I followed Blaze out to the pile.

** Writers Block D:**
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:47 pm
SisterItaly says...


We walk out to the pile, some of the others whispering about the dragon guest we had. They were scared, and we couldn't blame them for that. Dragons had taken the lives of many, and they had grown up being told not to trust them. We grabbed some of the newer kill and returned to Aria, the question she asked floating in my mind. Fawn and I had never really thought about chicks before. We were to busy! Aria thanked us and we left her to eat in peace.

*Ugh still can't think of anything to write*
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:14 pm
RayneChild says...

Since none of the pegasai have posted yet, I guess I'll get us started x)


I made my way slowly out of the forest. Being alone and having quiet time to think was one of the things I loved most. When I came back, I noticed a certain silence and gloominess had fallen over the herd. It was very quiet, and every pegasus that was out seemed to be sulking and saddened.

Lilith charged up to me. "Cronus, where have you been?" I took a couple steps back in shock and surprise.

"I was, uh... Just, in the forest."

"Do you have any idea what happened here in your absence?" She was almost shouting, but I could hear her voice tremble as she tried to fight back tears. "Another pegasus was killed, and we didn't have enough warriors to fend the dragon off!"

I looked at the ground sadly. "I'm sorry, General," I said quietly. Slowly, my focus returned to her face. "But, would one pegasus have made a difference?" I asked her, purely out of curiosity. Her eyes grew cold and angry. I looked at the ground again. "It won't happen again," I told her in a whisper.

She nodded slowly. "It better not." She was starting to calm down, but I could still tell that she was holding in tears.

Head lowered, I silently made my way to another area of the meadow.


Yuck, it's not good. But I'm having writer's block too and I just wanted to get the Pegasai started :)

Singing: It's more than my forte; it's my fortissimo
They say "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
Well, I think guns help. If you just stand there and yell BANG I don't think you're going to kill too many people...

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:05 pm
Forestqueen808 says...


As I walked away from Cronus I let the tears fall, how could he not care? Pegasi were dying, and he didn't care. He went for strolls in the forest while we fought for our lives. It wasn't right, we were supposed to look out for each other, watch each other's backs.

I felt as if I was failing as a general, if I didn't know where the pegausi go, how was I supposed to help us? It wasn't right. I should have punished him, I thought. But when I turned to look back to where Cronus had been he was already gone. I felt a puff of frustration rise in my throat. We had to fight, we had to look out for each other.

Sorry its bad....I'm having writer's block as well.
Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you,
and hold for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.

~Sorrow by Flyleaf

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:24 pm
GrantBlayfur says...

Can't break the c-c-c-c-combo...writer's block.


Mennova circled a few time overs the Home before beginning his descent. What was all the commotion down there? Noticing the tense atmosphere down below, he quickened his descent.

His feet had barely touched the ground by the time a young warrior gryphon had confronted him. "Sir! There's a...a...well, a dragon in the Home!"

Mennova's eyes grew wide and a smile spread on his face. He could smell a fight brewing!

"...but don't worry, sir, apparently it's a friend of the gryphon's. Odd, I know! Would you like to meet her?"

Mennova's smile dissappeared. No matter how much he wanted to battle, he would not against a friend of his species. "Yes, child. Show me to this dragon."

"Very well, sir. Follow me..."

(If someone wants to write their meeting, go right ahead. I don't mind :wink: )

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Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:22 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


I woke up the next morning huddled close to Blaze. He was warm, and winter was coming up soon. I carefuly got up, sure not to wake him, and trotted out of my den. Looking over at the Prey Pile, I saw Flame and Aro, talking with their heads close together. I sighed and decided not to be bothered with it at this early hour. I gathered a beak full of prey and went across the clearing back to my den. Blaze was waking and Aria was making smoke rings, amusing him. I smiled and set down the prey. I took two rabbits and gave one to Blaze, settling down to eat. It was a quiet morning, until Dew came in and reminded me I had business to attend to. I chuckled and lead Blaze to the Warrior's den. We woke up some of them and headed out to talk to the Pegasus leader.

***Writers Block D:***
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

You can not put the entire Bee Movie in the quote generator.
— alliyah