
Young Writers Society

The Fundamentals (Accepting)

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:41 am
OnigiriChan says...

Elijah Woods - Fire

"Answer me." I stared up at Jerr, my eyes in hard slits. My brain was screaming at me and I had to fight hard not to burst into tears. To cover up my sadness I just glared harder and jerked my wrist out of his hand. I wanted to knee him right in his groin for touching me again, but I didn't, I just glared. My fist started to shake where they were balled up at my sides, but not from anger. I wanted to cry. The tears welled up in my eyes and I turned away quickly, retreating further away from Jerr and the rest of my teammates - not just the other Fundamentals - so they wouldn't see my weakness.

Tears streamed down my face and I walked faster. I heard Jerr following me and I wished he would just leave me alone. Just write me away as a stupid girl with a bad temper and ignore me. I made broke into a run and turned a few corners until I could no longer see the rest of the group.

"Elijah," Jerr called. Something inside me broke and even though I wanted to keep running I skidded to a stop and turned around, tears flying down my face and my fist closed tightly. My whole body shook and I just wanted a pillow to throw my face into. You're so weak. I know.

"What, Jerr," I snapped, my voice catching in my throat. He looked taken aback by my tears and walked forward slowly. "What do you want? Are you happy now? Is this what you freaking wanted, you bastard?!" I wiped the tears angrily and bowed my head.

"Elijah," he asked softly, walking towards me. He made a move to grab my hand but I jerked away.

"I don't hate you guys..." My voice cracked and I whined at it. I hated myself now, the way I was. "But when you... That night and when I woke up and..." I knew I wasn't making any sense so I just shut up and wiped at my face with the back of my hand. "Why'd you tell Arwen?" I knew I was whining now but I didn't care. He already saw me cry, there was nothing else I could do to make this any worse. "Why'd you talk about me behind my back like that?" I looked up and him, trying to glare but it probably came off as pathetic.

"I didn't tell Arwen anything! She must have saw. I wouldn't do anything like that." I didn't want to believe him.

"I actually like Arwen," I mumbled to myself. "I just don't know why she yelled at me like that. I just..." I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "I don't care anymore. It's over. Forget it." I made a move to walk past Jerr and he grabbed my arm. It wasn't harsh and his grip wasn't tight but panic still spiked inside of me.

"What is it now," I asked. I could hear my voice was deflated and tired. I looked up at him, not even bothering to glare. He just looked back down at me and sighed, letting me go.

"Nothing." I watched him a few more moments backing away.

"I'm sorry," I said. I turned to run before he could reply. Once I got to the main group everyone was more or less in pairs. The only lone one was Liam. I walked over to him, my arms crossed and my eyes hard.

"Want to help me and Jerr not drown?" He turned to me, confused as to why I was talking to him. I sighed and unfolded my arms, letting my hands rest on my hips. "Just keep the water from drowning us, Liam?" He gave me a bored once over and shrugged.


"Good." Shelly walked over and smiled at the group.

"Ready to meet the King?"
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:38 am
Iggy says...

Jerrson Hastings - Fire; Hanna Paker - Water

With a roar of anger, Jerr threw a fireball a the wall. The fire evaporated before it could touch the wall. Needing to vent his anger like the hot-head he was, he puched the wall. Hard.

"Jerr?" He whirled around to see Arwen.

"What?" He snarled, fire in his amber eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, I'm just dandy! I got a pocketful of sunshine here!" He hissed sarcastically.

Arwen's eyes narrowed but she forced herself to calm down. "Are you sure?" She moved to put a hand out of her shoulder.

He jerked away violently. "I don't need you to cause more problems for me. You ease-dropped on my conversation with Eli yesterday, which was none of your business!" Jerr snarled.

Arwen glared at him, her eyes snapping fire. "I wasn't ease-dropping!"

Jerr turned to walk away. "You caused Eli to hate me. Thanks."

Arwen threw a fireball at him, enraged. He swiftly dodged it. She aimed a kick for the shin, but he effortlessly caugh her leg and pinned her against the wall.

"Attacking everyone who pissesyou off won't get you anywhere." He hissed.

She squirmed. "Get off me!"

"Not until you calm the hell down, hot head."

She snarled. "You're one to talk!"

Jerr smirked. "I have anger issues. I'm sorry I yelled at you, Ar." He let her go.

Arwen fixed her shirt, glaring at him. "I hate you!"

He chuckled. "Sure you do." Seeing the serious look in her angry eyes, he dropped the smile and frowned. "I lost my temper. I apologize."

"Go flirt with Eli!" Arwen snarled, turnig to walk away."

Arwen, wait!" Jerr caught Arwen's arm and pulled her to look at him. "What do you mean?"

She glared at him, her eyes moist. "Like you don't know how I feel!"

"What do you-" Jerr's eyes widen in shock as Arwen npulled him down roughly and kissed him. Just then, Eli walked in to say something.

Jerr shoved Arwen away. "Eli!"

Eli glared at Arwen, her eyes burning, her fists smoking. All Jerr could think is Arwen kissed me?! Eli is pissed why?! Shit!

(Princess and Onigirl: if this isn' okay with your charactes, I will edit it! I was just hoping for some action xD and I got the impression that Arwen fancied Jerr. I dunno about Eli.. ;o)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:08 am
OnigiriChan says...

Elijah Woods - Fire

I was just going to get Jerr so I could tell him Liam was willing to help. I wasn't even angry anymore, I actually felt pretty good inside. Happy even. Jerr followed after me, showed determination and didn't give up. I like that, it made me almost smile. The group was getting ready to leave to meet the King but I couldn't find Jerr and it was almost time to go. Liam sighed in impatience and I rolled my eyes at him.

"If Jerr doesn't want to drown he should hurry up," I heard him growl. I raised and eyebrow at him and planted my hands on my hips.

"Aren't Water's supposed to be chill and shit? You're acting more like a Fire." He looked down at me and scoffed.

"Water isn't always calm..." I titled my head and he just shrugged it off.

"I guess so," I mumbled. I thought over it for a few more moments before shaking my head and jogging towards the back where Jerr and I were before. I rounded the corner and immediately started searching for the boy.

"Jerr, hurr-" I deadpanned and watched Arwen kiss Jerr. What the... "What the hell?" Jerr pushed Arwen away but it was too late.


"Shut up, Jerr..." Damn, and this was the guy I almost, kinda, sorta, in a way, opened up to? For God's sake, he saw me cry. My fist burned with flames and I wanted nothing more in that instant but to shove fire down each of their throats and watch as they melted away from the inside. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to breathe properly but I couldn't. Why, it's not like he was your boyfriend or anything. That much was true. God, it's not like the boy had some un-proclaimed love for me. If so he wouldn't be macking on Arwen. A sudden lurch in my chest threw me of kilter for a minute but I ignored it. Yeah, so just calm down. What good would losing your temper be? You'd just create problems and keep everyone behind. Right.

"Eli, this isn't..." I shook my head, silencing Jerr, and forced my fist to open and relax.

"I don't care what you do or who you do it with. Who you fancy is no business of mine," I said evenly. I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "Just hurry up because Liam is waiting..." I took a deep breathe past the lump in my throat and turned to walk, well run, back towards the main room. I jogged up to Liam and stopped, sighing deeply. He raised an eyebrow at me and I glared up at him though I wasn't actually angry.

"What's the look for," I snapped.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied. I gave up the tough girl act and ran a hand through my hair.

"Yeah... I guess..." Jerr and Arwen appeared a few moments later and I tried not to look at either of them, fearing I might snap. But I was coming to terms with things slowly and by the time Jerr made it over I managed not to melt his face off.

"Ready," Sandy asked. Everyone replied in the affirmative and she gave a dazzling smile before moving to the door. Okay, Air's and Water's, protect your people please." They did as told and I didn't really notice a change until the water rushed in from the open door and my head stayed dry. We all swam off towards the castle, Aurora's group in front, but Alice's group at the back. I could tell she was having trouble swimming and, for some odd reason, I smiled as she struggled. I don't know why I didn't like Alice as much as I did, but something in me just wanted to hurt her. I shook off the thoughts and, once my mind was clear, I could feel eyes on the back of my head. It was either Arwen, Jerr, or, even worse, both of them at the same time.

'You can stop fretting, Jerr," I said in an annoyed huff. "I won't spill your stupid little secret." I forgot all about the people around me that could possibly hear my words. I didn't care much either. We made it to the castle and entered through a room with a drain just like the one Shelly left us off at.

"Welcome to the King's Castle," she chimed happily while the Water's dried her skin and everyone else's. "The King will see you shortly, until then please make yourself at home."

I sighed and took a seat next to Liam on the marble floor. He gave me a questioning look but I just ignored him and rolled away a bit so I could lay down and close my eyes.

Just whatever.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:09 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬ (OK, I was not expecting that xD But that's good. I'm not easily suprised. Keep it, that was good xD)

Shit. What the hell had I done that for? I wanted to burn myself. Why had I done it? He'd hate me for doing it. Eli would hate me. I'd lost them both for liking one. Just when we'd made friends I'd torn us apart. I hadn't realised I was crying until they started falling to the floor. The bubbles stopped and we all disenbarked (sp?). Jerr and Eli. What was I kidding myself? He liked her more than me and that would never change. He'd rather kiss her than me. So why had I kissed him? Because I liked him. But screw myself. He wanted Eli. And, not for the first time, I wished I was someone else. Tears ran down my cheeks. I leaned on the wall and put my head in my hands, tears flowing freely. I sat on the floor, pulled my knees up, put my hands on my face, rested my face on my knees and cried like I'd never cried before. Shit. Kill me. Someone kill me. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
"Go away," I mumbled. I could still feel their presence. "go away!" I sobbed. If they hadn't realised I was crying, they did now. I was falling apart. I never lost it like this. But this was something I couldn't control. Feelings. Other peoples feelings.

Jerr and Eli.

That was the only thing that Jerr would ever want. Eli. Not me. Not Arwen. I wiped away the tears and stood up. I joined the group, listening to Shelly's endless babbling. I still had my fist clenched. I couldn't meet Eli or Jerr's eyes. I couldn't even look at them. I was tenseed like a taut wire. I could snap at any moment and hurt someone.

And I could feel that might be sooner than I thought.
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Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:37 pm
Dreamwalker says...


Shelly was going through the rules of etiquette when approaching the king of which I hadn't really paid all that much attention to. As long as I didn't say something overly stupid then I wouldn't make a fool of myself. This was supposed to be my element. I would be perfectly fine.

Of course, I had half-expected the fire fundamentals to be taking a very deep interest in what Shelly had to say simply because this was their weakness. Fire would have a hard time standing up to something that could easily smother it. The logical thing for them would be to try and bite their tongues and to say very little so as not to offend anyone.

I turned my eyes towards Arwen who appeared not to be listening at all. Her hands were balled up to her face, trembling softly as she tried to contain tears. The rest of the group was still very much on edge, sifting back and forth, waiting for whatever was to come of us next. The babble was boring me.

I tapped Arwen's shoulder unsurely, wondering if such an action was appropriate especially towards a fire fundamental. They didn't appear to like me all that much and I hadn't pretended to like them in return. But she was crying. This was usually the time you'd expect someone to need a friend.

I tapped again when she didn't react, though this time a bit harder. Just enough pressure so that she couldn't ignore me so that when she did, I knew it was because she simply didn't want to talk and not because I hadn't tapped hard enough. When she didn't move, I did something I was not used to doing.

"You okay?" I asked, though very quietly. I didn't want to draw any more attention to the situation than what already was. So much yelling and crying and strife.

She didn't respond once again. Instead, she shoved the hand I had pressed against her shoulder off, anger flaring. Yes, anger would be the normal feeling displayed. I wrapped my arms around my chest the continued on anyways.

"You know, things aren't always as bad as they appear," I murmured. "And things do get better one way or another. You've just got to wait it out."

"You don't know the future," she hissed. "You don't know anything."

I shrugged. "Yeah, I really don't."

"Then don't tell me what to believe," she said.

As much as you'd think I'd be a bit offended, I really couldn't say I was simply because of the fact she wasn't yelling. As much as she put off a tough exterior, she wasn't exactly jumping to punch me in the face with one of those fireballs of hers.

"You can believe in whatever you want. I'm not telling you otherwise," I said, leaning against my left foot whilst letting a sigh pass. "But hope is a wonderful thing and its a shame when someone loses it."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:21 pm
jok101 says...

(I hope this is alright guys I'll something at the end for Reise to add anything and for questions of the King to be answered)
David Baker-Air

"Boy its been years since we dried this place out hasn't it darling" The king mused to the queen as we were walking in. When he saw us walk through the door though he straightened up on his throne and tried to a serious face on it. However it was clear his serious face was not one he often practised and it came off looking like he was squinting at the sun. We walked up the length of the grand hall in which his throne sat. The castle was underneath the mountain. The mountain was hollow at the bottom with four entrance covered by huge golden gates. The gates had been guarded by mermaid men with tridents and had worn blue and green armour. After the gates we had walked through the palace gardens. Colourful coral and other sea faring plants had been arranged in beds and seaweed was cut short and looked like giant pieces of grass flowing peacefully in the ocean current. The throne however seemed to be the start of the centre of the mountain. A small mountain in its self it sat in the centre of the grand hall the small mountain was 15 meters wide and raised into the ceiling and beyond it had been visible joining to the roof of the hollow part of the mountain from the palace gardens. Into the small mountain three thrones were carved. One the king sat on that was the largest and the king looked small while sitting in it. The one to the kings right was were his wife sat and on his left a young boy a few years younger than me say it was likely that this was the throne for the kings successor. In front of the Thrones a servant was holding each of they're crowns in a pillow.

"Your majesty" We all said and bowed or curtsied. The Kings serious face broke down and smiled at us. The king was old and his hair had turned white but he did not appear frail the queen was younger and still beautiful and I couldn't help but think player when I looked at the king. That being said it probably wasn't hard to get a lady when you were king. The queen had black hair and green eyes. The Prince had taken after his father and had blue eyes like the tropical oceans however the prince had black hair. Of course it was possible his father had once had black hair.

"I welcome you to my kingdom and to this world as do my children and queen" The King said and the prince and queen bowed his head accordingly. Down the right side of the King a long line of women curtsied when he said children. The children varied some were white some were black, some had brown hair others red, but they were all women. The though player was replaced by that of Heir hunter. One of his eldest daughters was actually older than the queen by the look of it.

"Who are the water fundamentals among you" The King beamed. Anthony, Liam and Hanna stepped forward.

"I knew it" The king said standing up and looking around the hall to make sure everyone had realised that he had know it. I was not convinced but I knew better than to show it.

"Watch this" The king said and grabbed a golden trident from next to his throne. Around the bottom of each of the spikes was engravings. The king waved the trident around and with obvious strain managed to make one of the puddles of water float up before falling back down.

"My father could make it go ten meters higher than that and his father could even turn water too ice alas the ability to wield has grown weaker and weaker since the great sacrifice and the beginning of the endless sleep" The King said walking over to us. He looked at the water fundamentals for a second before smiling again.

"You know I have many beautiful daughters all willing to have another child" The King said presenting his daughters to Liam and Anthony.

"And for you young lady" The king said turing his attention to Hanna.

"A strapping young lad if your willing" The King said and the prince who on closer inspection could be no older than twelve blushed however his blush was nothing compared to Hanna who stood they're unsure how to respond. It was clear that the King wasn't joking. To save them the awkwardness of refusing I stepped in.

"Gracious king while they respect your and deeply appreciate your honour and the honour of your family we are in a rush and have no time for such pleasurable activities I'm sure, however, they would of course be willing to assist you on are return trip" I said and the king looked shocked that someone else had spoken to him. I approached calmly as if I knew what I was doing.

"Besides they're are only two of them and youthful though they are they are not gods the time it takes for us too travel will be time for you to decide which of your daughters shall go"

"What about you young lady I only have one son don't worry" the King said smiling but I stepped between him and Hanna.

"She is yet not ready for the burden of motherhood and besides it would hinder her ability to fight" I said and the king nodded.

"What if they all die" The king said and I smiled.

"I shall personally assure that at least one of them makes it back alive" I said and the king nodded.

"Which one?" he asked and I looked around at each of them before grabbing Liam who was the closest and pulling him over.

"Liam here look at him built like an ox and as well endowed as a horse I'm sure" I said patting Liam on the chest.

"A horse?" The King said but I ignored him and went back to the main group.

"Very well i have gifts for you all" The King said and walked over to his trident. He fiddled with the bottom of each of the prongs for a few seconds before pulling each of the spikes out and handing them to the water fundamentals. The spikes looked quite blunt and each had a handle wrapped in leather.

"The source of its power" The king explained.

"Do we get any thing" Jerr asked and the king nodded.

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:12 pm
Sassafras says...

Antony Cove - Water

I was still blushing madly at the King's offer of his daughters. My cheeks burned embarrassingly at the thought, I'd yet to even kiss a girl yet alone have... I didn't want to think about it. I glanced over to Liam and he seemed perfectly chill with the idea. He didn't look close to fainting as I was. Thankfully David stepped in and sparred me any further embarrasment. I almost wanted to hug that man, I was so happy. But even after the King broke off the end of his Trident and turned to get gifts for the others I was still blushing. I just couldn't stop looking over to his long line of daughters.

"Calm down, man." I looked over to Liam who was smirking slightly at my still red face. I turned to him and laughed slightly, willing my blush to go down before the King returned. It didn't.

"Gifts," he boomed loudly through a wide smile, "for all of the Fundamentals. Will all Air Fundamentals please step up?" Alice, David, and Natalie stepped up as we Waters stepped back into line.

"What a fine young trio," the King said, looking over each one of them. He smiled and snapped his fingers, causing three of his daughters to step forward, each holding a wrapped package. The King took all three of the packages and handed them to each of the Air's. They all looked at it with confused expressions and the King laughed. "Well open it!" And so they did.

Each package was revealed to be a long staff, silver with golden ends and dark blue spirals engraved into the body of it.

"This looks like the thing I got attacked with this morning," Alice mused out loud. The King looked taken aback but David quickly explained.

"Ah," the King said. "Well then, that's interesting. Ahem... Will the Fire Fundamentals please step forward?" Elijah, Jerr, and Arwen all stepped forward, but looked uncomfortable next to each other. I turned towards Hannah with confusion clear in my face.

"What's wrong with them," I asked her. She shrugged and continued to mess the the trident point she got.

"I don't know," she said. I turned to Liam to ask the same question but he just shrugged. I figured I'd ask one of them about it later if it continues to peak my interest for that long. The King looked over the Fire's with an air of superiority and they wouldn't meet his gaze. I bit my lip but thought that was for the best. They'd all probably just glare at him anyway.

"Well, for the Fire's I have this!" He snapped and three more daughters stepped up next to him. Each held one large package with a smaller pack on top. The girls handed each of the Fire's their pack and smiled as they opened it.

"Woah," I heard one of them say. "This is freaking awesome." Elijah grabbed a finely made sword and pointed it forward, a deadly smirk forming across her lips. Instantly I tensed and a wave of panic crashed into me. What was the King thinking, giving the Fire's swords? They were deadly enough with just their hands and now he was going to throw sharp metal into the mix. And, to make it worse, the smaller package on top was a pain of daggers.

I sent a silent prayer up that they only used those weapons on the enemy.

"That metal won't melt or falter under the heat of your flames, you can direct your fire through the sword and not worry about it melting." The King smirked proudly. "The daggers are the same." The Fire's said their thanks and stepped back into line. Earth was next, and they knew it, so they stepped forward without being called. Rory and Thuake's heads were held high and they met the King's eyes steadily.

The King roared in laughter at their show but the Earth's didn't give hint of a smile. They meant business.

"You must be the Earth's." Rory nodded sternly.

"That we are." The King made a move to snap his fingers again, calling forth another three of his daughters, but he stopped and frowned.

"A duo? Why are there not three of you, like the others? Surely the third Earth must be running late. We will wait for him!" The King turned to go back to his throne but Rory and Thuake both took a step forward, stopping him.

"The third Earth is no longer with us," Thuake explained calmly.

"He has perished fighting a demon back at the entrance to your wonderful Continent. A demon that lives in a cave," Rory finished.

The King stopped and stroked his long beard.

"Ah," he said, his voice somber, "Raphael. I am sorry for your loss. I am sure this other Earth-"


"I am sure Jayk died honorably." The King sighed and shook his head before going over and retrieving the gifts himself. He handed btoh Rory and Thuake a small package. They opened them without further prompt.

"Gloves and brass knuckles made from the leaves of the Earth Continent, forged by the Earth Fundamental masters long ago. Wearing these knuckles and gloves will make your attacks even stronger and protect those hands while punching into the ground and whatever it is your Earth Fundamentals do when executing your moves." He smiled and they bowed at him.

"Now that your gifts have been recieved please stay and relax while my workers get the transportation tube fixed. It has not been used or even turned on in a while. It will take nothing more than an hour, I assure you." With that he, his queen, and all his daughters left the room. I only moved once the door closed.

"Will that was freaking amazing!" I smiled widly and grabbed my book from my pocket. It's been underwater but the pages were completely dry and undamaged. To be honest, this didn't surprise me at all. I flipped through it quickly, searching for the chapter about water beast. I found the chapter and unscrewed the top on the bottle full off the water I took off of everyone to dry them.

"Let's see how this thing works," I said happily and after going through a few moves I raised my wand in the air and closed me eyes. "Puissance de dix serpents d'eau!"

Ten long whips of water shot out of the end of my wand, winding and snaking over each other. I waved my wand and the water whips followed. I moved my wand in a circle and they followed that also. Not after long I dropped the spell and the water whips returned to the inside of the small wand, ready to be used for later.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:25 am
gleek456 says...

Natalie McKenzie- Air

My eyes widened and I smiled while Antony tried his wand out. I look towards my staff and poked the golden end of the staff. The staff was pretty, and easy to carry. I walked away from the group and whipped out my book. I also flipped through the book, hoping to find something interesting.

"Oh," I whispered to myself. I stopped flipping when I saw that this movement involved wind. I read it over carefully, and held the staff up. I began twirling it around, along with my body.

I smiled, remembering how mom always wanted me to be one of those stupid skinny cheerleaders. I hated that idea, thinking that I would end up dying or knocked up. I focus back on the staff. I notice a little grayish- whitish ball of air form. I look around for a target, and set my eyes on one of those pillows. Knowing that I'd get in trouble, I launched the air ball. The air ball knoked the pillow over, and the pillow rolled around for a few seconds before falling.

I smiled and resumed reading the book. Feeling a bit tired, I sat on the ground, my back turned towards the group. I was fascinated by the book. So many stances and movements, most including the staff. I run a hand through my hair, and stretched my legs.

(Hope this is okay! If there is something wrong, tell me and I'll edit!)

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:17 am
Dreamwalker says...


Antony seemed to take quite a liking to his wand from the start. I, of course, found absolutely no interest in it, but it did make for some useful entertainment if anything. In the same, fluid motion that Antony had performed, I repeated the movement whilst saying "Expelliarmus" quite brazenly. Of course, this earned me a few chuckles from the rest of the group.

"Very funny," Antony rolled his eyes, but he didn't appear to be all that insulted by my obvious lack of caring. He merely smirked, took his wand in hand, then continued on with his experiments, all of which were fruitful.

After boring of watching Antony succeed - which didn't take long as I bored quite quickly of everything - I strolled over towards David who was toying around with his staff. Though he hadn't practiced any moves with air yet, he was trying to twirl it around in his fingers as if to get used to such motions. I hadn't realized how into the actions he was until I got close enough that he almost flogged me with it.

"Dude, sorry!" he said, stopping after I yelped in surprise, nearly falling over in my act of dodging the impending weapon. When I had regained balance, I shrugged it off.

"No blood, no foul," I said, rolling my shoulders back and forth, stretching out the stiff joints. "So, you're David, right?"

He nodded, placing the end of his staff against the floor before leaning most of his body weight against it. It was a rather nice piece of weaponry. A lot more interesting to look at then my wand, but I wasn't about to complain. If the wand would help me better myself then I was all for it. And gifts were gifts.

"And you're Liam," he said.

"That I am."

He smirked. "Well then, Liam, its a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well," I replied.

After a few seconds of not saying anything, I took it upon myself for whatever reasons I couldn't determine to try and create some form of conversation. The air fundamentals seemed pretty relaxed which was a nice change from the hot-heads and the stoics.

"So what are your thoughts on all of this?" I asked. "Other than the already obvious annoyance. You up for 'saving worlds'?"

"Are you?" he retorted. "You don't seem all that interested in any of this, if you don't mind me saying."

"Its something to do," I said. "And that's pretty much it. But, of course, you didn't answer my question."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:12 am
jok101 says...

David Baker-Air

"And thats pretty much it but you didn't answer my question" Liam said and I sighed in all honesty I wasn't sure how to feel. I loved my father and my step mum I also had friends and had had a laugh with them for many years. On the other had this was new and exciting and more importantly had a goal.

"Always nice to have something to look forward to I suppose" I said sarcastically.

"Karzai?" Liam said and I nodded.

"I'm sure he's got a lot to say after being asleep for thousands of year" I said and spun my staff around a couple of times.

"Nice wand by the way" I said

"Really?" Liam said doubtfully

"Honestly? It looked cooler when it was part of a trident" I said and Liam shrugged.

"At least its easy to carry" Liam said and looked at the staff.

"Are you kidding, watch this" I said and balanced the staff effortlessly on my finger.

,"perfectly balanced"

"Really" Liam asked and I threw it too him he put put both hands out to catch the staff but found that it wasn't as hard to catch as he initially thought. He threw it was to me and I plucked it out the air.

"What dose the button do" Liam said and I frowned following his haze, I hadn't noticed a button, Along the bottom was a small symbol insignia that rather than be colour blue was colour green. It watched the insignia on my neckless and I pressed it. Two big wings at the top of the staff and two small ones at the bottom popped out of the staff. The colour of the wings was blue and I could feel the smile of my face spreading.

"Holy shit I can't wait until we get out this water world" I shouted and garnered a few stares from the others especially the fires who looked like they were ready to try out their gifts. Liam quickly looked over his wand for any buttons but sighed when he found none.

"You get a staff and a glider" Liam said

"You get a wand and a tail" I replied

"You can swim without a tail you can't fly without a glider" Liam said slightly bitterly.

"Well we can't all be as awesome as me, besides you get a wand, a tail and a group of pretty ladies" I said and Liam laughed then he looked a little more serious.

"Your joking right?"

"A promise is a promise I can say Hanna and Anthony died but you well if I said you died I'd look like an asshole" I said smiling. Liam laughed but then again got serious.

"Really?" He said but I left him wondering as the doors opened and one of the kings daughters ran in and herded us out of the hall I stopped for second trying to figure out how to put the glider part of my staff back in. Liam waited with me and the daughter walked over to us as the rest of the group followed a guard.

"Please go with your friends to wait while we flood the rest of the palace" She said and I nodded Liam went to walk away until he realised I was still struggling with the glider.

"I'll just wait for him it won't take him that long, I hope" Liam said and the daughter stared him down.

"Your The promised, yes?" The daughter asked and Liam shuffled uncomfortably.

"Yes" I answered for him.

"Well it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance I am Smiley" She said

"Smiley" I laughed quietly to my self. The uncontrollable giggles I was getting from putting Liam in an Awkward situation and hearing her name was making it almost impossible to focus on the task at hand. Every time I put the glider in it would spring back out.

"Nice to meet you too I'm Liam" Liam said and Smiley arched her eyebrows.

"Liam that is a very strange name" Smiley said and I almost fell over in an uncontrollable fit of giggles. Smiley huffed and finally paid attention to the fact that I was here. She grabbed my staff and pressed the button again making the wings snap back into place. Liam and I followed Smiley at a distance.

"Get in there" I joked to Liam who shook his head.

"Your an Asshole" Liam said and I nodded

"I know" I said and Smiley opened the door into a small room where everyone else was already crammed. We both walked in and Smiley gave Liam one last glance before shutting the door.

"Where were you?" Rory asked

"Enjoying the entertainment" I said and Liam glared at me.

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:58 pm
Rydia says...

Aurora Clavelle; Earth

The third daughter didn't seem to know what to do with her set of gifts and it would have been impolite to refuse them so I forced a smile as she bundled them into my arms. I wasn't sure how to feel about the gifts. The Water and Air seemed like good ideas, anything that made those two groups stronger would be an excellent help. The Fire I was a little more dubious about. But. If I wasn't willing to trust them then how was our group ever going to be a team? The Earth gifts... well they were for warriors. Jayk could have used them when he made his stand, fighting Raphael. But I'd have sooner had some huge expending shield or... no. This was my duty. Defending did not just mean shielding others. It meant holding off the bad guys. It meant taking down the bad guys. Earth were clearly meant to be a ballance between fighting and warding. Fine.

I slipped the knuckles and gloves over my hands and allowed myself to be herded into the next room. But Liam and David were missing so we had to wait which was pretty uncomfortable, all of us packed in like sardines.

"Where were you?" I asked when they finally entered, the doors closing behind them.

"Enjoying the entertainment," David said which rewarded him with a glare from Liam. Great. It was probably about the betrothel of Liam to one of the sea kingdom princesses. But David had done what he could. And perhaps Liam could take her back with him, to our world and if not. Well... it was better than dying.

"There will be a feast in your honour, of course," Shelly was saying.

"No, that will not be... necessary," I said. Some of the others shot me deadly glares and started to protest but I spoke out above them. "We must hurry on or we will fall behind. We do not know how long it will take Raphael to get word back to his master, but I would rather they think we were defeated and make it to the next kingdom without any further trouble."

"But if we're too tired we won't be any good to anyone! It's been a long day and a feast sounds nice," Natalie objected.

"Yes, please do stay," Shelly said. "It would please the king to have you as his honoured guests for just a little longer."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:27 pm
DarthAJ says...

Thuake Brooks - Earth

The last few hours had been so stressful. I hate to accept any weaknesses but seeing Jayk die like that was not easy and now we all had to continue, there was no time to mourn him, no time to even bury him. To make matters worse I had been crammed into a small room with these annoying kids, arghh it's silly of me to call them kids when I'm only a few years older.

The king had given us a weapon each, we had knuckles. Clearly we had to use these for melee combat, then I remembered what the book had told me. Innovation is a must for Earth fundamentals.

I had to use these knuckles in a unique way, but how.

I decided to talk to Aurora, I pushed my way through the crowded room, ignoring shouts of "Watch where your going" and cries of, "Hey that was my toe!"

"Aurora" I growled.

She turned around to look at me, I felt a moment of sadness appear on her face when she saw me, undoubtedly brought upon by memories of us seeing Jayk die.

I continued, "What do you think about these knuckles that we have been given?"

"Our gifts are clearly for warriors. I suppose we are expected to be on the offensive if this is the weapon that's been chosen for us," replied Aurora calmly.

"I gathered as much, I am not dumb," I grumbled back and then continued, "Don't you think it isn't as easy as it seems. Our book told us to innovate, as Earth fundamentals we need to decide how we can use our weapon in a unique way. One idea that I have is that I can use these knuckles to add friction to rocks, making them burn.".

I looked her in the eye and said, "You got any ideas?"
Last edited by DarthAJ on Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:58 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen | Fire ¬

"You got any ideas?" I couldn't help but overhear. I had been walking round, head down, not even bothering with the weapons we'd been given. I didn't care.
"Well," I said hesitantly, unsure of how they would react, "You could solidify them with rock. That would be good for both offence and defence." I shrugged. "And then heating rocks through friction, or with a Fire Fundamentals help, some rocks will explode, others will melt."
I turned and walked away.
"Arwen?" I turned round, "Those were really good ideas," I smiled.
I wandered off and held my sword aloft. The hilt contained 3 rubies. One large, medium and small. I lit my hand and touched the ruby. The ruby consumed the fire with a small crackle and a pop!
I brought the ruby to eye level. Inside the ruby was a flickering flame. I smiled. I conjured up a picture from my book. I held the sword, spun with it and unleashed the flames. They leapt up the sword. I spun and slashed and jabbed with it. It felt good. I was venting energy. With a cry I jabbed once with the sword, lit my dagger and threw it. It spun and landed in the wall, entinguising with a soft hiss. I pulled it out and smiled, breathing hard. I turned and came face to face with Jerr. I brushed past him.
"No. What I said - what I did before- is hurting me more than it's hurting you. You'll never like me the way you like Eli. And that's killing me," I'd remained calm. But right now I needed to move or I'd hit someone. I took of running. My legs pumped. I distanced myself slightly from the group, not caring at the moment if Jerr followed or not. I hit the wall with bursts of fire.

And for those who do not like so called "Draumatics" >.< Hell, she's fire!

Less annoyed and upset, I slipped back to the group. I joined the group, ready for whatever this Shelly person could throw at me.

I wished.
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Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:05 pm
Sassafras says...

Alice Belltris~ Air

Shelly came soon and ushered us all into a small, cramped, pod like room. As soon as everyone was in and the glass door closed the room started to fill with water. It was a weird feeling actually, watching everything being engulfed in water. It made me wish I could swim better. I also wish I knew how to work this staff thing, I would have to remember to ask one of the Air's or someone else nice enough to help me with my moves. I moved my staff from my side and tried to put it in front of me so I could look at it, it was actually really pretty and I wanted to see it again even if I only knew how to twirl it around, but when I tried to move it the end jabbed into something, or someone, behind me.

"Ow!" I pulled the staff forward quickly, muttering apologies. I lowered my head and bit my lip. The sooner we got out of this cramped space, the better.

"Okay, this is an air pod and it's going to be used to send you guys to the entrance to the Earth Continent. The ride should not take more than a few minutes. Please relax. I know it's a tight fit." She laughed and I giggled along with her. It was a tight fit. You couldn't move and inch without bumping into someone else. It was actually slightly embarrassing to be so close to everyone. I flushed and pulled my arms and my things closer into my body. I turned my head to look around and it seemed that I wasn't the only one uncomfortable. Elijah had her arms pulled in close to her sides and was standing in an far away corner. I don't know what it was, but there was a look in her eyes that made me feel sad.

I opened my mouth to ask her what was the matter but decided against it. I didn't want her getting mad at me in such a small space...

Soon the water in front of the glass door disappeared and there was nothing but air. We kept going into the air before the pod turned on its side and continued straight for a few minutes. I looked at the water below, smiling at how clear it was. You could still see the Water Continent and the fish beneath. It was really cool actually. Suddenly the pod stopped in what seemed like the middle of the ocean. I froze in horror, thinking that the pod broke down and we were stranding in the middle of nowhere, but Shelly disproved that assumption of mine.

"Okay, this is out stop. Just get out and walk until you find the tree, don't worry, you can't miss it. Once you get to the tree the Earth Fundamental's will have to find the door, but that shouldn't be too hard." She laughed but I didn't get the joke. "Anyway, once you enter the tree got up the staircase, down the right hall, and you should enter the Earth Continent through another door. Good Luck!" The door to the pod opened but nobody moved.

"Umm, Miss Shelly," I started.


"There's no ground here. I can't walk on water..."

"Oh, there is a ground there, you just can't see it. The Earth Fundamental leaders are really protective of their Continent. Only certain people are trusted with the location of their entrance so enemies won't know how to find them. Just step out and start walking, there is a path there, you just won't see it until you pass by the invisibility layer." I nodded and took the first step towards the entrance. I stuck out to try and dip my foot in the water but it only went down a an inch or two before hitting something hard. I pressed my foot down completely and walked out. I jumped up and down, laughing, before turning towards the others.

"Well," I asked. "Are you coming?"
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:19 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Liam Rivera

Well this was an interesting combination.

I followed after Alice, feet sinking only a short bit before hitting earth. It was nice. Being in water. Having water near. I leveled myself, let the waves of energy slip through, then watched as the water around me rippled and then stilled, then rippled once more. Yes, this was nice.

"Isn't this fun," David followed after me, splashing into the thin layer of water with about as much enjoyment as I'm sure a cat would have. Air and earth were opposites. He knew this and was getting anxious.

"I find it relaxing," I admitted.

After everyone had exited the pod, we began to walk albeit slowly towards our destination wherever that may be. When I turned my eyes towards the Earth Fundamentals, they all looked about a bit nervous as if not quite sure what was expected of them. After all, we would be stuck here unless they figured out quite what to do.

I turned towards Thuake and Rory, wondering if such was a good idea. After all, they both had seemed to be pretty stoic and independent up till this point. Why would they need any comfort or friendship from me?

I did it anyways, though. The time to think on the subject would be later.

"So what are you're thoughts?" I asked Thuake, though unsurely. I hadn't spoken to him up till this point and, quite frankly, I never expected I would.

"Follow orders," Thuake said. "We should have no problems."

I turned my eyes towards Rory. She nodded at his words but her expression was not a happy one. Farthest from. It was rather disconcerting.

"Well, then, I suppose we should be getting a move on, eh?" David elbowed me, trying to push me in the right direction. This must have been doubly awkward for him, yet I hadn't succeeded in what I wanted to do. Talking with them was a milestone. A start.

"Yeah," I murmured. "You're right."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

“Such nonsense!" declared Dr Greysteel. "Whoever heard of cats doing anything useful!" "Except for staring at one in a supercilious manner," said Strange. "That has a sort of moral usefulness, I suppose, in making one feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon one's imperfections.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell