
Young Writers Society

Hunger Games 4 - Closed

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:08 am
Camulaeus says...


I tensed when Holly mentioned her shelter. Should I reveal that I was the unexpected intruder of her encampment? I realized that maybe it would build trust between us, but trust links to souls in the bond of friendship with a sturdy thread. I couldn't risk having another emotional tie in the Game; already my parents had caused me two breakdowns. My alliance was purely strategic. Though now that I thought about it; Holly was far to inexperienced to survive much longer, and Gabriel's skills would be severely hindered due to the wound.

Speaking of the wound, Holly had shown the depth of her lacking survival abilities when she questioned the effectiveness of the pine needles. Though I admit I am only educated in the art of machines, even I could see the withdrawal of pus and inflammation in the fleshy wound. I was sure that some poison from District 6 had caused it. Once again I thanked whatever deity bothered to listen that I had managed to get out of the butterfly fiasco unscathed.

"You have a shelter?" I asked incredulously. I hoped it false nature was concealed enough to avoid perception.

Holly nodded. "Yah, I made a sort-of snow cave near here"

"Do you think we should spend the night here? After seeing those butterflies, I don't even want to think about what the Capitol has planned during the night" Gabriel said. He seemed slightly better.

Slowly I shook my head. "I don't agree. If the Capitol is following an insectile pattern in their creations, then Scorpions and Beetles could be crawling all over the sand there"

Holly narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "How did you know my snow cave was built in a sand pit?" I froze, my blood slushing into a icy mixture which carried shunning to my care-less mouth.

Hasn't moved, waiting for Holly and Gabriel's reaction to his statement. Has Backpack and Steel pipe
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:14 am
WrittenInStone says...


Once he'd finished using the rock as a mortar to mash the needles into a pulp he tossed the rock away as he scooped it into his hand and began applying small amounts to the buttefly wounds. "Here." he passed the sticky pile to Cody who still stood staring at Holly.

Gabriel glanced over at Cody but otherwise paid no heed to the suspicion that arose in the air like the poisonous air pockets in the mine. He simply unwound his bandage and began to rummage through the pack that he had - when he finally pulled out his hand held a simple bar of soap.

In a quick shove he removed the backpack from his sight and began to rub the soap into the snow to moisten it, before glancing at his wound. If only he had some alcohol or some other herbs that his mother had once used when he'd been injured in the mine. He removed the soap from the snow and began to lather up his wound, grinding his teeth at the pain.

As long as it was clean there would be no great risk of infection - he quickly looked up at Holly. "Toss me the water bottle." he ordered her snappishly.

Holly glanced down in shock before reaching into her shirt and tossing him the bottle before glancing back up at Cody with narrowed eyes. "Tell me - how did you know that?" she asked him but he turned away from the conversation once again.

Gabriel unscrewed the cap and poured the fresh water onto his wound - cleaning away the soap and whatever discharge remained before wetting the bandage he'd just removed.

He screwed the cap back on and examined the remains of the water with a disaproving sigh - there wasn't much left and he realized that the girl had drunken much more than necessary.

"If you both don't get over a coincidence then I'm going to have to put you both at rest - with the body pickers." he snapped as he wrapped the bandage back up around his wound and rose to his feet with bow in hand.

Cody turned to him and opened his mouth to give a quick retort but he quickly thought better of it as he saw Gabriel pull an arrow from his quiver. "What we need to do is find a better shelter - one where the damned other players won't know to look because of footprints. So - one of you will take care that you use this branch and brush over the footprints we make in the snow - that atleast will make it look as if something scratched at the snow - no one will know we've passed through." he told them.

He leaned down to grab a large branch that held wide spaced needles - and then handed it to Holly. "That'll be your job."

Gabriel reached down and zipped up his pack and slung it over his shoulder - the wound making no fuss about the weight anymore considering it only stung numbly. He'd be fine - if he could find some needle and thread he could patch it up but he'd have to deal for the moment.

He turned to the other two, "We have to get going - so grab your things. We're heading north." and with those final words he turned northwards and set on to trudge through the deep snow with the two allies he'd recently aquired.

Trudging onwards with Holly and Cody - wound cleaned - found remedy for butterfly marks -
Calligraphy: Could you send down some thread and a needle?
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:58 am
Skorpionne says...


Throughout my task of footprint-scratching, I was fuming. Cody was the intruder. Despite my rage, I was grateful for him having left me alive, but still, I was covered in butterflies! You at least try to help, right?! And probably the reason I was covered in butterflies in the first place was because he'd knocked down a bit of the wall.

Then, to top it off, I'd realised that Gabriel had the tweezers and bar of soap I'd left behind when the wolves chased me. It was a reminder of how stupid I'd been not to go back for them. Remembering the wolves made me think of the wound in my leg. It barely hurt anymore. That was lucky.

The bark in my mouth had been pretty much used up by now, so I stuck another bit in. Cody gave me an incredulous glance, but I ignored him. My temper wasn't completely cooled yet. Then I noted that one of the footprints I'd just scratched away wasn't human. It'd looked more....big cat. Gulping, I tried to think of any big cats you could find in a snowy land, and quite a few leapt to mind. Snow leopard, bobcat, lynx, puma. There was another of the footprints now. And there, and there. Again, gulping I turned around.

"Um, I think we might be accidently following a big cat."

About 30 metres from the edge of Central Park. Still in alliance. Very irate.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:48 pm
WrittenInStone says...


Gabriel didn't turn when Holly's news reached his ears. "Good. It means we could get a big lunch." he answered briefly, and he shifted the bow in his hand - keeping it at the ready.

He knew that at the first sighting of the creature he would have to shoot without hesitation or they could all be killed by - not another player - but a simple creature of nature.

His eyes scanned the sparse growth before rotating his shoulder, it was stiff but it felt much better than it had yesterday. He shivered as a cold wind blew past him, and he realized now that the two who tagged along with him weren't going to be much help - and they certainly wouldn't be the ones killing him.

A snap echoed through the silence - a twig underfoot - and his head jerked up in response to the sound. He readied his bow and pulled back the arrow. It was silent, no other sound aside from his partners breathing.

He held his breath and concentrated - the crunch of snow. Gabriel jerked around and let the arrow fly - a howl of anger filled the air. Obviously the thing wasn't dead.

The large cat lunged out from the bush and crouched before them, it's fangs bared. One glance at it's mangy pelt and Gabriel knew that he had to kill it.

He pulled free another arrow, notching it and letting it fly. It missed it's original mark but it hit the cat square in the chest.

The creature gave a strangled snarl before it collapsed on it's stomach - dead.

He glanced at Holly - "You know what kind of cat that is?" he asked as he moved forward and unsheathed his dagger to begin skinning the creature.

"Boy - I need you to fetch some wood. Unless you all prefer raw meat?" he said, and it was obvious that he was the one in charge of this little parade.

Just earned a meal - tracks are covered; far north of Turtle Pond.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:16 pm
Elinor says...


Erin sighed, somewhat relieved. She was with another career, one that seemed nice. Knowledgeable about things. One that could help her get far into the games. One that would be in her friend. The thought started to cross her mind that she would have no idea waht to do and it would be incredibly hard if it came down to them two, but she let it pass. Every member of an alliance in Hunger Games history had to have felt that way at some point or another. Besides, it wasn't likely that it would happen; Erin was weak, and there were many others that were still left -- she didn't know how many, exactly.

Erin carefully eyed the rabbit. Back home, she ever would have even considered eating rabbit; in fact, she would have scoffed at the idea. But she was desperate to eat something, and did not want to starve. Besides, she didn't want to seem like some whiny girl who couldn't take any hardship and be the laughing stock of the poorer districts. This was about getting everyone to like you, right? So she greedily grabbed the rabbit with both of her hands until she realized she may have appeared to be rude; besides, didn't they want to cook it first?

"Can we cook this?" Erin asked. "I'm a good cook, I cook all of the meals for my brother and I back home."

"We don't want to risk a fire," Fern said sternly.

Erin bit her lip, feeling stupid for not realizing that before. Of course they couldn't risk a fire, but still she didn't want to eat the rabbit raw. Besides, they were careers, weren't they? They were practically expected to run into the action. Besides, any one who had the nerve to stage an upfront attack on them had got to be crazy. This is where the career stereotype worked to Erin's advantage; she was terrified of what might happen as the result of an upfront attack, but since the others didn't know that, she figured they could risk the fire. "We're careers, aren't they? If they attack us, they'll be ready for us. Besides, after we cook it we can move camp if needed."

As she was waiting for Fern's response, Erin started to impulsively scratch where the butterflies had bitten her. She tried to put some more snow, but this time it didn't seem to work as effectively as the first time. The snow wasn't the cute, it just had to lessen the pain. Almost perfectly in sync with this thought, she saw a flash of ivory in the sky - it became clear that this was a parachute. Her gift! It must be the cure.

She was a bit confused when she saw it; a small silver container of a green-looking liquid with pine needles floating in it. "Okay..."

Maybe it wasn't the cure; was it some kind of food? Still, her immediate thoughts were on her bites, so she rubbed the liquid on her scars and almost instantly they were gone.

Outside of the Cornucopia. Butterfly wounds cured. Debating whether or not to cook a rabbit, in alliance with Fern LaRose.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:38 am
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Calligraphy says...

The list has been updated.

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:58 pm
Camulaeus says...


"Boy - I need you to fetch some wood. Unless you all prefer raw meat?" Aside from the command, a flicker of smugness slipped into the tone of his words.

My insides churned; riled by rage. Gabriel believed he was the one in charge. This assumption would cost him dearly. Technically I was only in an Alliance with Holly, who had been the one to propose it to me. It was clear she wouldn't last long, so logic states I must cut her off. Gabriel was attached to me through her, so it was only our proposed alliances that kept me from bashing in his head. Boy? I thought incredulously. He should at least take the time to learn my name. Yet I had a feeling I could survive a little longer with his skills at my hand. He was merely a pawn until I decided to kill him off.

"No." I said. Gabriel whipped round. Holly followed him obediently, wiping away his footsteps with the brush. "A fire is too obvious, other Tributes and god knows what else can track us"

Gabriel's eyes narrowed. "Well, I guess we're eating it raw then"

I shook my head once more. "There are alternative cooking styles to an open fire. We could make a stew if we found a hole somewhere, and we could boil some snow to make clean drinking water"

Holly nodded quickly. "That sounds great"

"One thing though, where are you going to get a pot?"

I smiled and produced the jug of water from my backpack. "Start digging"
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:40 pm
WrittenInStone says...


His eyes narrowed at the boy's smugness and he knew that the only thing that kept him from notching that arrow and pinning him to a tree with it was his alliance with Holly - he should have shot him before she could open her mouth.

Immediately after the boy told him to dig the larger of the two rose to his feet, he glanced at Cody briefly as he spoke. "I'd much rather eat it raw then in any sort of stew you could concoct." he growled before turning to squat down before the beast he'd killed and begin to saw off large chunks of meat.

He grabbed one, sliced it into thinner pieces and raised it to his mouth. He thought a moment - raised it in mock toast- and tore into it with his teeth.

The bloody meat filled his mouth with the taste of copper and the rubbery feel of the meat made him grimace but he ate it nontheless - it was all he could do to keep himself from shooting the damned allies he'd made.

He knew that there was some danger to eating it raw but he'd done it before - eating raw rabbit had become a habit while living with his mother who could not cook but let alone build a fire when they risked alerting the peace keepers.

Gabriel's hands, slick with blood pushed onto his thighs as he rose again - this time satisfied after having eaten two strips of meat. He looked over at his allies, "Grab the meat and cook it if you will." he told them. "I'm off to scour the woods- no need for nasty surprises." he told them.

"I'm sure you both can fare well without me for a few moments?"

He sees the glare that Cody gives him but chooses to ignore it - the boy meant little to him other than a sack of deadweight to carry around on his should
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:21 pm
DaSpetsnaz says...

Hunter Williams

I wake slowly to the sun creeping in through the open window. I open my eyes and stand up. Stretching, I take a glance out the window. There were no tributes there. That was good, for now. First things first, I think to myself as I pry open the tub of face paint. There would be enough for my head and my hat, by the looks of it. I search around for a brush of some sort, but there is none. Sighing, I stick my hand in the paint and get a big glob of it. I slather it onto my face, now feeling the cold of taking my gloves off. I grab some more and repeat the process. I now take off my hat and lay it on the ground neatly. For this I just pretty much throw the paint on it. Just as I suspected, when I finish with the hat he tub is empty. I toss it aside and then pick it back up. I'm not going to waste this, I could use it to hold water. I smile to myself, seeing my genius shine through. At least the bow was silver, so that will stay hidden. I sling the bow over my shoulder, the feel so familiar. I look down and grip the necklace I have for a second before letting go. I remember the words my mom said to me before I left, "Stay strong, stay hidden."

I grab all my stuff in a jumbled mess and head out the door. I walk in no particular direction when I see them. Almost blocking out the sky is a huge swarm of bugs. Butterflies, I correct myself. This couldn't be good. They were approaching fast, so I took off. They were driving me towards the water, so I had no chance of escape. As I run I see another dashed tribute running too, I think her name was Clea or something. I quickly caught up to her and shot her a worried look as I shot forward. I glanced behind me and saw a horrible sight. The butterflies had caught up to her and they were attacking her it seemed. They would land on her and take off, and a big black spot would form where they landed. The butterflies swarmed her, and her heard her screams. She swatted at them, but it was no use, there were too many of them. With a final screech, she fell to the ground, dead. I can hear the cannon fire and start to run as fast as I can. I was almost at the water, almost at death, when I see it. I house, on my right. I slam into the door by accident, but it's locked. I start banging on the door, hoping it will open. The butterflies were almost here. I start to scream and bang frantically on the door. All of a sudden the door flies open and I go tumbling in the building. The door slams behind me and I look up to see the girl from district 12 swatting at a couple of butterflies that got in. I quickly stand up and start swatting them. Most drop dead, but two manage to land on me. I quickly kill them and look at the district 12 girl. She has a black spot forming on her hand.

"You saved my life," are the first words that come out of my mouth. Not, you're going to kill me now, or anything like that. Just those few, simple words.

"Yeah, no problem, but I have one request. You be in an alliance with me. I really need one, and you just walked into my house." My mind was racing, and I almost thought about bolting, but she did save my life. And I wasn't sure if she had a weapon. I then respond.

"You know, you got yourself a deal."

In alliance with Steyna Cole, Clea Little dead, minor butterfly wounds.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:02 pm
Blueskysummer says...


Trent jerked awake. Had he been sleeping? He must have dozed off while waiting for the other tributes to clear out. He pulled himself around his tree to squint through the darkness at where the cornucopia once was. There was nothing, not a tarp or a piece of jerkey left for him. He should have known!

He fell back into the snow beneath the tree, thinking of what he could do without any items. He needed shelter, but it was so cold... and there were most likely tributes still around. The ground was so close, so easy... He curled up, closing his eyes to the darkness.

There was a dull pain on his ankle. It dragged him from his sleep, into a half-awake state in which he still half-believed he was dreaming. through half-open eyes he watched pieces of lacy blackness swarming against the white landscape. surely something so beautiful and haunting couldn't exist in reality. Then suddenly his face tingled and lacy black wings obscured his vision. his face began to tingle, then sting as the butterfly landed again and again before falling dead on the snow. The pain intensified and Trent sat up, realizing that he wasn't dreaming after all.

that was followed with panic.

he realized that he had just let God knows what happen to his face, and he scratched at it in pain and terror he managed to get a view of a bit of exposed skin by his ankle, seeing only blackened skin. Whatever the butterflies were, they did something to his skin, maybe a poison or an infection? He managed to stand, looking around. He hadn't been awakened by a Gamemaker announcement, maybe if he waited it out they would announce an antidote. his ankle was raw as his pants rubbed against it, but he limped out towards the skyscrapers. He had to get people to stop fighting before they killed too many people.

And he prayed that the butterfly-marks wouldn't kill him before he did that.

On his way out of central park. Butterfly marks on one ankle and all over his face and neck. has nothing.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:51 pm
Amfliflier says...

Steyna Cole

The new kid, Hunter Williams, and I sat in the house, hearing the distant screams of the tributes being attacked by the butterflies. I kept itching the mark on my hand, and by the time I noticed I was itching it, it was a black and purple hole. It hurt a lot, and I needed to find something to heal it.

"I don't suppose you know anything about medicine, do you?" I asked him, hoping for a positive answer.

"Actually, I was gonna ask you the same thing." He said sheepishly.

"Do you think it's safe to go out? Maybe there's a gift outside from sponsors that could heal this." He shrugged and pulled the door open, peeking out to make sure it's safe. He opened the door all the way, and I walked outside into the blustery winds. I looked around, digging in places to see if the package had been buried.

"I don't see a package." I admitted.

"Maybe it's something out here that they want us to find. Or maybe it's as simple as water." He looked around, searching for a clue. He did a double-take, and I looked where he was pointing. I saw something silver in the ground, and I saw that it was a bow and arrow.

He started sprinting towards it, maybe to make sure no one else got it before he did. He was heading straight for a patch of ice, running full speed.

"Hunter, look out for the ice!" I shouted. He turned his head to look at me and slid into a snow drift. I ran over to him, avoiding the ice.

"Hunter, are you okay?" He rubbed his head and groaned.

"Ugh, that hurt." A look of surprise passed over his face. He looked down at his arm where the butterfly mark was. He was covered in snow, but it filled in the hole on his arm. He rubbed it, and I could've sworn I saw a lightbulb go up over his head.

"The snow. It helps with the marks. Try it." He scooped some up and offered it to me. I tentatively rubbed it on my hand, and felt immediate relief.

"This is great! Now we don't have to worry about those anymore. Oh wait, the bow!" I ran over to it and snatched it up, along with one lonely arrow. I brought it back to Hunter, and he looked like a child with a toy.

"Let's go back to the house, I'm getting cold." He joked, and shook snow from his hair. I helped him up and we settled back down in the house.

In a boathouse by Broadway, with Hunter Williams. Has Clea's bow and arrow, and has figured out snow helps the wounds.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:46 am
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

I watch as the small parachute floats down between Erin and I. A present! So early in the game? Erin picks up the small silver vial that held a tender, green substance. I instantly forgot about the rabit. This could be the butterfly wound cure! Although my wound was probably healed and the poison flushed from it, I didn't want to carry around the scars. I watch as Erin scrunches her nose up. Or... maybe it wasn't?

"Okay..." Erin muttered, sounding confused.

Still, she rubbed the substance onto her butterfly bites. I watch before my very eyes as they vanish. My hand goes up to my mouth almost instantly. The cure, the healer.

"Erin! It worked!"

"It... did?" Her hand goes up tenatively to her face and where all the other butterfly marks had been. "I didn't really think..."

They sent us the cure! It didn't really say who the gift was to, but being that we were both careers and well liked it could be either of us. I clear my throat, hoping to be subtle and not noisy and annoying. Erin looks up at me and smiles. "My guess is you want some to?"

"Please." She hands me the vial carefully and I drop some onto my hands, rubbing it slowly on my face. It feels tingly, but bliss flows through me. I look up at Erin. "Did it work?"

"Yes." She nodds, a small smile on her face.

I couldn't blame her. This was an incredible sign. Our butterfly bites healed and a gift from the Capitol audiance. It was a sign that we could both make it far. If only we could make it all the way together.

"What should we do with the vial?" I ask. "We don't want to leave it here for someone else to find."

True, there was only a small bit left, but it could still save one of our enemies. Erin shrugs, biting her lip.

"Put it in your sleeping bag. It's best to hold onto it. We don't want anyone else to find it."

I smile, glad she was thinking the same thing I was. I nodd, slipping the vial into my bag. I feel something in my hand and look down. The rabbit. We had almost forgotten about it. I look back up at Erin an notice she's looking at the rabit as well. I didn't want to risk a fire and risk the chance of being found. Still, I remember the nasty taste of the uncooked rabbit in my mouth. Surely it would last longer and taste ten times better cooked? I debate it.

"We don't have to cook it. It'll work either way."

I almost nodd. It would be less risky, neverless more substanable that way. Then again, who knew when we would find food again? We would need to make this one last. I sigh, making up my mind.

"Can you make it a small fire? Like, barely coals. Just enough to cook the rabbit, but hardly enough to be noticed."

Erin locks eyes with me and I can tell she's running things through her head.

Fern's butterfly bites cured. With Elinor's Erin.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:51 pm
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Elinor says...


Erin breathed a small sigh of relief upon Fern's consent that she cook the rabbit. She didn't let herself get too caught up in her excitement, because she knew, like Fern had said, that she would have to take a lot of precautions. Besides, she thought that being newly cured from the poison was giving her an extra boost of energy, so she knew that she needed to think especially hard to be rational. In previous games that she had watched, sometimes tributes got excited over something, and that led them to freaking out and doing something stupid, eventually leading to their deaths.

"Sure," she told Fern, taking the rabbit. "I'll be careful."

She was excited to show everyone who was watching her ability to cook. Her brother would no doubt be impressed. Would Fern? Would the sponsors that were controlling gifts into the flow of the arena? Maybe if they were impressed by her ability to cook, that would mean a supply of food would come her way?

"Can you stay here and guard our stuff while I look for some firewood?" Fern nodded and Erin started to scour wherever she could to find wood; in snow covered trees, in bushes, until about twenty minutes later she came back with her hands full. They knew they wouldn't be able to use all of it; unfortunately, most would be covered in wood and not able to burn. She also grabbed some rocks that would contain the fire so it did not spread.

She set the wood down, and reminding herself of Fern's promise to stay low, took a few of the small bush branches and scrapped on the leaves. She set those on the rocks, then realizing how big of a task she was making this out to be. She was simply cooking and preparing a meal; nothing more then that. But then Erin realized that the stakes were higher, since all of Panem was probably watching this right now, and that was the first real meal that she was attempting to make without the ease and comfort of her kitchen back home.

Once it was all prepared, she realized that she did not have a match or lighter fluid with which to light the fire. Because she had the feeling that the odds weren't in her favor to receive another gift, she started to think of other ways that she had been taught, by her father and later by Brent.

"Are you okay?" Fern asked.

"I'm fine," Erin responded. "I'll figure something out." But Erin didn't, because she realized she knew no other ways to start a fire. And she was sweating because she was sure she was looking like a weakling to the whole country right now. In her mind she was begging and praying for a match, but she wanted to try and figure it out herself first. Then she remembered something she had heard about in school a long while ago, how you could start a fire with just some glass and water. She didn't know if it could really work, but it was a good idea to try. Thankfully the sun was out.

She grabbed her water bottle out of her bag and set her eyes on a nearby building with a shattered window. When Fern was eying her like she was strange, she mouthed, "Just trust me." With all of her force she was able to break off a piece of glass, and she ran back to the campsite.

She would have to pour the water on the glass, which she did. Then she pointed it the direction of the sun and let it heat up before putting it into the branches. Miraculously, a fire started to bloom, and Erin breathed a sigh of relief as she began to cook the rabbit.

"Phew," she said, "you ready for some breakfast?" She started to lightly cook the rabbit, fully relaxing. "I think...what should our next move be?"

"To find my district partner."

Close to the Cornucopia, starting a small fire. With Fern LaRose.

(I looked online and the glass/water method does work)

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:01 am
Sunshine says...

Fern Le Rose

"Phew," Erin said, "you ready for some breakfast?" She'started to lightly cook the rabbit, fully relaxing. "I think...what should our next move be?"

What SHOULD our first move be? We'd barely made an alliance and already our fourtune's seemed to be piling in. We needed to make good use of that fortune, a smart move.

"To find my District partner."

As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly rued them and knew they were true. Marco was a wild card. Someone you would be an idiot to trust, but he made it hard not to. If anything, he was a true career: Dead sent on winning this game. Even with an alliance, in the end he couldn't even hesitate. On the other hand Marco was strong. The true career pack wouldn't be complete without a blood thirsty District one tribute. Personally, I wasn't about to volunteer for that role. I look back at Erin. Wasn't this what an alliance was for? So you wouldn't have to make all the life-threatening decisions on your own? Erin looks back down, stirring the rabbit.

"You mean... Marco Denver?"

So she remembered him. "Yeah. The stereotypical career. If we wanted a career pack, there's no better place to look."

Erin stirs at the bunny absent mindly. "It would be pretty hard to find him, if he's not looking for us. For careers not in the pack, they tend to be illusive."

I think of Marco, slipping around through the woods. There's no doubt in my mind that he was out there now, killing tributes. That would describe it. Illusive. "Yeah." I say, beggining to regret that I'd ever said anything. The strategic value of it seemed to be fading rapidly. "It's not such a good idea after all."

"I never said that." Erin said thoughtfully. "It's a pretty good idea. Three careers are better than two, any day. We should look for him, but subtly. Like my fire." She smiles softly. "It's a goal. That's what we need."

I nodd, noticing how well our idea's fit together. How, at moments, I'm the strategic smart one and sometimes it's Erin.

"A goal. Secondary to surviving, of course."


She picks up the rabbit, which I hadn't even noticed was almost done, and examine's it. It was brown and crispy, tender looking. I really needed to learn how to cook.

"Want some?"

"Just a little," I say, thinking of the small bit I'd had earlier.

She nodds, probably pressuming as much. She takes a bite into the rabbit. I take a bite. The rabbit taste's delicious, heavenly even. Erin wasn't kidding when she said she could cook.

"So," I ask," Do you have any idea's for our next move? Or," I pause," where Marco might be?"
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:41 am
Calligraphy says...

Watch out for these birds:


They are bright read with black beaks and claws. When they sing you hear everyone you care about screaming for help and telling you how horrible you are. Every bad memory's sounds will play back at you.

They travel in swarms and are attracted to smoke.

I don't do time.
— Liberty