
Young Writers Society

So You Wanna Be A Hero

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Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:18 am
Karma says...

(OOC: I think that we should stop all this romance and get on with the trip, but that might be just me...:love: haha!)
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
( 0 . 0 )

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Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:03 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

The next morning the gang decided to find out why they had been attacked by bandit's, just as they were about to give up a little boy came to them.
Yeng and the others turned around, "Yes what is it?"
Out of breath the little boy told them when Ayda and Yeng had attacked the soldiers it had made the king mad and now he was after them and had put quite a bounty on thier heads.
"So." Ayda said.
"We'll have to deal with him later. I had a feeling last night that terall was close and would like to find him first. Ive been after him longer than the king anyways."
Ayda gave him a look, " Yeng lets just stay away from him, he only wants to use your body so he can be more powerfull."
He knew Ayda meant well, "All the more reason to kill him, he'll always be after me unless I stop him."
Ayda sighed and turned to face the distance where a storm was begining to brew, the sky had turned a nasty greenish gray and lighting was streaking the sky.
She had a bad feeling too, but she knew Yeng was to stuck on destroying Terall.
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Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:56 pm
Karma says...

They left the next morning, after debating whether to walk or take horses. Horses won.

They had been on the road only a short while when a dark shadow passed overhead.

"I was wondering where you were," came the softly slithering voice from Terral, "Those dragons tried to stop me, but they're all gone now." He laughed evilly.

"Oh my god! He killed the dragons!" whispered Ayda hysterically, as Yeng shielded her with his body.

Zell moved to do the same to Karma.

"Get off me! I can take care of myself!"

"Not while you're my girl you can't!"

Karma rolled her eyes.

Terral began again, "Oh, how touching!" He mocked, "I wonder what you little men would do if your females went missing-Nothing [/i]rash[/i]" He put a slight emphasis on the word, "I hope?"
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
( 0 . 0 )

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Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:54 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

Yeng with his teeth bared said, "You touch Ayda and I'll make you suffer before I decide to kill you."
Terall unfazed by this smiled and said, "And I shall enjoy watching your expression as I make her wittness a pain unlike any before. I'll make sure your not blindfolded so you can watch her pained expressions and hear her cries of ultimate agony." Yeng chared Terall as lighting split the sky and heavy raindrops fell to the ground in a torrent. His sword glared an angry purple as it was met with Terall's claws, Yeng let a sound of pain out as Teralls other claws caught his chest and blood begin to seep. He hit the ground as Ayda and Zell charged Terall, he didnt want Ayda in the fight.
"No Ayda stay back!" He yelled, as if she were a ragdoll Terall picked her up easily and wrapped his hand around Ayda throat. She began to struggle and thrash, Yeng knew she would was in trouble and something she had said came to his mind, it was Ayda's voice saying he wants you and wont stop intill he had you. Yeng opened his mouth in surprize as Terall suddenlly transformed into a human form he knew well, the king himself.
"What the hell? Zell said in shock.
Knowing what he had to do Yeng yelled, "Stop take me, just let Ayda go and you can have me."
"No." Ayda yelled still struggling but Yeng knew she was tiring and slowly dieing. Karma suddenlly charged him and was knocked away by some invisable force field, "You bastard." Zell yelled and went to Karma's aid she was merely shocked by the blow and wasnt hurt save the split lip.
A yellow aura surronded Yeng that was painfull and strong,"I'll take you but will not spare the girl." As if by magic a spear pierced Ayda and gut and she fell to Terall's feet, Yeng had no time to react everything had gone black.
Little did Yeng and the others know it turned out Ayda had secreats of her own, Karma had senced it in the begining but was unsure what it was. Turn out Ayda could secreatly heal herself in a quick time, so while the others were scared for her life she was in the process of sealing the 6 inch wound branded in her side.
"Dont die Ayda." She heard Beowulf say in a worried voice.
"Quit mothering me damnit." she muttered.
"Ayda, how, what, what the hell?" she heard a voice ask. With a sheepish look on her face she opened her eyes, "Perhaps I should explain." the next thing she knew she felt Karma fist hit her in the cheek. Leaning up completly she yelled, "What the hell are you doing, are you crazy?"
"How did you do that?" Beowulf demanded.
"Its hard to explain." suddenly the realization and memory of what happend crossed her mind and she jumped up on her feet, "We have to get Yeng. If Terall fuses with his body it's all over."
(I hope you guys dont mind this next part and I hope no one has already said something about it but I had this really great idea Id like to try if no one likes it we can forget it."
"What do you mean?" Karma asked.
"If the truth be told, when I was a little girl and wise woman of our village prophisized that a good man and an evil being would destroy the world if they couldnt be stopped, she than told my father to bring me forth. She told me of this and than told me I would know when I had found the good man because I would fall in love with him. You can say I was destined to protect this from happening, see you cant fight evil with evil. It will require a sacrifice of love to defeat it, yea I know it sounds corny and I almost didnt believe it myself and than well I met Yeng and it changed my mind." She than looked down to the ground, "If anything happens it'll be all my fault."
"I knew it." Karma said, "I sensed something in you the day I met you, how you sucked the poison from my wound and how you knew how to fight, and how you somehow always healed even the worst wounds in remarkable time."
Ayda said nothing only pushed back a fallen tendrill of her hair, "I know where Terall is taking him. If we hurry we can stop it before it gets any worst and to late."
Beowulf spoke up finnally, "What can we do?"
Ayda looked at him and said the only thing she could think of, "Pray."

(In case you guys cant tell it sounds like the final battle is close, this last battle with Terall/Yeng will have to be it I think and Plz lets try to start a 2nd I have a preety good idea for the 2nd, whoever started this story needs to get in contact with me so we can discus it b/c I dont want it to seem like I thought it all up.)
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Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:54 pm
Dynamo says...

"Ayda." She looked up at Zell who was speaking to her. "Yeng dropped this before Terral took him away." He handed Yeng's sword to Ayda, who looked at it with surprise. "I'd think he'd want you to hold onto it."

She thought for a moment, then gently grabbed the sword from Zell's hand and hugged it to her chest. The room was silent.

Riona was the first to break that silence. "So, how are we gonna save Yeng?"

"I don't know..." Ayda was scared that if something wasn't done quickly, she'd lose Yeng forever.

Something in the sky caught Zell's eyes. He looked and saw a group of large creatures flying in the sky. "Hey, what's that?" Everyone looked and saw that the creatures were in fact dragons.

The dragons landed in front of the group. A familiar black dragon stepped up. "I hope we're not interupting anything."

Ayda gasped. "Valmorr?"

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Tue May 02, 2006 8:07 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

"maybe you can help, Terall took over Yeng."
"He what?" Valmorr gasped.
Ayda lowered her eyes to the ground and ran her hands over the sword, "He's got him and its all my fault."
"Now wait a minute."Zell snapped, "It is not your fault. Yeng went because he had to not because it was your fault and as soon as we find Terall Im going to kick his.." Ayda stopped him, "You saw who he was, he's the king and he'll be heavily guarded."
Valmorr spoke up finally, "We can help you get past the gate and can cause a distraction but from there its your game."
"Than lets go." Ayda said with a renewed hope, "Yeng just hold on." she said to herself and got on Valmorr's back.
"Ahh your finally awake."
Yeng woke up coughing and could hear a roaring in his ears, that bastard had killed Ayda and it was all his fault.
"Oh dont be so sad, surely you knew I couldnt spare your one and probally last love, to bad I didnt save her for myself she was quite a looker. Probally quite a tigeress in the bedroom huh?"
"You be quiet you vile son of a bitch." He grabbed his head and collasped.
Unaffected Terall continued, "Dont worry in a few minutes you wont care."
A green light surronded him once more and the roar erupted into an explosion, he felt like his soul was trying to escape his body. Than he was looking at himself in a mirror, with fire in his eyes and death in his blood.
As Ayda and the others were in the sky, lighting split across the sky and nearly hit Valmorr and her.
Ayda almost fell off but contained her balance, something was definatally wrong and she knew it.
"Hurry Valmorr." she yelled over the thunder.
"There it is." Ayda looked into the distance and saw the castle, drawing her sword she silentally prayed she wasnt to late.
In no time Valmorr and the others landed safetly in the courtyard where oddly noone was at,
"Ive been expecting you." Ayda gasped as Yeng stepped out of the dark dressed rather odd, she than noticed she was staring into eyes that were not Yeng's.
"Let him go." she demanded.
"I'd rather not little girl." Teralls voice said.
Ayda bared her teeth and threw her sword aside, "Just to let you know, I'd rather kill you with Yengs blade that way he will have still won."
Evil laughter erupted from Terall, "You do realize if you kill me, you kill Yeng."
"That's just a risk I have to take, either way I know Yeng would want me to destroy you once and for all."
Zell, Karma, Riona and Beowulf stepped up next to Ayda and pulled their weapons,"No he's mine." Ayda yelled.
She than as lighting split a tree next to them charged Terall, From out of nowhere a sword connected with hers and it caught her off guard.

You guys continue and remember this is the final battle so make it good, just to let you no im fixen to start the sequel to this story.
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Wed May 03, 2006 1:28 am
Dynamo says...

(OOC: Before we finish this storybook, I want you guys to know Zell's most powerful martial art.)

As Ayda and Terral were fighting, Zell heard footsteps coming from the other end of the courtyard. He turned and saw a bunch of armed guards heading towards them.

Karma noticed this, too. "Looks like we have company."

"I'll handle these guys. You make sure Ayda doesn't get killed." Zell said.

"You can't handle those guys on your own, Zell."

He smiled. "The only reason you say that is because you haven't seen me fight at my fullest potential yet." Zell quickly turned to Karma and kissed her vigorusly on the lips.

When he ran towards the guards, all Karma could manage to say was, "...Don't get yourself killed..."

The five guards surrounded Zell, they all had swords. Zell put his hands on his waist. "Oh, come on. That's hardly fair. If you guys have any balls you'll drop those swords and face me hand-to-hand." Surprisingly, Zell's plan worked and the guards dropped their swords.

Zell smiled and he pulled out a big bottle of wine which he had somehow hidden under his vest. "I was saving this for such an occasion." He took the cork off the bottle and guzzled down the entire thing.

When he was finished he dropped the bottle, causing it to shatter on the ground. He put his fists up into a fighting position, but as soon as he did he began to sway left to right. He was now obviously too drunk to fight.

One of the guards came up to him and took a swing at his face. Zell swayed to the left, just barely missing the punch. The guard took another swing, but Zell leaned backwards and evaded that punch, too. Zell pushed his bodyu forward after leaning backwards and smashed his head into the guard's head. The guard's helmet made a "clang" as he fell to the ground, unconcious from his concusion.

Another guard came up to Zell to try and take him down. Zell grabbed the guard's hand when he tried to attack. The guard used his free hand to try and punch him. Still holding his hand, Zell swayed out of the way. The guard tried to punch again, but this time Zell grabbed that hand, too. Zell smiled drunkly at the guard as he tried to free his hands. The guard's fists cracked as Zell crushed them by merely strengthening his grip.

When the second guard fell to the ground, Zell turned to the remaining three. He continued swaying from left to right, as if trying to keep a steady stance. "You're thinking," Zell hicupped, "how could those guys get beat up by a drunk man?" Zell hicupped again. "I'll tell you a little secret. I'm not just some ordinary street fighter. I'm a Drunken Master."

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Wed May 03, 2006 7:56 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

Ayda cried out in pain as Teralls sword slashed through her right arm, luckily she had been taught to use both of her arms when it came to fighting and she attacked back just as strongilly. Terall let out a cry of frustration all of a sudden, "Damnit, stay put." Ayda dropped back for a minute.
She nearly fainted when she heard Yengs voice, "Ayda kill him now, dont worry about me."
The sword at her side began to glow as she pulled it up and postioned it towards his heart, "God forgive me." She than closed her eyes as the sword met its mark and a cry of anger and agony split the sky. Terall's eyes returned as he cried out "No, it cant be." A bright light erupted from Teralls body which threw Ayda to the ground, she coverd her ears as a roaring was followed.
"What's going on?" Riona yelled as she stood against the wind and sounds.
"Just get down." Ayda yelled.
Riona ducked and stayed down, Ayda began to weep what would happen to Yeng?
Then it became silent, Ayda lifted her head and the tears fell even harder. Yeng was still there, but he wasnt breathing. Ayda crawled over to him and placed her head on his chest and continued to let her tears fall. Zell knelt next to her, "Ayda im so sorry." He had tears too as he pulled her into his arms in a tight hug. He had never felt so vulnerable as he held her shaking body, Karma looked at him and said. "Lets get her out of here."
"What about me?" came a groggy voice. Ayda nearly finished Yeng off as she lept back on to him and coverd him in kisses. "Oh yeng I thought I had lost you."
"Give me a chance to breath woman." Zell bust into laughter as he helped Yeng up only to have Ayda push him out of the way. This time in front of everyone Yeng kissed her passionatally. Looking at Karma Zell thought, "What the hell." and yanked karma into his arms and kissed her as well.
Riona looked to Beowulf and said, "Dont even think about it old man." That sent Ayda into a giggling fit and Beowulf turned red. "Oh shutup, besides cats arent exactally kissing partners."
Not paying attention anymore Yeng and Ayda looked at each other once more, "Is he really gone?" she asked.
Yeng shurgged his shoulders, "For the time being i suppose, but right now that is the least thing on my mind." They kissed once more, finnally Yeng had found his happy ending or had he. Whatever the future would bring he didnt know or care he only could hold on and never let go.

Tune in for the next one begging real soon...yea.
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She was /not/ going to ruin a good dress for a pot of drooling, wall-staring, imbecile grass. And that was that.
— Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings