
Young Writers Society

Reminiscence DT

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:32 am
Carina says...


The Inota Region

A Pokemon SB created by Carina and Omni.
Only minimum knowledge of Pokemon is required to join.


You are sitting at home. It's a hot summer day, and nothing is happening, but you know the mail is coming today. You have a feeling it is coming. Every hair on your body is standing up on end, and you can just feel the excitement boil in your heart, because any minute

Your parents just walked in with the mail. Like lightning you dash to see if anything is for you. They've left it on the counter, not even bothering to look through it. Your hand stretches for it, and now you're leafing through that pile of mail. Bill. Bill. Bill. Letter. Bi— WAIT! WAS THAT IT?! You come back to the letter. It's addressed to... you. Looking at the return address, you see the words:

Inota Region

Like lightning, you rip open the envelope and scan the letter’s contents.

Dear [name],

The magnificent world of Pokémon... a seemingly endless dream of adventure and fun. Filled with bonds of companionship between Pokémon and humans, living side-by-side one another. Together, we make the world a better place, for—

BORING. Your eyes skip down the page, until you read—

Upon reading your application, you are invited to partake in the year-long C.A.M.P. located in the Inota Region.

You cannot believe your eyes. Excitedly, you skim through the rest of the letter quickly—

… learn how to become a trainer for no cost ... unearth your gifted potential ... Pokémon species from all of the regions … I have attached a map along with brochures that contains everything you need to know ... we urge you get to know your fellow campers … you have three days to prepare … once again, I congratulate you ...

Chairman of C.A.M.P.

Immediately you run to your room and start packing like crazy, waking your starter up. The ferry arrives in three days, and you are about to open the door to a new life. For years you have been forced to stay in your hometown, and you could only dream of becoming a trainer and travelling the world.

Not anymore.

Your dream has begun...
At least, you think it has.
After all, this is just a relaxing program to kickstart your training career…





"Istoria... "


"... the pawns—"


"the move—"

[white noise]

"...has begun."




Spoiler! :
Okumberry Town is undisturbed by time and the doings of civilization around it. The people there are more worried about their flowers and reaching the supposed riches at the bottom of the coast near the town.


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Seemingly out of this world, Spirivit Woods is a stark contrast to the bustling cities just north of it. With the rumors of ghosts, its maze-like thicket and caves, and how lost in time it seems to be, it's no wonder this place is a must-see for tourists. Local natives believe that, even though there are no pokemon in Inota region, you can still hear the haunting memories of the ones who used to live in Spirivit Woods.


Spoiler! :
Dynameo City is the shining beacon of the Inota region. With its countless skyscrapers and amazing elevated roads and pavements, and eclectic group of citizens and tourists alike, this city is a sight to behold. However, underneath the city, there is a dark tale to be told.


Spoiler! :
Gerlite City sits in the hole of a large cliff, with half of it actually being in the side of the mountain, seemingly stuck out of the reach of any modern clutches. Many get-rich-quick people come to this town for its easy to access gems within the cliffs. There's mysterious things happening within the many narrow, winding caves deep within Gerlite City, though. The people who leave the town say the city seems to come alive at night. Most of them never come back.


Spoiler! :
Forhaven Town is the place the rest of the region forgot about. Halfway surrounded by the outskirts of Spirivit Woods and halfway isolated by a small mountain, this town holds people stuck in time and may unveil the truths and secrets of the Inota region. This safe-haven is accessible only through the treacherous Spirivit Woods.


Spoiler! :
In the far reaches of the Inota region lies Apoqua Island, a secluded homeland to a native people. Located outside the reaches of the destructive Mt. Crystal, this island is home to many strange and new pokemon.


Spoiler! :
Crystallite Cove encompasses half of the island located in Crystallite Sea. Located underneath the now-dormant Mt. Crystal, this is the tourist spot of the Inota region. With two bustling cities close to it, a dark past, and a rumor that the Cove holds a certain legendary secret within its depths, this place keeps the attention of the cities, region, and world.


Spoiler! :
Manisulla City plants its roots less with machines, and more with man-power. Featuring roads and trade routes to everything important in the region to basically every job known to man, this City may not mean much in the eye of the average tourist, but holds a special place in the hearts of the people who live there... and in the importance of the whole region.


Spoiler! :
Farrow Desert exists, although no one really knows why. Although no one really wants to figure out why either. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Avalon Industries are doing shady things in the middle of the desert, but that's just a theory... right?


Spoiler! :
Aester Island is the largest island in the Inota region, yet the littlest is known about it. High currents and constant storms keep the curious eye away. The only mention this island has ever had was about the rumor of large statues littering the island. No one knows what it holds, and no one is keen about trying to find out anytime soon.


Spoiler! :
Idema town holds all the people who were forced to leave their homes when Xpletus City had started construction. The inhabitants believe that the city is doomed by the sacred land it sits on. Despite Avalon Industries claiming the town is "a collection of all the insane in the Inota region," they may know more about what goes on within the city than anyone else.


Spoiler! :
Conferno City is the newest construction in the Inota region, and built to directly compete with Xpletus City. Featuring amazing technologies and eco-friendly machines, many people flock to this city in hopes of pokemon coming back to the region in the form of CAMP, Conferno City's newest pet project.


Spoiler! :
L'novus Town is the fashion center of the Inota region. Purposely excluding itself from the rest of the region while still staying close to tourist travel, this town proudly claims itself as the "most unique town in the world." The locals near the town have a different story to tell, though.


Spoiler! :
Denuo Town believes the Inota region is the future. It calls all upcoming scientists and engineering geniuses to flock in one place, with the result being Denuo Town. Disregarding conventional ways of building, it drained a lake and filled it with machinery and technology. Recently, it has built two rail systems to Conferno City and Manisulla City, in hopes of spreading a oasis-like mindset to the rest of the Inota region.


Spoiler! :
Dubbed X-City, Xpletus City is the self-proclaimed technology center of the world. Built under the name of Avalon Industries, it acts as a psuedo-governing body to the rest of the region, helping the towns in need prosper and expanding the Inota region from the nothing it was to the future of the pokemon world. Many, many conspiracies and debates revolve around this city and Avalon Industries itself.



Spoiler! :
- Follow YWS and Storybook Rules. They are there for a reason. If you don't follow them, we gonna have some problems.

- The SB Rating is 16+ for a reason. This is an SB full of hormonal teenage characters, after all. This means all types of cursing is allowed, except on the first paragraph. Be mindful of the front page. Mature themes are allowed as well, however, they should never be detailed or explicit.

- Only control your own character. On character interactions, please roleplay the scenes out with the other writers. If your character is named Bill and mine is Jane, I would not be allowed to write Bill's reactions to Jane's heart attack. The only excption to this rule is if it is a small or minor scene. This allows us to learn each other's characters better.

- Please stay dedicated. I know, we all have lives. I know how frustrating it is to have a huge pile of homework due tomorrow, but everyone is expecting an SB post. But if we're still willing to put up this SB and manage over it, we expect you to do the same.

- Communication is key. Don't expect to join this SB and never use the DT thread. It is there to discuss, talk, and develop plots. In addition, a group Skype will be made, and it is expected for you to use it to your advantage. This system will make it very easy to plot and work powerplay situations out.

- This is an application-only SB, and your reservation must be the character template. We will only seek out the most realistic, wanted, and unique characters that will make this SB enjoyable for all, and understand that some characters may not be accepted. Please be professional about the application process, and understand that there will not be any bias involved. However, please also note that the quality of your application is important as well. But if you treat your application like a serious school assignment, then the determining factor is your character. You can reserve a spot in the Storybook, but anything beyond that (like reserving your starter) will be done by a first-come, first serve character templates that make it through.

- God-modding or Gary/Mary Sues will not make it through. We will read your character template, and we have been through enough storybooks to know what these characters look like. If, at any point in time before or during the storybook that your character exhibit the traits of God-mod or Gary/Mary Sue, we'll talk, then if it continues, we will remove your character from the storybook in deadly ways.


Spoiler! :
- Creativity is what this SB thrives off of. You have full control over your character and starter. Make them as crazy, freaky, or as weird as you would like. There is no limit, and you are the only one who controls your character's potential. However, after that, we control the nature of any pokemon your trainer catches. It will be completely random and no bias will be added. After all, that is how the games work. We have a system to make your pokemon as original as possible, and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

- Be creative, but have your characters be realistic. The program your character applied to is for older teenagers who wish to be trainers, but cannot due to a specific circumstance. This means your character will hardly know much about the Pokemon or the world aside from what they've read from books, and your character will really suck at battling. No prodigies and Ash Ketchums are allowed to bend this rule.

- The prettier your posts are, the better. This is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. As many of us are visual learners, it is better to see a graphic of the character and their pokemon, than it is to just see their names. Feel free to use banners, bold, italicize, color, size, or any other visual feauture creatively. If you go too far, we will let you know, trust us. So, go for it.


The profile template is in the form of a survey. Answer each question as if your character is 100% honestly answering them, and keep the answers on the short side. (No huge paragraphs!) Also, to make these profiles pretty and easy to read, you will have to pick one color (no bright or unreadable colors) that represents your character. Find and replace "PICKCOLOR" with whatever color you choose by using Microsoft Word or this program. Feel free to ask for help if any problems arise.

Also, do not upload any picture whatsoever for your character's appearance. Appearances get funky in an anime world, so we're going to solely rely on descriptions.

Spoiler! :
Available Starters

Kanto: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
Johto: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
Hoenn: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
Sinnoh: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Unova: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott
Kalos: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie

Code: Select all
[color=gray][size=75]Hello there, future trainer. It's nice to meet you.
Congratulations on your acceptance to CAMP. We are sure you will be very successful.
In return for this free extraordinary program, we ask you to complete a survey.
You will be asked a series of questions through this survey, some about your personal life,
some about your Pokémon, some you'll need to answer together. All my questions will test
the connection you share, and will estimate the potential bonding between you and the
Pokémon you'll meet in the region. Please answer these questions as honestly as you can.
We assure you that all answers will be kept confidential.[/size][/color]

[b][ [color=PICKCOLOR]FULL NAME[/color] ][/b]

Hello! I am a new Pokémon Trainer by the name of [color=PICKCOLOR][b]NICKNAME/FIRST NAME[/b][/color].
I came here from [color=PICKCOLOR][b]TOWN, REGION[/b][/color].
I am [color=PICKCOLOR][b]AGE[/b][/color] years old! My birthday is on [color=PICKCOLOR][b]MONTH DATE[/b][/color].
I am about [color=PICKCOLOR][b]HEIGHT in both feet/in and cm[/b][/color], and [color=PICKCOLOR][b]WEIGHT in both lbs and kg[/b][/color]!

█████ [i][b][size=130]the basics[/size][/b][/i]

⇜What do you think about CAMP? You've looked at the brochure, right?

⇜What circumstance prevented you from becoming a trainer at age ten?

⇜Do you and your first Pokemon get along?

⇜Tell me about your family. Don't leave out a detail at all.

⇜Are there any household Pokemon? A family pet?

⇜What would you say you look like? Do you have any distinguishing features?

⇜Describe your style of clothing.

█████ [i][b][size=130]a little deeper[/size][/b][/i]

⇜Describe your personality.

⇜Describe your starter's personality.

⇜Do you have any talents? Any hobbies?

⇜What is your favorite dish?

⇜What do you like?

⇜What do you dislike?

⇜Do you like gifts?

⇜Do you think love is important for Pokemon?

⇜What about to yourself? Is love important?

⇜Where do you see yourself in ten years?

⇜Do you have any fears and/or phobias?

⇜Any health issues that could potentially be dangerous if left unchecked?

█████ [i][b][size=130]pokemon[/size][/b][/i]

⇜How do you view Pokemon?

⇜How many Pokemon do you know?

⇜How do you feel about the abandonment of Pokemon?

⇜No two Pokemon are the same. What is unique about your starter?

⇜What do you look for in Pokemon?

⇜Seeing a legendary Pokemon is a sign of luck—and to be chosen. We know you are one of the few who has seen one of the legends spoken in fairy tales. What legendary Pokemon have you seen? Tell the story.

⇜Any last minute things?

[right][i]That's the survey. Please, make sure you did everything correctly.[/i][/right]


In the event that your character must battle another character or pokemon, here are some things to consider:

Spoiler! :
- Levels are irrelevant. We're going to lean more towards the show's standards, so yes, a level 4 Pikachu can defeat a level 100000 Snorlax.
- The pokemon only know the moves in their current evolutionary state, meaning there will not be any egg moves, TMs, and other event-related moved.
- If a battle exceeds more than 6 posts, Omni and/or I will decide who wins. It is important to note that we will decide on quality rather than quantity.

Now to the fun part: catching pokemon.

Spoiler! :
Each character is given six Pokeballs. The only way you can obtain more is by trading with the other campers.

Pokemon sometimes come to the trainer willingly, while others do not. Basing the catch system by this random principle, I created a 1-6 combination:

1 = easily caught without a fight, or very minimum fighting
2 = caught with some fighting
3 = caught with a lot of fighting and convincing
4= failed catch
5= failed catch
6= failed catch

There are a whopping randomized 46,656 combinations to choose from, ranging from 1-1-1-1-1-1, to 6-6-6-6-6-6. Once we start the SB, I would like you to choose a number from 1 through 46656. I will then give you your permanent combination that will be used throughout the story.


Like the games, each area has a different batch of pokemon. The campers are currently in CAMP, with the following catchables:

Slowpoke, Krabby, Buizel, Psyduck, Marill, Whooper, Wingull, Shellos, Sandile, Dwebble, Tirtouga

Tentacool, Frillish(f), Frillish(m), Skrelp, Shellder, Staryu, Chinchou, Corsola, Remoraid, Relicanth

Caterpie, Pidgey, Ledyba, Jigglypuff, Murkrow, Seedot, Drifloon, Mankey, Aipom, Slakoth, Mawile, Stunky, Rufflet

Ponyta, Zigzagoon, Purrloin, Bunnelby, Ekans, Doduo, Lickitung, Rhydon, Mareep, Gulpin, Shinx

Rocky Areas
Sandshrew, Zubat, Machop, Geodude, Gligar, Phanpy, Magby, Timburr

Phantump, Muk, Koffing, Spinarak, Misdreavus, Seviper, Shuppet, Duskull, Gastly
Last edited by Carina on Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:56 am, edited 24 times in total.
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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147 Reviews


Gender: Female
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Reviews: 147
Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:34 am
Carina says...


I will love you guys 5ever if you join.
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:36 am
Omni says...

Aww, Carina made her first Storybook XD

I might join, I just have a lot on my plate right now.

If I do join, can I make my character a ninja. Shinobi banana Nate.
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


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Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:40 am
veeren says...

I second the cat.

But I should probably actually read the intro first.
I'll get to that now.
Or later.
Or never.
I dunno.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:42 am
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Iggy says...

Ew y did u invite them gross

Who even gave u the idea


Oh das right ME

Bad me
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:44 am
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Carina says...

Yes, it's so young. And fragile. And adorable.
unlike you jkjk come back 2 me

...am I going to regret inviting you guys

On the plus side, we can spam the DT without annoying anyone.
That's right.
You can't be annoyed.
I won't allow it.
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:37 pm
Carina says...

Wait, so it is going to be the four of us, right? You guys are going to do it? what
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:45 pm
veeren says...

I dunno.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:54 pm
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Carina says...

chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:06 pm
veeren says...

Look don't pressure me okay?
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:16 pm
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Carina says...

chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:23 am
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veeren says...

Okay, I'll have my profile tomorrow.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:52 pm
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veeren says...

I lied. I meant today.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 147
Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:58 pm
Carina says...


What about you, huh, Iggy, Aq?

chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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184 Reviews


Gender: Male
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Reviews: 184
Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:08 pm
veeren says...

My vote is after the apocalypse.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

Doors are for people with no imagination.
— Skulduggery Pleasant