
Young Writers Society

As The Earth Falls DT

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Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:01 am
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EverLight says...

Welcome to the Storybook Discussion page for As The Earth Falls (: I assume you know what to do here, but if not, a Storybook Discussion Page is for planning and well...discussing the SB. Extra information regarding the Storybook will also be given in a Discussion Page (:

Spoiler! :
The Alternate Earths
The Alternate Earths were created by a man known as Otto Aristotle, and are located about 20,000 miles from The Mother Earth, (the original Planet Earth) in an orbit approximately 80,0000 miles. The Alternate Earths were designed to be self-sustaining, and don't need to be a certain distance from the sun for human life to thrive. Each of the earths are very different and are given names that represent the cause for which they were created.
Earth 1-Peace
Peace is a beautiful world full of beaches, and woods that are perfect for camping or hunting in. Although Peace has more than 10000 beaches, only three of them are important to this story-
Serenity Cove
Serenity Cove is a relatively small beach extending for about 100 miles. The sand there is pure clean white. Serenity Cove is set apart from the other beaches by the ring of boulders surrounding it, and the few Palm Trees that grow there.
Tranquility Bay
Tranquility Bay extends for about 300 miles, and unlike Serenity Cove, it has tan colored sand. The actual body of water around Tranquility Bay is smaller than the sand that surrounds the water.
Quietude Beach
Out of all the beaches I've mentioned Quietude beach has the largest expanse of water. The beach shore has a few stones and shells but is otherwise normal.

Earth 2-Joy
Joy is a lovely little land full of flowers meadows, and lakes. There are no mountains or forests in Joy. This Earth is unimportant to the story so I won't go into further detail.

Earth 3-Love
Despite its name, Love is actually a very harsh world, full of mountains, and long, strenuous stretches of desert. The desserts aren't worth talking about, but two of the mountain ranges are.
Globetrotter Mountain Range
The GTM Range goes on for about 999,9999,9999, 999 miles and consists of more than 1000 mountains.
The Skyspirit Mountain Range
The SSM Range goes on for about 999,999,999,999,999,99, miles and some of its mountains are so tall, they actually are more than a billion times above sea level.

Spoiler! :
Cometal Transport
Comtetal Transport is, as you might guess, travel by Comet. Most people don't even live on Earth anymore, so it's possible to travel in that manner.
Docking stations for people traveling by Comet are known as Commodiums and the men and women managing a Commodium are referred to as Stationaries.
The Commodiums themselves, are nothing more than a metal stall with a platform that ''traps'' or intercepts a comet mid-orbit so it can be mounted.
Comet Travel is relatively simple-a Jet Seat (a Jet Pack that's designed as a car seat) with a V-shaped steering wheel is secured onto the comet, (to enable a person to both control and sit on the Comet) by the Stationary and the passenger is given a special heat resistant suit.
To start the Jet-Seat one simply has to press a Red Button.
To control the Comet one simply has to turn the Steering Wheel the way one would a car.

Spoiler! :
Space Huts
As I mentioned before most people don't live on Earth anymore. They live out in Space in a structure called a ''Space Hut''. A Space Hut is simply a small Egg Shaped home that has enough room for the bare essentials-A washer, a dryer, pots, pans and cooking utensils, and beds.

Spoiler! :
The Government & The Terrorists
There is no real government-there is a Ruler-and then there are the Keepers Of Justice-a frightening combination of the military and the FBI.
The ruler of Centillion and one is a woman known as Jaqueline Fertenity. She is a lady of very regal bearing and is very no-nonsense. Together, Jaqueline and the KOJ command humanity with an iron fist and an iron will...
There are now four main Terrorist and Assasin groups-
The Firebloods (Terrorist
The Firebloods are technologically advanced and very sly in their methods. There motto is-''leave no trace, leave no mercy'' Their dark deeds are very clean but somehow more traumatizing than a scene with a lot of blood. Their style is more psychological than physical.
The Fists Of Thor (Assasin)
The Fists Of Thor are more primal in their methods-they simply go for the kill and use good old fashioned guns, clubs or swords.
The Sky Hawks[Terrorist)
As their name implies the Sky Hawks are all about Arial violence-and they have to technology to camouflage their space ships. They do their killings rather like a hawk as well-swift, silent and deadly.
The Swords Of Mars(Assasin)
This gang is unpredictable-they can be either primal in their methods, or sneaky, silent and sly. And their dirty work...well let's just say they're called aliens because no one believes a human being can do the things they do.

Note: Your character can be an assassin, or a terrorist if you so wish. And further note that a certain bird most definitely had nothing to do with my deciding that.

Spoiler! :
A Back Story
On November 21rst the Stationaries on Commodium 444 were going about their lives, and they'd sent off more than a hundred Comets carrying more than 10 passengers when they received a strange message from the group they called a34-''Danger....Stars...coming alive...they're coming...walls of fire...(*static noise and screaming*] betrayal'' All attempts to reach them failed, and they were never seen or heard from again, but the instance was not repeated.
Then the next day the Comet containing Group a34 returned-the passengers were nearly dead, wracking with a high fever, and covered with unexplained burn marks. Apparently, they were delirious and kept mumbling something about a ''higher'' power attacking them. Then they died.
More men and women started dying in the same manner, and casualties increased until nearly half the world's population had died. Supposedly horrified by this sudden turn of events Jaqueline canceled all trips to the Alternate Earths and immediatly questioned the Stationaries. The Stationaries offered no new information, forcing her to lead the KOJ on their own investigation-but that failed, and more people died in the process, so she had no choice but to put together a group of people outside the ''Government'' to investigate for them.

Spoiler! :
The Character Form
And of course here's the form you must fill out (:
Code: Select all
Sexuality/Gender:(You are allowed to have a homosexual, or transexual character-just ask me fist (:)
Terrorist/Assasin?:(Is your character a terrorist or an assasin? If yes, then state so, and explain from which terrorist or assasin group he's from)
Birthplace: (Is your character from the Mother Earth or from one of the Alternate Earths?)
Physical Description: (Go into great detail when describing their outfit and include destinquishing details such as a scar, a birthmark etc)
Personality: (I want all the gory details, their deepest secrets, what makes them who they are, what ticks them off, and some individual qualities that set them apart from everyone else)
Backstory: (Go in depth-what makes your character who he is?)

I think that just about covers it (: If you have any questions feel free to fire away!
Last edited by EverLight on Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:21 am
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Necromancer14 says...

Two things.

One: can I join?

Two: You do know how far in the future 1 centillion is, right? The entire universe will have been sucked into black holes long before then. Like, 0.9999999999999999999 centillion years before then. I don't mean to criticize your storybook or anything, (It's a great idea, actually.) I'm just explaining that because I like giving people random facts that I learned in documentaries.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:06 am
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EverLight says...

One: Of course you can join @Necromancer14! It'd be a pleasure to have you participate in this SB (:
Two: Yes, my dear, I do know how far into the future Centillion is, and indeed, I choose the year Centillion and one because it was so far into the future (: See, while I was planning how far into the future this SB was going to be set in , I knew right off that any years in the thousands, millions and billions wouldn't do because that's too common and people'd expect that. So I went for the number that called out to me-and that number was Centillion. Anyway, I understand about giving people random facts you've learned-my poor parents and anyone as unsuspecting as they are, have become victims to my ''education'' far to many times lol. So your good <3
I'm winning at life!

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Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:42 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

I'll get my character up soon. :)
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:04 pm
Omni says...

Hey there! I noticed that there aren't that many people in this Storybook, so I'm giving the DT a bump :D Are you still looking for writers @EverLight
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

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Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:49 pm
EverLight says...

Why yes I am, thank you @Omnom :)
I'm winning at life!

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Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:49 pm
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JoyDark says...

Hey, @EverLight! This roleplay looks really cool! Can I join, or is it too late? I wish this got more attention, this looks like a really interesting concept. :D

i actually made a post
pretty radical if you ask me

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Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:10 pm
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EverLight says...

Yes, you may join us @Lia5Giba! It's good to have you join us <3
Also @Necromancer14 are you still interested?
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Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:15 am
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Valkyria says...

Hey, this looks really interesting! May I join if it’s not too late?
There is always something left to love.
- One Hundred Years of Solitude

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Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:34 pm
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EverLight says...

Go ahead, and welcome @Valkyria
I'm winning at life!

Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel