
Young Writers Society

Battle School DT

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Mon May 29, 2017 2:09 am
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jimss23 says...


You can discuss everything for the SB here.

WFP Timeline Link: If you want to know what is going on or just trying to catch up, here is a quick and dirty outline of what has happened so far.


NPC PowerPoint: For a brief description of the other characters in the SB outside of our own.

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ ... sp=sharing

Aesthetic PowerPount: For a general guide about how the world of Battleschool looks and to help guide the imagination.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1weLms ... 7xjWObDqnA
Last edited by jimss23 on Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
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Mon May 29, 2017 5:08 pm
jimss23 says...

This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
One girl to challenge them both


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Mon May 29, 2017 6:57 pm
PrincessInk says...

This looks fun. Maybe I could try it out! :D
always daydreaming, always clumsy

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Tue May 30, 2017 5:25 am
LordZeus says...

@jimss23 I'm thinking of joining as well. I just had a query, you spoke on both the northernlands and southernlands in the description yet both your characters are from the Westernlands which makes me think there must be an easternlands as well. Could you mention them in the description so we know what they are please?

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Tue May 30, 2017 8:58 am
TinkerTwaggy says...

Ooooh. *looks at SB content* wow, okay, you may want to transfer all your info here in the DT, since the SB side is just for the writing part.

Putting that aside, I'm definitely interested as well! I'll prepare a Character Template by the end of the week, and if you need plot points somewhere down the line, guess we'll all get to chat about 'em either here or via PM.

"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Tue May 30, 2017 1:43 pm
jimss23 says...


Magic is a big part of the world of Battle School and we took great strides to ensure that our magic was not generic or vague. We wanted our magic to reflect the expansive yet detailed world of Battle School. The magic here is nuanced and allows for infinite variations.

Magic is divided into three main categories: Elemental, Creation, and Pure Spells

Elemental: Elemental Magic is by far the most common form of magic in the world of Battle School. However, common does not mean that it is simple. Elemental magic is more varied than any other type of magic and each user of Elemental Magic can find new and exciting ways to build upon the framework we laid out.

Spoiler! :
Elemental Magic is a system based around the idea of the Eight Trigrams. Each Trigram represents a different element and their relation to each other. The Trigrams serve as a reference point for those who wish to specialize in Elemental Magic.
Elemental magic is also tied to emotions. Each element has a corresponding emotion. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic.

trigrams (2).jpg

So, what do these symbols mean?
The one on the very top symbolizes Light Magic, while the bottom symbolizes Dark Magic. The Symbol on the left is fire, the symbol on the right is water. The top left-hand corner is wind, while the bottom right-hand corner is earth. The top right-hand corner is Ice the bottom left-hand corner is lightning.
Got all that? Let’s break it down.

Light: Light magic is based on positive energy and its emotional relation is serenity.

Dark: Dark is based on negative energy and its emotional relation is malice.

Fire: Fire magic is based on aggressive energy and its emotional relation is anger.

Water: Water magic is based on passive energy and its emotional relation is sadness.

Wind: Wind magic is based on volatile energy and its emotional relation is excitement

Earth: Earth magic is based on solid energy and its emotional relation is apathy

Ice: Ice magic is based on expansion energy and its emotional relation is fear

Lightning: Lighting magic is based on concentrated energy and its emotional relation is hatred

The number of techniques that can be born from there eight different paths is only limited by the imagination of the student. (That’s you). However, advanced techniques require practice and attempting to use high-level techniques without practice can have disastrous results. (see SB rules)

Elemental Combos:

Elements can also be combined to have new effects and abilities. The closer the elements are on the Trigram, the easier it is to combine them. The elements on the opposite ends from each other are almost impossible to combine, save for the masters. A few of the known combos are:

Wood: Water-Earth
Storm: Dark-Wind
Explosion: Fire-Air

There are some combinations that are exclusive to a single group, faction, or great family. It should also be noted that combining three or more elements is extremely difficult. However, certain families have an innate ability to do so, so most usages of those combinations are limited to those families.
Plasma: Fire-Lightning (Rayis Exclusive)
Sound: Lighting-Light (Wells Exclusive)

That is the basic summary of Elemental Powers. Now get out there and start creating techniques, unless of course, you think you are looking for something else. Then, we invite you to read on…
Last edited by jimss23 on Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
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Tue May 30, 2017 1:48 pm
jimss23 says...


Creation-Type Magic:

Despite sounding like an OP power, Creation-type magic is wide and varied in terms of techniques. Creation-type magic is, strictly speaking, less diverse than Elemental Magic, however, there are many ways to create/summon objects or living things. Some users chose to draw summons into existence, others use a seal to bring them forth from the imagination.

Most Creation-type magic is Summoning Magic, either of items or of people/animals.

Object Summoning: Object Summoning is the most common type of creation magic. Learning to summon a small object or weapon is a pretty common technique to learn. The more advanced one goes into this technique, the more diverse and varied their object summoning becomes. Summoning is a more difficult skill to learn than Elemental Magic, but it pays to specialize.

Familiar Summoning: Familiars are animals that can be summoned to assist for a variety purposes.

Spirit Projection: The creation of ethereal and quasi-non-physical creations for again, a variety of purposes. Some chose to use them to go into places they cannot, others use them for combat purposes. Spirit Projection is the hardest Creation-type Magic. It takes practice and immense concentration to utilize it. However, some specialize naturally in it, to the exclusion of almost everything else.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
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Tue May 30, 2017 1:49 pm
jimss23 says...


Pure Spells:

Pure Spells are rare forms of magic that require preparation, time, and experience to execute. Pure Spells do not require one to be a master in a chosen field, although dangers await those who try to use pure spells to climb to power, as, unlike other forms of magic, some pure spells can kill the caster.

Spells require an incantation/ritual, and often a magical object.

Enchanting: Enchanting is the most common usage of Pure Spells, imbedding objects, or on rare occasions people, with magical attributes. The nature of the enchantment is often a combination of Elemental and Creation type magic, requiring a seal and an object to enchant.

Using an enchanted item is also a form of Pure Spell magic. Some mages over the years have chosen to store massive magic reserves in an object, only to release it when necessary. These items hold this power indefinitely and many quests have been undertaken to find the enchanted items of an ancient mage.

Forbidden Techniques: The most dangerous form of Pure Spells are Forbidden Techniques. They all have the possibility to kill the user if performed wrong and many can kill others, intentionally or unintentionally. Only masters are allowed to attempt these techniques.
This is the Rule of Three
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Two boys to challenge each other
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Tue May 30, 2017 1:50 pm
jimss23 says...


The main storyline of Battle School takes place on an island divided into four regions, with one smaller region in the middle. Each Region is distinct and has its own culture, lore, and technology/magic.

Technology: The world of Battle School has a blend of Science Fiction and Magic. The technology of the world of Battle School contains many of the staples of Science Fiction. Airships, powered by magic, are a common sight in the skies over the Island. Science is a big part of the world of battle school, and many people at the battle school are as devoted to discovering the mysteries about how the universe works as well as the general curriculum. However, we haven’t forgotten our fantasy roots. The Battle school is a fantasy realm that does not always bend to the world we all know. The land and people of the world of Battle School have a distinct fantasy feel, and the buildings reflect that.

There are four distinct areas in the world of Battle School that your hero can hail from. These different regions should have an impact on your character’s personality, but that is not set in stone. Choose the best region for your OC.

The Southernlands
Spoiler! :
The Southernlands is the large expansive area that covers the bottom of the Island. The Southernlands is almost all desert and mountains. Very little vegetation grows naturally here. Massive mountain peaks dot the landscape, larger than anywhere else.

The Southernlands is ruled by House Marr. The Southernlands are the only region to be controlled exclusively by one house. Southernlanders are very loyal and take great pride in their region. Southernlanders have grown up in the highly militaristic social structure of the Southernlands. They are very serious and pride themselves on efficiency and base their self-worth around their achievements.

House Marr: The rulers of the Southernlands, they are a very militaristic house, holding the Southernlands together by sheer military force alone. House Marr has the largest military on the Island by far. Their capital, Black Canyon, is one massive military base, sitting on a high mesa surrounded by sheer drop on all sides. An airship is the only way in and out. Despite being the Capital, not many people live in Black Canyon, choosing instead to settle in the most populated city, Amber’s Fall. Amber’s Fall is a massive cityscape, the largest city outside the capital. It is built around a fallen dreadnought from the Second Warring Era. The dreadnought serves as a palace for Lady Marr.

Major Players:

Lady Marr: Lady Marr is the head of house Marr and one of the most powerful women on the Island.

Hand of Marr: Considered one of the greatest tactical minds of this generation, the Hand of Marr is the adoptive brother of Lady Marr, raised by the late Lord Marr to be his daughter’s chief advisor when he had passed. The Hand is completely loyal to Lady Marr and does everything he does to protect House Marr.

The Northernlands:

Spoiler! :
The ice cold Northernlands top off the Island. Bitterly cold almost all year-round, the Northernlands are as much of an unforgiving wasteland and the Southernlands, just far colder. The Northernlands have thick forests and large mountains, with ice lakes dotting the landscape.

Northerners are fiercely independent, rejecting group conscious or thought. Each Northerner treads their own path, coming together only out of love or loyalty. The northerners share a deep kinship with one another and will almost immediately become good friends with other northerners outside of their domain.

House Jace: The current head of the five families. The North is ruled by one house, Jace, with 5 Chief Jarls making up the Ice Council. The capital of the North is Twin Peaks, a city situated between its titular twin peaks. House Jace has the second most powerful army on the Island, and the fiercest and bravest warriors.

Major Players:

Lady Jace: Current head of the Jace family. Young, and like Lady Marr, recently appointed.

Hand of Jace: Lady Jace’s cousin. She has a fierce rivalry with Hand of Marr.

The Middlelands:

Spoiler! :
Grassy plains and rolling hills make up the Middlelands. The Middlelands are spacious and divided, with no house ruling over the land.

The Middlelanders are very small townsy folk, simple, yet possessing remarkable determination. Middlelanders are driven to success and dream big, no matter what the goal may be. This means that some of the most successful people have come out of the Middlelands, as well as some of the most evil.

Middlelanders don’t have binding regional loyalties, as they are divided up into small kingdoms ruled by small houses. Middlelanders are more loyal to each other, their families, and their town than to any greater calling. This frees them from the oppressive loyalties forced on the northern and southerners, instead, they are free to be affiliated with whatever and whomever they choose.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
One girl to challenge them both


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Tue May 30, 2017 1:51 pm
jimss23 says...

Brief History of the World of Battle School

Spoiler! :
0 AY (Arrival Year): Thousands of humans from Planet Earth found themselves thrown into a strange world by a strange aura that passed through the Earth. The Survivors as they would be called were lost and confused, and they struggled to survive. The natural inhabitants of this world, called the Dwellers, were also human and were rocked by this arrival, causing mass panic.

30 AY: After a rough 30 years, a savior arrived for the people of the Island, a young man named Ishmael. Ishmael was the first child of the Survivors born in this new world and possessed incredible new abilities; Magic. He used his magic to bring the people of the world together and create a new civilization. He founded and taught magic to new generations, also born with new abilities. Ishmael was the first Savant and was the most powerful mage in recorded history, living until 300 AY.

80 AY: Society has begun to right itself. The Capital has been founded, created by the union of Survivors and Dwellers. The First King has been crowned. The king was given the Robe of Stories by Ishmael, which grants perfect protection from all magic. The great houses have slowly begun to form. The newer generations start to develop magical abilities.

100 AY: Evil reaches the Island from the Badlands across the sea. The Lord of the Forlorn Throne, an ancient Dweller, had raised an army to destroy the newcomers. The Lord previously had been the only Dweller to use magic and saw Ishmael and his new Mages as a threat. He attacked the Island in full force. Thus, began the first Warring Era, bringing an end to what would be known as the First Era of Peace. The Battle School was founded to train warriors and mages for the fights with the Servants of the Forlorn Throne.

150 AY: Ishmael, with the help of two other incredibly powerful individuals, the Prince of Rouges, leader of a band of mercenaries, and the Princess, one of the daughters of the First King, traveled to the Badlands and defeated the Lord of the Forlorn Throne and ended the First Warring Period. The Second Era of Peace began the longest era of Peace as to date.

300 AY: Ishmael has been the steward of the Island for 300 years and finally decides to take his leave, departing to lands unknown and disappearing into the annals of history.

300-800 AY: The great houses become fully formed. Without Ishmael to hold the world together, they began to fight over territory. Despite being called the Second Era of Peace, this era also so a massive amount of bloodshed. The current state of the houses was formed during this period.

800 AY: The Lord of the Forlorn Throne returns, and launches another attack on the Island starting the Second Warring Era. The three most powerful mages of that era, Gabriel Wells, Lucious Rais, and Emilia De Leon, defeated the Lord of the Forlorn Throne permanently, although at the cost of an unknown Mage. Known as the Flame Gunman, he is remembered for his valiant sacrifice, having sealed the Lord of the Forlorn Throne inside of him and then having Gabriel kill him. The current era, the Third Era of Peace, began.

830 AY: The villain Crucin, Wrath of the Forlorn Throne, appears. He will haunt and plague the people of the Island periodically, but never to any true means. Many attempts are made to eradicate him. None succeed.

850 AY: The Battle School shocks the world, revealing that they have found the supposed “Child of Ishmael” a young boy named Donovan, who has half of the power of Ishmael. He is trained by Battle School. He quickly becomes their best Battle Mage and a big celebrity around the world.

890-5 AY: Donovan and his son, Jam’ri, travel to the Badlands to kill Crucin. They fail and Jam’ri is killed. Crucin then attacks the Island and kills Donovan’s wife and apprentice Alesha. Battle School is attacked by Crucin and he kills many students. Donovan falls into a deep depression and becomes withdrawn to his tower in the battle school. His absence from the political scheme creates great turmoil. The great houses begin to skirmish over land and resources, with the Capital struggling to maintain the peace.

900 AY: A new class of applicants arrives at Battle School. You are among them. The world stands at the precipice of conflict. The great Houses are at each other’s throats and Crucin and his armies are knocking at your doorstep. It is time to forge your own destiny
Last edited by jimss23 on Tue May 30, 2017 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
One girl to challenge them both


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Tue May 30, 2017 1:52 pm
jimss23 says...

Your Original Character

We encourage creativity and uniqueness when creating an OC. This is your personal tale and we want to make sure that your character reflects that.

Spoiler! :

Code: Select all
[b]Physical Appearnce[/b]:
[b]Area of Study[/b]:

This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
One girl to challenge them both


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Tue May 30, 2017 2:42 pm
TinkerTwaggy says...

Got an extra free hour today, so managed to finish a template in the meantime! I'll write it down in the SB page when I get home.

In the meantime - and while other people eventually join this place - I guess we can talk Plot, since we've got all the data back here now!

@jimss23 Since you're the Dungeon Master of this SB, is there any points or story arcs you'd like to make sure are present in whatever thing we may come up with? Like a role, a war, an exploration or a recurring theme you'd already have in mind or something?
I do have an idea that's starting to take shape, personally, but y'know, just making sure I don't impose or anything.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Tue May 30, 2017 5:01 pm
jimss23 says...

OK well, I tried to set up two sorta main story lines (Crucin and the Conflict between the Houses) for people to follow if they wanted too because those are ones I will be writing about, but I encourage you to create your own story lines.

If you want, give me a rough outline of your idea and we can go from there. I do want you all to add to the lore rather than just be tied to whatever I created.
This is the Rule of Three
Every writer's most sacred oath
Two boys to challenge each other
One girl to challenge them both


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Tue May 30, 2017 5:47 pm
LordZeus says...

@jimss23 could you please answer the question I asked in my earlier dt post?

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