
Young Writers Society

The Town of Nightville [DT]

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Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:47 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

@Necromancer14 Then we good! Thankies!
Oh! Right. Yeah, then it helps.

That being said, @Jaybird said it all! It's why there's no need to redo the whole thing, really: you do you, basically. As for the deadline thing, I'm not sure if our current group would work well with one, but a round of posts might help! I'll wait to hear what they have to say.
I also don't feel the need to have a flashback round, however, I'll throw in another "you do you" on this one, because it could be interesting. Especially given Emilia's backstory.

Now, then! Here comes the brainstorming.

First of all, a warning. I wasn't kidding when I said this would be long, and that doesn't mean that any of you is required to have super-duper long ideas. It's just how I, personally, do things.
With that out of the way, let's begin!

Oh, also, since the supercomputer name's DZ-1043, Dizzy shall be her name. And I'll refer to her as a female because I think a villanous female computer named Dizzy is hilarious.

Important to specify, again: conflict is my specialty, and by that I mean physical combat, verbal jousts, and pretty much everything in between. In SBs, I'm usually the one who has character with the most written conflicts, but I always go out of my way NOT to force others into thinking that they should do it too.
In light of that, expect Sierra to be this place's resident magical soldier. My brainstormed ideas are pretty much extensions of that specialization of mine, so, there you go.

♦To start with, here are my plans for Sierra, specifically:
Spoiler! :
The way I'd make Sierra the group's resident fighter would be by having her show some interest in both Dracula's abilities, and the spell-casting skills of Baba Yada. Sierra would also express her interest in learning a thing or two from her, provided she can survive the grumpiness. Her reasoning's basically that they're trapped in a place where they're likely to encounter people or robots wanting to, well, murder them, so, she'd rather make sure that she has a way to make herself survive.

→The idea I have so far would be that because she's still a normal teenage human, she can't possibly learn to be a magical fighter the normal way, because, well, they prolly won't be given much time to learn anything before they're noticed and chased down.

→Because of this, the next idea would be to have Sierra link herself with a poltergeist able to live in her shadow. If she can survive both it, and the onslaught of cold temperature it always throws at her while being in it (because you know: #ParanormalGreatness), her body would become more receptive to learning supernatural skills like magic. I don't want her to suddenly turn into some overpowered witch or something, but just enough that she can combine it with just... moving around and fighting.

→While this is happening, I'd like to have Baba Yada, Dracula or even both of them work on changing Sierra's umbrella into the one magical artefact she'd use to fend off Dizzy's minions (by then she'd have told them she used to be into Bōjutsu, so, staff's kinda necessary). From there, Sierra would have simple spells, a simple weapon, and a body that's actually able to handle these new abilities.

♦Second, General plot-related schemes.

Spoiler! :
→Since Sierra's conflicts are definitely going to be physical, having bosses to fight against would be pretty neat, so, there's at least three of 'em that came to mind.

→I work rather well with references, which I use as inspiration to shape them into something different based on my interpretation of 'em. And this entire plot kinda feels like a reverse Castlevania, in which instead of being members of a family of demon-killing awesome peeps that slay Dracula every hundred years, we're with Dracula trying to deal with what's trying to put him down. As a result, I'd love for Dizzy to have three specific lieutenants based on Castlevania and other Konami-related characters.

→First one that comes to mind would be code-named Belmont, wielding a whip with a spike at the end. Said whip would have the supernatural ability to redirect its own trajectory and increase or decrease its speed at will, which is basically designed to stab Dracula's heart from a distance.

Then, Fuuma, a katana-wielding red-haired woman (I say woman, but she could have been artificially-created, given the context), would have a blade specifically designed to cut through monsters like Undeads and causing them permanent damage if touched, which instantly puts Sierra and whoever else uses monsters to make them stronger or as helpers, because Fumma is literally Super Effective against pretty much everything, including Dracula. It would also mean that he'd have trouble regenerating if fighting against Fuuma.

Finally, Laiky, the last one, would be speed-oriented. He would be able to place spell tags on people that essentially mark them. Then, he'd be able to get their information and turn himself, partially or completely, into the monster or person he put the spell tag on, which essentially represents the idea that Dizzy can, through him, put anything in her database and used its info as she sees fit.
That also means that Laiky can easily turn himself into a chimera, which is designed to make it much harder for Dracula to take him on, because one spell tag and Dracula's stuck fighting Dracula.

♦Aaaand finally, how all of that would affect the characters around Sierra, because A: she's not alone, and B: she ain't the main character and isn't looking to be that.

Spoiler! :

→To start with, Sierra would be especially willing to have herself become a magical warrior because she'd notice that not all of the other teenagers would even consider doing that, because from a realistic perspective, A: not everyone's a fighter and not everyone should strive to be one, and B: It's... not an easy decision to make. At all. So, you know, nobody is expected to take it just because she does.

→ Then, Sierra believes that she should be the one fighting because she used to train for it, and because she still feel guilty about ordering people around: whereas to her, being a fighter that people point stuff at for her to smash down makes it feel like a righteous turnaround in which she takes orders without complaints and follows a strategy, which to her feels like the perfect way to atone for the terrible person she thinks she was. In reality, there is no NEED to go this far for this, but she doesn't believe that just yet, so, she's extra-motivated to do this due to a personal wound she has. It would then be up to the other characters to make her see that it's okay to be who she is, so, that could make for really fun interactions if we play our cards right.

There! That's all I've got so far. The final decision goes to Necromancer since both Dracula and Baba Yada are his characters and I'm not implementing most of this if it doesn't fit with whatever his vision for the story is. Same for the three bosses I came up with!

From there, y'all can comment, add your own spin for your characters, their challenges, issues or whatever else you come up with. I'm back to listenin' and commenting in a, uh, less verbose fashion. :smt003
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:50 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

@Jaybird, I think the flashback idea is a good idea, but they would have to be short flashbacks. If the point of them is to give people a good idea of their character, you could also always write an example snippet of them and put it here in the DT. It wouldn't be part of the story or anything; just a little example. Maybe your character having a random conversation or something. Also, thanks for the compliments :)

@TinkerTwaggy, I like your ideas. However, for bosses/robot enforcer commanders, they aren't supposed to have magic or supernatural abilites, as the only spells Merlin did were the ones already mentioned. They also aren't supposed to be trying to kill the monsters; only oppress them, enslave them, and generally try to make things difficult for them, as the monsters aren't in hiding or anything. (Also I've never seen Castlvania, but it sounds interesting.) Your ideas to have bosses is cool though, and your specific bosses can still be in, there would just have to be slight modifications, such as switching "supernatural weapon" to "cool sci-fi weapon."

As for your ideas with your character, I like those a lot! Jaybird's character may or may not have dormant monster traits, so Sierra learning magic would be fine. Now that you mentioned that, actually, I suddenly had an idea; she could become Baba Yada's apprentice, because Baba Yada might see potential in her or something. If you don't like that idea that's fine; it was just that, an idea.

Anyway, @IIUMBRELLAZ and @polishcommonwealth, do you guys have any ideas for plot/world building? And we need to figure out the order for posts this round.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:28 am
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Ah, here we are! The fun stuff.

•Right, so, enforcers definitely seem to be the most appropriate term for them, then, since they're here for that more than to actually kill. Okay, cool.

•Now, what do they do, then? Do they have weapons, skills, defined bodies? If they don't do magic, do they rely on pure sci-fi tech that might as well be magic from the perspective of the monsters being oppressed, or is it like overly powerful stun guns or net launchers, to take broad examples?

•Hmm... You're right. I can repurpose all three of my bosses' weapons to avoid them doing magic. Examples!
Belmont's self-redirecting whip could have an implanted self-redirecting system (which is totally a thing already, 'cept usually for recreational purposes, but anyway), Fuuma's blade could have nanotech would be designed to infiltrate the bodies of what she cuts so that their abilities don't activate, they're poisoned, or the wounds stay open (if the monsters are oppressed, they'd have more than enough time to take the samples necessary to make this blade. Also, well, animals can already do that naturally. #KomodoDragons), and Laiky's ability would basically make him shapeshifting liquid metal like the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

So, that:

Spoiler! :

'Cept, less OP, since we wouldn't want him to randomly be almost indestructible.

↑ So, yes, you tell me if that's possible! If not, I don't mind scratching that or modifying it more. It's what I do ^_^

(Oh, Castlevania's a video game series before anything else, so, I was referring to that, really. Pretty good recent animation, though, yes!)

•Oh no I'm completely fine with the idea! At the very least, she'd be the keeper of Baba Yada's ways, which would essentially be the same thing, 'cept maybe with less obligations to stay around. d'you have a magic system planned, or should I design a simplistic one, for Sierra's sake? Wouldn't want to burdern you with that, since it's such a specific idea for one character, hence the question.

Oh, right! Post order. Well, I wouldn't mind either posting next, or after @Magebird.
...Wait no, I'm stupid, that's assuming she even posts next. Nevermind! Standing by for now.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:55 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

@TinkerTwaggy most of the normal enforcers are stormtrooper-like robots that are controlled by "Dizzy" as you call the computer. When I say controlled, I mean like she physically controls their movements, like the supercomputers in book four "The Five Kingdoms" by Brandon Mull. However, your super-enforcer ideas are cool, and they could've been built by Dizzy and have their own minds.

As for what they (the normal enforcers) actually look like, they have whips to keep monsters in line, and built-in pistols in case of extreme situations. Their bodies are basically an upright rectangle with six spider-like "legs" sticking out of the bottom half. Their face is the top quarter of the rectangle, which can rotate and has red visual sensors. Their arms are rectangles on their sides on a ball joint. Their hand's are like their legs.

Please tell me if that was too confusing of a description.

And yeah, you can come up with Sierra's magic. Though just to clarify, this magic is the kind with enchantments and whatnot. (Think of fairy-tale magic. Baba Yada is an actual witch from classic, gory fairy-tales. When I say "Fairy-tales" I don't mean disney princess stuff, thank you very much. I mean magical folk tales that people came up with hundreds of years ago.)
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:50 am
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TinkerTwaggy says...

@Necromancer14 Okay, stormtrooper-like. That gives me a good basic understanding of what they're like, so, thanks! Very much needed.

Okay, so Dizzy physically controls them... Now, I don't have the Five Kingdoms reference, but I do have the name! I'll look into it just in case — so far, so good, though!
Right, so super-enforcers can still be a thing. Alright! We keepin'. Since the troopers have whips, this immediately makes Belmont thematically accurate, too, which I guess is a plus.

"Their bodies are basically an upright rectangle with six spider-like "legs" sticking out of the bottom half."
...that actually kinda looks scary. Interesting...
And no, it's fine for me! I'm, uh, quite familiar with robots in general, so, I personally don't have trouble. Plus, you're being precise enough, so, it's all good.
If I have extra questions later, though, I'll PM you! You can always copy/paste stuff from it back here if anyone ever asks the same question in the DT later. I do want to give space for @IIUMBRELLAZ and @polishcommonwealth too, whenever they're back, so, I'll be careful.

Yay! Ah, and yeah, I thought as much. it's better if you specify, though: I was gonna ask anyway (YES. THOSE FAIRY TALES. THE KIND THAT DOESN'T MESS AROUND.).
Yeah, I have references for those too, so, I'll keep that in mind to shape that magic system. Again, I'll run it by you via PMs just in case before I post anything related to it in the SB. Thanks! That pretty much answers everything I had in store so far.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:56 pm
Necromancer14 says...

Does anyone want to go next for posting?
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:04 pm
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Omni says...

Hey peeps! There hasn't been activity in this Storybook for awhile. How are those posts coming along?
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Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:27 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

@Omnom Well, two of the folks participating aren't really active anymore, so... yeah.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:22 am
Omni says...

@Necromancer14 are you thinking of looking for new writers or would you like this Storybook to be archived?
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Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:27 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

I made a post on my wall a while ago asking if anyone else wanted to join, but no one did, so... I guess it could be archived.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno