
Young Writers Society

Contest- 1 girl and 2 boys

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Points: 1422
Reviews: 42
Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:34 pm
alabasterwolveness says...

This is what I made for a contest.

There I stood at the lake's sandy edge, the chilled water waving its way through out the lake. Its cold hearted torrents almost seem to mock me in a way. The night was filled with bright stars; the moon was at its full as it seemed to shower the landscape with a pearl colour. My black hair shines a silvery colour as my jaded eyes glanced around. It was dark and cold, but I didn’t mind it at all. It was my own little world, without those boys and everyone else to bug me in it. I weakly bend down; curling my knees up to my chest as I gently rested my head upon them neatly and gently.

My long black hair falls over my face, hiding my jaded eyes from the scene around me; almost as if I was trying to hide from the whole world at once. Almost as if taking me into another world that would protect me from everything in the lonesome world that was my reality. I cough just a bit, taking in the chilled fresh air. The cooled air stung my lungs as I breathed it in silently. Suddenly a shiver went crawling down my back as I knew it was time to return back home. I silently rise tall, my bare feet dirtied from the dirt of the sandy bank.

Weakly I walked back towards the saddened house; my hair hangs lifelessly behind me as I approach the black door that opened up to my house. Another sigh escapes my lungs as I reach for the doorknob. Suddenly the door opens before I was able to even touch it; there stood two boys in the entrance. The same two that caused my pain and suffering… the two boys that changed my life forever.

“Nylla, where have you been?” asks the taller boy, he was more slim then the other. His hair hung almost in his eyes as he shook his head slightly to shift the hair to his side. His eyes were a mix of gold and blue; contrasting against his jet black hair. His eyes show worry, like always, about me. For some reason they also showed some jealously. Possibly due to the fact the other boy was there.

The other was different; he was more built for speed and weight lifting. his hair was a strawberry blonde, not contrasting with his eyes but only helping them pop out just a little more. His eyes were a pure hazel, almost a mesmerizing gold. He was a little shorter than the other but they both were a lot taller than me.

“Nowhere Shay, don’t worry about it,” I weakly mumble, the lack of sleep is starting to get to me as my eyes started to haze just a bit. Shay started to take a step when the boy next to him beat him to it.

“Don’t scare me like that ever again,” Jay says, pulling me close into a sweet embrace. I was shocked by Jay’s movement; he was never the one neither to get emotional nor to give hugs to another that was in need. Shay glared towards Jay, knowing them both where competing for my affection. Both were winning but only one of them I could really have.

“Sure Jay, I won’t scare you like that again I guess…” I weakly whispered into his ear, my jaded eyes turning towards Shay as his eyes burned envious of Jay. I knew my choice had to be made but the thing was; who did I love more?

I quickly pulled away from Jay, weaving through both of them and going inside my house. My brother stood in front of my room as both Jay and Shay followed me inside. My brother was tapping his foot and his arms were crossed over his chest as he glanced between me and the two boys.

“Yes I know, I left without permission and I’m in trouble. Can I go into my room now?” I ask my eyes showing a little bit of anger. I knew my brother called them, I knew he did all he could to make me be with both of them. I didn’t know why though, that’s the only thought that ever pondered through my head as I watched my brother.

“No Nylla, you’re going to talk to all of us about why you ran off. So sit your butt down and get talking,” Derek claims, pointing downstairs towards the dining room. I let out a sigh, knowing I had to go down there either way. My brother was taller and stronger than me. No way could I fight him back, but I could out run him. I let out another deep lonesome sigh, nodding as I knew Derek wouldn’t let up any time soon.

“Fine,” I mumbled sorrowfully, heading down towards the dining room once more. Derek steps in front of Shay and Jay, glaring at them.

“Don’t come down here, stay there. I’m pretty sure this is to do with the both of you,” Derek claims, his voice not as gentle as it was towards me. They both nod, and turn away from Derek. Heading off towards the balcony near Derek’s room; Derek walks behind me, his eyes full of anger as he probably knew it was due to the fact I loved both Shay and Jay.

“Why do you want to talk to me Derek?” I ask knowing he was going to give me a long speech about boys probably.

“Tell me what happened Nylla. How did you come to love two boys? Maybe I can help you with choosing one or neither…” Derek began hoping to know all the back cover.

“I guess I can tell you…” I weakly mumble regretting that I was going to tell him everything. So I began telling him my story.

Chapter 2
Flash Back

It was a bright summer morning; the trees were blowing in the breeze as the smell of evergreens filled the area around me. My long black hair flew behind me with the breeze; my jaded eyes scanned the area for someone or possibly more than just one person. Then my gaze comes to a halt as my eyes land on both of them bickering at one another, like always. Their bantering could be heard a little ways away, everyone knew what they were arguing about as well.

“No! Don’t tell me she’s not here, I know she is,” Jay exclaims angrily his eyes showing hatred towards Shay.

“Shut up, you don’t know her like I do. She wouldn’t go on a date with you even if you bribed her!” Shay shouted back his eyes were filled with rage as well. You could sense the air tense up greatly as you walked closer to them. I let out a sigh, knowing they must have been fighting about this for hours now.

“Guys chill, please?” I ask as I come up next to Shay. They both stop talking at the same time, their gazes turning towards me as I approached them. Shay smiles, his eyes changing the rage to a happy mood of some sort; Jay caught Shay’s eyes change. Jays turned too jealously as Shay was closer to me then he was.

“Sorry Nylla, I didn’t mean to,” Shay says slowly stepping closer towards me. I smile lovingly towards him; my feelings for him were great as well as his for me. Then I quickly noticed Jay standing there, I quickly hid my feelings down in my heart once more like I always did. Jay stepped closer just as Shay had done, his eyes still burning with jealously of Shay and me being so close to one another.

“Come on you two, it’s cold outside. Let’s go in,” I weakly mumble as I brushed past both of them quickly. Knowing they would fight over who was closer if I didn’t change the subject then and now. They both gave each other a glance, and then followed neatly behind.

They were never this argumentative till she came into their lives; they always had fun and never fought with one another. Everyone blames me for their hatred towards each other, yet I don’t see how I must have caused this. I guess it was because I came back here to this town, the thing is I used to be in class with them so long ago in grade school… was it because I changed? Who knows…?

“Nylla, are you alright?” Jay asks his footsteps faster than normal to keep up with me rushing to class.

“Huh? Oh yea, I’m fine. No worries alright” I mumble, slowing my pace to an easy walk. They both walked at my side, one of them on either side of me. Shay was closer to me then Jay was, but Jay didn’t notice at all. Shay brushes his hand against mine; I blush deeply as I glance towards him. He was smiling happily as he saw my reaction to his touch.

My gaze turned towards the doorway of my first class, Shay was in that class and was my partner for a project we were working on. We say bye to Jay, parting off into our class. As soon as Jay was out of sight, Shay came up and hugged me tightly.

“Why do you hide your feeling for me…?” he whispers into my ear, his eyes showing a sadden look.

“Because I have feelings for both you and Jay… I’m afraid if I have to choose, that I will hurt one of you. That’s something that I can’t do again,” I weakly mumble, turning away and heading towards my seat in the classroom. Shay watches as I slowly walk away, his eyes looked as if he understood how I felt. But we all know he didn’t, he was just as much in love as I was with him. Love is a blinding thing, only one can prevail, who will it be?

After that class, school was like a blur. I didn’t really pay much attention to any of my classes, let alone look at Jay’s and Shay’s affection that they gave me all day. I was stuck in my own world, a world where I didn’t have to choose between two boys that I loved.
“Bye Nylla, I have to go get my brother. I’ll see you later,” Jay exclaims as he walks towards the elementary school. I nod, slowly coming back to reality, Shay was at my side. His eyes looked worried as my eyes slowly turned back to their jaded color.

“Are you alright Nylla? You haven’t been talking all day,” Shay says, watching my movements closely.

“Fine, just a little out of it, you know?” I ask, trying to show a fake smile like always. His eyes didn’t change; they still showed a deep concern for me. I glance away, knowing I had to tell him about it later. “Alright, come on over and I’ll tell you why,” he had a smile, walking beside me.

“Seriously, how bad is it that you don’t speak throughout school? You’re always talkative,” Shay claims, sitting down close to me on the couch.

“I have been thinking about my feelings about you and Jay,” I mumble, leaning against him sadly.

“Oh, I see. Why were you thinking about that? If it made you sad why bother?” Shay asks resting his head on mine.

“Because I need to know, I have to know which one of you that I truly love. I can’t love you both equally, that’s impossible,” I claim, my eyes still sad as I watched the T.V. change to a scary movie that I put on.

“I know you can’t love us both equally, but you don’t need to worry yourself about it. I hate to see you like this, yes I would love to know who you like more but really it’s up to you and when you’re ready to tell us,” Shay says.

“I know, but Jay has been pressing me about it. I know you’re as eager as he is but I’m still so afraid of what to choose,” I weakly mumble, tears slowly starting to fill my eyes. Shay wrapped his arms around me tightly, gently pressing his cheek against my forehead.

“Please don’t cry, if you need I will go tell Jay to back off,” Shay mumbles, watching me silently.

“No… it’s alright, I don’t mind telling him,” I claim weakly, watching the scary movie on T.V. Shay didn’t believe me, knowing myself, I wouldn’t tell Jay due to the fact I was afraid. Shay saw my phone vibrate, the name said Jay.

“You have a text Nylla,” Shay says, regretting that he told me. I nod, untangle out of his own body to grab the phone. I looked down at it, the name made me really sad as I began to read the text that Jay had sent me.

Nylla, I want to know who you love. I don’t care what you have to say about it, I need to know because if you don’t love me then I have my other choices in the world. I’m always getting hammered because I’m waiting for you to tell me. I can’t wait any longer Nylla, I need to know please.

I began to cry because of the text, Shay quickly took my phone and threw it to the other couch. He pulled me close to him, kissing my forehead as the tears came down. He began to hum a sweet song, my favorite lullaby when I was a kid.

He was humming Once Upon a December, the song caused my eyes to slowly close. The sound of his heart beat also came in to the song as well. His eyes turned soft as Derek walked in, his eyes glanced at shay then towards the drowsy me.

“Shh, she just got a text from Jay and she busted out crying. I couldn’t watch her cry,” Shay says, gently resting me down flat on the couch, his gaze back towards my protective brother. Shay picked up my cell phone and handed it to Derek, who began to read the text I had got from Jay.

“I’m going to go kill that kid I swear,” Derek growls angrily.

“What did it say?” Shay asks, still sitting at my side.

“You didn’t read it?”

“No, I figured it wasn’t my place to,” Shay weakly mumbles, wishing he would of read it.

“Your different know you that? I’m pretty sure Jay would have read it and left Nylla here alone, you stayed and waited for me to get here,” Derek claims, sitting down next to Shay.

“it’s the least I could have done, she’s always here for both Jay and I. it’s only fair we treat her the same way, right?” Shay glances up at Derek, his hand holding mine tightly as he still had worry in his eyes.

“You’re a good kid, thanks,” Derek claims; standing up and heading off towards the kitchen to make us all some food. “Don’t worry what Jay said, I’m pretty sure that Nylla will get out of her depression and get angry at him for being a jerk to her. Just stand there with her, in case he tries to punch her or if he wants to get violent,”

“Will do Derek,” Shay says, leaning down and kissing my forehead. I move just a bit, still in a deep sleep like always. Shay stays close, watching me silently.

“Hey Shay come and help me make dinner, and if you don’t mind will you stay as well? I know you’re the only one she normally talks to about this stuff,” Derek hollers out of the kitchen.

“Coming and yea I can stay,” Shay says, getting up from my side and heading towards the kitchen. A few minutes pass by; I slowly start to wake up from my depression sleep. Sitting up, I shake my head as I got a little bit dizzy. Then there was a knock on the door, I tried to stand to get it but Derek beat me to it. I watch as he opens the door. There stood Jay, his face serious.

“Where is Nylla? I need to ask her a few questions,” Jay says, trying to step forward.

“You come into my house and I swear I’ll kill you. I read that shitty message you sent to my little sister, and it’s not a nice thing either. Leave, before I get angry and blow up on you,” Derek claims, his eyes showing rage towards Jay.

“But I need to know, I can’t wait for her forever,” Jay remarks.

“Then don’t wait for her at all,” Derek says, slamming the door hard. I winced in fear, tears slowly coming back to my eyes; as Derek turned around he saw me. His eyes turned soft, almost feeling sorrow that I had saw that.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry that I cause you so much trouble Derek,” I stutter, feeling ashamed of myself that my brother was fighting my battles.

“Nylla look at me, I’m your older brother. What kind of older brother would I be if I wasn’t there to stick up for you? You getting in trouble is a good thing, it gives me a chance to play the older brother. You’re always so distant, so that was the least I could have done for you,” Derek says softly, walking over to my side and hugging me closely. I begin to cry once more, knowing how my brother felt made me feel ashamed more than ever.

“Nylla don’t cry, we both are here for you,” Shay says, slowly coming out of the kitchen and bending down in front of me. His hands intertwine with mine, his eyes full of sadness as he saw the tears flow from my jaded eyes.

“He’s right Nylla, we are here for you. We both love you dearly, now smile for us please?” Derek asks his eyes pleading just a bit. Then I stood, running out of the house and back to my spot in the dark at the edge of the cooled lake.

Chapter 3
End of Flash Back

“Oh I see that’s why you ran off…” Derek claims, looking at me sadly.

“Yea, don’t be angry I just couldn’t take all the pressure and everything,” I stutter once more.

“You’re going to have to choose one of them Nylla, and Shay would be your best choice,” Derek claims, turning towards the chairs to make sure that they weren’t listening to the conversation.

“I know but what if Jay goes crazy, I’m scared,” I claim, sighing greatly.

“I promise you Jay wouldn’t come near you, now let’s go tell them so I can get this dilemma out of the way and you can get back to being the normal you,” Derek says helping me up. I nod, following him closely behind him as we came near them.

“Shay come here please,” Derek claims, watching Jay’s expression as I was here.

“What is it Derek?” Shay asks, looking between the two of us.

“You are the one I love Shay,” I whisper quietly, looking at him as I blush a bit.

“Really,” shay asks, his eyes wide with happiness. I nod, smiling a bit, then Derek glances over towards Jay.

“Now you get out of my house, or I will kick your butt,” Derek claims angrily. Jay looks away, running out of the house and off into the darkened woods.

“Now that it’s over, you two have fun and make sure my little sister stays happy,” Derek laughs as he begins to walk away. I smile, grabbing Shay’s hand and walking into my room; closing the door we began to kiss, and well you can figure out the rest.
~Lady Death~
Down in the dark, alone at night. Bleeding and Torn... Broken in the light

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Reviews: 275
Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:23 pm
Calligraphy says...


1. Every writer has that word they just have to use over and over again. Mine is 'suddenly', I manage to use it in almost every paragraph when I'm writing prose. Yours seems to be jaded. You use it to describe your characters' eyes too many times and it gets a bit annoying. There are lots of synonyms for jaded: bleary, burned out, washed-out, and so many more. Replace that word with more interesting words. In fact there are a few words you use quite a lot that could be replaced with more specific words or synonyms to make the writing more interesting and appealing.

The night was filled with bright stars; the moon was at its full as it seemed to shower the landscape with a pearl colour. My black hair shines a silvery colour as my jaded eyes glanced around.
- Do you notice anything weird with these two sentences? Well, the problem is the tenses. In the first sentence you are in the past tense. Then in the second sentence you go back to present tense with 'shines'. You do this a lot throughout the story. You have to go through and rewrite it sticking to first present all the time or past tense all the time and not jump around.

His eyes were a mix of gold and blue; contrasting against his jet black hair. His eyes show worry, like always, about me.
One problem I found in your writing that you do kind of a lot is you repeat yourself like in the quote above. When you are repetitive reading gets slightly annoying and boring. For example, instead of writing 'his eyes' twice like you have you could say:

His eyes are a mix of gold and blue, contrasting against his jet black hair. Like always, they show worry about me.
Do you see the difference? I also fixed your semi-colon that should have just been a comma. ;) Semi-colons should only be used to separate two complete sentences, not a sentence and a sentence fragment. Maybe you should read over this quick to make sure you're doing that right fairly consistently, because I noticed you had some confusion between the two.

Another example of you repeating yourself is here:
I cough just a bit, taking in the chilled fresh air. The cooled air stung my lungs as I breathed it in silently.
You basically are telling us the same thing in both sentences with a few different details and a wording change. Instead of repeating yourself say:

I coughed just a bit, silently taking in the chilled, air, because the temperature stung my lungs.
Okay, so maybe my example doesn't sound amazing, but you get the gist. Combing in your sentences will make your writing flow smoothly.

4. Okay, so you used flashbacks in this, great; flashbacks are a great literary tool and they can make your story a lot more dynamic. But at the very end of the first 'chapter' our main character says she is going to explain how she came to love two boys. In chapter two, the flash back, she doesn't actually explain that, because you don't go back far enough. You actually only jump back to the middle of the story where we can see that she is already struggling to decide of the two boys. That doesn't really explain anything. I think if you did actually explain it could make the story more original. Because I've never been in a love triangle and I'm not sure how that would come to me. The question I thought was going to be answered wasn't answered and by the end of a story you need all the strings tied up.

5. I am also sort of questioning the whole 'chapter' thing in general. This is a short story, right? I have seen chapters in short stories; that isn't really the problem. I just don't think they fit really well in this short story. The chapters are centered around the flash back, but it actually makes the story seem a bit choppy. I think instead of using chapters if you could just transition into the flashback more subtly it would make the story flow a lot smoother.

6. I'm not sure if it is the chapters fault, but your ending seems really short. If your main character was so in love with Jay then how did she get over him so quickly? If I was in that position I would feel very torn, and even if I was in love with Shay, Jay would always have a place in my heart, but once she says she is in love with Jay she doesn't seem like she cares at all about what he is feeling. Maybe you could make this a little longer to show that she still has mixed feelings, but she knew she had to make the choice or something.

7. I have a question about Derek. Why did he get so freaked about the text that Jay sent? I have to question this because I have two brothers, and though they would certainly protect me from an abusive boyfriend they would never care so much about a text. Actually, they might have sided with Jay because he really does have a right to know who she loves. Why gives him a reason to like Shay over Jay? There doesn't seem to be that big of a reason. Also, I kind of felt like your main character just chose Shay because that is what her brother thought she should do.

Also, by the middle of the story I had already guessed she would choose Shay. It was very predictable. There was no twist! All good stories need a twist. I don't want to be able to say exactly what will happen! I mean, she can choose Shay, but maybe you could make it a little less obvious. ;)

So, this was a good story, but I think it can be improved before you submit it to the contest, and it has a few grammatical problems that have to be fixed. P.M. me if you have any questions. I hope I helped.

- Calli

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:23 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Hey Wolf, I'm really glad you entered this piece into the contest! I'm here to review for you.

I like how you separated this into three different sections, that made this feel really organized. The flashback was also a really good idea.

I read Calligraphy's review after I read the story, and I have to say, I have to second a lot of those comments x)

Be careful with your vocabulary
You tend to repeat words a lot. I used to have trouble with this too, until I began to use a thesaraus religiously x) For every basic word or description, I would look it up in a thesarus and find something much more unique. I also noticed how much you liked to use 'jaded' and that felt weird, especially when you used it right next to 'Jay' which sounds similar, and also throw in 'Shay' on top of that.

Also, be sure to look over what Calig corrected on your grammar.

The biggest issue I had with this story had to be the characters, though. For a contest that wanted you to be as original as possible, I didn't find much personality coming from your cast. The girl didn't seem to have any feelings of her own, and it seemed like at the end her brother decided for her, and the only reason she went with either of them was because they were pressuring her. You never told us about any time where she was happy with one of them; both the flashback and other scenes were filled with her crying over them and being stressed out when thinking about them. To me, it doesn't feel like she loved either of them. Shay was the only one that seemed to care for her at all.

About the text, I can't find what was so bad about it. It's understandable to me if there's a girl that you like, and you TOLD her you liked her, and then she took FOREVER to give you a proper answer or return your feelings, then yeah I'd let her know she was being a little uncaring. So I don't see anything rude with that.

I couldn't tell if Shay and Jay were friends, or if they used to be friends at some point. Again, the only scenes you have with them, they seem to hate each other.

About the flashback, I'm not sure if it served its purpose. You wanted to show us how Nylla fell in love with them, but there wasn't a moment where it seemed she came to that epiphany. I guess I wanted some part to show that she returned one of the boy's feelings.

So overall, I think this is a good "2 boys and 1 girl" type story. I would've liked to have seen a little more depth from your characters, but I realize that's a lot to ask from something that's only a few pages long xP

I hope this review was helpful!
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

Carpe Diem
— Catullus