
Young Writers Society

Garden of Shadows

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Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:30 am
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Ley says...


A Roleplay duo by: @Leya @WeepingWisteria

Persephone has just been abducted by Hades, King of the Underworld. Hecate, being one of Hades' Priestesses, has taken it upon herself to help Persephone adapt to her new life. She also helps with her near impossible task of creating a garden in the Asphodel Meadows. When Hecate and Persephone both realize that the task is impossible, and their relationship strengthens, to what extent will they go to save themselves and their unconditional love for each other?

Potato Enthusiast

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89 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 89
Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:07 am
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Ley says...

Mount Olympus - Demeter's Garden
In collaboration with: @WeepingWisteria

Persephone hadn't seen sunlight in almost five years. Well, she had-- but it'd been through the small circular window in her quarters. She felt along the smooth yet choppy grass, ignoring the scratchy feeling it gave her afterwards. Demeter informed her that she shall not move, not one inch, from the garden. Persephone's vivid green eyes scanned the poppies and hyacinths that stayed lavishly growing around the perimeter of the garden, each petal swaying gently in the wind.

She'd never, not in her twenty-four years of living, imagine she'd be allowed outside of Demeter's palace. But, today was the day. She worked so hard to get to this point: gaining her mother's trust, proving that she was responsible enough to experience the outside world. It almost didn't seem real, the way the wind pushed and tugged at each stem and branch that grew from the large willow tree beyond the gates. The Goddess of Spring studied it intensely, hoping that the wind would take her, too.

But, alas, the wind pulled and tugged against her dress as if she was a tree herself, and her branches didn't budge. Not one bit.

So, instead she glanced back down, and continued to plant the marigolds into the deep, moist soil. Crickets sounded in the field beyond her, signaling that night was about to commence. But as the sun fell, and the dark shadow of space brushed over Olympus, a man's voice sounded not too far from her. An inviting voice, a voice of someone powerful.

"Come to me," the voice whispered against the breeze, and Persephone's head shot up and turned towards ir, almost breaking her neck with the movement. She couldn't see him, not yet. But she could feel him, smell him... it seemed like she was him. But no, she wasn't. He was here, somewhere hidden in the shadows.

"I can give you everything you have ever wanted. Power. Freedom from your mother. Anything your heart desires," the voice grew louder, this time as if he was inches from her ear. But she glanced beside her shiverring body, and not one person was in sight, besides the goats that stayed groaning in the crop field.

"Who are you?" She asked, voice breaking.

"I am your great escape." The voice seemed to chuckle. "The one person you can depend on to not be afraid of your power, of your curiosity. All you have to do, is come with me. And I will show you who you really are." The sun seemed to fall faster, and the air turned deathly crisp. But the voice seemed to have a prescene all on its own, a thick warmth, swaddling around Peresphone. "Just trust me."

"Mother told me not to trust anyone, mortal or god," Persephone responded, still trying to find the voice that was inviting yet intimidating, "why should I trust you, a stranger? Hm?"

"Because your mother is the reason why you're trapped here, the reason you wouldn't know your own power if you could see it on your skin. Your mother is a coward and she would be happy to let you waste away here." The voice seemed to get thicker, spreading through the growing darkness. "Is that what you want? Do you want her to control your life until you have no life of your own?"

"Of course not," Persephone finally stood, and brushed the dirt from her apron, "I want to live."

"Then come with me, and I'll show you how."

Demeter's voice sounded from the corridor, just beyond the entryway to the maid's quarters, "Persephone! Where are you, my flower?"

She had to make a choice. She contemplated it, the world slowed as she considered her options. Persephone could stay here, stay locked in the tower like some old princess tales, and die here. Alone, without a mate, without children of her own. She wanted to live. She wanted to live.

She made a decision.

"I will come," she said abrubtly, frantically looking around for the voice, "where are you? I can't see you? How can I folllow you if I don't even know where you are?"

"I'll tell you if you swear one thing."

"What is it? Hurry, my mother will come looking for me any second," Persephone said.

"Swear you're coming with me to create life and you won't leave until you succeed."

"Excuse me?" Persephone glanced behind her impatiently, Demeter's aura growing closer and closer with each word they spoke, "Okay. Okay. I promise to create life. Now hurry!"

"Good. Then don't look down."

"Wha--" the floor opened up beneath her feet, and she fell for what seemed like eternity. She closed her eyes and held in a scream, confused and scared. Everything went black as her body fell directly next to the Styx.

Potato Enthusiast

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36 Reviews

Gender: Demigirl
Points: 1384
Reviews: 36
Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:49 am
WeepingWisteria says...

The Underworld - The River Styx
In collaboration with: @Leya

Hecate - River Styx - The Underworld.

Hecate could feel all of the fallen souls tugging on her aura, silently begging her to use her magic on them. It was as if they all knew of the forbidden magic spinning in her fingers. Sure, she had only revived a few birds and a rabbit, but she knew she could do more. They knew she could do more.

She hugged her knees, moving her gaze to the water. Her reflection couldn't decide how she looked, flicking between something familiar and forms wholly unknown. She sighed. "Get a grip."

The reflection, being water, didn't respond.

She looked away from that too and looked up. At least the ceiling wouldn't change for her.

The layer of planet above her split in two, and before she knew it a body was flying down towards her. Hecate had to move out of the way frantically, and watched as a brunette woman flopped right beside her with a thump. Debris and mud splashed at her landing; one of the girl's legs dangled over the Styx like a piece of bait for the spirits that stayed trapped in it.

Hecate examined her. She wasn't dead. And only a god would survive that fall. She looked around before leaning over the girl, waving a hand over her face to heal any injuries. "Hello?"

The woman's eyes slowly opened at the sound of a new voice, but she looked confused and scared. The girl abrubtly started kicking her feet, sliding herself away from the deadly river and towards the bank. She didn't respond, and instead glanced around herself, feeling her arms and legs to make sure they were still there. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as she said, "Where is the voice?"

"What voice? You just... fell through the... sky of the Underworld."

"Where is he?" The woman stuttered, "W-Who are you? I am Persephone, daughter of Demeter. Where am I?"


A sudden presence filled her head, pushing her skull to its extremes. Bring her to me. She is finally mine.

Fighting the rising bile in her throat, she put on her best small smile. "I... I'm going to take you to him." She stood up, the pressure in her head disappating. "Follow me."

Persephone didn't respond once again, and rose to her feet reluctantly, "I've told you who I am. Now, you tell me who you are. Before I go anywhere with you, I need to know who I am following. I've done enough trusting people for one day."

"I... I'm not allowed to have a name." Hecate bows her head towards her. "But you can call me Hecate. Though I must remind you, it's not my name. Just a placeholder until you decide what to call me."

"That is no way to live," Persephone's eyes turned sympathetic, "I shall call you...Hex. Are you really taking me to the voice?"

Hecate nodded, accepting the new name. It was kinder than many of Hades'. "I am. He has told me to guide you to him."

Persephone hesitated, but nodded, "Okay, Hex. Take me to the voice."

Hecate smiled and walked along the river bank, heading for the entrance that avoided the souls.

Persephone walked alongside her, every once and a while pushing a stray strand of wavy brown hair behind her ear. Hecate noticed she was wearing an... apron of some sort, and she was covered in dirt. She thought nothing of it, so she continued to walk along the bank. The daughter of Demeter finally spoke once more, "Are you one of The Voice's priestesses? I can feel power radiating off of you. Who are you... really? You seem like you are capable of much more than bringing me to him."

"I am not one of his priestesses as much as I am his charge. He watches over me, makes sure I do nothing that offends the Gods. He is... very good at his job."

"Who is he?"

"Hades, King of the Underworld."

Persephone paused, a look of pure terror spreading across her now paled face, "No. no, no, no. Take me home. Please, I didn't realize... oh, stupid me. Stupid me. Mother was right."

"I..." Hecate clenched her wrists so hard she could feel the ghost of bruises. "I don't have the power to do that. I apologize."

"Fine, then I will find my own way back," Persephone yanked at Hecate's grip, "I command you to let go of me. I am a daughter of Demeter, I am not to be played with. I shall find my way home, with or without your help."

"What did you say for him to bring you here?"

"He asked me to..." Persephone made a face, "create life, in return he'd help me live for the first time. B-but I change my mind. I didn't know... I didn't know who I was talking to."

"You made a contract."

"No, I never signed anything!" The daughter of Demeter begged, "Please. Let me go. If you do, my mother will issue you a generous reward, I guarantee it."

"You made a promise to a God King. I'm sorry. I can't help you. Your fate is sealed."

"So then just let me go. Let me trek these lands alone, let me die here. But I shall not belong to Hades. I will not."

Hecate smiled softly. "It's not so bad. He... doesn't anger easily."

"I've read about him. I know enough about what he does. I cannot be swooned into going with you," Persephone yanked, once again, "Now let. Me. Go."

Hecate turned to face her. "Look. I can't. I don't have the power to do that. Make your case to him because I cannot give you what you want. I'm sorry. I understand you're confused and angry and scared, but I am not your savior. You're going to have to talk to him and save yourself. I'm sorry."

Persephone studied her, anger bioling in her veins. The Goddess relaxed and took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Finally, after a couple of seconds, she only managed to let one word escape her lips, "Okay."

"Thank you. We're almost there."

They continued the walk in silence, Hecate occasionally glancing at Peresphone. Eventually, they were crossing the threshold of Hades' palace. Iron suits of armor opened the doors, revealing a long, brutalist hallway, with the only color being a blood red rug leading to Hades' steel throne. He sat there, legs spread to take up the entire seat, watching them with ashen eyes.

"Persephone. You came to me."

"You are gross," Persephone snapped, her eyebrows creasing, "Let me return home. I did not agree to come to the Underworld. I demand it."

"Oh, put you did agree." He lazily slid his hand across his armrest. "I said, if you came to me, I would give you a life. And then you came to me. It's not my fault you didn't know where I was."

"I didn't know who you were, you tyrant!" Persephone's voice rose, "Because you refused to tell me! Trust me, if I knew, I would've instantly declined."

"Why though? Everything I said was true. I'm going to give you a life. I'm going to teach you how to create life. Are you really going to throw that all away over a name?"

"If I am seen with you, I will be known as a traitor and a whore," Persephone glanced at Hecate, who was standing quietly beside her, "And who are you to not allow your preistesses names? What kind of ruler are you?"

"There is much you don't understand. No one will blame you for seeking life. And that is not my priestess. She was put under my care by Zeus himself."

"You still didn't answer my question. Who are you, to be degrading women and not allowing them names?"

Hades leaned forward, eyes wild. "All of the Olympians. Zeus. Hera. Your mother. Came together and agreed she was not deserving of her godhood. I'm nice enough to just take her name. There is much worse for her outside of these halls. She is a criminal. A disgrace. And yet, I keep her alive. Fed. She is grateful for me. Don't coke and speak about things you weren't alive to witness."

"She is still a woman," Persephone badgered him, "what the hell exactly do you expect from me? What do you really want?"

"I want to create your life. Together."

"Together?" Persephone bursted out in laughter, "I have never been with a man. And I definitely am not interested in you courting me. So save the antics, and tell me what you really want."

"I am in love with you, Persephone. No joy would be greater than being your husband."

"You love me? You don't even know me!" Persephone's smile faded, "Why me? Why couldn't you have just manipulated some other goddess?"

"Your desire for freedom is my desire for freedom. You have so much potential, and I want nothing more than to watch it blossom into something beautiful."

"You're delusional," Persephone rolled her eyes, "and what did you even mean by 'create life'?"

"Be my love, and make a garden for me that will represent our bond."

"Are you crazy or just insane?" Persephone's voice faltered, "I cannot create a garden here. It's the Underworld. And I definitely will not be your wife."

Hades' eyes flared with anger. "Well." His voice dripped with venom. "You cannot leave until this garden is complete."

"Go to hell. Oh wait. You're already here," Persephone stepped forward and spit on his throne.

Hades smirked and snapped his fingers, a ladder falling from the ceiling. "Try it. Try to leave."

Persephone glanced above her, realizing the bars went for miles. There was no way, even for a Goddess, "Are you serious? When my mother finds out, she'll kill you, you know? She'll grind your bones into fertilizer and use it in her garden. You are playing with the wrong diety."

"When your mother finds out, she will know that killing me will not change things. And she will call you stupid for defying her."

Persephone snarled at him, but stayed silent, "I wish to sleep, please," was all she said.

Hades waved his hand. "You, lead my wife to her room. Help her settle in."

Hecate bowed. "Right this way."

Persephone glared one last time at the God of the Underworld, before turning briskly in her shoes so her back faced him. She followed Hecate out of the Throne Chamber.

Hecate stayed quiet, sure that Persephone must hate her now. She tried to walk briskly, keeping her eyes on the floor.

The Goddess of Spring finally spoke when they reached the large, gloomy doors, "I am going to get myself out of here," she murmered, stopping Hecate before she turned to leave, "you too. This is no place for a woman of power. You will come live with me, and my mother will find better more... suiting duties for you. I am not going to let another woman rot down here. Okay?"

Hecate smiled. "You're very kind. But you mother... she wants me down here."

"She has no say in this matter," Persephone brushed her manicured hand over Hecate's arm, "She will listen to me. When I tell her of the things I've seen... she'll make a compromise."

Hecate pulled back, crossing her arms tightly. "No. She'll tell you it wasn't bad enough." She bowed again. "Sleep well."

She walked away quickly before Persephone could answer.

“the wist i knew would never allow a straight boy in their stories” ~Omni
“Hi Omni can I request wist get the role mom friend :]" ~winter
“ah yes, fear Wist's smile :) <- speaks of layers and layers of secrets” ~mint

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno