
Young Writers Society

Which is the better story plot?

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Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:37 pm
kaonna says...

I have a story stuck in my head and its kinda among the ten others that I have swimming around up there. I am kinda confused on where to begin. And which one to really begin planning for.

Story idea #1

Is surrounded by aristocratic and diplomatic affairs. Such as a woman who is living in a loveless marriage to her husband who only desires a son from her. She invites her young friend to visit her while she is there and during one of their many parties her husband and her friend take in each other's eyes which starts an affair between them. Though since its the 1700's she really can't go against her husband. So she is lonely while her husband is in the arms of another woman and comes back to her. The woman who I will formally call the MC meets a man whom has been in love with her since child hood and they start an affair. the MC's husband becomes aware of this and well alot of things happen in the plot. From miscarriages to pregnancies, money, abandonment, betrayal the list goes on.

I am sorry if this isn't length since I this idea just formed in my head this morning during my art class.

These are the characters I have so far.

Elizabeth Peli [COUNTESS of Castel] {MC}
Artheleos "Audi" Losier [lover]
Charles Mason
Alexandria Citrine

Story idea #2

This one is quite simple since I have used this story line alot in stories I did for school. In the year 2050 the world will become a vast wasteland of famine and poverty. Due to a nuclear attack on the world there is nothing left and the world has to be reborn by the spirits that inhabit it. Though like everything else there is good and evil. The evil spirits are attacking the world and destroying what ever little good is being done. Only a select few can see spirits and they are known as seers or phantom viewers. The MC is one of them just like her younger sister who was tragically killed like her parents when the military first heard of such a person. Taken in by the military she undergoes countless experiments and eventually her dark green eyes become magenta. She breaks free from their control and is on the run but she also has to stop the evil phantoms. In the various versions I've done one is when she meets Jake Darden and Starlie Highland. Though they are all different emotions throughout each one. The current one I am working on is with her and a child named Lilith Hayward who is possessed by an evil phantom and she must choose to kill the child or set the child free.

The characters for each version are:

Nanaly Esprit[MC]
Jake Darden
Starlie Highland
Oceane Valentine
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Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:58 pm
Angel of Death says...

Wow they both seem wonderful to read. I'd go with the first just see what it turns out to be...but then the second idea is a little bit more modern and upbeat. Try writing one chapter for each and then see which one people like best and go from there. Sorry I couldn't be of much help but you have two great amazing stories.

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Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:21 am
TheWordsmith says...

This isn't going to help much, but here I go.


I'd say write the one that you thought out more first, then the other one. Or do one as the mood takes you, the next later, and so on.
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Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:40 am
Bittersweet says...

I'd normally say the first one because that's my sort of thing.

But the second one sounds a lot more developed and I think it's more original, save that the whole 'wasteland' thing sounds a lot like Wall-E. It's a little bit confusing though. I don't understand why there are spirits after a nuclear attack, but I'm sure you know what you're doing. :D

So I guess I vote number two, m'lord, number two!

Heh. Shrek moment there on my part, eh?

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Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:48 pm
Krupp says...

Write both of them at the same time. Seroiusly. Start on one right now, and when you can't write anymore or can't think, start on the other one.

works for me.
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Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:17 am
NinjaRebel says...

Those both seem really good...I'd go with the second one. It's origianal and seems more interesting. You should do the first one when you have finished the second one. That;s just my opinion.

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