
Young Writers Society

Carlito is Noveling

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Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:45 pm
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Carlito says...

It's been a busy fall and now it's time to write again!!

Git 'Er Done Crawl

Kickoff part 1 - write for five minutes. After not writing for weeks this is a perfect way to start because right now I'm afraid of this doc. DONE, 102 words! we're back in business!

Kickoff part 2 - lol this crawl is all about not putting off the things you've been procrastinating. It's assuming I've been sedentary in one spot for a long time (RUDE when I'm literally curled up in a blanket in my favorite chair in front of the fire enjoying my breakfast). Now I have to move around for a few minutes. I'm going to throw a still slightly damp blanket that's been air-drying back in the dryer and put away some of the Christmas presents still sitting in the living room :)

Clean up yer' act part 1 - now I need to polish up my word count by writing to the nearest 500. lol I'm at 47963 words so that's 37 words: DONE, 56 words

Clean up yer' act part 2 - lol now I need to polish up something my living space by cleaning something small. I will finish my breakfast and then finish loading the dishwasher! (i cannot over-state how challenging it is to force myself to get up and leave my blanket burrito and the warmth of the fire) I even started the dishwasher! Go me!

Water break part 1 - for every cup, bottle, bowl, thing that can hold water in this room, I have to write 100 words[b]. I... think there's only two things in this room right now? I have a cup and a water bottle next to me, so 200 words: DONE, 239 words

Water break part 2 - now I need to stay hydrated and [b]get some of my preferred writing liquid
. That means refilling my water cup!

Half Time part 1 - this is the best crawl ever. would I watch a marching band during the half time of a football game or now. lol I was in marching band. I wrote a marching band rom com. OBVIOUSLY I would watch the marching band. So I have to write 250 words: DONE, 290 words

Half Time part 2 - I need to have a short social interaction with another human being. OH HUSBANDDDD. time to go bother him for a minute.

Fight Song part 1 - I need to get back in the game and do a song sprint. I'll choose....... I'm so bad at writing when there are words because I just want to listen to the song. so I'm going to pick a song and write for that duration. The song is 2:49, DONE, 140 (literally closed my eyes and hoped for the best like I do for 50-headed hydras. brb fixing typos) 127 after typos :)

Fight Song part 2 - Pick a song and dance or move for the duration of the song. Easy, now I'll actually listen to the song I chose for the last challenge!

Run out the clock part 1 - I have to look at the clock and write until the time is : x0 (like :10, :20, :30, whatever is closest). For me it's currently :38, so I'll write for 2 minutes until it's :40, DONE, 106 words

Run out the clock part 2 - now I have some free time until the next : x0. now it's :43, so I'll keep tidying up Christmas presents for 7 minutes.

After party part 1 - I have to look at all the words I've written, add the digits together, add a zero, write that many words. My total word count is 48775, 4+8+7+7+5 = 31, which means 310 words: DONE, 325

After part part 2 - DONE! enjoy yourself for a while I'm going to count my skating session a little bit ago for this :)

CRAWL TOTAL: 1245, and we're back in the writing groove again :)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:10 pm
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Carlito says...

well there's a second one of these so....

Get 'Er Done Crawl 2

Going shopping part 1 - I need to get going with a three digit sprint. My current word count is 49100 (how beautiful is that?!!) so that means a 100 word sprint: DONE, 142 (I was on a roll)

Going shopping part 2 - Go do something helpful. I'm getting hungry so I'm going to warm up my dinner! Leftovers from the 10/10 dinner I made on Christmas :)

Reading the recipe part 1 - Pick a number 1-99, add the digits, multiply by 10, write that many words. I got 86, 8+6 = 14, 140 words: DONE, 179

Reading the recipe part 2 - lol I bet you haven't been up to date lately. Go figure out what's going on in the world and read a news article. read some depressing local news!

Mix it up part 1 - another song sprint. The song I want to use this time is 10:50, so same as last time, writing for that length and will listen/jam to in in the next challenge! DONE, 220 words

Mix it up part 2 - Get moving for another song, anything that gets the blood pumping.

Chocolate chips part 1 - something about how small things are good things, so five minute sprint: DONE, 112

Chocolate chips part 2 - do something that needs to be done outside your novel for five minutes. They have eat on this list and I do have the rest of my breakfast sitting here. (started this crawl last night and am finishing in the morning) :)

In the oven part 1 - numbers other than 0 and 5 need love, so I have to write to the nearest :07 time. LOL it's :46 right now so 1 MINUTE SPRINT, DONE: 50 words

In the oven part 2 - and now a break until the next :07

Cooling down part 1 - winter is coming don't remind me and how much I write next depends on the temperature outside. It's current 39 degrees Fahrenheit, so I have to write 45 words to stay warm: DONE, 60 words

Cooling down part 2 - to stay warm, I have to re-hydrate myself with my favorite writing liquid. Good thing I have my chai latte and a glass of water beside me already!

Cleaning up part 1 - I have to clean up my word count by writing to the nearest 500. My word count is currently 49820, so let's FINALLY TAKE IT TO 50K: DONE, 181

Cleaning up part 2 - Clean something small around me. Dishes. Always dishes.

Party time part 1 - parties take up NaNo time (this crawl was obviously written during nano). Did I have a party in November? I'm thinking back and I don't think I attended any parties in November, so I have to write 400 words: DONE, 412

Party time part 2 - and because parties need friends, time for some social interaction. oh HUSBANDDDDDD.


Another fun one that got me back in the writing groove! :)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:09 am
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Carlito says...

I found new type of word crawl and I have to try it! Here's hoping it's actually cool!!

A Visit to the Antique Shop

I'm strolling through a cute small town (very bunny rom com coded even though I'm working on roadtrip romance) and I have a full day planned buying Christmas gifts for loved ones. First I have to choose a breakfast. AND WHEN I CLICK ON IT, IT WILL TELL ME THE CHALLENGE. love.
breakfast sandwich, bagel with a schmear, or or gluten-free donut.
honestly a hard choice between the sandwich and bagel, but I'm going with a sandwich which means I have to pay 425 words. DONE - 436

I finish my sandwich and step into Vintage Treasures. I have to decide where I want to look (and I can look at more than one). I can browse in home decor, artwork & sculptures, or jewelry and clothing.
okay I love all of those in antique stores but I'm definitely going to do home decor which means...
well first I notice the times frozen on a few clocks - 4:10, 10:24, and 9:18. I decide to give myself a little challenge....
Write 100 words in 4 minutes. DONE - 118
Write 240 words in 10 minutes. DONE - 244
Write 180 words in 9 minutes. DONE - 190

I obviously can't pass up looking at books. I pick up one book and notice handwriting inside.
Write at my own pace until I make a typo. (I'll also include going back and deleting something). DONE - 50

It's a diary! I take it up to the register and they try to sell it to me for 1000 words. I can try to haggle or accept the price.
I'm horrible at haggling, but 1000 words is a LOTTT so I feel like I have to try to haggle?? Okay he comes down to 750 words. (I clicked on the other one after and it actually went down too which I was afraid would happen lol). DONE - 768

I check the back of the book and find two addresses written in two different colors -- green and purple.
Obviously I pick the purple one! It's an 8-minute sprint to 210 Forest Avenue, so I have to write 210 words in 8 minutes while I wait for someone to open the door. DONE - 215

The diary owner's granddaughter opens the door and leads me to another address where the diary owner lives. She's so thankful I found her diary she wants to give me something in return. She asks for my first and last name for a check and I have to write for as many minutes as there are letters in your name. For me that would be 11 minutes. DONE - 153 (losing steam lol)


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu May 02, 2024 1:32 am
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Carlito says...

Okay and now for doing the other crawls this person designed!
Up next is...

A Stroll Through the Woods

"Your phone notifications are off, your walking shoes are on, and your mind is open."
Oh, mentally I am THERE.
I pick up my thermos and pour myself a cup of something - coffee, tea, or cocoa. And like the last crawl, I click on whatever I pick and then it tells me the challenge. I love.
I'm literally drinking chai right now so tea, so I have to Sprint for 3 minutes, rest for 2, then sprint for 3 minutes again. DONE - 80 total (lol, warming up)

I hear what sounds like water and find a small river. I can choose to pick up a message in a bottle or a spherical rock. I want the message! It's a riddle and I end up needing to write 500 words. (the rock challenge was cooler, but oh well!) DONE - 508

I'm about to settle down by the river and enjoy another drink from my thermos when I hear an injured animal :( it's either a puppy, a kitten, or a bunny. Obviously bunny, so I have to write 250 words.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue May 21, 2024 3:30 am
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Carlito says...

Took a little break, back to my stroll in the woods!

I left off with finding an injured animal in the woods which I decided was a bunny, so I have to write 250 words: DONE, 255

I call the local vet! There's a phone number generator - I have to add up all the digits, multiply by 10, and write that number of words. My generated phone number is 1-991-770-1359, so that means write 520 words: DONE, 521

The vet can squeeze us in, so I sprint for 15 minutes on the way to the office: DONE, 361

Bunny is going to be just fine and I'm going to adopt it (obviously). I have to choose a name, something descriptive, symbolic, or creative. Considering my current and former bunnies both have symbolic names, I'm going with that which means I have to do a fifteen minute sprint while I fill out paperwork: DONE, 122

and then pay 150 words: DONE, 152

There's also a note if I haven't yet written at least 1667 words, to pick a name for my new pet and write for as many minutes as there are letters in the name. I've written over that, so....

CRAWL FINISHED - 1999 words!!!! (<-- lol comically short of 2k)

(and roadtrip romance is finally over 20k!)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:33 pm
Carlito says...

and the last crawl this person designed...

A Friendly Baking Competition
maybe I'll do the whole thing today!

I'm participating in a friendly baking competition with friends. I have to decide if my winning recipe will come from Pinterest or from my grandma's recipe cards. Considering I *have* recipe cards from my grandma, I have to go with that. I'm filled with nostalgia and have to write for 12 minutes while I reminisce: DONE, 308

I decide to bake cookies and I have to decide between chocolate chip, pumpkin spice, or chai snickerdoodle. My grandma was kind of known for her snickerdoodles, so I'll pick those!! (never had chai snickerdoodle but i love chai so they're probably a 10/10. wait there is a recipe linked and i've already decided i'll be making these for the christmas cookie exchange i get invited to every year even those that's like seven months away).
Okay ANYWAY! First I have to preheat the oven by writing 400 words: DONE, 420

It takes 15 minutes of prep time to finish the dough, so I have to sprint for 15 minutes: DONE, 292

The recipe makes 24 cookies, so I have to write 240 words: DONE, 257

And while the cookies bake for 9 minutes, I'll do a sprint for 9 minutes: DONE 285

The next day I go to my friend's house to sample everyone's baked goods. (and there are links to other recipes too <3) I have to decide if I'm competitive or not. I'm not, so I have to write 500 words at my own pace (lol the other option was to do a 50-headed hydra - 500 words in 5 minutes and i'm on enough of a roll i might have that in me today): DONE, 513

I get the most votes! Now all I have to do is enjoy my cookies with a nice beverage - milk/cocoa, coffee/tea, or cider/juice. Considering I was literally drinking peach juice while writing today, I'll have to go with that. So I have to write 125 words: DONE, 132

not a bad writing day! (and all before the sun goes down!!)

and this marks the end of these very well-designed word crawls I found!!
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
— Captain Jack Sparrow