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Extreme Harry Potter Word Crawls: An Adventure

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Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:53 am
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Carlito says...

Next I need to write for 20 minutes while Kingsley tells me stories about being an Auror: DONE
Now it's time to get to know the real Alastor Moody (since last year I only met the imposter) and I have to write 300 words in 5 minutes while he demonstrates curses on me: DONE, but only 235
And finally I'm going to write to the nearest 1000 and cheer Mr. Weasley up by telling him about muggle objects. That will be 313 words: DONE
I'm not going to give myself that extra galleon since I didn't technically beat Moody's challenge.

After the holidays one of our DA meetings is interrupted by the annoying inquisitorial squad. Dumbledore takes responsibility for the DA and he escapes when the aurors try to capture him. Umbridge is the new headmistress and I have to write 500 words as her rule takes over the school: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:38 am
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Carlito says...

Back again! No longer doing a final edit before querying Anna and back to the now darker than before computer nerd love story!

Picking up with career advice! Because I'm in Ravenclaw my head of house thinks I'm strong in divination (really? -_-) and I have to write for 30 minutes while I gaze into a crystal ball: DONE

During a quidditch match, Hagrid takes us to the forest to meet his half brother Grawp. Grawp is okay other than not realizing it's not nice to lift people off the ground. I have to write for 15 minutes while I try to convince him to put me down: DONE

Oh boy. now it's time to take my O.W.L.s. I have to write 1500 words and the time it takes me to do this determines how I did on my O.W.L.s. I have to do it in under two hours or I don't pass.
(I failed at this because it's getting late, but I want to pick up here and try again tomorrow!)

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:32 pm
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Carlito says...

Okay back on my O.W.L.s! I'm going to say I started at 10pm (could've started later but.... yah know :p): Okay so I have written those 1500 words! But I did it over like two days so it doesn't count. Therefore I have to write an additional 500 words to pass my O.W.L.s.

We're finishing this crawl today friends!

Harry thinks Sirius is in trouble, and while he tries to talk to him via the floo network, we're caught. I would have to write 300 words while Umbridge tries to torture information out of me, but since I'm a Ravenclaw I'm able to combat her torture methods and can skip this round for free.

We escape to the grounds! I have to roll a die and multiply by 150 words as we fly to the Ministry. I rolled a 2, so 300 words: DONE

It's a trap! Sirius wasn't in danger, it was all a ploy to get Harry to the Ministry. I have to write for 10 minutes while I duel with Death Eaters: DONE

The Order shows up and with their help we're able to fight off the Death Eaters. But I have to write 400 words as I look back and see Sirius has fallen through the veil and died RIP SIRIUS :''''(

Dumbledore appears and so does Voldemort! I have to write for 15 minutes while I watch them duel: DONE

The battle is over but the war has only begun. I have to write 150 words as we journey back Hogwarts and think about all the dangers ahead: DONE


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:36 am
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Carlito says...


Extreme HP Word Crawl: Year 6

At the end of year 5, my new WIP was at a total of 17,729 words meaning I wrote 13,425 words during year 5! Not too shabby :)

Let's see what year 6 has in store for us!

With such an eventful spring, it was nice to relax at the Burrow for a little while. Now it's time to head to Diagon Alley. I have to write 600 words while I collect all my supplies: DONE

Oh boy. Now we go see the Weasley's new shop and they challenge me to a game. I have to write 750 words in 10 minutes and guess which one is Fred and which one is George: I got just over 400 which IMMA SAY IS DECENT.
But since I failed they give me a piece of candy which turns out to be a fainting fancy.
I now have to write 200 words as I get up off the shop floor: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:40 am
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Carlito says...

Draco is acting suspiciously so we follow him to Borgin & Burkes under the invisibility cloak and I have to do the 3-digit challenge as we do. (whatever the last three numbers are in you word count - write that number of words). For me that's... 984 at the moment.... here we go: DONE

Now on the way back to Hogwarts, all of my friends are either in the prefect carriage or were invited to eat with new professor Slughorn. I have to write for 30 minutes while I find a place to sit:
I need to write for 9 more minutes, but I also really need to go to bed. So I'll pick up those last 9 tomorrow!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:39 am
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Carlito says...

Finished that last 9 minutes.

At the start of term feast, Dumbledore announces that Slughorn will be the new potions teacher. I have to write 500 words while I worry about how I'll do in his class: DONE

In our first class, we have to make a draught of living death potion and the best one wins a bottle of felix felicis. I have to roll a die and multiply by 200 words as I work on my potion. I rolled a 6 -_- so that's 1200 words: I wrote 304 words towards this and that's going to be it for today! Picking up here tomorrow :)

Last edited by Carlito on Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:33 am
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Carlito says...

Okay, back to that draught of living death potion (896 more words): DONE

Harry is Quidditch captain and I go watch the try outs with Hermione. I have to write 400 words as we cheer Ron on from the stands: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:31 am
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Carlito says...

On the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, I watch Katie Bell be cursed by a necklace! I have to write 3% of my word count while I help get her to the hospital wing. Current word count is 22980, so I have to write 689 words: DONE

Drama drama drama! Hermione pretended to spike Ron's drink with Felix Felicis before the first Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor wins, but Ron makes out with Lavender Brown to get back at Hermione for not believing in him and now I have to write 600 words while my friends get into their biggest fight ever: DONE

(bummer it's not time for Peter and Luna to kiss like this....)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:40 am
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Carlito says...

It's time for Slughorn's Christmas party, and I'm asked to go by some random 5th year but I have to write for 15 minutes while I hide with Hermione and we lament about our horrible dates: DONE

It's Christmas time and for the first time ever I'm spending time with my parents, and I need to write to the nearest 1000 as I spend a quiet holiday with them. That's like 950 words... They were going to give me a galleon for Christmas but I think I'm going to spend a galleon on this one and not do it! Making my galleon count: 18

Oh boy, Ron accidentally drinks some love potion and then is poisoned after getting the antidote! Harry saves him and I have to write 400 words while I hang out with him in the hospital wing: DONE

It's time for my apparition test while others are splinched and have to get fixed by Madame Pomfrey and then write for 20 minutes while they rest, since I'm a Ravenclaw I know how to apparate and I get to skip this round for free!

Harry takes some Felix Felicis to get an important memory from Professor Slughorn. He wants to go to Aragog's funeral at Hagrid's house, and while Ron and Hermione are skeptical, I tag along and have to do a 50-headed hydra (500 words in 5 minutes RIP): 414!! Not bad!! After fixing typos and improving it overall - 418!

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Sep 27, 2020 9:15 pm
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Carlito says...

While Slughorn is drunk, he gives Harry an important memory and he invites me into the Slug Club. I have to write 600 words while I help Slughorn back to the castle and Harry rushes off to give the memory to Dumbledore: DONE

Harry and Dumbledore are leaving for a mission! He gives us the rest of the felix felicis and tells us to keep a watch on Malfoy. I have to write for 15 minutes while I prepare for a possible battle: DONE

We take our felix and go up to the room of requirement to check on Malfoy. We're swallowed up by Peruvian instant darkness powder, and Malfoy passes us with some Death Eaters he let in through the vanishing cabinet he repaired! I have to write for 45 minutes while we battle the Death Eaters: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:36 am
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Carlito says...

We battle into the courtyard and I'm filled with fear as the Dark Mark appears above the astronomy tower. A Death Eater puts me in a body bind and I have write 750 words (until my KING Neville sees me and frees me): DONE

As Neville helps me to my feet, I see a body fall from the astronomy tower. It's Dumbledore!! I have to write 100 words as I lift my wand in respect: DONE

Dumbledore's funeral hits me hard. I have to write for 15 minutes while I listen to the eulogies and as he's lowered into the ground: DONE

Harry tells us about the horcruxes and the search he needs to go on to find and destroy the rest. Ron, Hermione, and myself agree to go with him even though he says we don't have to. I have to write 200 words as I mentally prepare to not go back to Hogwarts next year: DONE


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:11 am
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Carlito says...


Extreme HP Word Crawl: Year 7

At the end of year 6, my novel stands at 29,248 words which means I wrote 11,514 words in year 6! Only one year to go :o

I've been preparing as much as possible for the upcoming wizarding war. Now it's time to get Harry safely to the Burrow. I have to write 700 words as I take polyjuice potion and disguise myself as Harry: DONE

I get on a thestral with Charlie Weasley, but as we head out we're attacked by Death Eaters! I have to write for 30 minutes as we battle in the sky: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:52 am
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Carlito says...

We mourn the loss of Mad-Eye Moody and celebration the wedding of Bill and Fleur. During the reception, Kingsley's patronus warns us that
the ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.
^where I ended the first night I read this book.
Anyway! I have to write 500 words while we flee: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:00 am
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Carlito says...

We take refuge at 12 Grimmauld Place. Kreacher the elf tells us that the owner of the locket was Regulus Black and now UMBRIDGE has it. I have to write for 20 minutes while we make our plan of how we'll break into the ministry: DONE

We spend a month spying on the Ministry and then we execute our plan! I have to write for 45 minutes as we break into the Ministry, get the horcrux, and are almost captured: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:29 pm
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Carlito says...

We escape the ministry but Yaxley grabbed hold of Hermione's arm so we couldn't go back to Grimmauld place. I have to write 600 words as I help set up camp in the forrest and fix Ron's splinched arm: DONE

Hermione figures out we can use Gryffindor's sword to destroy horcruxes. Ron gets discouraged and thinks there's something going on with Harry and Hermione so he leaves. I have to do a 3 digit challenge (which equates to 185 words) while we mourn his absence: DONE

We go to Godric's Hallow to look for the sword. We visit Bathilda Bagshot who is actually NAGINI and I have to write 500 words as we fight her off: DONE

Harry's wand is broken and we don't know where else to look. Late one night Ron comes back!! I have to write for 30 minutes while I listen to Hermione and Ron argue: DONE

We go to visit Xenophilius Lovegood, and while he tells us about the deathly hallows, he also reveals that Luna was taken by the death eaters and they're on their way. I have to write 3% of your word count (1035 words) as his house crumbles and we fight to get away: DONE

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Only the suppressed word is dangerous.
— Ludwig Borne