
Young Writers Society

Frozen Honor Rough Draft- LMS Challenge

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Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:30 am
Soulkana says...

Okay so I'm posting LMS for my new rough draft novel, Frozen Honor here!
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:32 am
Soulkana says...

Chapter One-Part 1

A sharp, yet wavering cry, so similar to her own crow's cry drew the young teenager's focus to the window as her train began to slow into its station. Head nuzzling the limp form of a small fox kit was a young mother crying out as it attempted to wake the dead baby. Specks of fresh crimson dotted the brick cobblestone underneath the small family under a discarded bench and it wasn't until she saw the mother's eyes, that Ariana stopped her frantic tapping on the window pane as her nerves slid away like the rain pouring down the glass.

Vivid pale blue and rich amber eyes nailed her to her seat as a spike of fear and uncertainty pierced her heart. The shade of blue that reflected her intense love for winter sharply brought to the forefront the image of a young boy and a veil of black and warm laughter that chased away her own terrors. Ariana felt ice slip down her spine as the eyes continued to stare her down, as if demanding why she wasn't there by his side.

The jarring lunge of the train as it stopped tugged Ariana's attention away from the dread rushing through her mind. Instead, that dread switched focus and she fervently thanked her gymnastics instructor for shrinking her trunk as she bypassed the crowd of anxious students surrounding the professors on the train. She glanced back to wave quietly to quite a few of her friends as they too fled the train and disappeared to the other side.

Gently combing a hand through her hair, Ariana hailed an oncoming taxi as she remains solely on the non-magical side. As the bright yellow cab pulls to a stop, she carefully slides in and snaps the door closed just as one of the teachers steps out of the train and glanced around, eyes intently staring where she used to be.

"Where to, young miss?" The cab driver asks as she shields her face from the view of her teachers.

"The Oriental and Used Bookstore on Fifth Drive downtown, please." She rushed out as her healing teacher closes in on her direction.

Just as the cab speed off, Ariana sneaked a look back before allowing some of the tension coiling in her stomach to slip away as her instructors turn to leave. Save, for now. Settling back into the comfortable leather seats of the cab, she watches the scenery speed by and wonders briefly if her friends were as successful running as she had been. There was so much to come and she knew that not all of it would be easy.

“So why such a dusty old bookstore? You just got out of school, based on your uniform.” The kindly, elderly driver asks as he makes a soft turn left while watching her from the corner of his eyes, a concerned frown dipping his face.

Smiling faintly, Ariana explains with a reassuring smile, “My friend’s birthday is coming up. He likes the legends of the tribes to the east and so I always stop by to see if they have some new ones after school gets out.”

“I hope you find something for him then. It can be hard picking gifts when you’re not positive how they’ll enjoy them.” The man smiles gently as he stops in front of the bookstore, run down and almost abandoned this time of the year.

Handing over the last of her money, Ariana thanks the man with a grin before slipping out back into the light rain that fell. Pulling her waterproof jacket tightly around her against the chill, Ariana slips inside the store and waves to the old woman manning the register in familiar greeting. Ducking into the Eastern section, she browsed the shelves for a possible gift.

“That time of the year again, Ms. Ravenswood?” The elderly woman asked, a neatly printed name tag declared her as Roberta.

“Ah yes, I wanted to see if there was something for Aydan.” Ariana couldn’t stop the light blush that flickers across her face as Roberta smiles with a knowing glilnt.

“Still writing your weekly letters then?” Roberta laughs as she watches the fifteen year old flush darker, amber eyes flickering lightly with soft fondness at the mention of his letters.

“Ah, I think he may like this one.” Ariana picks through the books to find an ancient looking tomb, the cover nearly faded, but showed vibrantly in its deep reds and golds.

“Ah, old stories about the war between the tribes and the reconciliation afterwards. It has many of the old customs and religious aspects for each tribe. He would surely enjoy learning some of them if he doesn’t already know them. It’s a very solid read, even if the language is a bit old now.” Roberta smiles as she accepts the beautiful silvers coins from the Ariana in payment.

“It’s not often that a Northern Academy of Magicals comes by anymore. They mostly take the newer entryways. I’m glad you still remember little ol’ me.” Roberta gives a faint smile as Ariana carefully slips the book into her backpack.

“Please be careful, Ms. Trion. I may not be back for awhile.” Ariana softly reveals, brown eyes dimming faintly as she watches the grandmotherly woman nod, face turning serious.

“War is on the horizon. I’m glad you’re getting out while you still can, little Raven. Do be sure to take care of your friends. I know how much you care for all of us. I know telling you not to come back is a foolish pipe dream, so please just get stronger. I know you wish to end it.” Roberta sternly focused on her as she takes in Ariana’s oriental hair ornaments and the two sticks that glistened only faintly to the most discerning, of poison sheathed in the metal pin’s center.

“Don’t worry, Ryma, “ Ariana uses the ancient word for grandmother as she feels her eyes burn, “I’ll be going to get strong. I won’t let you all face this without me.”

As they near the back of the shop, a faint, shimmering flickers of silver reveals itself. Wrapping her frail arms around the young teenager, she had helped raise for almost ten years now, Roberta softly whispers, “It’s not your fault that they’re after you. Just keep yourself safe and come back to visit this old lady when you have the chance.”

Nodding in agreement, Ariana hugs back fiercely. Reluctant to let go, she allows her shields to fall and buries her face briefly into the old lady’s neck and inhaled the the sweet smell of lavender and jasmine, a scent she would never forget. The scent that reminded her solely of home and this kind woman who helped to shield her once frail heart from those who sought to break it.

Gently pushing Ariana through the doorway into the magical shopping district that lay behind her shop, Roberta chuckles at the slight scowl that fills Ariana’s face. Such a typical teenage expression she wouldn’t have shown anyone else except her friends and she knew that her adopted granddaughter would be perfectly alright. Waving her off as she finally disappears, Roberta closed her eyes and flips the nearby sign on the old window to “Closed,” it was time to prepare for the war that was all but started.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:24 am
Soulkana says...

Word Count-1,224 words
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:26 pm
Soulkana says...

Part Two 1,124 words

Ariana shivers as the veil of ice that hides their community crosses her skin while stepping onto the cobblestone street of the Ryandr’s Ally. The magic feels familiar and she savors for a few minutes the gentle sense of home that it offers before steeling her resolve and slipped into a less used street in direction of the south. She didn’t want to see the shop she often bought her familiar’s treats, his death just a week prior, still cracked away at her control. It was far too soon to attempt to find another one, she had decided and allowed the tension to slip as she finally stepped out onto the main street, several minutes later.

Before her stands a tall, otherworldly building made of a beautiful, exotic sky blue material that wasn’t found in their land. The bank’s design was very intriguing and Ariana smiles faintly as she remembers her hours long inspection of the place as a small child before she had finally gotten the nerve to go inside. The two pale, alert guards give her fanged grins as she waves in familiar welcome as she opens the door.

The bank lies mostly empty as she enters. Most of the students and their parents would still be traveling either home or out of the country for whatever reasons. It meant it was safer to come here than it was during the school year, she muses to herself. Standing patiently in front of one of the tellers, she waits quietly as he finishes his task.

Bewitching silver eyes peer at her as he finally looks her way and asks with a whimsical tilt of his head, “How may I be of service, Heiress Ravenswood?”

Pulling free from her jacket, an official letter from her account manager, Ariana respectfully requests, “I have a meeting with Master Irvan, Master Teller. I would appreciate your company to his office if it suites you and your time.”

“One moment, Heiress Ravenswood.” The vampire teller smiles with an almost sinister glee to escape his own desk as he stands to motion to a nearby worker to take his spot.

With a sweeping gesture, the teller invites her to follow. Stepping besides the teller with ease, Ariana turns her thoughts inward as she questions why her account manager was different. It was very discerning for such a thing to happen when most of the families whom employed the vampires for their accounts, never changed in all their immortal lives unless something grave has occurred.

Startled out of her thoughts by the sharp knock from the teller. She glances over at the door where a beautiful silver nameplate spelled out “Master Irvan, Master Accountant,” in a beautiful gold cursive font. A warm, soft voice bids them permission to enter and she reluctantly steps into the office, in hopes of a peaceful meeting.

As the door shuts behind her, she hears the voice once more in greeting, “Welcome, Heiress Ravenswood. It is a pleasure to meet you outside our usual letters.”

She glances towards the desk and hides her shock at the rare sight. Blinking slowly to take in the odd image, she muses silently that it shouldn’t be too surprising. Despite the commonality of traits in vampires, those from other countries weren’t the same. Unlike the others here, this particular one had very light colored hair and unusual expressive eyes that follows her as she crosses to stand by the chair in front of his desk. He studies her as she does him for several minutes as she takes in the white, blond locks that fell in gentle waves to waist and his entrancing golden eyes that seem to give her a sense of warmth.

Pulling her eyes away, Ariana bows appropriately to the man as she greets finally, “Thank you, Master Irvan for allowing me to meet you after school had let out for the term.”

"If we are to get anything done this evening as is desperately needed, please allow us to forgo the usual formalities that dictate the magickal hierarchy." Master Irvan's eyes shimmered in the torch light while his voice remained musical as they both took their seats

Gracefully taking the seat provided, Ariana takes a light breath to steady her inner anxiety before asking, “Did the coven find out why I wasn’t receiving the statement upon re-entering our society as custom for anyone with an account?”

A frigid stare imposes on the once warm gold eyes, turning them into a very chilling glare as Master Irvan speaks, voice similarly chilled, “Our chief looked into your accounts up to the dates of your parents deaths when you were just a toddler. It was learned that someone was taking advantage of your youth and ineligibility to claim the vaults to steal from you, Heiress.”

Master Irvan winces lightly as the young Heiress’s aura turns to a icy blade that seems to fill the room with her rage. Once memorising warm amber eyes flecked with a dark chocolate brown burns to a very intense white blue that seems to stop his breath as he watches her struggle to relax her magic as it begins to film over the floor with ice.

“He’s dead, correct?” Animalistic eyes bear into his own as her pupils turn to slits and a ghostly form of fox ears and multiple tails manifest in her aura as she glares him down with a spike of killing intent.

“Yes, once his crimes were discovered, he was left out in the sun to perish to ash, young Heiress.” Irvan soothes with his own murderous aura as he grins sadistically at the memory.

Feeling a budding headache for her loss of composure, Ariana ruthlessly pushes down her anger and desire for the previous accountant’s blood to focus on the important goal she needed for coming. Letting out an explosive sigh as she finally calms her aura and allows the ice to disappear, she calmly glances back to her accountant with a nod to show she no loner would destroy his office in her rage.

“As your family and you godmother’s families have always been friends to the Coven, it has caused us great dishonor for one of our Coven to break trust of a Friend to our Coven. We would not let it slide for such a betrayal. Since you express a desire to leave for awhile, we must discover your inheritance and possible taints so we may insure that you have all that you need in your plans.” Irvan calmly reassures as he watches the Heiress smile faintly.

“Very well, have you prepared the items I requested in my last missive to you?” Ariana asks while the accountant pulls from his desk, a set of crystals.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:05 am
Soulkana says...

Part 3- 1,032

“I did acquire the majority of the items listed. However, some can only be bought by you, Heiress. I have revised the list to what is still needed.” Master Irvan explains as he finally motions her to take the small dagger he holds out for her.

Letting out a worn sigh at the familiar ceremonial dagger she now holds, Ariana carefully slices both her palms with relative ease. The faint cuts ooze enough blood for the test and seal shut almost seconds afterwards. Carefully placing them on the crystals, she channels her magic just as the first drop falls onto the testing gems. A sharp, dull pain slips into her mind as her magic is sucked away and into the test, draining at an almost rapid pace.

Several long minutes pass and Master Irvan frowns with worry. He could sense the young heiress beginning to lose far too much of her magic and he didn’t understand why. Just as he debates stepping into to halt the test before it became too dangerous, her magic breaks free. Ariana dazedly slumps to the floor, knees unable to support her weight as her magic flickers weakly around her before fading with a small wisp of chilly air.

Stepping around his desk, the vampire carefully helped his client to her chair as the crystals worked to change. Handing over a potion for her loss of blood and her magic, Irvan turns to interpret the tablets that now glow a beautiful, enchanting blue-white that reminds the two occupants of winter.

Ariana sighs with relief as the potion begins to work quickly and she finally had the energy to ask, “Why did it take so much? It didn’t before when I was a child and had to verify my right to Mother’s heritage.”

“I’m unsure as of yet. But here is the results from your bloodline test.” Irvan calmly hands over the tablet while he pursues the second one with a frown as he notices the length of translation needed. Ariana carefully holds the tablet and frowns in concern.

Eyes flickering over the words, she nearly drops the fragile tablet when she reaches the end. Blood draining from her face, she shakily rereads and sways lightly in her chair as shock swells through her.

“There’s no mistake in this test?” She whispers, voice frail and hinting fear.

“None, magic and blood seal themselves inside the tablet. It would not be able to falsify your identity.” Irvan calmly reassures, unknowingly causing the opposite.

Taking in short, gasping breaths, Ariana pulls from her jacket, a sealed box. Allowing it to resume its full size, it reveals to be a locked safe, bound by beautiful blue and crimson runes that flutter softly online the metal. Shoving the tablet quickly inside, Ariana sharply commands, eyes turning daggers, “You will not reveal that I was here or what my results were.”

“Absolutely. There are no taints to your magic. You may take your leave to explore your vaults before finishing your shopping. I do have the passage for the Magister Exam as you requested. They depart from the docks here tomorrow at dawn. Please be sure to arrive by then, Madam Ravenwood.” Irvan smiles as the young teen nods before stiffly exiting, her mind drifting back to the unsuspecting lines of the tablet that had not been there several years prior.

Glancing down at the list in her hand, Ariana stubbornly forces the tablet’s lines into the very back of her mind. She needed to insure she had everything before taking the most lethal and rewarding exams in their two worlds. Twisting into a nearby food shop, Ariana smiles faintly at the fresh smells of the bakery. It has always been her favorite shop and she carefully found in the trunk provided by her accountant, the storage box needed.

“Oh Ariana, you’ve come back so soon after school ended?” The kindly, rounded woman asked as she spots the flaming red hair when she steps out from the kitchen.

“I could never resist your baked good, Roza.” Ariana grins faintly as she settles down on the chair, still woozy from the drain.

“What can I help you with?” Roza grins as she spots the storage box.

“I’ll be traveling for the next several months. I need food in case there isn’t any around as I move.” Ariana calmly explains, while patting the box in front of her, “This storage box will keep anything inside stuck at the storage it was in until taken out. It won’t go bad so long as the food was fine when placed. I need you to fill it for me.”

A wicked gleam enters the woman’s eyes before she turns her sign to close. With a grin, she rummages through her inventory before asking, “Anything you don’t want? And how long do I have to prepare?”

Ariana tiredly slumps over the table before answering, “Anything is fine and my ship departs at dawn.”

With understanding nods, Roza shuffles around the store for a few before plopping down on her table, a plate full of fruit filled muffins and a large plate of various sandwiches. Patting the young teens head with a tiny smirk, Roza states, “Eat and drink while I pack it up. Tell me all about your school year, Ari. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you.”

With a soft laugh at her camaraderie despite being out of school for so many years, Ariana slips into the ease of chatting with an old friend. As the sun begins to dip into the horizon, Ariana munches her way through the plate and glasses of freshly squeezed juice along with her chatter of all the happenings around the school that past few years. It is not long before the storage box lies full to the brim and the plates empty as they finally end their chats.

And so with a final wave of farewell, Ariana pulls out her bag to replace the now shrunken box. Slipping back onto the now deserted streets, she heads towards the docks, determined to start the next chapter of her journey, even if she didn’t have her friends as close as she wishes.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:01 am
Soulkana says...

Chapter 2 Part 1

Nano Chapter 1

Mist filled the predawn skies, clouding the sea harbor in its thick hold While smothering the breathes of the two lone beings standing on the dock. The wood creaked with each step, even for the silent, talented gait of the tallest figure as he made his way towards the other, admiring the sun from beside a stack of crates. The sun casted a rare, golden hue that spoke of winters approach as the girl turned and gave the other a thin, but near untraceable smile.

"You'll catch a cold wearing such thin clothing so close to winters grasp." The male teen cautioned as he wrapped his cloak around the bare shoulders of the female, voice betraying just a slimmer of the private amusement shared between them.

Slim, elegant fingers tucked the cloak around her and a pair of bewitching golden eyes flickered with gratitude as the teen spoke.

"It has been awhile, Aydan." Even her voice could not hide the truth of her noble upbrim completely, showing itself in the soft-spoken yet powerful air that rolled off her in waves.

Unperturbed by the familiarity used nor the childhood nickname the late teen used to address him, he allowed himself to take in the changes in his companion since they were children. She had of course grown like all humans did, but she still remained rather small compared to some teens her age. Dark circles under her eyes, the grip she held over a dagger in her skirt folds along with the visible muscle tension that spoke of unwavering guard, she still looked as enchanting to him as the first time he laid eyes on her in that place.

"Iza, why have you come? To this place of things?" He asked, ice blue eyes narrowed as he calculated the probability of him being able to take away the stress.

"I must become strong, Ay." Her melodious tone turned slightly cold, eyes. Arriving before she offered a shallow, but frigid promise that only he could hear, "I shall protect what's mine. "

Even though he couldn't bring himself to speak the words outloud, he silently agreed to her vow down to his very soul. She held the only piece of himself left unshattered by his sibling's actions the previous month that sent him on this journey.

Ariana peers quietly at her oldest and dearest friend. He is like her, haunted and broken in new ways. Even without the knowledge of each other's true names, as a unspoken line they drew at four years old, she worries over the gaunt looking face and the dull glimmer in his once vibrant eyes. It isn't the same and his letters hadn't reflected the rapid change as fully as looking upon his figure did.

"And you? Why are you taking the exam?" She knew he didn't have to and that his family would be enough to cover any sort of expenses he wanted so it was odd in a way.

A bitter smile stretches across his face and his tone as he responded, "Something happened at home. I figured I would give it a shot."

"It's still awhile before dawn and the ship departs. I saw a cafe open all day if you'd like to go eat before we leave." Ariana offers, praying silently that he would accept her offer.

"The Izabelle Cafe?" He questions as they headed off towards the port town and off the rickety old dock.

"Yes, it looks like a cozy little shop that isn't too in the way of crowds." Ariana hated crowds and the shifting eyes of her friend told her he had developed that habit as well.

"How are your siblings? Is Momo getting better with her speed?" Ariana attempted to soothe his frayed nerves as a large group of exam participants filed past as they were headed to turn onto the street with the small shop.

"She was getting faster when I left. I'm not sure how well she's doing now." He quietly explains even as he falters slightly at the doorway, face paling.

She carefully take hold of his hand and maneuvered him into the far corner seat. Ariana knew intimately the pressure and seeming random flashbacks could arise unexpectedly. Waving off the waiter as he takes a shallow then deep breath.

As he straightens in the seat, she could see his barriers slipping back into place as he recovers. He takes hold of the menu as if it would shield him and she wisely didn't prove as she followed.

"Family isn't a good topic, Iza." Aydan diverts around to ask her, "Did you have a good term at the Academy this year?"

Ariana stifled the wince the best she could but her companions eyes narrow instantly. With a sigh, Ariana lightly sips at the water served to them as she finally replies with a cynical laugh, "Land mines for topics. School was not good."

They fall into a halted silence as they put in their orders and pondered what topics respectively were safe to tread. The waiter smiles friendly and alerts them it would be ten minutes as they had to prepare the majority fresh and neither cared much for the time taken.

"Did you reach a breakthrough on your barrier?" Aydan hedges with a glance to the book she had pulled out to work through.

Ariana smiles broadly at the mention of her research despite the sinking dread that snakes around her heart. Her backpack felt heavy where the tablet from the bank rested securely.

"It was hard to find because the book was outlawed for being blood magic. However, I owned a copy in my family vaults. While I won't be able to take complete reign until next month, I was able to pull several books from our archives that could help me perfect it."

Aydan laughs softly as she pulls from the book a leaf of an old pressed flower Ariana remembers his sister, Momo had gifted her a few years back. The beautiful ice blue hue of the foreign flower matched the two siblings and their father's eyes to a match. It had become her favorite marker and she did everything possible to preserve it.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

Surround yourself with people who are serious about being writers, and who will tell you, ‘Hey—you can do better than this.’ Who will be critical of your work, but also supportive. And who will not be competitive in a negative way.
— Isabel Quintero