
Young Writers Society

Lia Ann Writing Thread... thingie

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Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:29 am
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JoyDark says...


Here's the thing. I have a good amount of ideas. I really, really like coming up with ideas. Fleshing out worlds, creating characters... all that good stuff. But I have a hard time actually getting things started. Once I start writing, I get bored. Snap! Just like that, I have no more passion for the project. So I store stuff in my head.

The bad part about that is that things get very, very cluttered. I have ideas, but I'm afraid of losing them. So ta-da! Now I have a place to put them. And bonus points, other people and go ahead and tell me what they think.

So here's a list of what I have so far. Here we go. Please keep in mind that the titles are not the actual titles. They're just things I'm putting the ideas under. They're bad and not what I want the titles to be.

Possession By Marbles

I have a thread for the world building at this link: https://www.youngwriterssociety.com/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=111539

But that's not the whole story. The basic premise is in that link, but in case you don't want to go there: we are not the first evolved humans. This is the second time humans have evolved. The last civilization of humans was destroyed in a whole-out world war, killing everyone and essentially starting evolution over. When all these humans died, though, all their souls (through means I'm not sure about) were turned into marble-like things and forced to stay on Earth for millions of years. There are huge stores of these soul-marbles under the ground, just sitting there, waiting for someone to find them. And when a girl named Casey does find them, along with a strange necklace she can put the marbles into, well... the title says what happens.

Long story short, Casey takes five marbles and, through the necklace, they are each able to possess Casey's body, one at a time. And then they have to stop another marble possessing a guy who's looking for Casey, because she knows where that huge store of marbles is.

High School Into Hell

Essentially, a high-school girl moves into a small town with only one high school and only two middle schools. It's a small town. The high school, though, has a perk: if you attend it, you get superpowers! That's right, all the students seem to get individual powers from the school's very walls, powers that only get stronger as the school year goes on. Our main girl (let's call her Daisy) gets the power of summoning thorny butterflies which she can command and eavesdrop with.

But these powers aren't what they seem. One boy, a troublemaker who's stayed at the school over the summer for summer school, has experienced a major personality change and has been acting strange with his powers. And the principal of the school, a man that never seems to leave the building, has taken a very strong liking to Daisy, making her stay after hours just to help him clean up and hang out. While doing this, Daisy begins to realize the teachers, who also stay at the school for long periods of time, act odd, and even seem to look weird. And as she stays longer and longer, her powers grow stronger, but Daisy also begins to feel... off. As if something else is trying to come into her mind, affecting how she acts and feels.

The story? The high school is right next to a thin border between our world and a world of demons/monsters. These demons want to leave where they are and live new lives on our world, so they slow transfer themselves into human hosts. First, they transfer their powers, then their personalities, then finally their monstrous bodies. The more time you spend at the school, the more you use your powers the more the demons' conscious leaks through. The principal and most of the teachers have already been completely taken over. And why is Daisy getting such special treatment? Well, because the principal/demon recognizes the power Daisy gets as his demon daughter's power, and realizes she's finally crossing over. So he's making it go faster by keeping Daisy at the school more often.

Superhero Universe 1

I like superheroes. So I made a system of superheroes. This system is that people with powers exist. These people can join the International League of Superheroes [working title] and get paid to work as a superhero by the governments of different countries. Each superhero gets a region. For example, maybe one superhero gets this city and this nearby town. Sometimes a territory gets more than one hero if it's packed with crime.

The two main characters in this story are Violet Amber Larson and Riley McLean. Violet has no idea who she is, except that she has pink hair, she has superpowers and she apparently has a twin sister and single father, Alexis Scarlett Larson. Apparently one day Violet ran away from home and went missing for almost a year. She has to re-integrate into life while trying to figure out what happened to her, because apparently she didn't have superpowers before she went missing.

Riley is a regular girl with jet black hair and near-black eyes, and she's adopted. She begins to look into what her family might have been before she was adopted, at the same time that people with strange powers who look a lot like Riley begin to ransack the city she lives in (the same city Violet lives in). Riley begins to try and track down these people, revealing a whole new side to how the International League of Superheroes really is.

Superhero Universe 2

You guys know DC Comics? The whole shebang of all those superheroes? Well, I'm trying to make a world of superheroes like that. I've got Nightwalker, a non-superpowered guy in Texas trying to stop crime because his police department (where he's a forensic scientist in the daytime) is corrupt. I've got a shape-shifting female half-alien superhero whose name I haven't decided, who stops crime in New York City. Then I've got Steelfist, a female teenager whose forearms were blown off in an explosion and replaced by cybernetic prosthetics by a high-tech company in the Philippines... a company with secretly not-exactly-morally-good plans.

And I've got two more upper-teenage girl superheroes: the Blue Blade and Color Witch. The Blue Blade got her powers on accident. In another dimension a group of scientists decided to experiment on other worlds by creating superheroes in them. They did this by pumping energy (blue-colored, because I can) into random people on some select dimensions of Earth. One guy did a miscalculation, though, and accidentally gave some of this energy to who would eventually become the Blue Blade, giving her superpowers. They aren't at full capacity because not all the energy allotted went into her, but she still has some super-strength, speed, and jumping ability, as well as the ability to generate blue energy she can shape into solid objects, including weapons (that she has to have seen before). At the first time she uses her powers, this drains a lot of stamina, and it still isn't something she can do for extremely long. Each time she uses her powers, her eyes turn neon blue.

Color Witch was the former member of a cult called the Church of Colo. It was a cult that brought in orphans (all females, because FEMINISM) and others and taught them how to manipulate color through magic. Through this magic (which can be learned) color can be manipulated as if it was an actual substance, albeit two-dimensional. Color is used to affect appearance, as well as (with deep concentration) to create visual illusions. If color is stripped away from an object, it can also be turned clear or invisible, which is very useful. Each member of the cult carried a brightly colored umbrella as a shield and a source of color. The cult worships Colo, the so-called goddess of color, who is made of color itself. Color Witch was adopted into the cult as a small child on the streets and was trained in all these arts. She got very skilled at illusion-making and was the best out of all other church trainees. Because of this, at the age of 18 the leaders of the cult welcomed Color Witch into their inner circle, where they revealed that they gave sacrifices to Colo. They did this by taking random, innocent people's "living color," or the color of their souls, essentially draining them of energy and leaving these people soulless. This living color was then fed to Colo, which kept the "goddess of color" alive. Horrified by this, Color Witch ran away from the cult, which tried to track her down after she left. Teaming up with Blade Blade, Color Witch will eventually shut down the cult she formerly called home.

And then there's Extra Boy (this name is still pending). Extra Boy's secret identity (the only one I've definitely have for any of these characters) is Aaron Jones. He is called Extra Boy because he used to be just one of those background characters in a comic, one of the bystanders that doesn't have any personality and is just there to gape at the heroes doing heroic stuff. Aaron was injured in the head during one of Color Witch's/Blue Blade's fights, and to heal doctors had to do brain surgery on him. This brain surgery had an unexpected effect: Aaron now had a greatly expanded awareness, more than enough to realize he was in a comic book (hopefully a comic book, I want this to be), that there was an author to his life, and that each one of his movements was being framed by little boxes. Deeming himself Extra Boy (because he was just like an extra in a movie, only not anymore) he is going to try and team up with Color Witch and Blue Blade and gain plot armor, as well as try and find a way out of the comic he knows he's in. Because of his enhanced awareness, he can crawl into the white space of comics or break through it, can travel back and forth between panels (essentially travelling back and forth in time) and communicate directly with the author, as well as make a variety of references. He's like Deadpool, if Deadpool was an eager young teen who's genuinely a nice person.

Oh, and I've got villain ideas too! I've got Pansy. (She's a crazy one.) I've got Doctor Apocalypse. I've got that shifty organization that gave Steelfist her new arms. I've got a terrorist group going after that organization's technology. I've got the Church of Colo. I've got a Texas politician who wants America to take over the world, and he has all the right people in all the right places to do it. And let's not forget about the people in the alternate dimension that accidentally gave Blue Blade her powers. Because I don't know what they want, but they're watching Blue Blade now. And maybe they'll want to throw a few variables into their oddball experiment.

I have more ideas, but this is long enough already, so I'll just leave it at this for now. I'll update later!
Last edited by JoyDark on Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

i actually made a post
pretty radical if you ask me

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Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:31 am
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KateHardy says...

Those superheroes all sound really cool!!
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

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Sun May 09, 2021 2:21 pm
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JoyDark says...

So I’ve come up with three fantasy schools... generally speaking. One is a school for Elementalists. One is a school for the unnaturally gifted... or in this case, cursed. And one is for those willing to learn modern magic through playing cards. Each is in their own universe. I don’t have a lot spelled out, but I have some ideas!

Gold Spade Magic Academy

In a world where magic is commonplace and humans naturally generate magical energy, two main practices of channeling magical energy dominate. The first, traditional magic, relies of spoken words and symbols, in which magical energy is dispelled in short bursts commonly called spells. It was the first way mankind discovered to channel magical energy in a controlled, regulated, useful manner. Today, it is still practiced by traditionalists, but because of the complexity of the traditional magic language, and the emergence of modern magic, traditional magic is steadily, slowly, at risk of becoming obsolete.

The second practice is modern magic, discovered about a century ago. Magic users found a way to channel magical energy in a controlled manner through using items as vessels for their magical energy to pass through. These items could be anything, but they must develop a bond with their respective magic user, either through time spent with the object, emotional attachment, or usage, or a combination of the three. Once bonded, and with enough practice, a human can channel the magic they naturally generate into the object they bond with (commonly called a vessel), focusing their magic through the object to create tangible magic. Modern magic, though more personalized and less regulated than traditional magic, can be much easier to learn and practice than its traditional counterpart, drawing more people towards practicing it. It is certainly the main form of magic practiced today, and many schools have been founded on the premise of teaching modern magic to youngsters.

Gold Space Magic Academy (GSMA) is one such school. A boarding school, students who apply can learn to practice modern magic by each bonding with a deck of cards and developing their own brand of magic to practice through them. GSMA primarily focuses on practical and offensive/defense uses for magic. I have some OCs, little semblance of a plot, and a lot more worldbuilding ahead of me.

I’ll fill in the rest of the schools later!

i actually made a post
pretty radical if you ask me

So verily with the hardship, there is a relief, verily with the hardship, there is a relief.
— Quran Ch 94:5-6