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What happens after death?

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:02 am
Gwenevire says...

I always think of what will come after death... Another life? Heaven/Hell?
Or just... darkness.
I just can't imagine on how you learn everything and then just loose it all and die.
I know its the cycle of life... But it just makes me think. What happens after death?
No one really thinks about thinks like this. But of coarse I am weird, so obviously I am going to think about it! I have many theories.
1. Once you die you come back in a new life. You have different likes and dislikes etc. You would not remember a thing from your past life(s). You could come back as an animal or even a plant. Or part of the earth.
2. You go into complete darkness and just never think of anything at all. You are completely unconscious of anything.
3. You go to heaven or hell. (I don't feel strongly about this one.)
(More coming soon)
I wonder but I don't want to know. It will be another grate joy or life (or should I say death) to find out. I just think it is interesting to think about. I know many religions have different theories about death. Like the Egyptians believed in the afterlife and Christians believe in heaven and hell etc.
Life is full of mysteries and its not always good to know everything. But you know wisdom begins in wonder...
If you have any thoughts or theories about death and the afterlife please feel free to PM them to me or share them with all of us here! Its always good to express your thoughts and beliefs. I will except everything and not make any comments because I do not wish to offend you. I will give tips and other little helpful thoughts of my own to your theories. But that does not mean you have to use them. I will come up with more of my own over time. But currently I have to leave. So please enjoy and you are welcome to use any of my ideas to build up to your own.

~ Gwen

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:56 am
scotty.knows says...

Well, because I am a non-conformist-rebel-Christian (meaning I'm a Jesus-follower who's not afraid to swear, beat people up, or talk to girls) I'd have to say I believe in the heaven/hell option.

Now that's not as boring as it sounds, there's a lot of debate over the nature of heaven and hell. What has been suggested, and what I tend to think, is that hell is not the way most people imagine it.

Typical vision of hell: You go to hell because you weren't on Saint Peters list and you sit in a pot of boiling water being jabbed by a red man with horns for eternity.

I think that that's a load of bull. I have no idea about what hell is like other than that it will suck. I've heard some people who say that they think hell is an apocalyptic wasteland like in Mad Max where monsters run around and try to kill you the whole time.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's whatever the person who's going there thinks it will be like. For example, for the atheists who don't believe there's any God and that they'll just die, I think they die and then that happens. They are placed into eternal nothingness.

Now I know that I sound like a total jerk for saying that, and that no-one will critique anything I post ever again, but that's honestly what I think. Fortunately, hell is easy to avoid.

Now on a lighter note...

I think heaven will be a lot like earth but that no bad things happen.

Now, that notion actually turns me off, because I'm a thrill-seeker. I wouldn't like the absence of danger and life-threatening situations. But because I'm that way, I know there will be something better than experiencing the thrill of bungee-jumping, or skydiving, or cliff-diving/climbing, or making bombs. Maybe heaven is like experiencing all of the funnest things you've ever done- or haven't been able to- over and over.

It'd be pretty fun too because I'll get to talk to most of the cool people in history too.

Even if there isn't any danger or adrenaline in heaven, it sure beats the alternative.

So, that's my opinion. I know it sounds boring. If I had to pick something else, I'd probably pick reincarnation. I've always thought that seemed like a pretty good idea.

Is it Hinduism that believes we come back as insects if we're bad and important people if we're good?

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:13 am
Sureal says...

I'd imagine that with the destruction of the brain - the thing that contains who and what we are - we would simply cease to exist. Why should we presume that we can survive our own death?

Kind of depressing really. When thinking about death, it's one of those things that makes me wish I was religious - it must be nice to believe in an Afterlife.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:31 am
Gadi. says...

I hate that idea.

Like, it always comes to me once or twice a day--maybe thrice or more on really bad days--and I get depressed. It's just the notion that one day, everything will be blackness and... well... here I go again. It's not depression, but it's stress that tugs down on your stomach, you know? Personally--no heaven or hell. Just blackness.

I have a really good friend who thinks that whatever you think will happen will happen. She believes in reincarnation (and she is fully American, too) so she shouldn't be talking really.

It's a selfish action to be afraid of death, really, but that's us humans. I mean, it's one of the most negative thoughts you could think of, but you just can't stop. It terrifies me, but it's selfish of me to be terrified of it.

Ah. Anyway....
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:34 am
Gadi. says...

Oh, and by the way-- everybody thinks about what happens after death.


But it's uplifting to know that you won't be the only one dead


Which proves the idea that fearing death is selfish, as was my remark above.


my world isn't only beautiful
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:35 pm
Gwenevire says...

Wow. I see... you guys have very interesting opinions about death and stuff. Thank you for posting. It made me think more. So I have a question...

What is does nothing look like?

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:23 pm
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scotty.knows says...

If I had to guess, I'd say that nothing looks like dark, inky blackness. That's original, isn't it?

Some people- like blind people who once were able to see- say that nothingness looks like a little like a fuzzy TV screen.

On the other hand, nothing might be white, since that really is the state of nothing. Black is a something, after all. White is the absence of something so white might actually be closer to the essence of nothing...

That's a tricky question.

As for the individual several posts above me who said that our minds die and that we must therefore "fade to black"...

Our minds/brains are full of energy expressed most strongly as a electromagnetic field. This EM field gives us our sense of direction, by interacting with iron deposits in our nose -no crap.

When we die, I must wonder, where does this pent up energy go? If you have ever watched the TV shows where they scan dying people for their EM pulses- don't take that as a brag- you'll know that a dead person's EM field just disappears.

If our souls/minds really just shut down at death, the field would fade away, and yet the EM field just vanishes, unlike anything else. The energy has to go somewhere. Since dead people don't heat up, I think it leaves this earth, unless it stays behind. Don't get me started on my ghost theories.

I think the EM field goes to be with the LORD, they say the EM field dissipates into nothingness. My choice is happy, at least.

Now I'm starting to sound like the guys on Amazon.com's Religion & Faith boards. Don't let this thread turn into a debate on the existence of God. This is just my take on things.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:29 pm
Gwenevire says...

That is very reasonable! I think that is pretty good. Thank you for sharing. I like to think about these things... Its interesting and fun.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:48 pm
Sureal says...

No, nothingness is not blackness, because blackness is a Thing. Nothingness is the colour just outside of view, the bit to the left and right of your eyesight, above and below and behind it. Nothingness is the state of mind you held before you were born. Nothingness is not to know, not to feel, but also not to miss. Nothingness is quite simply, nothing.

As for the individual several posts above me who said that our minds die and that we must therefore "fade to black"...

Our minds/brains are full of energy expressed most strongly as a electromagnetic field. This EM field gives us our sense of direction, by interacting with iron deposits in our nose -no crap.

When we die, I must wonder, where does this pent up energy go? If you have ever watched the TV shows where they scan dying people for their EM pulses- don't take that as a brag- you'll know that a dead person's EM field just disappears.

If our souls/minds really just shut down at death, the field would fade away, and yet the EM field just vanishes, unlike anything else. The energy has to go somewhere. Since dead people don't heat up, I think it leaves this earth, unless it stays behind. Don't get me started on my ghost theories.

I think the EM field goes to be with the LORD, they say the EM field dissipates into nothingness. My choice is happy, at least.

When I unplug my television, the electricity 'dissapears' from it too. Does that mean it's gone to Heaven?
Last edited by Sureal on Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:54 pm
Twit says...

Fortunately, hell is easy to avoid. - Yeah, right.

Now on a lighter note...

I think heaven will be a lot like earth but that no bad things happen.

Now, that notion actually turns me off, because I'm a thrill-seeker. I wouldn't like the absence of danger and life-threatening situations. But because I'm that way, I know there will be something better than experiencing the thrill of bungee-jumping, or skydiving, or cliff-diving/climbing, or making bombs. Maybe heaven is like experiencing all of the funnest things you've ever done- or haven't been able to- over and over. - Uh, right. It's not like there's "danger" and all in Hell. It's misery and torment.

It'd be pretty fun too because I'll get to talk to most of the cool people in history too. - Most of the cool people in history will most likely not be in heaven.
Last edited by Twit on Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:54 pm
Gadi. says...

What's the worth of talking of about it if you're never going to know?

Just wondering.
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:57 pm
Sureal says...

Well, obviously we will know one day...

Unless I'm right, in which case yes, we'll never know, because we'll cease to exist upon our death, and thus cannot 'know' anything.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:00 am
Gwenevire says...

Actually you will not know because you will be dead and unconscious.

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Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:03 am
Via says...

I would like to think we are reincarnated, that would be awesome. But really I think we just die, and there is nothing after it. We are the same as all other living things, and sadly thats what my opinion is of all of us lol.
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Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:21 am
scotty.knows says...

I knew people would jump all over me if I shared my opinion. I thought this was a thread to share your opinions, not shoot down other people's. Try not to take anything I said too personally.

But as long as people are going to tell me that I'm wrong...

Just for the record, Sureal, your television does not generate an EM pulse from within itself. Second, your TV cannot think neither does it have a soul. I liked your comment because it was a clever wise-crack, but I didn't mean to insult you, I was just saying I thought you were wrong.

Now to chew out Twit...

I think hell is quite easy to avoid. I'm not a Mormon or a Muslim. Works don't get you into heaven, faith does. Faith takes zero effort, for me at least. Secondly, I think hell will suck and your comment was kind of random. Hell isn't dangerous because there isn't a threat of death. Lastly, I should have said "a lot" instead of "most of the". Most of the cool people from history will be downstairs. You got me there.

:smt091 *rant*

Really people, I'm not trying to make anyone mad.

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