
Young Writers Society

YWS Social Week

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Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:45 am
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Carina says...


Question of the day: is YWS a social media website? I'll let you chew on that one, but whatever the answer, we can all agree on one thing: YWS is a community! We may have all stumbled on to YWS to share our writing, but we often stay for the community.

Social Week will celebrate exactly that: our community. So what does this mean?

During the week of February 13th through 19th, there will be a new prompt that will encourage conversation, discussion, poetry, silliness, chaos, and more!


For Social Week, we are celebrating the community on site! Additionally, your YWS Poetry Crew is inviting everyone to participate in a friendly challenge; sharing joy and good cheer with ~Poetry~! A poem is a lovely gift to receive and can certainly brighten up someone's day, so we really hope you all take the time to participate some time this week and spread some joy!

    Here's how it works:

Each prompt will be introduced at the start of each day in this thread and in wall posts. Participation is easy: simply follow the prompt or challenge to get involved! It will involve posting on other's walls, but it may also include other sections of the site. Prompts include the following:

  • Wall Post Prompt: use hashtag #socialweek
  • Poetry Prompt: use hashtag #friendshippoems
  • Site Challenge

We ask that you include the hashtags so that we can link all that kindness together. Feel free to share as many wall posts as you'd like (without spamming people's walls). Let's fill the site with poetry, kindness, and fun! If you'd rather share a different type of poem on a friend's wall, that's okay too! These are just to get you started.

Check back in here if you have any questions. Make sure you subscribe to this thread to see the daily updates!

In the meantime, here are some links to prepare yourself:

Heads up: if you get reported over in the Report a Good Poeter Page, you may just receive an extra poem yourself! :)
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:47 am
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Carina says...


Day 1: February 13th

Welcome to the first day of Social Week! Here are three prompts to start off the week:

  • Wall: Post a #interviewme status on your wall, and then comment questions on other people's statuses! If you wish to have the question lead to a discussion, then post the question on their wall (rather than status) instead! Don't forget to include the hashtag #socialweek.
  • Challenge: Your challenge today is to respond to as many #interviewme wall posts as possible. Stranger or friend, it doesn't matter—ask away!
  • Poetry: Let's start out with short friendship poem prompt! Write a haiku for someone based on something you know they like. Is it trees? Puppies? Kittens? Write a haiku and leave it on their wall including the hashtag #friendshippoems. (A haiku is made up of lines that are 5, 7. 5 syllables -> If you need a bit of help counting the syllables for your haiku syllable counter has got your back!)
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:52 am
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Carina says...


Day 2: February 14th

Welcome to day two of Social Week! Hope the first day was lots of fun. Here are three prompts for ya:

  • Wall: Post two truths and a lie (with hashtag #2truths1lie) as your status. Others can guess in the comment, but to encourage discussion, you are free to also post your guess on the person's wall! It is also encouraged to play this game one-on-one through wall posts. Don't forget to include the hashtag #socialweek.
  • Challenge: Ever wanted to say hi to someone, but you haven't gotten the chance to do so? Your challenge today is to talk to someone you've never talked to before! If you don't know what to say, feel free to break the ice with two truths and a lie.
  • Poetry: A name can really tell you a lot about a person... like... their name. Names are neat! Usernames are also neat! Find a friend and write a poem with words that rhyme with their username. Leave your lovely poem on their wall with the hashtag #friendshippoems. (Rhyming KB Resources: Rhyme all the time or Secret Treasures of Poetic Devices )
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:51 am
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Carina says...


Day 3: February 15th

Welcome back! Today, we'll increase the wholesome level by a hundred:

  • Wall: Travel to walls and release all the compliments you have! The more people and compliments you share, the better. It's all in the name of Social Week and spreading smiles! Make sure to include hashtag #socialweek.
  • Challenge: Do you admire someone's writing skills? Your challenge today is to read someone's work and leave a comment on their wall to gush about their writing skills. Include hashtag #socialweek. It could be something from their portfolio, roleplays, poems from their wall, and more—as long as they've written it, it's fair game. If someone does this to you, make sure to return the favor! You are also welcome to leave literary comments if you'd prefer to do that.
  • Poetry: We're going full-out cheesy today! Write an acrostic for a friend based on the word "friend" or their username. When you share it, don't forget to use the hashtag #friendshippoems! (An acrostic is where the first word of every line is part of a larger word example acrostic by @Rydia)
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:47 am
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Carina says...


Day 4: February 16th

And we're back! Let's make things ~interesting~ today:

  • Wall: Let's play truth or dare! To participate, set your status up with hashtags #truthordare and #socialweek. Commenters can post a truth or a dare for you to choose from, or they can comment those options on your wall. (Remember to keep this only within YWS, and all site rules apply.)
  • Challenge: Did you know the YWS just underwent a big roleplay revamp? Your challenge today will involve the community aspect of roleplaying. Do at least one of the three bullet points:
    • Post in the Roleplay Welcome Mat, if you haven't already.
    • Start a casual conversation in an OOC thread of a roleplay you are involved in.
    • Join a roleplay that is accepting participants.
  • Poetry: Your prompt today is to go to a friend's wall and write a poem inspired by some part (or all) of their profile design - consider their avatar, banner, background, or general aesthetics! Post it on their wall with the hashtag #friendshippoems!
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:44 am
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Carina says...


Day 5: February 17th

Welcome back! Hopefully you've been enjoying the event so far. Here are today's three prompts:

  • Wall: Leave a gift on walls! It can be absolutely anything, but here are some ideas: compliments, gifs, music recommendations, poems, art, etc. Make sure to include the hashtag #socialweek so we can all see the beautiful gifts you put together!
  • Challenge: Old works need love too! Your challenge today is to go through your friends' works and leave a review (or literary comment). Bonus points if you do this to people you admire, or wish to know. After all, talking about writing is an easy way to spark a conversation in a writing website!
  • Poetry: Your mission today is to venture into walls and write a poem using a ship / boat metaphor to talk about friendship... like a friendship! Make sure to use the #friendshippoems hashtag!
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:53 am
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Carina says...


Day 6: February 18th

Ack, Social Week is almost over! Don't be too sad - let's spread some cheer with these three prompts:

  • Wall: Make someone laugh! In your wall and others, you can post a joke, share a meme, be silly, and more—as long as you're spreading smiles.
  • Challenge: Today's challenge is go on a liking spree! Like every post "under all members" and travel to other people's walls and smash that starry like button on every post you see!
  • Poetry: Find someone on YWS whose writing you admire! Today your prompt is to write a poem inspired by something they wrote and leave it on their wall with the hashtag #friendshippoems - be sure to let them know which work you were inspired by! <3
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:55 am
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Carina says...


Day 7: February 19th

What?! It's the last day? Social Week may be coming to an end, but I hope you made meaningful friendships and connections through this event. <3

  • Wall: As your status, share the highlights of Social Week. Then go to other's walls and post how they made you smile this week. Use hashtag #socialweek
  • Challenge: PARTY TIME! Whenever you have time, join in the official Social Week pad for a 24-hour write-in party that will last until the end of the event. Also, don't forget to wrap up your Report A Good Poeter and Report A Nice Wall Post!
  • Poetry: Thanks for writing with us this week! Hopefully you enjoyed sharing (and maybe even receiving) some poetry! Today we're asking you to share a poem on your wall, here's the catch though, you must write it with a friend!! Don't forget to use our hashtag #friendshippoems.
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

"While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."
— Albus Dumbledore