
Young Writers Society

Writing frustrations

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:01 am
AWritersFantasy says...

See...I KNOW that I do not HAVE to have a title before starting a story.

I just like to have one when I start it all ready, especially when I go to post it places. o.O And it'd mean not having to deal with it down the road.

So, I'm stuck. Here are some that some generators came up with:

The Edge of the Blade
The Seventh Dragon
Whispering Darkness
The Soaring's Magic (...I'd replace "soaring" with another word)
Flames of Sword
Shadows of Shard
The Twilight of the Swords
Emerald Sword
Magic and Illusion
Desert of the Shining Stone (again, "shining" would probably get replaced)

...of course, not having any ideas for a story doesn't really help me. Other than that one prompt I came up with where two people are dueling and they act like they're enemies but it turns out that they're friends, and then at the end of the story they're actually enemies...but I don't really know how to go about starting that one.

So...if I were to use that idea, does anyone have any ideas for how I could start the story off, and a title for it? Basically, an idea for the first sentence. o.O The main character would be female, only because I'm the best at writing female characters.

I think another thing that's making it hard for me to write anything is that for whatever reason there's something in the back of my head being all "RAWR NO CLICH'E STUFF!"So how do I get past that?

One person at my friends list on LJ suggested using the title The Edge of the Blade and using the prompt idea I talked about above. Problem is, right now it sounds like, to me, a short story rather than something that could ultimately be a novel/series. So I guess what I see it as at the moment is that it's just one element/part of the plot, and I need a bigger part of a plot for it to be a part of...does that make any sense?

I hate writer's block. o___o Well, not so much block right now, but just...stuff that keeps me from writing because of cliche or not having more ideas or whatever.

Edit: just realized that this might go better in writing activities rather than writing tips? o.O I dunno. Move it if needed, either way.

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:07 am
Sam says...

Ah, join the Cool Title-less Misery Club. :wink: I can't write without a title, either, but...here are a few things to get you started.

- Come up with a pseudo-title. If your title is totally tame, like 'Beige' or something like that, then come up with its alter ego- describe your story. "The Conspiracy of Jane the Monkey" doesn't have to go on the cover, but it'll make you smile and get you in the mood to start.

- Avoid clichès in titles. Clichès set a precedent...a sort of 'If it doesn't sound exactly like where I've seen this clichè before, I'm going to pull my hair out.' Come up with something original- the 'Edge of the Blade', frankly, isn't very original. 'The One-Armed Swordsman' would definitely get attention.

What's more- if you're not crazy about your title, you won't be crazy about writing under it, either. Put your work aside for a short hiatus, and wait for the perfect title to come.
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Tue May 01, 2007 2:23 am
Wiggy says...

Sam, you're my hero.

And yes, that is all I have to say. *bows*
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