
Young Writers Society

Collective Nouns

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Gender: Male
Points: 1823
Reviews: 665
Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:29 am
deleted6 says...

We all have this trouble trying to decribe a group of something. Well this site may help us.

Here some examples

# An assembly of toys (-suggested by Brian French, brian.french@pwgsc.gc.ca-)
# An asylum of managers (-suggested by Rodney Jude, Rodney.Jude@tesco.net-)
# An atlas of maps (-submitted by David Bannister, db@antiquemaps.co.uk, from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)
# An attitude of teenagers (-suggested by RP4-)
# An audit of accountants (-suggested by Richard Blackwell, richard@planetsymphony.com-)
# An audit of bookkeepers (-suggested by Richard Blackwell, richard@planetsymphony.com-)
# An aurora of polar bears (-suggested by Marila Belcher, MARILAB@iadb.org-)
# An autumn of leaves (-suggested by RP4-)
# A babel of words (-suggested by Michael G. Pirrello, CHMM, pirre001@acpub.duke.edu-)
# A balance of accountants (-suggested by Dan Hubbard, hubbard@msmary.edu-)
# A bale of turtles
# A ballet of swans (-suggested by Diane L. Gottheiner, diane.gottheiner@sap-ag.de-)
# A band of gorillas
# A band of jays (-MG3-)
# A band of men (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A bank of circuits (-submitted by Jason Harris, harrij1@weiss.che.utexas.edu-)
# A bank of monitors (-submitted by Jason Harris, harrij1@weiss.che.utexas.edu-)
# A barren of mules (-MG3-)
# A battery of tests (-submitted by David Henderson, davidh@camelot.bradley.edu-)
# A beautification of spatulas (-suggested by jeff brown, brown-0007@eastplains.net-)
# A bed of clams (-MG3-)
# A bed of oysters (-MG3-)
# A bed of snakes (-CCW2-)
# A belt of asteroids (-submitted by Jason Harris, harrij1@weiss.che.utexas.edu-)
# A bend of willows (-suggested
# A membership of presbyterians (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A menage of mongrels (-suggested by Chris, Csv1026@aol.com-)
# A mess of grits (-submitted by Jason Harris, harrij1@weiss.che.utexas.edu-)
# A mess of little boys (-suggested by Joan Garinger, jgaringer@earthlink.net-)
# A mess of officers (-submitted by Marila Belcher, MARILAB@iadb.org-)
# A mess of pottage (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A mint of candies (-suggested by RP4-)
# A minuscule of sub-atomic particles (-suggested by Chet Meek, cmeek@city.grande-prairie.ab.ca-)
# A minyan of Jews (the quorum for a congregation, -submitted by David Rachlin, Rachlin1@ix.netcom.com-)
# A mixture of pharmacists (-suggested by Chet Meek, cmeek@city.grande-prairie.ab.ca-)
# A moan of lamentations (-suggested by RP4-)
# A mob of kangaroo (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A mob of Texans (-suggested by David Bannister, db@antiquemaps.co.uk-)
# A mug of narcissists (-suggested by RP4-)
# A multiplication of loafers (-suggested by RP4-)
# A murder of crows
# A murmur of alliterations (-suggested by RP4-)
# A murmer of nuns (as of their sound. -suggested by proman, proman@supanet.com-)
# A murmuration of starlings (-TR1-)
# A muscle of marines (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A muster of peacocks
# A muster of soldiers (-submitted by ojo6-)
# A muster of storks (-TR1-)
# A mustering of storks (-suggested
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

It takes as much imagination to create debt as to create income.
— Leandro Orr