
Young Writers Society

Pay all attention to my intro thread.

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:17 pm
CoreCorrection says...

Why, hello there.

I'm here for the sake of writing, and upon shear desperation of not receiving or having to give a response of "it was great!" and hope to better myself throughout writing. I do love both poetic and literal forms of writing, but prose is my strong point. For it's the only thing that I can manage to grasp fully. as the the connected descriptives metaphors through poetry sometimes manage to overthrow me. Although, I do love to try. :D

My favourite genre to write in is, predictably, fantasy. But I do love to stray into historical fiction, as well as dive into sections of romantic literature too. I think I have certain approximations over the fact that my pieces unintentionally contain a hidden moral, that does make it much easier to reflect on life. Although, now it sounds like I'm bragging. xP

So yeah...hey.
" I never really got the whole "critiquing writers" thing because, well, isn't it what the words mean that count, not the grammar? "

-- Stupidity.

This site's just an ego boost, I actually want to improve my writing. Later.

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:27 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

All newbies must obey the following rules (don't worry, there are only three main ones):

1- Review two works before posting any of your own. That helps spread reviews around. Plus, people are totally willing to return the favour. ;) It's asked you always keep that 2:1 ratio.

2- I think you'll be fine for following this rule, but I must tell you anyway. Here on YWS, we don't like to see chat-speak other then lol, brb, POV, MC and other such term abbreviations. But like I said, you should be fine. :D

3- Rated works are what we like to see! If your work is rated, and not rated R, then it'll show up on the main Index of YWS. You might even get more comments. ^_^ Rated R works have the f-word and/or graphic scenes.

You just listed my top two genres! ^_^ Fantasy is my lifeblood (hence, Rosey Unicorn), and history is another passion of mine. If you post anything in either genre (and you fantasy does not have vampires or werewolves in it) then I'll review it. :D

Are you working on any pet projects at the moment?

If you have any questions, PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:00 pm
Adnamarine says...


Rosey mentioned the rules and such, or at least the basic ones. (You could check out the Rules & Guidelines, under the Help & Support tab at the top of the page.)

But what she didn't mention is that you found THE perfect place.
1) You're a writer. Any writing topic under the sun that we don't discuss somewhere here could easily be started by yourself
2) You want a more helpful response when someone reads your stuff than "It was good!" That kind of review is usually rare around here. I've noticed on the poetry forums especially that it's gotten slightly more common, but (especially if you ask someone) you're more than likely to get at least one helpful review, especially if you give helpful review; people like to return the favour.
3) You want to improve your writing, I think you said. Ask anyone; that's what happens here. Through reviewing, and receiving review both, through writing activities, contests, writing tips, you'll gain a lot from this place. And the longer you stick around, the more you'll learn. Though trust me, it's hard to quite once you start anyway. :)
And with your poetry, trust me; if you post your stuff here you will see improvement. I stick to poetry far more than prose; I haven't posted a lot of stories here, but even there I've improved. If you want to get some extra practice with poetry, by the way, or if you like reading/discussing it, or it just interests you, there's a good usergroup to try. Poetry Inspiration. There are weekly contests there that could give you good practice, if you want.

Also, I love to review poetry. So if you ever want a review on a poem (or anything else, of course), or even just have a question or something like that, go ahead and send me a PM. =)

If you have any questions about anything, let me know. =)

Look forward to seeing you around the site!
"Half the time the poem writes me." ~Meshugenah

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:18 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Hello CoreCorrrection and welcome to the wonderful world of YWS! :D So people give you feedback like "That was great"? Well don't worry, if anyone reviews your work like that it won't even count as a review. You'll get nice long reviews on your work, helping you with grammar, punctuation and spelling in your work. Just be sure to review other work, as well. And like Rosey said, at least two before you post your own work.

Here are a few other heads-up about the site-

You know how there are people on the site with pretty, colorful names? Well they are the YWS staff and are here to help you around the site. These are the colors and what they do:

Blues- Are Greeters, like Adna and Rosey above me. They'll help introduce you to the site and make you feel welcome.

Purples- Are Instructors. They will critique the work that you submit on YWS very thoroughly.

Light Greens- Are Junior Moderators. They are Moderators in training and help control some of the forums.

Greens- Are Moderators. They help control all the forums.

Red- Are Administrators of the site. They help out other members on the site and control it.

Orange: Distinguished members, or retired moderators.

Pointers and Rules-

1.) Don't be afraid to PM someone and ask for help if you're in need of it. Everyone is friendly here and we don't bite (hard ;))

2.) Put thought into each post and check your spelling, capitalization and punctuation. That will be greatly appreciated by everyone on here.

3.) Depending upon what you are interested in, we have a a lot of awesome groups. We have everything from your favorite TV show to writing improvement groups.

4.) Make your reviews longer than three sentences. No "That was awesome, keep writing!".

5.) Be nice to others and they will surely be kind and considerate back. :)

Ooh, you like to write historical, romantic and fantasy fiction? I love all of those! You also include morals in your writing? Well that's awesome! If you need anything review, don't be afraid to ask. :D

If you are confused with anything, need to ask a question, would like a review or would just like to chat feel free to PM me.
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You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:52 pm
fluteluvr77 says...

Welcome to YWS! Alright, so I think the basic rules have been covered...So, here are some random stuff that you should know to make the most out of this site!
~Don't type anything in all caps, it tends to annoy the reader.
~A review needs to be at least 3 lines to be considered a review. You get .2 points for each character after that, with a max of 50 points.
~Posting in certain forums, such as this one, earns you points as well.
~You get a star (like the ones underneath everyone's usernames) once you review a certain number of pieces.
~To friend someone, go to their profile and above their list of friends click the button saying add to friends.
I think that's about all you need to know for now! I hope to see some of your works around!
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, need a review or just want to talk!
Love is the answer to life yet the slowest form of suicide.
Love is a paradox.
And that's why we love it.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:55 am
lilymoore says...

Wow, people are big on the "wild amount of rules and advice and such" today. :D

However, lilymoore does not sit idly by while other users baby our newbies. Nope, I'll make you run laps in your underwear if you misbehave.

Well, maybe not that extreme.

But really, I just wanted to stop in to say hello and express my interest in cultivating the newbie population. Anyway, you said you write both prose and poetry. But you never told us why you write. So, what made you want to be a write? Oh, and what's your favorite thing about writing?

Haha, well you better have told me before I return or it'll be 30 laps around the top of the Eiffel Tower...bet that won't be easy. *laughs maniacally and runs off to bake some cookies*
Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:05 pm
MySunshine says...

Welcome to YWS :D:D

Your stories sound interesting - you should really post them here! I'll happily review them ;)

I'd also like to know a little more about you! What are your hobbies, besides writing? Your newest project? What movies and books do you like?

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

Other than that ... have a great time here ;)
♥And if you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you♥

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Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:40 pm
CoreCorrection says...

Hooray! I was super-fantastical and brilliant in every way and actually remembered that I set up an account here. Anyway, reply time!

Pet projects vary, and they often get caught up and left to rot in the frequency of time if I happen to be too busy/lazy. At the moment, I'm trying to write an experimental blur between poetry and prose exploring a certain depth of fantasy. It's easier than it sounds, weirdly. I have to admit though, it consumes great amounts of sand in my hourglass.

I write for...passion. Supposedly. I have to say my origins as to directly why I write are unknown, but, I get a burning sensation in the back of my brain when ever I try to hard, so I keep within the soft parameters. But, as I said, I'm not too specific when it comes to the definite meaning of my writing. Over active imagination? Maybe I have to see it down in words before understanding the logic that is behind it? Writing isn't a path of venting, so to speak, but I seem to treat it as a moulding of clay that I morph. So, you could put it in retrospect that I do it just because it gives me the ability to create my own world and people, I guess. Aaaaand, you can count that as a favourite thing too.

Well, Lilymoore, I could run around the top of the Eiffel Tower. But, it's only a few millimetres wide, so I don't particularly think it's immensely difficult. And, yes, I'm refusing to take wind, balance, and all other variables that would prove it would be a physical impossibility in the first place. So there. xP

And MySunshine, feel free to drop me a PM or some other form of communication, my inbox is always open. But I'd rather not "spam" the thread. Or reveal my personal information. x]

EDIT: Oh, thank you for the welcomes! How did I forget this bit...
" I never really got the whole "critiquing writers" thing because, well, isn't it what the words mean that count, not the grammar? "

-- Stupidity.

This site's just an ego boost, I actually want to improve my writing. Later.

Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.
— Castiel