
Young Writers Society

Heyas, I'm a new member, which is probably very obvious...

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:03 am
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Superfreakazoid says...

Hi, just wanted to introduce myself, and since I have it, I think I'll post this little survery/questionnaire-type thingy:

1) Starting time: 4:55 PM
2) Full Name?: Ramona ******** ********** ********
3)Nickname: Marozna, Afro Thunder, Marona, Mona, “hey, girl,” and Banana (go ahead and ask, you know you want to)
4)School: Walter ****** ****** ******
5) Email: allergictowonderbread@hotmail.com, ramona_the_karma_chameleone@hotmail.com, wowmadeofrealimitationsoychicken@yahoo.com, martinez_ramona@hotmail.com
6) Eyes: brown
7) Height: 5'4 ½”
8) Siblings: 2 younger brothers (one being my dog  )
9) Ever been kissed?: Heck yes
10) Ever cheated or been cheated on? Neither
11) Ever missed school because it was raining? No, but in CA there are these neat little things called rainy day schedules. u go to school later than usual, but get out at the same time. same with foggy days. What can I say? Being a cali girl rocks. 
12) Ever faked sick? Again, heck yes.
13) Kept a secret from everyone? Of course.
14) Had an imaginary friend? Not really…
15) Wanted to hook up with a friend? Oh yeah.
16) Cried during a Flick? The Lion King gets me every time, and Titanic and stuff when I’m in a mood.
17) Who is your "star crush"? Luke and Owen Wilson, Rick Astley (yeah, I know…weird taste)
18) Ever thought of animated characters as hot? Ew. No.


19) Drink: Mountain Dew, and teas
20) Food: ‘s’all good, but Chinese food rocks
21) Restaurant: Ching Yen, and fast food place: taco bell!
22) Shampoo: Uh, whatever’s in the shower at the time is fine with me…
23) Color: I like all the primary colors, especially in their bright/neon states, especially orange though.
24) Summer/Winter? I like all seasons except for spring for some reason spring just strikes me as not all that great
25) Offline or Online? Online, the pooter is my addiction *coos* isn’t that right my little sweetheart, yeah…
26) Lace, silk, or satin? Silk, best for ties.
27) Like anyone: *imitates movie* I’ll never tell…
28) Who have you known the longest out of your friends: Of my friends? Crystal. Of the people I know? Olivia.
29) Who's the shyest? Ha ha, you kidding me? Probably Crystal, she’s the least in-your-face…
31) Who do you go to for advice? My little brother.
32) Who do you get along with? Anyone who hasn’t proved sufficiently to be a complete imbecile, or even just intolerable.
--------In The Last Two Weeks Have You--------------
33) Cried: No.
34) Been mean: O’coss (of course)
36) Been sarcastic: All the time.
37) Been yelled at: Hmmm…been scolded, but not yelled at.
38) Talked to someone you have a crush on? Yeah, at school, been off the phone for a month, though. Twinkie-man Pedophile called home.
39) Kissed someone? Heck yes. Yesterday was the last time I did, besides relatives…
40) Hugged someone: Yes, yesterday…hyperactive Friday…
42) Wished upon a star: Not in the last twoo weeks, not a big star wisher. I wish on hay trucks.
43) Laughed until you've cried:24/7, even in my sleep.
44) Played Truth or Dare: No, actually, I have my last session on tape, though…ha ha ha.
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Every day I can.
46) Went to the beach at night? No.
47) Ever had a broken heart? Ever? Hmmm…no, actually, definitely not in the last two weeks, though.
48) Currently dating? No.
49) Were you lonely? No, I’m never lonely, I always have myself.
50) Were you happy? Heck yes.
51) Have you talked to someone online? CYHA!
---------------Believed In-------------------

52) God/Devil: Not in a long time, but that’s just me, agnostic-leaning-towards-atheist.
53) Love: Yeah.
54) Monsters: Real-life monsters like negativity (the hippie in me cannot be silenced)
56) Heaven/hell: I think there might be a higher place, just not necessarily a heaven, but I do not belive in hell, or a hell-like place.
57) Superstitions? Not really, I do follow them for fun occasionally, though, don’t worry, be happy, you know?
58) Half empty or half full? It depends whether the cups been drunk from or poured into (how philosophical in a Taoism type way)
59) Who named you? My parents named me after my grandmother.
60) Favorite quotes: I have a composition book devoted to stupid things people say, and I can’t pick my favorite of Internet-circulating quotes, there’s so much to love about this world.
61) Did you shower today? No comment…
62) What is the last thing you said online? I’m constantly IMing, so I can’t tell, but it might’ve been “later,” “later days,” later dayzzz,” “see ya later , fornicator,” “see ya later, cheese grater, “bye,” or some form of goodbye.
63) What is right next to you? A table.
64)What is your computer desk made of? Laminated plywood.
65) What was the last thing that you did? Think, breathe, type, the usual…
66) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Ireland, Scotland, or Australia to put another shrimp on the barbie.
68) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? I’m too young to know exactly who, or maybe I’m just too mixed up, but definitely someone I love.
69) How's the weather? Cool.
70) What did you do last night? Um…slept, dreamt about the usual weird, imaginative things.
71) Thing that you find most attractive about the opposite sex? Personality, hair, eyes, sense of humor, non-six-packs, noses and big feet.
72) How do YOU eat an Oreo: I soak it in milk then shove the whole thing into my mouth with my milk-dripping fingers.
73) All time favorite TV show: Hmmm…something funny, like Mad T.V., or Golden Girls or something…whatever. I’m too busy playing on the pooter.
74) Dream vehicle?: A yellow VW microbus, painted with hippie stuff on the top part and which I can call my Yellow Submarine, or the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile, or a charter bus. Yeah, rawkage.
75) What do you want to be when you grow up: Writer, lawyer, whatever seems good, it’ll all work out.
77) Favorite band/singer? My music tastes are eclectic except for country/western, pop country is good, though.
78) Repeat Question: Say what?
79) Favorite days of the week? Friday, Saturday, Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, anything but Wednesday and Sunday.
80) Favorite animal? Too many to pick one of.
81) Favorite brand shoe? Whatever fits and serves its purpose. My favorite pair of shoes I own right now is a pair of black-and-white 50’s saddle shoes, though.
82) Brand of clothing: Anything that fits, is different, and serves its purpose. My favorite pieces of clothing that I own now are my UFW t-shirt and my black-and-white blazer.
83) If you could change your name? Something longish and uncommon.
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yeah, I switch them occasionally, lately it’s been a duck (I love ducks)
85) The most stupid thing you have ever done? Hmm…does going out with Josh count? Yeah, that’s probably it…that or accepting the invite to do OM…yech.
86) First Son's name? Anthony or some other nice-sounding name, preferably one that can be Spanish-ized when I yell at them (ANTONIO!!!)
87) Husband/ Wife name? Whoever I fall in love with and decide to marry.
89) First Daughter’s name? Some gender-bending name, or something that (example: Stephanie:stevie)
90) First love? I’m not sure I’ve ever been in what you’d call ‘love.’
91) On the phone or in person? Depends.
92) Lust or Love: Love.
93) If you could change something about yourself? Probably my physical appearance, I’ve accepted my personality as who I am and have grown to love it, I don’t want to be model-thin or anything, I just kind of resent looking like a dude sometimes, other times it works to my advantage.
94) Where were you born? ***********, California.

95) Do you have pets? A rottweiler (Gordo Felipe ********), a long-haired hamster (Chubby Rat ********), a beta fish (Mr. E. Cartman), and a mini-lop rabbit (Seymour ********).
96) Who sent this to you? Sairah ****.
97)What do you think about this person? You rock, Sairah.
98) Your favorite songs? Too many to count, anything I can dance erratically in my bathroom to, or anything I can appreciate.
99) Anything you want to say to everyone? My arms are sore from picking up roughly 130 lbs. of human flesh (mind you it was in the form of a living body, it’s not like I was picking up, dead, rotting, flayed, human skin or anything.
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey? Heck yes, it’s like a window.
101)Time Finished: 5:35 PM, same day.

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:55 am
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Chevy says...

i think i did this quiz before.
youre from tywc, arent you? well, im chevy chevelle the kid writer/monoha/a sad teen over there
no fair. everyone's been kissed but me. :cry:
when there's nowhere to go, it's time to grow up.

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:34 am
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Elizabeth says...

Hey Afro thunder!
She's got the afro
And the Thunder

how ya been ? I missed ya..... OK, like nice bio but i only made it to like 30 something before I passed out from the fumes.

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:04 pm
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Firestarter says...

Hello, welcome to YWS, have fun etc etc

I'm Jack, PM if you need anything...

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:32 pm
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niteowl says...

Wow that's really long.

Don't worry, Chevy. I've never been kissed either.

And here's your gift::D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :xmas_wink: :xmas_happy: :xmas_cool: :xmas_evil: :dreidel: :menorah: :frosty: :thumb: =D> #-o =P~ :^o [-X [-o< 8-[ [-( :-k ](*,) :whistle: O:) =; :sick: :-({|= :-$ :-s \:D/ :-# :hearts_eyes: :love: :lots_hearts:
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:15 pm
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marching_gurl89 says...

Yay a hippie.Just like me*does her little happy dance*
~*~Peace, Love, and Protesters~*~
I'm not off beat!I'm marching to the beat of my own drum
I rock my socks
Hippielicious the bold new flavor from caroline

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Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:08 pm
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Areida says...

Don't worry niteowl and Chevy....all the chicks in the world who haven't been kissed could form an army, lol...I'd be a four star general...
Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:05 am
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the_red_gem says...

Yeah that army thing could be a good idea.
P.S. Is there somewhere where you get free clothes its gettin cold

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Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:51 am
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Shadow Knight says...

Meh, never been kissed, won't be for a while. And finally, another agnostic-leaning-towards-athiest! So far i think it's just the 2 of us *looks around* yep, looks like it.

PS Can ya send me that quizz? my e-mail adress is in my profile.
Cause i'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man revolution.

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Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:03 am
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DarkerSarah says...

Me: Girl who's never been kissed #100000089045968


Yeah that army thing could be a good idea.
P.S. Is there somewhere where you get free clothes its gettin cold

You could read and review my Action/Adventure fic and get some points :lol: :Part III

Am I allowed to do that? *runs away just in case*
"And I am a writer
writer of fiction
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones...
Let me go if you don't love me" ~The Decembrists "Engine Driver"

Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
— Homer Simpson