
Young Writers Society

I'm new here

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Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:07 am
MysticalBlood says...

My name is Lizzie not EARL.
Hello everybody! I joined a similar website but it said I would be banned just for saying stuff like 'I like your story, it's very good,' which is pathetic, they wanted me to give a long critique with a total complicated comment with what they need to improve in, so, if they want, I might just leave the forums there. But anyway, I like writing and am trying to get one published at the moment and I am only 13! I know you can because there was a girl in Mizz magazine who got a book published called 'at sixes and sevens' and I like writing poetry, I discovered I was good at poetry recently. ;D I have a book with some poems in. I just randomly make them up as I go along and they come out really good! I like writing fiction and fantasy stories lots, I began writing stories when I wa sonly 10 or 9 in year 5. So I am new here. I like iCarly! It's funny, Drake & Josh and some other things, like friends and my name is earl! So, introduce yourselves to me please! :)
Last edited by MysticalBlood on Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:20 pm
Shauni says...

Hi there! Welcome to the awesome YWS!! :D Hope you can learn and have fun here!
Now, the basics:

1)Please make at least 2 reviews before you post your own work, okay? It's a 2:1 policy and I hope you respect it.

2)No chat cheat or capitalize words BECAUSE WE HATE TO THIS THINGS LIKE THIS?? Right?:P

3)Please rate your works. Rated works will appear on the YWS front page and their are not R works. R works re the ones that have sexual content of f-words.

Hi! My name is Shauni and of course I love to write and read. We are all very nice here so please be nice too or someone will rip your head off!!! :P

*Just kidding*

So... What are your favourite songs and books??
Any favourite food?

Please, explore YWS at the maximum and get active. It will be much more easy for you to share experiences and make friends. You just got one! Me! (how exciting it must be!! I'm being ironic...:D)

You began writing stories with 10 years? Cool! I will be checking them....

See ya!


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Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:04 pm
bassplayinfreak3 says...

so your name is earl?

first of all, welcome! I just recently joined, and i find this website amazing! They have a policy where you have to review before you can post. this way, everybody gets feedback on their poems, lyrics, stories, and even photographs!

we all here get along pretty amazingly, and we like to get to know eachother. If youre here, you obviously love writing-all of us here do!- but tell us more!!

I'm danyelle, by the way. Hope you have fun here!

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Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:17 pm
fluteluvr77 says...

Heyy! Shauni basically covered the basic rules of this site, so let me go over all the different colors that you will find floating around here!
~Grey - Normal members, like Shauni, Bass, and you!
~Blue - They're greeters who go around trying to welcome newbies to the awesome world of YWS (like me)!
~Purple - They're instructors, and their job is to give you loads of in-depth critiques.
~Green - They're mods who help you get used to the site.
^I think that's most of the people you'll find flying around here...
So, anywayz, tell us a little more about yourself! What kind of music do you like? You write poetry? That's awesome! I've been trying that lately xD. Anywayz, what kind of books do you like to read? You live in Britain?! Awesome! I just bought a kilo of British chocolate, so it's my new favorite country xD.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, need a review or just want to talk!
Love is the answer to life yet the slowest form of suicide.
Love is a paradox.
And that's why we love it.

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Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:18 pm
mhmmcolleenx0 says...

Hey, welcome to YWS. So here's some more information.

A "review" must be three lines so, saying things like, "That was super duper awesome. Add more soon," won't work. Your reviews don't have to be perfect, just give the writer some ways to fix their work.

Here are some jobs on YWS. You know what job someone has by the color of their user name.
Purple: Instructor, they give the best, more in depth, reviews.
Light Blue: Greeters, they welcome new members and answer their questions about the site.
Light Green: Junior Moderators, they can moderate some forums.
Dark Green: Moderators, they can moderate all forums.
Red: Site Administrators, they make sure the site is running smoothly.
Orange: Distinguished Members, retired mods.

So, have fun on YWS! :D
"Can't stop, won't stop. I must be dreaming."

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Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:41 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Just to let you know, if you click on that "Groups" button in the header you'll come across a usergroup for just about everything. Joining them is pretty easy, and you'll find a lot of fun stuff.

Yay for fantasy writing! I've been writing fantasy for about six years now. It's my favourite genre (obviously), even though I dislike vampires.

If you have any questions, PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

Stay gold, Ponyboy.
— S.E. Hinton