
Young Writers Society


Photo of ThePenultimateGinger

Sauntering Vaguely Downwards

Drop by if you wanna argue or chat about basically any topic !!

(proud endorser of the Oxford comma)

i'm a lesbian so that's basically all you need to know about me.


Bullying bigots, punching nazis, owning reptiles, archeology, anarchism, my steadily growing teacup collection


Page Librarian, tea-leaf and palm reader, CEO of wearing sweaters even when it's uncomfortably warm, stanning Hozier, running for president 2020

I think the best thing about making it into the quote generator is when nobody tells you, so one day you're just scrolling and voila, some phenomenally inane thing that crawled out of your dying synapses and immediately regretted being born the second it made contact with the air has been archived for all time. Or worse, a remark of only average inanity. Never tell me when you've put me in the generator. Pride-tinged regret just doesn't taste the same without the spice of surprise.
— SirenCymbaline