
Young Writers Society


Photo of Dragon99

About Dragon99

"Well, Dragon here . I'm assuming your here to stalk me. That's alright cause I'm probably stalking you right now. So. About me? Ha. Ha. Ha. There isn't much to tell, I'm just a 14 year old kid with a dragon in his basement and a cat in his lap from a small town in the frozen wasteland of Canada, who see's the outside world as one big opportunity, waiting to plucked, ripe and fresh. But sadly, I'm stuck in Lindsay, ON till I graduate, then I'll hit the road and I'm out of here. But luckily I have you guys cause I have somebody to talk to asides from my cat, my best friend and my girlfriend. I joined here looking for some poems to bury my nose in. Instead, I found friends and love. And I thank you guys for that I truly do. It makes today seem a lot more hopeful, my small little world seem a bit bigger, my scars a bit more faded, some come here, give me a hug *awkwardly hugs reader*. And if you just stumbled upon this site and my bio your probably thinking one of two things: 1) wow, this guy is a pathetic weirdo, and 2) Did this website really inspire him that much? And your right on both accounts, I am a weirdo, and this website did inspire me that much. So come in, sit down, have a spot of tea with me, or nate, or yubbies21, or whitewolfpuppy, or basilthecat, or escapetoneverland, or Anadir, or snoink, or spacesoldier, I could go on naming all my friends on here, but know we are here for you and with you. Come in and write away, whatever you want just pour it out in the pen and paper. NOW then, I think that's quite a bio, if there's anything you'd wished to know of me, or ask of me, just PM and I'll answer and do what I can. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cook some hot coco over the dragon fire and settle into a new book, a new adventure! Chapter 1..."

:{cough cough and something else my real names Austin and I guess you can also call me that cough cough}:


hmm, reading and writing (of course), my cat (slight obsession), all cats (XD), swimming (the only sport I'm good at, ish), school (math and english cause I'm a nerd:D) Tetris (why are those multi-colored falling blocks so addictive?) , hanging out with my friends at YWS, annoying my friends on YWS, making friends on YWS, hugging those friends on here...


Gr.9 High-school student

Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one's life.
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening