
Young Writers Society

Trust the Lord for he knows the plans he has for you!

Photo of Dossereana

About Dossereana

I'm Dossereana for short you can call me Doss, I have been a member sins Jun 9 2016,

I have many poems and story's not all of them have been posted on to YWS yet,

Also WildBloomer is my second account, it is just so I can talk to my self and post my really bad works. I felt board so I just used another account to have someone else like me to talk to.

If you have none me for some time but have not seen me for some time then hear are my YWS names

1: MoonFlower
2: EagleFly
3: Dossereana
4: Vulcanite
Back to: Dossereana


Writing, Reading,



By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
— Genesis 3:19