
Young Writers Society


Photo of Waterlilygirl

About Waterlilygirl

I am a 15 year old girl who lives in New Zealand. I go to a all Girls High school. I have experienced an earthquake, 7.1 They're not fun. My english teacher is always trying to get me to write for the magazine.
Just Smile :)

Nicknames included: Danni, Dan, Muffin break (from one of my friends)

If you haven't guessed my name is Danielle :)


Photography, Art, Writing, Music, stuff, hanging out with my friends. Um, being completely crazy and random.


Student, writer, and full time artist

I think that was when I began to realize that reputation isn't everything. I should focus less about how others perceive me and more about what makes me happy. Because, in the end, I have to live with myself.
— Seraphina