what color are your tears?
do you ever see them running down your face,
and you grab them, thinking ‘now everything makes sense,’
‘now i can prove that i’m sad’
or maybe that’s just me
some people’s tears are deep blue
they cry because they’re sad, and they’re sad because they cry
they’re honest with themselves,
isn’t that so wonderful?
but really, that’s just them
some people’s tears are fiery red
after a surge of emotion, the tears follow up in a storm
they cry when they’re angry, they cry when they’re sad
they cry because they hate the world
isn’t that so wonderful?
of course, that’s just them
some tears can be bright yellow
people cry when they’re happy, when they feel joy
maybe after a particularly emotional book
or an amazing accomplishment
isn’t that so wonderful?
shut up, that’s just them
some people’s tears are pitch black
they’re just like me, they lie to themselves
and try to make sense of their emotions with something concrete
and grab their tears to observe
and examine them just to prove that it’s real
that they’re actually sad
that i’m actually sad
am i actually sad?
don’t listen, it’s just me
what color are your tears?
do you ever look in the mirror while you cry
and observe them as they run down your face?
perhaps your tears are transparent
you don’t even know what color your tears are
so you read poems about their color
and stare apathetically at the ramblings of a liar
go away, it’s only you
Points: 53
Reviews: 6