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fading away like the rest of them

by milkweed

i remember the first time
i cried into another person's skin.
it felt a lot like shame, probably.
there's something so embarrassing about vulnerability;
she had left and returned, left and returned, etc.

i can be as gentle as she'd like.
i can be mean and nasty. i consider everything
for a brief moment. this is it, right? this is all there is.
i wake up on the floor again, in the bathroom.
she sweats her concealer off.

i feel her fingers digging into my ribcage,
bones creaking like an old staircase.
somewhere along the way, i have learned to come to
terms with everything unfathomable --
"make sure you're quiet when you leave."

5 am peaks through the blinds;
every house is unfamiliar to me now.

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Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:32 am
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twiggy says...

quick comment: this first stanza-

i remember the first time
i cried into another person's skin.
it felt a lot like shame, probably.
there's something so embarrassing about vulnerability;
she had left and returned, left and returned, etc.

OH MY GOSH. you are so talented and the first line especially is so raw and beautiful. i am so glad you write poetry because you and your words have the power to change lives. this is so incredible. have a good day <3

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Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:02 am
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foxtails wrote a review...

i know that this is out of the green room, but i wanted to give my two cents on its meaning. i feel as though it has been misconstrued into "i dont know" when to me there is a very clear usage of symbolism to portray a theme.

a lot of your symbolism is anatomical. the image of crying into another persons skin carries weight to me, suggesting a deep emotional connection between the two figures. skin represents a boundary between individuals, yet here, it becomes a conduit for shared emotions & experiences. it is very vulnerable & vulnerability is another theme ive noticed. it is both intimate & uncomfortable. you oscillate between moments of tenderness & harshness, yet the overall idea of shame still lingers. intimacy equates to embarrassment.

with that being said, i think this poem is overall describing an intimate encounter with a former partner. your physical imagery, such as "her fingers digging into my ribcage," can be interpreted as a metaphor for both physical intimacy & emotional pain. i think that is very reminiscent of rekindling an old flame or a fleeting encounter. i could also bring up the line "make sure youre quiet when you leave" as that is likely the strongest evidence to me. however, i could imagine many meanings.

overall, this is a beautiful poem. the juxtaposition of contrasting emotions & overarching symbols throughout is perfect. i think it is your best.


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Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:44 pm
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angelinamar says...

"make sure you're quiet when you leave." - I don't know why but this sentence alone, draws me in with a sense of familiarity. Overall this is a good poem, I'd like to see more like this from you :)

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Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:49 am
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OrabellaAvenue wrote a review...

Hello again! Orabella here with a quick review. ^^

Your poetry has such a unique tone to it - it's chalked full of meaning and it's so personable too. I can feel everything you describe, even if they are feelings I'm unfamiliar with. (Which is incredible, by the way. Getting people to feel while reading what you wrote is a great accomplishment, and absolutly beautiful when the writer can pull it off.)

every house is unfamiliar to me now.

I love this. I really can't tell you how much I love this line, or why I like it so much. It just speaks so much to me, and it's such an amazing way to end the poem.

i can be as gentle as she'd like.
i can be mean and nasty. i consider everything
for a brief moment. this is it, right? this is all there is.

This is amazing too. The thoughts and feelings behind these lines are so clear and beautiful, and yet it's kind of a mystery. The poem is not exactly clear on what's happening, but it doesn't need to be. It just is what it is, and describes what it's trying to say without anything excess.

i feel her fingers digging into my ribcage,
bones creaking like an old staircase.

Oh and I definitely agree with the reviewer below me - these lines are vivid descriptions that transport me to this foggy situation, but also it adds so much to the piece and fits perfectly.

I feel like I don't quite understand everything that's going on in this poem, although I'd come back and read this again and again; it's that amazing! I may not understand the context, but I do understand the feelings, and the way you wrote this I can imagine them perfectly. Thank you so much for writing and deciding to share this here with us. If you're such an amazing poet, I wonder what else you can do? (Besides being so kind, of course, as that's a given)

Please have an amazing day/night, and keep writing, because goodness this is beautiful!! :D

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204 Reviews

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Reviews: 204

Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:56 am
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Moonlily wrote a review...

Hello Hello, I hope you don't mind me coming in with a review. This is a short poem but packs so much into it with a very strong voice. Forgive me If this comes off as insensitive but I enjoy how clear the conflict is in this piece it gives such a peek into whoever's pov this is meant to be. I do hope that if this is based on your real life I wish you peace and good things.

" i feel her fingers digging into my ribcage,
bones creaking like an old staircase." Is such a strong line I love the imagery it is vivid and striking. I am a sucker for metaphor and prose so that might be my opinion.

I only have a few nitpicks that you by no means have to use. The first one is the lack of capitalization I understand that might be stylistic, so It is no big deal. The second one is simple, in the first stanza I feel the impact could be improved by describing the feeling of being held if that makes sense. The heat in the crux of a neck or the pressure of arms around you that sort of thing.

Overall I really like this, Keep writing remember to drink water and keep going it does get better.

Look closely. The beautiful may be small.
— Immanuel Kant, Philosopher