inspired by @alliyah!
I love how this was animated. I especially love the part where 'laugh' changed colors. That really brought a lot of attention to the word. I like the part asking if they're a judge who's given you and unfair life sentence. It's a great metaphor. I really like the poem, and I'd love to read more like it!
You're doing amazing!
Keep up the good work!
Have a wonderful day/night!
Woahhhhh this is so creative!!! I wish I could do stuff like this but I’m helplessly dumb and I am so lazy(hehe). I love how the writing “feels” and how the word “laugh” at the end is shown in different colours and really emphasises how people will always think what they think, say what they want and gossip about who they want when they want. It’s really deep and emotional!
Cool animation! I wish I could do stuff like this
Just wanted to say.. I loved the fact that for the most part this is monochromatic, while the only times we see any other colors are the Judges' gavel, and then again on your final word, "Laugh." It actually made me think of like a small echo in an empty room. Or courtroom if you will- I also like how it ended in black text as well.
Anyway, just thought that was neat!
Points: 14
Reviews: 50