MEOW! Hello, friend! My name is Ellie and today I will be reviewing using my very own Black Cat Review Method! It is very similar to the incredible YWS S'more Method but I have Halloween-ified it and made it spooky! My little black cat friend, Vladimir, wants to offer his opinion on your amazing literary piece:
Mystical Witch Hat - What I See, Observe, and Interpret
This was so beautiful, Herb! I love your use of starting with numbers to show the age gap. In my interpretation, this poem follows the ages of you and a friend.
We start with ages 3 and 6, where the writer (who I interpret as being you) sees this friend as someone who they look up to and adore.
and i admired you
always the hero in my story
the next section is about ages 5 and 8. It seems that the writer and this friend had another friend, the daughter of their parent's other friend. The friend who we have been following is the same age as this other girl. The friend is fighting for the writer's attention.
you always fought
for my attention
with our parent's other friend's daughter
The next part is ages 7 and 10. We see that there is still contention and a fight for attention between these friends.
"[herb], who do you want to play with?"
In the section with ages 9 and 12, we start to see a drift. Just as these people are growing older, they are spending less time together, it seems.
we haven't seen eachother
in quite a while
aside from the 4th of july
The last section, ages 11/15 was so touching. It actually really inspired me, Herb. In this section, it seems that the friend sent some sort of video. I am not sure what the specifics of this are, but it seems that you, the writer, could see the friend sobbing a lot.
i heard the news through your sobs
he was dead, punctured in the chest
the dear friend of my father
This is really powerful writing. It really makes me feel a lot of feels. Describing being able to ear the news through their sobs really got me. Overall, fantastic work!
Vladimir’s Advice - Suggestions for Improvement
You may want to take a look at this sentence:
we haven't seen eachother
Maybe it should be "each other" instead.
And this one too:
fireworks, friends, fourwheelers
Maybe fourwheelers should be four wheelers or four-wheelers?
Jack O’Lanterns - My Favourite Parts and Praises
I praise your use of using questions in poetry. I comment of this frequently, but I find that it makes it a lot more engaging. In this case, it helps me connect to the mood a lot more. I can really tell how you, the writer, are reliving these memories.
isn't she the same age as you?
And you do this again in the next section! Awesome.
fireworks and friends
and four wheelers
fireworks, friends, fourwheelers, OH MY! That flows so well, Herbie! Amazing writing.
Black Cat Cuddles - Concluding Ideas and Thoughts
Rest in peace, A <33 This was a lovely tribute, Herbie!! Always love your writing. Hope to read more soon!
Sincerely, your friend,
Points: 63968
Reviews: 643