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Young Writers Society

No More Science

by MasterGrieves

What if Evolution was banned?
My child would never know the truth
I'm talking to myself in the mirror
I wa never fond of my youth

I've a theory for these times
And I hope it all makes sense
I've a theory there that makes me cry
Everyone's in the past tense

All the worshippers say no
All the others shake their heads
I may be thinking my whole life
Without a word said

Talk to me about how life began
Talk to me about how it was a plan
Don't try to be so forceful
I'll think about your story more now

I've a theory for these times
And I hope it all makes sense
I'm under house arrest
Looks like I can't invent

All the worshippers say no
All the others shake their heads
I may be thinking all my life
Without a word said

People talking to themselves
No one left here for me
I can only dream but can't see no more
Can't see no more science

Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science

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Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:21 pm
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Renard wrote a review...


Alright, this work is just a little bit silly.

Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science
Can't see no more science

Repetition overload!!!!!!!!! There is a limit to how much you can use it! XD
Erm..the colloquial style of the language is also interesting, I think you're working with a unique voice in this one, because you are young and determined to not like science?

I've a theory for these times
And I hope it all makes sense
I've a theory there that makes me cry
Everyone's in the past tense

I'm guessing so, because they seem to make you quite upset. XD
This was good from a funny point of you, but not your finest hour :p XD

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:28 pm
SerenyaChan wrote a review...

Im Serenya!
That is really interesting! I believe in a higher power. But I defiantly like this. Very controversial if you ever tried to release a single or something. But there are lots of artists that come about by having a catchy, yet controversial topics! Good job!

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:33 pm
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mystogan wrote a review...

A world without science sure seems scary. I mean i get it especially since i am so science oritentated. Then again i think it is very narrow-minded to assume that a world without evolution is a world without science.

I mean i think that science is very misconcieved. For one thing i believe it is anything and everything. Science is the reasoning behind anything that can be backed up by experiments. People always go over the top when trying to describe what science is yet they don't realise that it is quite simply anything that has logical understanding behind it.

In my opinion ancient medicine was a form of science because it came from the understanding that certain remedies or herbs, etc were able to cure certain alements. Of course it was not thoroughly explanatory since there was no way they could understand how it worked but it was still science in a premature form.

So having said that to say that the he can't see no more science is a bit disturbing. Namely that is impossible and it is more likely that the fault lies with the person. He is probably going crazy because of something that has driven him to be like that.

Now this part of the review is after i have read the message where you explained what the poem is actually about.

Turns out i was a bit off.... well maybe a lot off. The concept is actually quite clever. It is one i can link myself to. I think i would go crazy if science could not be discussed at all. And something like that is very possible. I mean if someone crazy religion actually gain world dominance, they could super impose a rule sayi g science is not meant to be discussed. worse still if science is not taught in school within a few generations the world would go completely backwards.

I mean without science the world would not develop. Without science being passed on, many people will go missing out, plus everyday life will not function.

I like the mention of the child not knowing the truth. It is a simple statement that shows exactly what the writer thinks about science. the way he say truth, it shows clearly that the writer believes that science is the truth.

The ending is quite good as well. the way the repeats go on shows he is going insane from the control It was already hinted at by the house arrest and stuff. I mean i don't actually think he is literally on house arrest but i think it is a way of showing how he feels without science. The ending shows he is breaking down from the over controlling society.

will read the others soon :)

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— Immanuel Kant, Philosopher