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Young Writers Society

Darkest Hour

by MasterGrieves

She was always loved

Yet she didn't know, she couldn't take
It anymore so, where did she grow up?
I have yet to find, find out a reason

Drowned into the night, darkest hour
It comes too soon, such a young life

And I'm stuck in my room
Thinking about her
What else could I do?
I don't want to cry

It was always true, I could've sworn
I could have stopped her, but I can't read minds
I could have been more of a friend, not just a counsellor

Drowned into the night, darkest hour
It comes too soon, such a young life

"Kristina's fine"
"Kristina's kind"
"Kristina's got a future"
Why would she do it?

I'm left here to think
Within my own space
I glaze out the window
She's blowing in the wind

The winter's cold, perfect timing
She must have cried, made up her mind
If only she spoke to me, then I would have known

Drowned into the night, darkest hour
It comes too soon, such a young life

Kristina's uptight
Kristina's not right
Kristina had a dream
But it will never come true

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Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:57 pm
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Audy wrote a review...


Certainly, this is a piece that is fraught with emotion, and even if I didn't know the back-story, I definitely get the sense of the speaker's inner turmoil. The voice here is strong, there's this sense of a sad and bitter tone, one that is contemplative too, and reflecting back to past moments, trying to find possible answers.

I like the "if only she spoke to me" part. Sometimes there are no answers, and I like how this doesn't try to give us any answers. We'll just always keep wondering and yearning for them.

Drowned into the night, darkest hour
It comes too soon, such a young life

I do like the rhythm and sounds throughout this piece. Sounds like mourning, I like how there's this sort of helplessness behind it. I like also the chorus-y parts - and the repetition of Kristina's name.

I could have stopped her, but I can't read minds
I could have been more of a friend, not just a counsellor

That second line runs a bit too long, I would perhaps break it at "friend", and have the next part omitted or as a new line of its own. I might try to implement a bit more imagery, maybe portray Kristina's life more, or the impact Kristina has on the speaker. Just possible suggestions.

I hope this helps. And I hope everything is okay.

~ as always, Audy

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