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In the corner

by Little Dreamer

Hello, these are lyrics to some songs...im in a band and im the lead singer so tell me if you would listen to this kind of music
In the Corner
Taking your first breath of life
Its the beginning of time
In my shadow
I hide all my fears away
My tears begin to fall
beneath my dark eyes
In the Corner
I can dream
and throw away all my sorrows
I can think and leave the life I hate
I open the door
and walk outside
The rain begins to fall
Where can I go from here
Im looking for someone to hold
dont be so normal, oh so bold
You dont even know me
(Repeat chorus 2x)
I can dream
I can cry
I cant try
to live my life
(Repeat chorus 1X)

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Points: 1212
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Sun May 29, 2005 1:51 pm
Harley says...

Yeah, it's okay. Doesn't seem very personal though.

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Points: 890
Reviews: 148

Tue May 03, 2005 2:53 am
ohhewwo says...

This is better than "Changes," but it didn't knock me out or annything.

I am proud of my self, the reason why some of you might disagree with me a little with, but nevertheless I still proud.
— Oxara