Night Whisperings
The night was still~ quiet. “To quiet if you ask me.” The girl muttered to herself as she walked the lonely night.
And indeed she was right it was too quiet, too still, for the woods at night. Where was the wind? Where were the animals?
A twig snapped behind her. Her whole body jumped, but she kept walking. ‘Better to let them think I don’t know that I know some ‘one’ or some ‘thing’, for that matter, is following me.’ She thought as her hands drained of warmth and began to shake.
Another twig snapped, and then another and another, she spun around, just in time to see shadows dancing among the trees.
She gasped in the cold night air. “God help me!” She whispered as she turned her back once more on the trees that held the shadows, which trailed her though the crisp night.
The girl ran, she ran as if the hells were after her. ‘And who is to say they not?’ She thought.
She tripped over a fallen tree, and landed hard on the ground. She screamed as the chorus of snapping twigs met her ears. ‘This must surely be the end!’
Flashing steel in the moon light, arching up and finally down.
Brooke Johnson woke up gasping for breath. She grabbed her throat checking for blood, but there was none. She looked around her average suburban, middle class, beige room.
Nothing was out of place. Books still on the bookshelf, coats in the open closet, school bag sitting in her desk chair, lamp still centered in the middle of the nightstand, the clock with its glowing numbers perched on the end of the rustic stand.
She let her hands fall to her side; they fell with a ‘Thwack’ that made her hair stand on end. She opened one eye at a time finally deciding she had to know.
Her eyes followed the wrinkles in her bedspread to a hardback book lying open on her stomach. “I must have fallen asleep,” She muttered to herself. She picked up the book, and clicked on the light, blinking a few times so her eyes could adjust.
"Night Whisperings, by: Ash Arrow” she said to herself. She flipped the book over and read a random line.
Another twig snapped, then another and another, she spun around just in time to see shadows dancing among the trees.
Later that same morning, she parked her jeep in the back parking lot. She grabbed her books, and walked into her high school.
She hugged her leather jacket closer to her, as she drew closer to the masses of kids in the main hallway. Sometimes she just couldn’t shake the feeling, that she couldn’t trust some of these guys.
She dropped by her locker on B-Wing to get her books.
“Hey.” Logan said opening his locker beside her. “Do your biology homework for Cribbs?” He hit her on the arm lightly, getting her attention.
“Do you ever speak in complete sentences?” She asked hitting him in the arm back. She grabbed her honors bio book.
“Never.” He grinned at her, sweeping his dark hair back with a swipe of his hand.
She slammed her locker shut. A flash of light caught her eye. She looked up with a quick jerk of her head.
He heard her scream. He heard the twigs snapping. He ran faster, the moonlight pelting down on his skin. He could almost feel the moonlight hitting his skin in moon-drops. –‘What if I am too late to save her? What if I don’t…”
He couldn’t think of that right now. He drew his sword as he stumbled into the clearing. –She was on the ground.
“Lorgon!” She screamed his name at the top of her lungs.
“Lady Brooklyn!” He yelled, charging the attackers, his dark hair fell over his eyes, shading his vision. The attackers turned towards him, took one look at him, and laughed.
The sword swept down on his love. She screamed once, and all was silent.
The band of men descended on him before he had time to blink.
Bright metal in the moon light, cutting the thick leather of his armor.
It was over.
“Hey! Brooklyn!” Logan waved a hand in front of her face, “Can you hear me?”
“What did you call me?” She asked looking at him.
He shrugged, his dark hair falling over his eyes. “What?” He asked, when she stared at him with wide eyes. “What did I do?”
“Lorgon?” She asked, but the voice that escaped her lips was not hers. It was higher, and softer in a practiced way. –She clamped a hand over her mouth.
“What did you just call me?” He asked, taking a step back from her.
She dropped her bag to the ground, pulling out Night Whisperings. She flipped over the cover.
Blank. –Every page was blank. Where was the writing?
“Where is it?” She whispered.
“Hey, Brook!”
Brooke dropped the book, as she turned around, only to see Sara walking past her. “Hey.” She said back, “You gonna be outside today?”
“Yeah, no band today. See I wore my Vans today, and I only wear those on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”
“The days you don’t have band.” Brooke said, smiling at her best friend.
“Yeah. Hey, we’ll talk later, I have to go study for a German test.”
“Later.” Brooke called after her, as Sara turned back down the hall, and scampered away, the way she came.
She looked down to pick up the book. It was open. A single line was scrolled across it, in a script.
And so it is over.
Brook slammed the book shut, and threw it into the back of her locker. She locked it, and turned to Logan who was staring at her. “Come on, let’s go.” She said, grabbing his arm, and walking as quickly as possible away from her locker.
And so it is over.
Two lovers once separated by death, find their way back through the cosmos to one another.
The only question left to answer is this: Where are their killers?
Are they lurking behind lockers in a local high school?
Hiding in the trash cans on the main hall?
Or peering at the pair through the stacks of books in the library?
Or are they simply getting their food in the lunch line, their true ways lurking in the depth of their soul, just waiting to be let out?
Is it over?
Only time will tell.
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