Black and White
I listen as music blast around me. Groups of socialites find and cling to one another, as I take my normal seat... but all is still.
Lips move... but there is no sound.
Legs move... but all is still.
Bodies move... stillness surrounds me.
Arms move... but all is calm.
Colors are black and white, as if I look though an old fashioned TV.
Fights break out.
People break up.
Students duck in and out of doors, while others shove their way to the last brownie made of unnamable brown goop.
They seem so normal, as this hour goes by. They forget how much trouble we’re in.
Our world is collapsing and we are allowing it to happen. –Am I the only one who sees this? Why do we sit and do nothing?
I listen. A nothingness blasting all around me. Those who know –those who see stand watching as I write this.
There is sound... but there is not. Screams of the lost, cry their warnings.
There is a stillness around me... but there is movement. The movement of those who blink with time, who pulse with rhythm.
There is a calmness around me... but there is not. Minds buzz with unwanted news. News they try to push out of their brains.
Bodies move with knowing as those who know watch our future slip slowly though our figures.
These people are our future. We are the people... will we be ready? Or will we slip though the sands of time, unwanted and forgotten?
I sit and I watch. –And I ask myself...
Will I be ready?
Points: 2020
Reviews: 87