Hey! RandomTalks here with a short review and also to get your work out of the green room!
To be honest, the title of your essay caught my eye and I just had to know what this was about. This was a pretty neat piece of writing, you have a good flow and the entirety of the essay is surrounded around the incident that changed the narrator's life.
"Almost everybody has a life-changing incident. An event after your life takes a different path. This incident or accident may have a good or bad influence on your life. In my case, it was an accident, more dramatic than others, and it had a bad outcome. Worse than bad."
The introduction was simple but it was enough to get me hooked. It felt like a preamble of what's going to come and highlights the impact this incident had on the narrator's life. However if I am going to be a little nitpicky then, there should be a "which" in the second sentence before the word "your", so that it reads: "An event after which your life takes a different path".
I didn't find any errors in the rest of the piece, but if I am honest, it felt a little too direct and straightforward at times. For example, when you are describing the market scene, you should not shy away from the more colorful details or when you are crashing to the ground, delve into the fear and shock that is terrifying your mind in that moment. I would have preferred just a bit more...of everything.
Overall, this was a really good essay. It delivers a clear message of hope and gratitude in the darkest of times and it teaches you to be thankful for all you have. As a parting note, I feel like I should congratulate you for the formatting, because it was very neat!
Keep writing and have a great day!
Points: 82352
Reviews: 659