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You know you're a Harry Potter Nut When...

by Caligula's Launderette

I started this awhile back, at first it was me surfing on the internet and thinking...'hmmm that would be fun'. Then it was something I brought to school when I was half done and made my friends laugh very hard...the it spawned a much doomed fanfic...I dunno I think I have an obsession...well I know I do and it's about as healthy as my obsession with Colin Farrell, the beautiful man he is....okay that was off topic but hey what do you except at 2:31 in the morning from a ADD affliced chick? So I thought I'd send my brand of humor your way in honor of the 6th Harry Potter book coming out.

cheers and don't hurt yourself it's bad for your health


I still think Snape needs a hug...

150 Ways to Annoy Our Favorite Potions Masta!

1. Hug him. Say you were on strict instructions from Dumbledore to do it.

2. Owl him long and detailed accounts of your summer holidays.

3. Bake him a cake!

4. Clap noisily when he finishes telling someone off.

5. Anytime you catch his eye, wink at him.

6. Ask for his autograph.

7. Call him Severus.

8. Ask him if he fears the sunlight, or is he just naturally pale?

9. Sigh loudly whenever he walks away from you.

10. Sneak up behind him and shout ‘Your robes are on fire!’

11. Grin insanely throughout each and every potions class.

12. Look terrified and leave the hall anytime he picks up his spoon at mealtimes.

13. Nickname your quill ‘Snapie’ and talk to it during class.

14. Ask him if he’s ‘sure about that, sir?’ whenever he states a fact in class.

15. Should he ever sarcastically inquire if you would like a dentention, hold up a

hand and say ‘I will not be swayed by your sweet words of temptation!’

16. Accidentally call him ‘Buzz’ every now and again, for no good reason.

17. Turn in all your essays on perfumed paper covered in scribbled little


18. Sneak up behind him. Go ‘Boo!’ and giggle and then walk away mumbling that

you ‘got him good’

19. Shout out the right answers in class, as if you have Terrets.

20. Potion: Turn hair pink and put it in his food.

21. Make exlax brownies.

22. Ask, ‘Can I have dentention?’ just for the hell of it.

23. Give him a singing pik teddy-bear for Valentines.

24. After tasting his potion drop dead.

25. Give him a cute fuzzy thing.

26. Paint his office bright orange with green trim, and purple and orange carpet,

and tell him to redecorate.

27. redecorate it.

28. Sir, I was wondering (play with hair) if you could help me?

29. Leave him random notes around school and his hideaway signed your secret


30. send Jehovah’s witnesses to his door.

31. Jump out of your seat and run yelling “They’re coming!” Grab a random

student by their robes, “They’re coming!”

32. Everytime he asks what do you see, say, ‘I see dumb people’.

33. Throw tiny pieces of paper at his back during lectures.

34. Write messages on eyelids.

35. Reveal revealing clothing in class.

36. Write: I love Sevy all over the school.

37. Owl him a letter full of exploding heart shaped confetti.

38. Throw exploding cards into his fire while he’s trying to rest.

39. Steal his laundry.

40. Buy him boxers that say; ‘monkeys come in the night and steal my underwear’

or ‘No, no, no, yes, yes, yes.’

41. When he asks you to leave, reply ‘No you leave...I like it where I am at the

moment I’m comfortable.’

42. Randomly start laughing uncontrollable in the middle of class.

43. Randomly change styles, never wear the uniform.

44. Steal his quill.

45. Replace his quill with a pink feather.

46. Change his shirt to say “I love pink fuzzy things.”

47. Blow up an unexpected strangers cauldron.

48. Make the entire Slytherin table disapeer into the floor at Halloween including

the benches and the food.

49. Inform him that he exists only in your imagination. “If I didn’t believe in you,

you wouldn’t be here...because you only exist in my imagination!”

50. Sing really annoying (yet fun) songs in class...like the “Doom” song for

instance from Invader ZIM or “Henry the 8th I am” (the one from Ghost).

51. Reply to everything he says with, “That’s what THEY want you to think” or

“That’s what YOU think.”

52. Be extremely loud, talkative, and obnoxious in class, but strive for good

grades at the same time.

53. Use a pencil that squeaks when you write with it.

54. Get up in class, following a few paces behind him, spraying everything he

touches with Lysol.

55. Talk in that friendly drawling voice that Mr. Rogers and guidance counselors

always speak in.

56. Walk up to some random student or even Snape himself, “I hate you, and I

live in your basement!”

57. Ask him questions, like ‘what’s your favorite color?’, and ‘did you have

problems growing up?’, then scribble the answers in a notebook. Mutter

something about “psychological profiles.”

58. Evily stare at him, continuously through the day.

59. Go up to him and ask, “Do your mother drop you as a child?”

60. Refer to him as Mr. Pepe.

61. When somebody sneezes, scream, “You’re welcome!”

62. When he states a newfound thing that nobody’s heard of in the class as right,

reply “No Shit, Sherlock.”

63. Tell him, “One day I will rule the world and every time you fail my test, I will

get you back for it one day. You’ll be sorry soon”, in a evil voice and look at him

straight in the eye every day during class (for a while).

64. Laugh or giggle continuously for no reason whatsoever and don’t stop until he

goes insane and if he tells you to stop, stop, look at him like a deer in headlights

and go right back to laughing.

65. Start humming one line of a song that you know he hates, over and over again

until it gets stuck in his head.

66. Imitate random people and their voices.

67. Graduating gift: turn all the teachers except for Snape into 11 yr old

munchkins using Polyjuice potion.

68. Whiel his back is turned, imitate what he says as if you were a silent movie.

69. Ditto people (Repeat certain word they say)

70. Do the opposite of what he tells you.

71. Start talking to him about something, but don’t be specific.

Example- “Hey do you like it?” When he ask what “it” is, say “That, do you

like that?”

72. Throw your quill at random kids in class whenever you get the chance.

73. Change all the clocks in his room to the time you go to lunch, when he leaves

for a long period of time, run out the door cheering when he enters.

74.. When he asks you to do something, say “Yes Mama.”

75. When he yells at the class for being loud, say quietly, “God, I’m just trying to

make a living.”

76. Talk to him like he’s five. Wait he is!

77. Act like you fell asleep and start mumbling these words: “Must kill Snapie,

KILL KILL KILL, Must kill Snapie, DIE DIE DIE.”

78. Start imitating the Swartz people from Spaceballs “High ho, high ho...” and so

on, everytime you enter in his presense.

79. Say things in Spanish that don’t really apply to anything. Example: No hablar

en la basura, por favor. -- Translation: No talking in the trash can, please. -- or

Prof. Snape es tan listo que chuga. --Translation: Prof. Snape is as smart as a


80. Blow bubbles in his cauldron while he’s not looking.

81. Steal his keys.

82. Lock him out of his room, from the inside, mess up his ingrediants so he can

see through the window.

83. When he drinks water...or for that matter...anything, ask him if it’s “spiked”

84. Bring in several one liter bottles of pop. Shake them up, then throw them as

hard as you can against the wall, preferably a wall near him and away from you.

DON’T USE Dr. Pepper.

85. Sit and look innocent.

86. When he bothers you to a point of explosion on a double potions day, say,

“Okay, that’s it. I’m going to make a voodoo doll out of you!” Say this over and over

again, until he stops his lecture.

87. Take the cheapest item he has in his room and hold it for ransom. Be sure to

send notes threatening to destroy the item.

88. For his birthday, make a pinata that looks like him. Hang it by it’s neck from

the ceiling, and hit it as hard as you can. Make sure he sees it all, well from a safe

distance that is.

89. Drop you last name and change your first name to “Bob”, “Bubba”, “Buddha”,

or “Jesus”.

90. Draw embarrasing pictures of him, then pass it around class, when it comes

back use them to make paper airplanes for ammunition during class.

91. Ask him questions that don’t apply to anything. (Example: How many ounces

of green cheese does it take to make a cow smile?”)

92. Finish all your sentances with the words “In accordance with prophesy”, as if

you were Prof. Trewlaney.

93. Give a play-by-play account of his every action in a nasal Howard Cossell


94. Holler random numbers while he’s giving out measurements

95. Whenever you get a chance, scream, “No, you’re wrong!”

96. Repeat everything he says as a question.

97. When he mummbles, something along the lines of “I can’t wait till she leaves,”

while looking at the calender, say in a sweet voice, as if agknowloging his

problem, “Warning: Dates in calendar are father than they appear.”

98. Go into class wearing a very revealing short red dress (umm how about

something from VS) and look to the ceiling before you sit down, “Very funny,

Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.”

99. Ask him questions like: Why is abbreviation such a long word? and when he

answers repeat #95.

100. Transfigure his cloak into a pink fluffy bath robe.

101. Slurp and make loud noises while drinking soda in his class.

102. In the middle of random *quiet time*, while he’s grading papers magic the

chair out from under him.

103. Turn this in when he asks you to turn in an assignment, then run for you life

screaming “The Commie’s are coming!”

104. Wear a low cut shirt to class reading “In some cultures what I do would be

considered normal.”

105. When he asks you to do something say, “Yes Masta.”

106. When he makes you mad say, “Don’t talk to me like that, young man!”

107. Once again the madness of pie compels you, “Don’t talk to me like that,

young lady!”

108. Revamp a cd plauyer so it works, turn the volume up all the way, and rock

out in class.

109. Put speakers in his room, with an invisibilty spell on them, or rather Harry’s

cloak, “this is god speaking...”

110. Act like the Chuckie doll.

111. Chew and pop gum really loudly.

112. Make this list.

113. Make sure he sees it.

114. Smile...smile too much...especially when he’s angry with you.

115. Laugh at everything he says.

116. When he asks what the answer is yell out ‘42!’

117. Have an opposite day every day.

118. Suddenly be really polite and quiet. Make him think you’re planning


119. Say to him right before you deside to ignore him, for who knows how long,

“Every time I look at you, I get a fierce desire to be lonesome.”

120. Ignore him entirely.

121. Give him a sleeping potion.

122. Paint him green with silver hands, hair, and bright pink fingernails and


123. Eat strawberries.

124. While eating strawberries wear a t-shirt saying “Seductress” or “Temptress”

in bright pink lettering with sparkles.

125. Variation on #118 -- say “Yes, ma’am” and “No, ma’am”

126. Tell him “It’s for your own good,” as you lock him in his office.

127. Screa “Duck!” in the middle of a sentance of his. “Look out” would also work.

128. Shave his lumpy little head.

129. When he tries to talk, say, “Shh! I’m busy alphabetizing my brain cells!”

130. Bring tape recorder to class and act like a naturalist. “Subject is banging his

head against the wall.” Wear safari clothes for this.

131. Ask “Why?” when he presents a fact or asks you to do something.

132. Walk by him in the hall. Trip. Acuse him publically and loudly of tripping you.

133. Hide his shoe. Just one shoe.

134. Ask him if he’s married yet, when he says no, reply, “So thats why?”

135. Write bad love poetry. Make it look like it’s his.

136. Write him bad love poetry. On the walls of the school.

137. Generally act like you’re in love with him.

138. Make him think you poisoned him with something slow and painful.

139. Poison him with something slow and painful (but not deadly)

140. Click a pen maliciously.

141. Enlist the help of the whole school to ignore him collectively for a day.

142. After #141, ask him, “Where were you yesterday?” Insist he wasn’t there.

143. Give him his very own pet hyena.

144. Say “Happy Birthday” or “Happy Halloween” or “Merry Christmas” at random

moments or on wrong holidays. Or during a class that is particulary loud, say “I

smell chaos!”

145. Insert a random word into your sentances. Example: “Good cheese morning,


146. Die interestingly for no reason, repeatedly, all through double potions.

Splatter fake blood all over the walls.

147. Send him a birthday card. On the wrong day.

148. Apologize tearfully for driving him up the wall at the end of the year. Much

crying and sobing,

149. Cling to his leg. Cry, “I need you!” Don’t let go.

150. Bring and eat in class, a can of whipcream.

PS: there's a second part if I can find it I will post it

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:30 pm
Acoustic Sensitivity says...

...dream of Cho Chang being your gf but suddenly you realize she is just a fiction character. :( LOL!

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:24 pm
madam-butterfly says...

153. when ever he asks a question raise your hand hand and reply "i have nothing to say" very loudly!

lol, these were freaking hilarious! but the truth of is : it's all fun and games until snape slaps you!


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Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:39 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...




:*laughs all through eternity*:

:*takes the list into the Netherworld and sets up a connection with Peeves to do all this*:

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Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:06 am
zelithon wrote a review...

I loved it! I am totally stealing them for my story.
Its a spoof on Harray Potta it will be about a girl who goes to Hogwarts a year after Ginny and was effected by Voldamort similarly to Harray only nobody knows it. She will be in ravenclaw or slytherin and will be insanely amusingly evil.

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Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:59 pm
Tríona wrote a review...

:shock: :lol: :lol: He he he ! Really funny - bizare - but funny!

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Sat Oct 08, 2005 12:00 am
Kaggsy wrote a review...

151. Call him Snivellus and offer him tissues frequently.

152. Play hangman with him as the hanging person and purposely go up to his desk to ask for help with the word.

Just a few other ideas I had. That was hilarious though. Made me laugh so hard.

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:42 am
little x soldier wrote a review...

pens... pencil... Writing stuff with names from Hogwarts! :P

This type of thing makes me depressed. I wish I could go to hogwarts and doo all this! Thats really really funny!

Think of it as an escape... True they're very funny... *empty stomach laughs along*

I'll end it with:
126. Tell him “It’s for your own good,” as you lock him in his office. :D

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:23 am
Snoink wrote a review...

Reichieru wrote:What a fabo name for a pencil! My mom teases me because I'm attatched to my pencils. Sometimes she'll ask me if they have names. Maybe I should name one of my pencils Snapie. Tee Hee!

Wow... I have an obsession with red pens. Amazing!

I'm going to call my red pen "Voldielocks." :)

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:56 am
Ohio Impromptu wrote a review...

16. Accidentally call him ‘Buzz’ every now and again, for no good reason.

18. Sneak up behind him. Go ‘Boo!’ and giggle and then walk away mumbling that
you ‘got him good’

54. Get up in class, following a few paces behind him, spraying everything he
touches with Lysol.

141. Enlist the help of the whole school to ignore him collectively for a day.

142. After #141 , ask him, “Where were you yesterday?” Insist he wasn’t there.

Those were my personal favourites. The whole list was pretty hilarious though. Well done.

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Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:53 pm
J_hippy says...


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Sat Aug 06, 2005 1:44 am
Jennafina says...

This type of thing makes me depressed. I wish I could go to hogwarts and doo all this! Thats really really funny!

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:36 pm
Rei says...

What a fabo name for a pencil! My mom teases me because I'm attatched to my pencils. Sometimes she'll ask me if they have names. Maybe I should name one of my pencils Snapie. Tee Hee!

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:34 pm
Areida says...

Ahahahahahahaa! *cracks up* I'm really, really tired right now so those are a lot more funny than they normally would be. *dies laughing* I am so naming my pencil Snapie!

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:30 am
Caligula's Launderette says...

I think we're all mad her to a degree...*grins like the cheshire cat*

glad you all liked it.

hmmm what would he look like with a bald head? I wondering....(goes of to plan)

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Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:59 pm
Crysi says...


I so want to do that. All of it.

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Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:32 pm
Rei says...

I wonder how Snape would look if someone shaved his head. Hmm, something to consider, isn't it.

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Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:52 pm
Sureal says...

And have a scary amount of free time.

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Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:40 pm
Rei says...

Yuo really are mad.

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Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:17 pm
Muse says...

hahahah *wheezes* whahahaa. That's ace! I luff it!


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— Pablo Picasso